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Sunset Shimmer Fan Club


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Hope no one minds if I post some questions to drum up more conversation in exchange of theories and headcanons about our lovely Sunset Shimmer.


1: Who in the pony world do you think Sunset Shimmer could be related to?


2: Do you think Sunset is a coffee lover, or tea lover?


3: What do you think Sunset's job is, in the human world?


4: Do you think Sunset Shimmer is the kind of person/ pony who turns to pigging out when she's stressed?


5: What flavor of ice cream might Sunny like best?


6: Sunset in human world, or in Equestria?


7: What kind of music genre do you think Sunny listens to the most?


8: What do you think of SunsetScratch (Sunset Shimmer/ Vinyl Scratch) friendshipping?


9: In the human world, do you think Sunset eats meat, or is a vegetarian, or vegan?


10: unicorn or alicorn Sunny?


11: do you think she has any goals to work toward, either long or short term, in the human world?


1) Nopony at this point. Maybe it'll be known when she returns to Equetria.


2) TEA definitely. She only drinks coffee when she's trying to awake late at night.


3) Haven't seen any of the other students have part-time jobs, so she doesn't have one.


4) No. She just feels pressured when stressed and gets anxious. NO STRESS EATING FOR SUNNY.


5) Chocolate


6) Human World. She occasionally visits Twilight in Equestria to catch up on things.


7) Alternative rock


8) I like it. I'd imagine they like to get together and listen to music.


9) She likes hamburgers but deep down she's questioning it because she knows where she comes from.


10) Unicorn. Wouldn't mind if she was an alicorn upon entering Equestria, though.


11) Just graduate high school at the moment.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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1: Who in the pony world do you think Sunset Shimmer could be related to?

Moondancer. What a mind blowing revelation it would be that the two were sisters. 

2: Do you think Sunset is a coffee lover, or tea lover?
Why not both?

3: What do you think Sunset's job is, in the human world?


4: Do you think Sunset Shimmer is the kind of person/ pony who turns to pigging out when she's stressed?
Nope. She yells, screams and kicks the living crap out of things. 

5: What flavor of ice cream might Sunny like best?
strawberry lemon sherbet
6: Sunset in human world, or in Equestria?
Why not both?
7: What kind of music genre do you think Sunny listens to the most?
Power metal! \m/
8: What do you think of SunsetScratch (Sunset Shimmer/ Vinyl Scratch) friendshipping?
Bring it!
9: In the human world, do you think Sunset eats meat, or is a vegetarian, or vegan?
Probably vegetarian. Don't see why she would start an omnivorian diet now.
10: unicorn or alicorn Sunny?

Alicorn sunny. It is time. 
11: do you think she has any goals to work toward, either long or short term, in the human world?

Oh plenty. Studying the magic of friendship being the top, and spreading it when she's finished. 

  • Brohoof 2

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You guys all make good points about Sunset returning to Equestria! Hmmm...the whole imbalance-of-magic theory is interesting. So does that mean if Sunny went back, the magic would go with her, and so the HuMane 5 would stop ponying up? Or is the magic already there now she brought it, whether she's there or not. So many questions~ now that we're getting EQG4 though, maybe we'll finally get to see Human Sunny? :sunbutt:


Anywho, question time~!


1: Who in the pony world do you think Sunset Shimmer could be related to?

Related like family...nopony in particular I can think of. Maybe Starlight Glimmer could be her evil distant cousin or something, cause similar names :P

2: Do you think Sunset is a coffee lover, or tea lover?

Coffee. IDK, I just get that vibe from her...

3: What do you think Sunset's job is, in the human world?

If she's like Human Twilight, I guess still a student, or maybe college student if she's older.

4: Do you think Sunset Shimmer is the kind of person/ pony who turns to pigging out when she's stressed?

Based on her superskinny figure and since she's gone through a lot of stress, I'd say no :P

5: What flavor of ice cream might Sunny like best?

I sorta headcanon (mainly cause of a fic I'm working on) that she's more a savoury than sweets person...But I could see her liking something like salted caramel.

6: Sunset in human world, or in Equestria?

I...don't know now! :please: I did want her to stay in the human world because that's where all her development has been, she has such strong friendships with the HuMane 5 and it seems a shame to lose them (I know she could keep in touch but it's not exactly the same)...On the other hand, it would be lovely to see her get closure with Celestia, and who knows, if Actual Human Sunny makes an appearance, she may have to! But for now, I'll still say human :adorkable:

7: What kind of music genre do you think Sunny listens to the most?

For some reason, I get a rock-chick vibe from her...I think it's her original outfit, it's kinda like that :P Also because she plays guitar...But I think she'd be open to most kinds of music, a bit of everything.

8: What do you think of SunsetScratch (Sunset Shimmer/ Vinyl Scratch) friendshipping?

Sounds awesome! :pinkie:

9: In the human world, do you think Sunset eats meat, or is a vegetarian, or vegan?

I think she's a vegetarian, although she might have tried a burger or something once, but just found it too weird/wrong coming from Equestria where pigs etc are sentient.

10: unicorn or alicorn Sunny?

Unicorn - the whole alicorn transformation's been done with Twilight, I'm not bothered about seeing it again. Though I'd be okay if she came back and was an alicorn already, it would be funny :lol:

11: do you think she has any goals to work toward, either long or short term, in the human world?

That's a good point, cause it occurred to me we don't really know what her hobbies/passions and stuff are? After Rainbow Rocks, I headcanoned that she wanted to join the Rainbooms on vocals/guitar (taking Twilight's place), so maybe that? I guess she'd probably want to go to college and stuff, and maybe do some kind of charity work to help kids who are disadvantaged or whatever, stop them from turning to crime etc since she's been there herself :)

  • Brohoof 2



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Sunset Shimmer went to level 42!


What? Sunset Shimmer is evolving!




Sunset Shimmer evolved into Daydream Shimmer!


Friendship Games may just have rocketed Sunny to second best pony! (Rarity is always gonna be first, but Sunny's pretty darn awesome too.)


And THIS is just too cute not to share:


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Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Sunset Shimmer went to level 42!


What? Sunset Shimmer is evolving!




Sunset Shimmer evolved into Daydream Shimmer!


Friendship Games may just have rocketed Sunny to second best pony! (Rarity is always gonna be first, but Sunny's pretty darn awesome too.)


And THIS is just too cute not to share:


I thought Daydream Shimmer would be fitting as Sunset's Mega Evolution. That's my first impression the first time I saw it and lemme tell you, her angel form is SOOOOOOOO much better than her other form. Wouldn't you agree?


I also forgot, happy 100th page Sunset Shimmer fans!

Edited by Photon Jet
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This is so precious on so many levels


Also, I'm not the only one who's sure that Sunset will be returning to Equestria soon right?



In a deleted scene within EG 3, Sunset is shown singing about how much she misses Equestria. While I am content her part wasn't added in the movie (it would've been pointless), I think Hasbros exposed this scene to foreshadow her visiting Equestria soon. I'm sure it won't be in Season 5, but maybe in another season finale or opening....or in the 4th Equestria girls movie


Edited by Princess Sunset
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Pardon me for asking this but:


What do you all think of Sunny's future? Should she remain in the human world or return to Equestria? What should the writers do with our angel? Should they even stop with EG altogether? If it comes to that, what will happen to our Sunset? Wouldn't getting rid of EG be getting rid of Sunny unless she were to permanently leave the human world and build a new life in Equestria? I'm real bummed about this and I would like for you Sunny lovers to let me know what you think.  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :( 

Edited by Shimmer Sparkle
  • Brohoof 2


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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@@Shimmer Sparkle,


Working on the Royal Canterlot Voice there I see.


*rubs ears*

I think her future is *snirk* bright and sunny....ok ok, don't get your tails in a twist.


1)Not sure, but honestly I think she should remain in the Human world, but make trips back to Equestria

2)Should they stop. No, while many people might not like the movies, they have done well enough to make 3 of them, with #4 coming soon.
3)IF it comes to that, I have a feeling that Sunset Shimmer would return to Equestria but that's my own opinion.


In the meantime, here have some cuteness


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I don't think it'll make sense for her to permanently stay in Esquestria if she ever does go back simply because she feels better accepted in the human world anyway. In the deleted scene though, she did feel a little homesick so it may be possible for her to visit time-to-time and at least make amends with Celestia and gain other friends there like how Twilight gained friends in the human world but remains in Equestria; it might be the opposite for Sunset


While the writing could be better in Equestria girls, and there are a few things that aren't being covered (yet), I feel as though EG is starting to stand on their own anyway without heavily leaning over FiM like they were doing before. I feel as though they have been good enough to continue. 


IF they do end it at some point and decide to not create a spin-offs series, Sunset may remain in the human world break a million hearts within the fandom since we wouldn't be able to see more of her. However, the only reason I can see her actually returning to Equestria for good is if her real human counterpart makes an appearance and fills in for her in the human world OR MAYBE the pony universe....who knows? The real human sunset might find Equestria to be more of a home? Just throwing the possibilities out there.  

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                                                                     I am Silver Stream  ||  My Request Shop                                                                         

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They really need to fix posting pictures.

This is like the thousandth time I've posted a few pictures, and somehow one magically gets replaced and/or it looks like I double posted a picture. I've seen this in a few other posts on this fan page from others as well. I always triple check my URLS so I know it isn't my fault on accidentally double posting. 


It's weird, the post is fine and then I come back and suddenly it has multiples of the same picture posted somehow.


It's seriously annoying and I'm not going to bother trying to fix it myself anymore. (I remember trying once and it would always revert back anyways).

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I honestly want Shimmy to go back to Equestria. She doesn't have to leave permanently if they don't want her to I just want to see that long overdue moment where Best Pony goes back to see Princess Celestia for those feels :kindness:.


Also I'll be able to go to Bronycon next Year :pinkie: now I just need to hope Rebecca Shoichet goes as well so I can get her Autograph :D

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I NEED MORE SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS JUST ISN'T ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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They really need to fix posting pictures.

This is like the thousandth time I've posted a few pictures, and somehow one magically gets replaced and/or it looks like I double posted a picture. I've seen this in a few other posts on this fan page from others as well. I always triple check my URLS so I know it isn't my fault on accidentally double posting. 


It's weird, the post is fine and then I come back and suddenly it has multiples of the same picture posted somehow.


It's seriously annoying and I'm not going to bother trying to fix it myself anymore. (I remember trying once and it would always revert back anyways).

Haha I remember pointing that out to you a while back. I'm not sure I've seen it happen to anyone else...which is both odd, and slightly humorous!


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