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Any ships you simply don't care for in this fandom?


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I don't care in practically every ship. It's get tiring to see shipping post for any slight interaction, like Disclestia, Oh, did Discord offered flowers to Celly as an apology? CUE THE SHIPPING, or they just ship plain random  >_> . Hell, I do believe the romance in EG was handled badly, but that's even better than shipping at random and making those serious business 

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I don't particularly care for most slash ships. Now don't go assuming I'm just some homophone for something because I actually support people being gay. It just feels like there's way too many of them. This is mostly due to the show being a prominently female cast so the females tend to have more of a personality, leading to more shipping of them. It's just that when I look at most of them, I think, "They'd be more suited as friends." Or it could just be that I hate the stereotype that Rainbow Dash is a lesbian just based on lesbian stereotypes. So yeah, I tend to not slash ship very much. I prefer to think of two mares as epic friends.


As for other ships, I don't particularly like PokeyPie. Pokey's special talent is popping balloons so wouldn't Pinkie find that highly offensive?


Fluttermac: They're interaction record consists of Filli Vanilli. Now, I could understand if that episode caused the shipping of it, kind of like how Best Night Ever caused a lot of Soarin Dash shipping. But, people were shipping it way before that episode aired. Oh they're both shy. That's it?


Any ship of Spike with the mane six: To quote what Jerry Peet said. "HE'S A F*CKING CHILD!"


Apple Family member x Apple Family member: Really? I don't even need to comment on this one.


Fluttermac: I just don't see it. Fluttershy is more of a mentor figure to Discord than a spouse. I can imagine them as epic roommates though.

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I don't particularly care for most slash ships. Now don't go assuming I'm just some homophone for something because I actually support people being gay.

Fun fact: The term "homophonia" was coined by a Si-cologist named George Whineburg (or Wineburg) circa nein teen sicks tea nein.


As a Gaye person myself, eye dew knot think ewe are just some homophone, butt perhaps are just sum homophone.


It just feels like there's way too many of them. This is mostly due to the show being a prominently female cast so the females tend to have more of a personality, leading to more shipping of them. It's just that when I look at most of them, I think, "They'd be more suited as friends." Or it could just be that I hate the stereotype that Rainbow Dash is a lesbian just based on lesbian stereotypes. So yeah, I tend to not slash ship very much. I prefer to think of two mares as epic friends.

Nothing "friendly" about how I ship them. Plenty of nasty, assertive angst and trashy apartment/dorm room-esque drama.

Also, I interpret Rainbow Dash as the Mane 6 pony who is the second least likely to be a full-blown lesbian, after Rarity. But they all can be Depraved Bisexuals for all I know.


... when I say that I "ship" ponies, that just means that I look at largely innocent, non-explicit, non-humanized images on deviantART, I never read fanfiction, and simply imagine  situations where I get the voice actresses or few male actors to say... stuff.. in their character voices. Shipping is not a lifestyle thing that I do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@RavenBlazeMarvel, your funny ballsiness makes you win this thread, especially since your current avatar is of a half-shaved. Half mohawkish humanized Rainbow Dash, and a humanized Applejack.


I think it is funny how you said "among countless others" instead of bothering to name the rest, showing that AppleDash is in a league of its own. Which it is. It is such a lazy ship (somehow even moreso than FlutterDash, which is a ship that, even if you don't do it, is one that pretty much everyone assumes has a following based on Fluttershy and RD's canonical childhood friendship mentioned in Season 1) and is popular among people with lousy personalities that don't understand how relationships work. I certainly have never heard of anyone actively trying to explain a case in favor of it outside of "they are meant for each other" or "they have a lot in common"


Okay I'm done. In recap, AppleDash is the boorish, oafish scum of the Earth (the entire reason I no longer have a crush on Ashleigh Ball, who, even if she doesn't literally ship it, touched upon it),

All of my ships have herpaderp guilty pleasure aggressive "smexy" reasoning behind them, except for Sparity.


AppleDash particularly sucks because it has neither the "sincere" flavor of stuff like FlutterDash nor any truly effective "smexy angst". There are background ponies who have more interesting chemistry in a fanshipping sense.


Yo, hey, no ship is worth insulting people over. People like AppleDash for a variety of reasons and painting them all with this certain color is not only doing a disservice to them, it's a direct attack on their character and, though I don't like AppleDash either because it doesn't interest me (mainly because I'm not that interested in Applejack as a character), I'm not going to go ahead and say that people like something for a "petty" reason. People like the rival dynamic and they have plenty enough screen time together to warrant liking them together.


Don't claim moral superiority over other people just because you admit you don't have any serious, in depth reason for liking the ships that you do. This is a habit I've been noticing among people such as yourself and it really needs to stop. At the end of the day we all like ponies, no matter the reason. None of us are worse or better for it.


(Also, there are plenty of AppleDash shippers who are in relationships, so I would not criticize them of not understanding what makes a good one.)


I would have to say most of the ships involving Rainbow Dash. They just don't mix well, one in particular is Soarin and Rainbow Dash, this is as bad as Twilight and Bland Sentry.


I wouldn't say it's as bad as Twilight and Flash Sentry. For one, Soarin' actually has a personality, and for another, Soarin' and Rainbow Dash have interacted beyond just awkward shove-it-down-our-throats romantic tension.

  • Brohoof 3
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1. Yo, hey, no ship is worth insulting people over. People like AppleDash for a variety of reasons and painting them all with this certain color is not only doing a disservice to them, it's a direct attack on their character and, though I don't like AppleDash either because it doesn't interest me (mainly because I'm not that interested in Applejack as a character), I'm not going to go ahead and say that people like something for a "petty" reason. 2. People like the rival dynamic and they have plenty enough screen time together to warrant liking them together.


3. Don't claim moral superiority over other people just because you admit you don't have any serious, in depth reason for liking the ships that you do. This is a habit I've been noticing among people such as yourself and it really needs to stop. At the end of the day we all like ponies, no matter the reason. None of us are worse or better for it.


4.(Also, there are plenty of AppleDash shippers who are in relationships, so I would not criticize them of not understanding what makes a good one.)

4.I would criticize them, well, indirectly to no one in particular in an anti-shipping thread I am in.
Being in a relationship does not make one an expert at them (regardless of success), especially not AppleDash-esque ones.
If someone or sometwo were to claim they got an AppleDash-like dynamic to work that way, obviously it deviates from the true Rainbow Dash and the true Applejack.
The only good explanation I could have for more, uh, responsible reasons for AppleDash shipping is if they have... better-justified headcanons. Better that the explanations I have heard.
I know all the ships are technically beyond canon, but with the current canon, Applejack gets the least amount of character development. Especially the least amount concerning relationships with other individual Mane 6 members. Making her an ill fit for almost every other Mane 6 character. Applejack is sort of a private pony.
1. Meh, considering that I merely said "is popular among people with lousy personalities that don't understand how relationships work."
"popular among". Pretty mildsauce way to put it in the context of shippingwars.
They're doing a disservice to both characters with the current popular bland shipping reasons.
To me, saying this stuff is less offensive than your run-of-the-mill criticisms towards all Michael Bay Transformers or Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series fans.
2. (the "rivalry" relationship is way overblown and even Fall Weather Friends isn't about the two learning from each other as it is about both of them getting their rumps handed to them by Twilight's alpha mare wisdom)
3. You are referring to this?:
All of my ships have herpaderp guilty pleasure aggressive "smexy" reasoning behind them, except for Sparity.
That ain't me claiming superiority as a "casual flirty shipper" over serious business shippers, that is me explaining the nature of some of my ships (Did you see how serious business my Sparity is? And that is a very controversial ship for understandably good reasons, which is why I have to explain it carefully)
Hmm, something I realize is that I have two ships that have elements of AppleDash in them... They are from Littlest Pet Shop.
Does that make me a hypocrite? Let's examine.
Sunil and Pepper is one of the earliest ships in LPS and is pretty much based solely on them spontaneously dancing at the Dance Party Ending episode Gailbreak!, the fourth episode.
That ship is even lazier than AppleDash; I am aware of its shallowness.
There's also Zoe and Pepper. Now I don't wanna get two off-topic, but that ship has canonical similarities to the canon of Rainbow and AJ's interactions in FiM (comparing "Fall Weather Friends" to LPS's "Frenemies").
I believe there are right and wrong ways to ship vaguely rival-ish competitive friend characters...
and they are an indication of the quality of one's understanding of not only how relationships work, but what makes for compelling character interaction humor.
Apparently my Zoe/Pepper shipping is okay despite it's similarities to AppleDash because reasons... uh.. because Zoe and Pepper have this soul sistas girlfriends dynamic going on... I reckon that's it.
As for the part of the quote I have bolded, well, I have that as an afterthought...
That sounds like the brethren card being played. Nope, not falling for it. Shipping loyalties before Bronies.
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4.I would criticize them, well, indirectly to no one in particular in an anti-shipping thread I am in.
Being in a relationship does not make one an expert at them (regardless of success), especially not AppleDash-esque ones.
If someone or sometwo were to claim they got an AppleDash-like dynamic to work that way, obviously it deviates from the true Rainbow Dash and the true Applejack.
The only good explanation I could have for more, uh, responsible reasons for AppleDash shipping is if they have... better-justified headcanons. Better that the explanations I have heard.
I know all the ships are technically beyond canon, but with the current canon, Applejack gets the least amount of character development. Especially the least amount concerning relationships with other individual Mane 6 members. Making her an ill fit for almost every other Mane 6 character. Applejack is sort of a private pony.
1. Meh, considering that I merely said "is popular among people with lousy personalities that don't understand how relationships work."
"popular among". Pretty mildsauce way to put it in the context of shippingwars.
They're doing a disservice to both characters with the current popular bland shipping reasons.
To me, saying this stuff is less offensive than your run-of-the-mill criticisms towards all Michael Bay Transformers or Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series fans.
2. (the "rivalry" relationship is way overblown and even Fall Weather Friends isn't about the two learning from each other as it is about both of them getting their rumps handed to them by Twilight's alpha mare wisdom)
3. You are referring to this?:
All of my ships have herpaderp guilty pleasure aggressive "smexy" reasoning behind them, except for Sparity.
That ain't me claiming superiority as a "casual flirty shipper" over serious business shippers, that is me explaining the nature of some of my ships (Did you see how serious business my Sparity is? And that is a very controversial ship for understandably good reasons, which is why I have to explain it carefully)
Hmm, something I realize is that I have two ships that have elements of AppleDash in them... They are from Littlest Pet Shop.
Does that make me a hypocrite? Let's examine.
Sunil and Pepper is one of the earliest ships in LPS and is pretty much based solely on them spontaneously dancing at the Dance Party Ending episode Gailbreak!, the fourth episode.
That ship is even lazier than AppleDash; I am aware of its shallowness.
There's also Zoe and Pepper. Now I don't wanna get two off-topic, but that ship has canonical similarities to the canon of Rainbow and AJ's interactions in FiM (comparing "Fall Weather Friends" to LPS's "Frenemies").
I believe there are right and wrong ways to ship vaguely rival-ish competitive friend characters...
and they are an indication of the quality of one's understanding of not only how relationships work, but what makes for compelling character interaction humor.
Apparently my Zoe/Pepper shipping is okay despite it's similarities to AppleDash because reasons... uh.. because Zoe and Pepper have this soul sistas girlfriends dynamic going on... I reckon that's it.
As for the part of the quote I have bolded, well, I have that as an afterthought...
That sounds like the brethren card being played. Nope, not falling for it. Shipping loyalties before Bronies.



I think you're entirely missing my point. Saying someone has a "lousy personality" is, in fact, a direct attack. There are no two ways about it. Every single shipping that I know of has fans who might make my eyes roll (including ones that I like!), and AppleDash is no different, but that doesn't mean that it's worth painting everyone who likes it with the same brush.


Disliking a ship =/= disliking its fans. It's all right to think that a ship makes no sense, but once you start getting into assuming the lives of the people who like the ship or its dynamic, you're starting to cross a very delicate line. No two AppleDash lovers are going to be exactly the same. As with any group, really.


It's not the brethren card, it's the "we're arguing about ponies, is it really such an important issue that we need to insult people about it" card. My point was not that we are all united, but rather that we all like something that, ultimately, doesn't matter and is completely fictional. That applies to the ships themselves as well. I see why people like AppleDash, because it's a rival ship and they've butt heads with each other. Of course what you're saying to me about how it wasn't really that close of interaction is a completely valid statement to make (and one that I agree with, as I don't like AppleDash myself), but that doesn't mean that other people's interpretation of the situation is completely incorrect either. You don't see it? Fine. But it doesn't mean that people who do, or think that it can make sense, are somehow lesser than you in some way, that they're lazy. Hell, maybe they don't even just like it because opposites attract; I have seen arguments in favor of liking it actually because they have similar interests and can keep up with each other. (That is, they like competition.)


Also, just because it's less offensive doesn't change the fact it's still offensive. It's likely going to be more painful and damaging to you if I shot you in the chest as opposed to the shoulder, but damn, it's still gonna hurt. (And for the record, I don't agree with the criticisms toward those fanbases and don't believe that they're justified either. By criticism I mean the kind of completely insulting their characteristics. Again, no two people in a fanbase are exactly the same anyway so it's a moot point.)

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I try to be accepting of ships, but I just can't stand any ship that purposely bends canon to fit fanon, for example if character ships are hinted in the show or if some characters are already in relationships (e.g Shining and Cadence), people should probably accept the official canon and not twist the entire FIM universe to make some random ship work when it clearly isn't going to.

Edited by Sonata Dusk
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1. I think you're entirely missing my point. Saying someone has a "lousy personality" is, in fact, a direct attack. There are no two ways about it. Every single shipping that I know of has fans who might make my eyes roll (including ones that I like!), and AppleDash is no different, but that doesn't mean that it's worth painting everyone who likes it with the same brush.


2. Disliking a ship =/= disliking its fans. It's all right to think that a ship makes no sense, but once you start getting into assuming the lives of the people who like the ship or its dynamic, you're starting to cross a very delicate line. No two AppleDash lovers are going to be exactly the same. As with any group, really.


3. It's not the brethren card, it's the "we're arguing about ponies, is it really such an important issue that we need to insult people about it" card. My point was not that we are all united, but rather that we all like something that, ultimately, doesn't matter and is completely fictional. That applies to the ships themselves as well. I see why people like AppleDash, because it's a rival ship and they've butt heads with each other.


4. Of course what you're saying to me about how it wasn't really that close of interaction is a completely valid statement to make (and one that I agree with, as I don't like AppleDash myself), but that doesn't mean that other people's interpretation of the situation is completely incorrect either.


You don't see it? Fine. But it doesn't mean that people who do, or think that it can make sense, are somehow lesser than you in some way, 5. that they're lazy.


6. Hell, maybe they don't even just like it because opposites attract; I have seen arguments in favor of liking it actually because they have similar interests and can keep up with each other. (That is, they like competition.)


7. Also, just because it's less offensive doesn't change the fact it's still offensive. It's likely going to be more painful and damaging to you if I shot you in the chest as opposed to the shoulder, but damn, it's still gonna hurt. (And for the record, I don't agree with the criticisms toward those fanbases and don't believe that they're justified either. By criticism I mean the kind of completely insulting their characteristics. Again, no two people in a fanbase are exactly the same anyway so it's a moot point.)

1. "AppleDash shippers have lousy personalities and don't understand how relationships work"
"AppleDash is popular among people with lousy personalities that don't understand how relationships work"
I reckon the message is different. Rather than insult all the shippers of that ship, I insult the ship itself for having a bad shipbase.
I'm not painting everyone who likes it with the same brush.
2. Indeed, it is not good to assume the lives of people by saying "these shippers have never been in a relationship, or even "this ship is popular among people who have never been in a relationship".
3. "At the end of the day we all like ponies, no matter the reason. None of us are worse or better for it"
"we're arguing about ponies, is it really such an important issue that we need to insult people about it"
Mkay, so you were playing other cards. But you were still playing the brethren card via what I bolded.
We weren't actually arguing until you started.
4. Of course it's not completely incorrect, which is why I said:
"The only good explanation I could have for more, uh, responsible reasons for AppleDash shipping is if they have... better-justified headcanons. Better that the explanations I have heard."
One thing I must admit, I did not state that in my first post; it had to be coaxed out of me (by you).
But it's not like I stated "this ship is unjustifiable", or even that it is unjustified, but that it is popular among non-justifiers.
5.They are lazy at shipping at that one particular ship unless they can justify it better, nothing more or less. That is my opinion of AppleDash shippers who give the reasons I have been hearing, and that opinion of them only relates to their ship choice combined with their reasons.
Were I to say "AppleDash shippers are lazy" then that would make them not bother to try to justify their ships to me, because then they would think that I have "already" heard "all" the reasons.
The laziness of some acts of shipping are offensive because of how they require dumbing down of characters to make them more compatible.
In a sense, AppleDash would be more justifiable if the shippers elevated AJ and Rainbow into some sort of... Mary Sues? By adding or interpreting arbitrary qualities.
6. I've never heard of of any opposites attract thing going on with AppleDash, I've only heard of the similarity/competition because of being similar idea.
7. In the context of this being an anti-shipping thread, I don't believe what I said ("popular among people with lousy personalities who don't understand how relationships work") was offensive at all.
... and that other stuff you said... yeah, that's the kind of hyperbole filler that I have almost stated in posts, and then decided to backspace out of.
Or edited out one minute later.
Or didn't edit out, and then regret.
...So... this topic started out with the OP stating "don't fight or hate, please"
hmmm. the "don't hate" is kind of contradictory in an anti-shipping thread... despite what the official title of this thread is, people don't tend to solely say "well, I don't care for this ship". Usually, these topics don't invite something that mild and people usually don't care about bothering to post about "what they aren't into", but about what they, in some expression "hate".
But the "don't argue"... I reckon that is a thing that can be heeded.
That's why most of what my retorts have been are basically "I didn't say that thing", as have yours
... is it a form of arguing? well, a defensive sort. But so far there hasn't been any arguing about the actual subject matter of "this ship is wrong" and "no, actually this ship is not wrong, you are wrong about this ship being wrong".
Perhaps a "justify your ship" thread can be created... but then there would have to be safeguards to prevent it from devolving into a "no, your ship is not justifiable" debate. It would have to encourage listening.
Unless a shipping war thread is the goal in the first place. EDIT like a few minutes later: This thread seems perfect http://mlpforums.com/topic/113602-the-ss-shippership-ship-tell/
So far, you are not arguing any of that, just arguing that "anti" nature of my post is too rude, but I believe is okay, partly because this is an "anti" thread, and also because it is not too rude even within that context. Certainly there is a line even in an anti-thread; I merely believe that I did not cross it because I don't believe I did any direct attacks (and that my insults were vague."Popular among people with lousy personalities who don't understand how relationships work")
"don't care for" sounds like a euphemism for "anti" to me, because there are, for example all sorts of weird crack pairings of minor onetime characters that never appear together that we all "don't care for" in the sense that we have never even thought of them.
...I think I covered all my bases. And that this post was less antagonistic in general.
Even this form of arguing isn't every healthy even in an anti-thread.
But then again, this form of points that I have been making, and that you have been making, are a helpful clarifying tool.
For example, there's the statement that you coaxed out of me. And then there's your "opposites attract", a dynamic that I haven't even considered or heard of about AppleDash until you brought it up, but it you must've thought I did, and that was my main problem with the ship, based on how you brought it up. (Indeed, I know that you don't personally ship for those reasons, let alone ship that ship at all). If you didn't openly mention that, you may have gone on thinking that I think of AppleDash that way even tho the opposite is true of me.
So, uh... I think that is all the bases covered.
Edited by GuillermoGage
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