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What Do You Find Attractive?


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Tall, slim, dark hair, good dress sense - cares about how he looks.

Good sense of humour, kind, polite, level headed, into music and plays insturments


That goes for male or female :P


Please tell me someone gets the joke? :3


Gilda gets unlimited counterattacks, so watch out! (HOMM3 logic)

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I fear that I am a bit picky, which I shouldn't be because I am nothing special. I have been told that I am good looking and that I have a nice personality but of course I don't agree.


Anyways, this is for both male and female:


-Someone who is either around the same size as me or smaller, in terms of weight and whatnot.

-Medium to long hair (Not an absolute necessity)

-Skinnyish at least


Umm, wow, that is it, I think, for the physical aspect at least. I guess I am not too picky there.


In terms of personality:

-Someone simple. I am a simple person who enjoys simple pleasures. I don't like over complicating things.

-Someone kind of course

-Someone who is shy. Not a necessity but I am shy and maybe we could relate.

-A bonus would be if they liked MLP, or were nonreligious (I am an atheist), or were into some gaming, or all of the above. That would be a dream.

-Open mindedness of course

-A big one is that I hope they can accept me for my flaws. Honestly, that is the first thing I worry about.

-Someone who appreciates the little and simple things in life.


And that is all I can think of at the moment. There are other details but these are the biggest. I try not to be overly picky but I think this is okay. My chances are kinda slim either way.

  • Brohoof 2


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I find the following attractive:


  • Good personality
  • Thin....not a fan of muscles however.
  • Enjoyable to be around and they know how to respect people
  • They can control their anger and talk calmly to get their point across
  • Bisexuality is attractive to me
  • When they can be kinky
  • They care about their appearance
  • Same Interests as me...namely anime and video games.
  • Short Black or blonde hair are both extremely attractive to me, for some odd reason. 
  • Gothic Dressing Style
  • They like me for me and don't want me to constantly change myself 
  • Intelligent

Those are the most important ones to me, I suppose. 

Edited by Michael De Santa


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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There is too much to go through and too many variables, but primarily...

  • Good personality
  • Good sense of humor
  • Good looking
  • Smart
  • Enjoys gaming

That narrows the pool a lot, and that isn't even half of my idea of a perfect person. I'll probably never find her, but, hey, I might as well aim for it.

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Tall, at least 5'11

Brown hair and eyes

Nice, clear skin

Longish hair, well, sorta long


Someone who can make me laugh



This haircut (and color) omfg HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGG


A nice butt, kinda big

Average sized boobs, not too big

Green eyes

Asian Girls are nice

Average height, taller than me

Also gamers, still hot

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Attractive Personality

- Extremely empathetic

- Very gentle and warm

- Capable of independent thought / using basic deduction

- Stays true to herself

- Accepting of others


What I find physically attractive

- Limited / no body modifications

- Glasses

- Reasonable frame / dress

- Long hair


For me, physical characteristics are nowhere near as big a deal as the personality traits. The offset for total attractiveness is probably around 85/15 between personality and physical. Just dressing sensibly is enough to pass the physical category, personality is a little more difficult than that...

Edited by Celtore
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  • 9 months later...

I have a huge weakness for longer hairstyles on brunettes, and fair complexion. But physique aside....


I like messy girls. Not in a nasty sense - i just mean i don't like control freaks. I'm used to live in a mess - my room's a mess, my bag's a mess - and i don't like it when my partner is overly judgmental or tries to fix my mess. I like my chaos because it's MINE! (Edit: I should add, i like messy girls with messy rooms. Maybe i just feel more at my natural habitat when i'm surrounded by mess :D)


I'm also easily attracted to intelligent girls. I'm a very talkative person, and i enjoy conversations, a lot. So i expect my partner to chat with me, and have interesting things to say, too :)

Edited by Terminus
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I love confident women who love to trash talk because I honestly love funny back and forth banter. Plus, I like the good sense of humor that comes along with that. I also find a woman who is into politics to be very attractive as well, even if she's opposed to me politically. It at least shows she's aware of the world and has bigger concerns than just herself.


When it comes to race or ethnicity I have no preference, but I do like my women thick with darker hair and pretty eyes.

  • Brohoof 1



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I find Rainbow Dash attractive :wub:


But to be more topic ... I dunno. I never really loved a girl before. She should look attractive, not perfect or super model, but good. Friendly, kind etc.


But at the end I dunno, like I said. Single, 20 and never loved before(If we take out RD)

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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I like people who are aesthetically pleasing and are not dumb as rocks.


(Though firm butts definitely win me some brownie points.)

Edited by Teller
  • Brohoof 3
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-Timid (I think it's so cute when a girl is shy and shuffles her feet around while her face is flushed!)



Physical: (I usually don't go for looks but for the sake of the thread I'll admit I certainly have a taste and desire)



-Long hair

-Blue eyes

-No Makeup (This is huge for me. If they wear makeup fine but truthfully I love women who aren't afraid of their looks. Make up masks your real beauty to me. I'd want her for HER not for how flashy/pretty she is when she wears makeup and other disguising things like that.)


-Meaty body (Seriously, I don't need my woman to be a super model. I actually find a little bit of chubby curves really attractive. I know women these days look to be skinny and all perfect. I honestly don't care for that.)


All of this goes without saying though that I love women for who they are inside. If I meet someone the complete opposite of the physique I look for then that's okay. The personality is what's important. They can have the looks I've always wanted but if they're mean and such I won't care about them.

Edited by Felix
  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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Physically I like girls with curves. "I like big butts and I cannot lie  B) ". I've always been much more of an ass than breast man. Like nice thighs too...sound like I'm talking about buying a chicken now  :blink:  I don't bother too much with how "big" a girl is (especially being a former "heavyweight" myself) as long as she's got a cute face.


I've always had a preference for brunette/dark haired girls, and only ever been with them. Nothing against blonde, red or any other colour just the way it's been. I also like them to have nice hair, not a particular style or anything but just as long as it look nice and suits them. I sometimes look at a girl and one of first things I'll notice is "she's got nice hair"  :lol: weird.


Personality wise I like girls that are a bit different and like different things. Bit like myself in that respect. The weirder the better. I like tomboys, but girly girls are cute to me too just depends on the person. And I find undeniably cute and endearing if they've got something in particular that they're really interested in and passionate about, especially if it's something not one of the usual things. There's nothing like watching someone get really excited over the smallest of things and just gushing about it, just makes you go "awww that's so cute!"  :wub:

  • Brohoof 1
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Appearance-wise... it's weird. When I was with my first boyfriend, I thought blond hair and blue eyes was the most attractive since that's what he had. My current boyfriend has black hair and brown eyes, and I think he's really attractive, sooo... :wacko:


Personality is most important for me. I want to be with someone who cares about me, likes to make me happy, supports and understands me, etc. So I can pretty much only fall for someone who's a really close friend of mine. :P

Edited by SparklingSwirls
  • Brohoof 1


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Uh..... magnets? Magnets are attractive. But also repulsive at the same time. Also gravity.


Oh, you mean like in other people? Uh.... being female? And Christian? Also sharing my sense of humor. Or at least vaguely understanding my sense of humor.

  • Brohoof 1
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As far as physical: glasses, dark hair, shorter than me.


As for internal: geeky/nerdy ness, humor, smart, witty, sarcasm, kind, and honest.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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- Down to Earth
- Ability to stand up for himself/herself
- Common Sense
- Doesn't follow the status quo of society
- Understanding

- Spiritual

Physical Traits:
- Long/Short Hair (Doesn't matter though I kinda like Long Hair more)
- A decent figure
- No too overweight (AKA. over 300 LBS), or Anorexic
- Clean and Washed (There are people who are not hygienic what so ever, I'm not a germaphobe though)


With spiritual, they don't have to be a spiritualist. I respect those whom follow the spirit of their religion but not the religion itself. There are far too many bible thumpers out there.

Edited by Sadist the Wanderer

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Cute face, tall would be nice, understanding, kind, considerate, common sense, maybe a little philosophy, anyway if you are that certain person I've had a crush on for around 6 years now, you're my angel. (But the chances are 1-7 billion after all)


Sig by: Kyoshi

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I've always liked the smart, quiet types with a wry sense of humor. When I was younger I used to date people who were very different from me (outgoing, didn't care much for learning, silly, etc) because they were the ones who approached me, I thought they seemed nice, and I was too shy to befriend/date anyone else. As a result, I was never able to make a real connection because we struggled to understand each other beyond the platonic level and we didn't share any important life experiences. Looking back, I'm not even sure why they liked me.


At this point, I believe there's no substitute for someone who truly understands your world and empathizes with your concerns. I think I liked my heartthrob the moment he told me that I didn't have to be funny or interesting all the time, because he innately understands wearing a mask for the world and fearing what happens when people see behind it. I act funny because it was the only way I was able to get friends, and he acts intimidating because it was the only way for him to be left alone. It was either that or the smooth, serious voice... or helping me learn his native tongue... or staying up with me for awhile when I was having a fit of insomnia because I said I found it comforting to have him around...


Physically, I prefer "average." I will admit that I'm a sucker for a nice voice, though, and have had crushes on people online simply based on their voice.

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