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What Do You Find Attractive?


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I'm attracted to confidence.  To loyalty.  To a woman who's enthusiastic and passionate about something and commits herself to that something wholeheartedly.  But I'd never think less of a woman that endures moments of self-doubt or sometimes struggles to make a tough decision.  No one is perfect, and sometimes it's the so-called flaws that draw me in (and keep me there) as much as the virtues.  I'm attracted to a woman who's vibrant.  Who is self-elevating and who soars!  A long neck is appealing.  Perhaps a tattoo in just the right place.  And nice legs: several of them!  Big, beautiful eyes that quiver with emotion...


...And also a tail and feathered wings.


Yes, I totes just described Rainbow Dash. :wub:

Edited by PegaMister
  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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To find quality, one should value the persons integrity and respectful personality rather than the physical appeal.

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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I wanted nothing more than a woman to love me for who I am and I'll do the same.  HOWEVER, if she loves taking showers every night as much as I do; yes, yes and yes. :wub:


I had a paragraph of stuff but it made me sound like a sexist pig.  I don't want people to hate me for misunderstood information.  :blush: 

Relating to the shower part... *Throws another dirty cloth at you* :D

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I value personality over looks. I believe that a human being should not be defined by their appearance. I believe that human beings should be defined by their character, by their beliefs, by their values, and by their imperfections. Aesthetics are a dime a dozen. Quirks and facets of personality truly make someone unique, and that's what I truly value.

  • Brohoof 1


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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What traits do you find attractive in a potential boyfriend/girlfriend/companion/love slave? Physical traits, personality traits, whatever! Let's all just gush about what we like in the other half to our romance sandwich. For me, it greatly varies from person to person. I might like one guy with a full head of hair, and I might like another bald! Blue eyes are great on some girls, but on others it doesn't do much for me. But there are some things that I pretty much always find attractive for all eternity until the end of time itself: -Being taller than me -Da chubs, although I'm also quite partial to slim, petite women as well -Body hair -Facial hair -Good hygiene -Halfway decent sense of fashion -Nice hands -Big noses

big boobs ;p   who doesnt ike big round jugs, unless your female of course but then u must lke ur own XD is this even relevant, IDC

  • Brohoof 1


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Why? I don't see why you'd be an asshole for having a sexual preference. The assholes are the people who tell you that your preference is somehow offensive, and worth less than their own.


If you're more into body than personality, that's okay. Who are they to tell you it's wrong?

It's not all about the looks, it's that they work hard and have a can-do attitude, and I have respect for that, and that's why it's so sexy.

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I won't lie that I have preferences that form my own vision of what physical beauty is for me, but I do know that preferences aren't requirements, and ultimately personality reign over looks.


But that's just me.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Hmm... Wow. What a topic! Well, there is nothing wrong with having standards, but I always want to tread lightly in that area, and I encourage others to do the same. Wouldn't want to keep yourself from finding your potential true love just because you're married to an unrealistic set of standards that you can't find in most people.


That being said...


I have a total weakness for ladies who wear ruby red lipstick. Match that up with the right kind of eye shadow and complimenting make up, and oh... Forget about it! I'm weak in the knees just thinking about it! :lol:


I also think Asian women, especially women of Japanese decent, are some of the most attractive women in the world.


Outside of that, most importantly of all, I'm really attracted to women who are just well rounded and have a great personality. Outside of having about the same morals as me, I like women who have strong character traits. Women who can be spontaneous one minute, but don't mind the small and humble things in life. Women who can work up a sweat in the gym or play a friendly sports game, but can also put on a dress or something fancy for an evening out. A woman who puts some pride into how she looks and how she lives, but is never stuck up or thinks she is better than everyone else. A woman who can be selfless and really nice, but strong and independent where it counts.

Yes, if I can find a woman like that, than this will trump all other criteria. Because I don't want race or physical attractiveness to stop me from dating someone. I may have some standards, but more than anything, I want to see and appreciate my girlfriend/possible wife for who she really is deep inside. And if she isn't a beautiful, wonderful soul, then I'm not interested. :)

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Tall :P

Sense of fashion <3

Takes care if themselves


Sweethearts :3

Chub Chubbs and muscle


Cute laugh

Shiny brown eyes..

Cute little dimples <3

Chubby face with lovely structure

Curly kinda long hair

Clean shave baby face

Soft skin

Beautiful voice



Interests in music

Basically everything about my boyfriend <3

  • Brohoof 2

TC: tHeSe MoThErFuCkErS aRe PrEtTy DoPe AcTuAlLy, I lIkE tHeM

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It's not all about the looks, it's that they work hard and have a can-do attitude, and I have respect for that, and that's why it's so sexy.

But that's just you, there are plenty of people out there who care only or mostly about looks, and we consider them assholes. Why? Because they push unobtainable standards for looks. But what about the ones who look only or mostly for personality? We consider them honorable people, but not everybody has what's considered a "good personality". Many have been excluded for simply not having the personality wanted. I know because I'm one of them. These the same thing, but it's hidden by just another double standard in our society.

  • Brohoof 2
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I find someone offering me food attractive.


Person: Hey Amber wanna be my girlfriend?

Me: I can't date until I'm 16.

Person: I'll take you out to buy donuts and icecream whenever you want and I'll pay

Me: (becomes a rulebreaker)

  • Brohoof 2


Hey there! I'm ~Sylveon~. You can call me Sylveon. xD If you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here for you. :)

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I already posted here, and hooo boy, is it OUTDATED. So let us go and update that.


First, I'm only going to talk about things I find attractive that are possible in this reality. Because a lot of the things I DO find the most attractive don't actually exist so far as I know. I mean, they might exist on another planet, or even this one. But still. That's a completely different topic and it'd make this post even longer.


I am a bisexual, but I really have a much bigger physical preference for women.  So I'll talk about them first.


Redheads. I think redheads are absolutely sexy. Long red STRAIGHT hair. Blue eyes would be nice too, but green's good too. The character Elly from Xenogears pretty much captures most of what I find physically attractive in a woman. But also, glasses. What I find attractive are basically features I wish I had myself or features I already have. For instance, I wish I had red hair, and I actually do wear glasses.


I like uniforms, bookish librarian artsy girls. Once again, basically me. Moderately-sized breasts, and a figure that is neither too thin or too fat. A little weight to play around with is nice, because I communicate much of my affection through touch and I want some soft squishiness to blorp around with, not a hard boniness that hurts. With an elegant, clean, modern, and minimalistic dress style.


For personality, I like a girl who is full of vigor. Perky, quirky, and always yanking me around and forcing me to do things I pretend I don't want to do. She's sweet, affectionate, confident, and not afraid to express herself. Emotional and understanding of what pain feels like.


She's also very intelligent. I appreciate intelligence a lot. Someone who can actually communicate with me on my level is absolutely vital. What is of primary importance is that this person is my best friend first. They understand me more than anyone else, and they understand emotions. What they need to be able to do is put aside the meaningless distractions of our reality, and transcend into what is really important - the mind. Thoughts, feelings, and actually living for something more than just instinct and money. A philosophical spiritually rich person. This is the most important trait and exceeds everything else. Regardless of gender.


Speaking of that, you can just apply this personality section to both genders. Because it's becoming relatively non-specific. After this, I will briefly talk about male features I like.


This person needs to also be able to be a part of a team with me. They need to work together, and actually make an effort to improve life and everything. One can never stop improving, and they cannot simply be content to sit there and do nothing. I like a person who is bold and takes action. Doesn't just sit around and wondering about what could be, but goes out there and grabs the world by the balls. This person forces their goals to happen, through any means possible. A can-do spirit of the extreme. They encourage me, they make me feel infinite.


And I encourage them, because I don't just want some perfect person. This is important too. They have to be flawed, just as flawed as I am. Because I want to help, I want to struggle through the pain together, I want to be on the same level. I find someone who isn't afraid to admit that they're helpless and let me help them to be attractive too. I want to mother them a bit, teach them, take care of them whilst I take care of me. 


This entire thing I find attractive in personality is basically mutualness. Someone who is similar to me, and willing to work together as a single unit. A team player, motivated, hard worker. We support each other.


I also like someone who can protect me from the bads of the worlds, because I'll admit I'm kind of naive. A protector who will stand by me and be loyal no matter what. I find that to be very attractive. 


Now male features? I like guys who have a more feminine, soft face. But not just some skinny stick. Ambiguous in gender, but also with muscle. I like muscle and a bit of bulk. Kind of rugged works for me too sometimes, depending on how well it is pulled off. Although I mostly like a clean look. You have to look powerful, but streamlined at the same time. (It sounds like I'm describing a car, which is hilarious.) Nerdy-looking gives bonus points. Many points. Glasses are attractive in both genders, as are official uniforms. (I like police uniforms, tuxedos, business suits, etc. That sort of thing) 


Also, blonde and blue eyes. I don't like red-haired guys because they just look weird for some reason to me, and I'll go with dark because I don't mind it. But I prefer blonde. Something about it makes them look more pure and elegant, like light.


Deep voice though. I don't like high-pitched voices so much. But I find voice to be the sexiest thing about a male, and am more attracted to a man's voice than a woman's. I could listen to a deep male voice all day. More points if it's British.


Big hands too. Oh my God, hands. I have this thing for hands. Remember how I said I communicate affection through touch? That involves loads of touching with my hands. I like touching hands, I like holding hands. I like a big hand that eclipses mine in size.


Tall as well. He's gotta be big. But not too big. Just really big. 


Slightly going into personality and things I didn't cover above - I don't want a stereotypical man. No drinking beer or booze with your buddies in the bar and just leaving me all alone. No smokers either. (Applies for both genders, really, but I thought I'd bring it up whilst I was on the subject) In fact, I'd just flat-out prefer one who was feminine. I find that whole "tough guy with no feelings" act to be a major turn off. It's basically the antithesis of what I am.


Once again, I've mostly described my current relationship. I'm always quite biased when in a relationship towards the features my partner has. Because the most important factor is personality. It excels all of your other features, unless your body is just so repulsive that I can't even stand to touch or look at you. Because at the same time, I'm not going to sit here and tell you looks don't matter at all. To some extent, for everyone, they do. And as a person who appreciates beauty and aesthetics, not being completely disgusting to me is also important.


It's just that looks take a backseat to personality due to the fact that if I come to like you, your physical features become attractive to me even if they weren't before. They come to be seen in a positive light. I am very very flexible about what I like. Not just in people, but in other things as well. It's easy for me to become fascinated with and like anything, if it makes me happy. So there you are.

  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Well, I find it attractive when girls have long eyelashes, doesn't matter how long hair is or what color, as long as they have hair, normal breast size, normal height, and their voice doesn't matter. Pretty much any girl that is cute or beautiful. Either one will do! :3

  • Brohoof 1


I HAVE MORPHED 5 EXODIA, SETO KAIBA!! (Thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!)



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Physical traits

-brown, blonde or black hair. Can't be that long flippy hair that makes them hard to category as a girl or a guy.

-at least in shape. Doesn't have to be athletic but I don't find obesity or any unhealthy weight attractive.

-a great smile. If he's got braces cool, I can dig that. But I find jacked up smiles to be a turn off. I usually look at someone's teeth before anything else facial wise.

-reasonable fashion sense. I don't want to walk around with a bum/rodeo clown. It doesn't have to be hollister or any name brand, but at least look decent.

-taller than me, so at least 5'5" or higher. I stand at 5'1" and I wouldn't want a guy to be anywhere near the same height.

-not younger than me/not the same age as me. I like older guys, have to be at least a year older, I find them hella attractive. When i turned 15 I started dating a 17 year old who was about to go on 18. So that gives you all an idea. I'm 17 now so any guy that's like 18 or 19 would work right about now.


Emotional/Mental/Whatever traits

-can't be close minded. By that I mean has to be able to put up with my likes without trying to change me. Can't shove religion in my face cause that pisses me off, I don't believe in god, I don't want to be annoyed by your lord and savior. Can't hate on gay people. My two best friends are gay and I love them with all my heart. Got a problem with gays? Automatically friend-zoned. And there's no way out of there. Hell might even get kicked out of the friend zone into the lonely world of being on my crap list. Only few go there, cause I'm one of the shyest girls you'll ever meet. I don't tend to hate anyone but you best believe I can bring on the hate.

-a great sense of humor. Because funny guys are adorable to me. Although I laugh at everything so even if the jokes suck I still laugh. It's like a win win. He feels good, and I get to laugh.

-can't have anger issues. I'm an emotional person. I can't handle a flip flop who's happy one second then yelling at me the next. I can't take that stuff, it'll just drive me insane and make me cry. I don't like confrontation and yelling. It gets me bawling.

-not a sexist/racist/straight up biggot. Can't even be my friend with that attitude.


Basically I like a guy who isn't an big pile of douchebag.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm a white boy who is attracted to black girls. It's not because I think black girls behave a certain way, it's just that I think dark skin looks sexy on a girl. I don't know when I started thinking this or why I do. I just do. I also like them to be very kind, like Fluttershy.

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