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What month did you join the herd?  

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The topic of your thread has a very similar purpose to that of this older thread, so I merged yours into it. Also, Sugarcube Corner is a better fit for topics about the bronydom in general than Show Discussion, please keep this in mind. ;)

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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I joined the forums on the 16th of January. The only reason I'm here is because of Memebase. Having spent countless hours on said site, I was subjected to a ponified version of every meme. But what really snagged me was a single song by The Living Tombstone. Having found out that Discord was appearing as DLC on Rockband 3, I've gave the song a listen and liked it. A lot. I thought to myself "These Bronies seem to have it good. There must be something in the show." So that night, without headphones (badman!), I watched the first 5 minutes of the Pilot. I had to go to bed as I was knackered but the next morning (with headphones) I finished the pilot. I loved it. I soon cranked through the episodes, only having to wait for Games Ponies Play and S3 Finale.


I'm glad I took a chance to try something new. I found a quote, on Memebase no less, that I liked:


"The best part about becoming a Brony is the knowledge that you've discovered something that those to egotistical, close-minded and anxious to protect their masculinity will never find."

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I remember watching the first episode of MLP and I was like 'hmm, this is pretty good, maybe I'll watch the rest later'. Sure enough I did and that's when I became a brony. This was about 2 1/2 months ago.

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I became a brony in Winter 2011, I declared myself a brony in the...Spring I think. I remember how happy I was back then, I was one of those overzealous types. But luckily for me, I never tried to spread it to other people that weren't exactly interested. I always just stayed on Ponychan. To this day, I'm still overzealous, but I don't look at everything through rose tinted glasses. Actually, I might be a walking contradiction now that I think about it.


As for how. Well one day, I was on the hb and apparently I was watching episode 1 of FiM. I thought, "Oop Little girls show, better change the channel". Out of boredom though I stayed and watched for a few minutes.....It didn't catch on. Some months later I was watching Youtube poops and I had wandered onto one that had the word "Gumball tries to see who's the bigger brony" True story, I didn't even see that until the last second, the video even had a reference to ponies and some of dat dere voice mixing. That's how that ended, after this it gets a little hazy.


I think it was a little before of after Season 2 that i actually started looking at snippets of pony videos for quotes and such. I started seeing that people really liked this show. I wasn't an anti-brony at first, but I was convinced that you guys were Horse Furries. Anyway, about a month later, I declared that I like these clips but I'm not a brony...which I now rewalize is kinda-sorta impossible. This was the Denial stage. But i digress, eventually I started watching PMVs(pony music videos) and I saw one that totally just broke that barrier, it just made me Happy, God help us all, a video about pastel colored horses made me happy. I started having a rush in my innards, the feeling in my heart and stomach was indescriable, I know at least one of you has to know what I mean. Then I started ranting to myself, which is what i do because I always have soemthing to say, and not always have someone who'll listen. No, I digress, I was ranting about how I was so Happy, I was convinced that I had just found the answer to World Peace of all things, if everyone could feel how I felt at that moment then...it would be glorious. A new golden age of mankind, all brought about by Ponies. I thought the world could change because of a Tv show. And all of this was going on as I had started to really, really hate my surrondings mostly the people and the repition of my routine, not my Family of course, but it'd gotten to a point where I'd just been suffering from something painfully close to depression. So really, I think I needed this. I tend to complain about overzealous, missionary bronies trying to spread the good word of ponies others, and I know how they feel, for the most part. I was there, there was a 6 month timespan where I thought FiM was infalliable, i thought it was the second coming of Great Tv.


That feeling faded after a while, Ponies just didn't feel the same, I love them, but ti's just not the same. But I won't give up my hope in the show. And I've decided to contnure my quest to change the world, I just won't use ponies as a tempalte. I'll do it with good old fashioned Human willpower and ingenuity. But i digress, so I joined Ponychan some weeks later, and I was the strangest kind of person in relation to the show. I started out a fan of the fandom and I ended up a Fan of the show. For the longest time, i refused to watch episodes, I can't remember why though. I didn't even watch Season 1 in it's entirety until last Summer. That rewatch thread I hosted is one of my proudest creations. Damn prudes didn't archive it though. Anyway, after a series of events and conflicts and bannings I eventually..."quit" Ponychan and went over to /mlp/, it took a while but I realized that that is the worst board ever, so I went to /co/, while I couldn't talk about ponies(really wish I knew that before I started posting a few images) I was having fun. I stayed a brony, they'd call me an apologist, for a few months. But it never came to a head, until Teen Titans Go premiered. Prior to that point, while not popular, I was a pretty, accepted guy, since I used a name for adimaration mongering people could recognize me, but luckily I was still able to have good conversations with it and the shitposters were few and far between. When "Go" premiered, I ended up being that guy defending the fandom, keep in mind that there was a pony reference and people really got "offended" by that, and it really bit me in the ass. So I was...chased off of /co/ and I've been hiding on Youtube ever since. I made this account a loooong time ago but I've only started really using it recently. i could probably head back to /co/, but in all honesty judging by what I had seen in my last days there, board quality was decreasing rapidly. So I'll stay away. ironic isn't it? Ponies are what I originally went to 4chan for, and they're why I left.


So nowadays, I'm just trying to get popular. It's a process, but eventually my waiting should pay off.


So that's my brony story. It was a ride man, it was a freaking ride.

Edited by Mzukiller

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I became a brony sometime in April 2011, realizing these ponies were all over on the Minecraft forum, and I actually watched G3 My Little Pony when I was little. I still think G4 is much better than G3, though.

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Well, when I was a pre-schooler, the 90's My Little Pony (the one where they wore clothes, went to school, etc.) was my favorite show. At this point, the previous generations of MLP are unwatchable, so I can't really say it all started then.


It actually all started a few weeks to a month after people started really discussing MLP:FiM on 4chan. There was an announcement on Somethigawful saying that pony talk was bannable and there were members with pony avatars all over the forum, as well as some avatars with less than attractive people with the text "brony spotted" under them.


Anyway, a while before that, I read on Jezebel that there was going to be a new MLP made by Lauren Faust, and being a fan of Powerpuff Girls, I assumed it would be at least halfway decent. However, what really pushed me to watch the series was the explosion of controversy on Somethingawful. That fact that a large portion of the male 20somethings were unironically praising the show up and down came as a complete shock to me initially.


So, I watched the first episode (for science) and I was hooked! I think i remember watching the first season in two nights. It was genuinely funny, not the kind of "I can put up with this" funny that elicits an obligatory chuckle, but a full-on giggle.


what really stood out to me the most was the animation. It was obviously flash, but it just had an overall feel that made it seem so much more vibrant and put together than other flash animations I've seen. The attention to detail and the characters being in constant motion really gave the show a feeling of higher production values. I also think the design was perfect for the show, everything from the characters to the whole world and all the little extras/props.


Buuuut... The best part of the show? The thing that made me go "wow!"? It was the characters' body language, especially their facial expressions. At the time it was seriously such a fresh thing to see on a children's show. It was hilarious. It's definitely a trend that's really caught on with other kid's shows now (especially post-season 1 of Adventure Time, another great show), so you do notice it a little less now, and MLP has been moving away from all the physical and random comedy, but I actually think its a good thing. MLP is focusing more now on the storyline and world building, and I really think its a good direction to go. It's a great show and the writers owe it to themselves to take it more seriously.

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Hey guys. Just wondering how you found MLP. Was it recommend by a friend, did you stumble upon it, or were you one of the first bronies way back in 2010? In case any of you want to know, I was introduced to the show by a guy on Youtube (or, a company he works for) named Brownman, or Ray. Some of you might know him, and some may know that he is a huge fan of MLP, specifically AJ. In short, he said to try it out, I gave it a shot, and fell in love with it.


                                                   You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman

Signature made by Kyoshi

MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member


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For me it was really simple. I did a google search for something like "my little pony friendship is magic forums" and this board is the first thing that comes up. I was looking for someplace where I could meet with (somewhat) like-minded individuals and discuss...stuff. Oh, and also share my fanfiction writings too! If I ever get any of them finished, that it. >_>


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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I saw a video on YouTube called "Starscream vs Rainbow Dash". After seeing how awesome Rainbow Dash was I decided to check out the first episode and to my surprise the show wasn't half bad. Shorty after seeing the first episode I got hooked on the show and here I am now smile.png

Edited by NightOwl
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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I found the show on the google. I was searching for stress and depression relief and someone suggested MLP. Since the only other option I could think of was to drink it away, what did I have to lose? Turns out I was missing out on something huge! Better late than never I guess...

I also found the forums on the google. I searched for brony forums and this one was the best designed and easiest to use. Not having any local brony friends, I was wanting to reach out and find friends I could relate to. I think I found a good place to hang out.

  • Brohoof 1

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one!

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Well I kept seeing ponies on devianart, and on google images. I thought it was just some trend or trolls, but I wanted to check it out. I used to always make fun of it, and when I just started watching the first episode, I laughed too! :P 


But by the time I finished the second episode I was hooked! Which is why I really wish some people would give the show a chance instead of hating on it when they havn't seen it. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I actually wasn't aware of the brony phenomenon at all when I was first introduced to it. It was completely brand new to me. My friend told me I should try it out, and sent me a few mlp youtube links, such as Meeting Fluttershy and the Smile Smile Smile song. I thought it was pretty cool from the get-go, and next thing you know I watched all of the episodes within the span of a month.

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I heard about how the show was apparently pretty terrible or something, but that only really made me more curious, so I started looking into clips of it, the first clip I ran into while randomly on youtube it was Fluttershy staring down the cockatrice in stare master with guiles theme playing.


Soon after looking at more Fluttershy clips I decided to watch a full out episode, then another, and another, and then I became a fan.


Thats the compressed story of how i found MLP more or less :P.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Found out about the show way back in 2010 on 4chan. It was just before the whole rage fest started. I remember there were just 5 episodes, last one being Griffon the Brush-Off. Anyway, I noticed more and more ponies on /b/ until people started to troll eachother and I just had to find out what the hell was going on. Not that I was judgmental or anything, I was just curious. From one random video to another led me to check out the show. And boy, was I in for a surprise. I got hooked immediately and have loved the show ever since. 


So yea, curiosity. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I kept finding references on the Internet, couldn't understand the draw.


Then my roommate and my fiance forced me to watch an episode.

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Actually, my younger sister saw it before I did. She came home one day with a My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic CD and she started to watch it. I was bored so I decided to watch too. I got curious after the 5 episodes were over and looked up a few more episodes on YouTube. I watched the entire 2 season in less than a week. That's how I became a Pegasister.

  • Brohoof 1



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I was super tired at three am with my sister (one year younger than me) and cousin (a year older) and we jokingly looked up Rainbow Dash, assuming we'd see the stuff we used to watch when we were little. Blown away by her new design, we decided to watch the first episode, and we fell in love with the designs of the mane six and the animation. My sis started looking around the fan base, and soon after found these forums, which all three of us joined shortly after. :)

  • Brohoof 3

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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I used to hack older video games such as the GBA and below pokemon games, and mainly Super Mario World. The Super Mario World hacking field is was crazy popular. There's a website that has tons of resources and everything. They also had forums to discuss hacking other games and some non hacking topics. There was a section for media kind of like here and saw a thread for the show and I was like "wat." I saw people praising it and saying positives things about it and I thought they were joking. In the end I decided to watch it and was amazed. This happened after the winter wrap up episode. I was a very early brony 

[insert cool signature here]

https://www.facebook.com/GhostlyPumpkinPokemon - Gourgeist on facebok

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It all started when my friend (a guy) back in my 2010-2011 Computer Technology BOCES class started taking about ponies , MLP, and had a wallpaper on his Desktop. He was one of the only people at that time who had a 3DS other then me and a few other people. I thought he was a cool guy so i knew something was up about ponies and MLP, so one day i found the first episode on youtube. I was amazed with it and proceeded to watch about 5 episodes a day until i caught up with the episode Owl's Well that Ends Well on the Hub when it aired. So i would say this all happened in April of 2011. I learned more about the bronies around the same time of first watching it when i noticed all the image macros and youtube videos when i searched MLP.

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Back when ponies were viral ( and they still are) I was just one of the millions of people who were curious to see what about the show was so good and why it was so popular.


It starts with just a few episodes, then most people see what the fandom has to offer like art, music and stories. Going to Equestria Daily got me hooked on MLP.

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I found it on a forum. Some one had started a MLP topic around the start of 2011 and I saw one by one, almost every person I knew on the forums start using pony avatars. I wanted to stay out of whatever they were doing. But by mid 2011 I thought I ought see what all the commotion was about and watched the first episode.


Best decision ever.

  • Brohoof 2
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