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Mint Petal

What month did you join the herd?  

142 users have voted

  1. 1. What month did you join the herd?

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  2. 2. What year did you join the herd?

    • 2011
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Well....it all started when i received this special armor set if you look at my signature in Halo 4, a month after the games release.  So, im playing a regular match, and all of a suddenly, someone yells out to me, "We have a Brony".  Now, I responded, "what the hell is brony?", and the one who yelled it out, just remained silent, and noticed I didn't know what it was.  After a few minutes, my girlfriend tells me what a Brony is and it truly surprised me, but I was pretty much rejecting my gf to watch the show.  She eventually showed me the Brony Documentury, which literally blew my mind to the next world, lol.  Could not believe it, but i still didn't want to watch the show.  After days of my girlfriend begging me, i finally sat down and watch one episode, which apparently was with Gilda.  In less than 2 minutes, I realized that almost the main cast came directly out of Black Lagoon.  Eventually thats how i grew an interest in the show, which then I felt like Rainbow Dash, saying she's an egghead.  While me on the other say, "Im a Brony".  That's how it all started.   Sorry for the life story, but it was pretty wild.

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I became a brony November 14th of 2013. When a friend simply asked for me to check it out. I went "well heck. i might as well check it out." Then the next thing that i knew i was watching the whole series. And still my parents don't know that i am one. And i am sure everyone is afraid of their parents finding out about it. I had my brother try and he just couldn't get into MLP because he likes more dark, comedy type genres. So i know there are people out there who can't get into it. So now you all know. There are some people that just can't get into a kids' program like my brother. You would have to know them before you even attempt anything like that if they like dark humor and stuff of that nature. :P Everypony have a great day!


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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One day, long ago in the distant lands of "the allyway behind my apartment"


I met a magical fairy pony. It was small with little antnna and giant arse butterfly wings.  She told me I was herdtouched, and destined to join up with the ranks of brony.  From then on we set out on a magical jounry the likes of which I've never seen nor will likely see again.


First,  stopping by at the "dumpster of truth" to deposit the refuse I was carrying,  not just the remians of my KFC big bucket, but also my previous mortal coils,  such regular humanity was no longer fiting of a herd so everything no longer needed went into the dumpster.  Frank,  my garbage man, was probably really suprised that morning when he came to get the garbage,  because he was hit by a bus. But, had he looked in the dumpster, he probably would have been suprised there too...but not nearly as suprised as the whole bus thing.


We journied for a long time, or a short time,  or maybe it was a long time,   but possibly a short time,   out and around to the wilds of the city,  getting all the way to "Target",   once there,  my finances wre utilized in the conversion process.   A red shine on my cheeks,   money out of my wallet and I left that store a full fledged "Brony"

   -signature under construction-

Going to a convention I'm going too? ---   http://breakfast-tee.deviantart.com/

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For me started around Christmas 2013.
Had some time off- channel flipping- saw the parody "Two Broke Powerpuff Girls." I could tell Bubbles' voice was original (Tara Strong). I haven't really watched cartoons much in like 10 years (I'm 25) so I searched to see what she does these days. I saw "My Little Pony" on her current projects. I was like "LOL they STILL make that DUMB SHOW?!?! I have a younger sister and would DREAD when she would watch it occasionally when we were little. At this point, I somehow knew NOTHING about the new version or its following and assumed it was like the old versions still. I was thinking that Tara must REALLY need the work to bother with THAT SHOW. I wanted to see her part on it thinking I was going to laugh at how crappy the show is.


I started looking it up on YouTube and ended up confusing myself a little by accidentally watching a few fan made videos. Initially I thought Rainbow Dash was a boy after seeing some of these. I eventually found the first actual episode. Watching the intro song the first time I was wondering WHY the HELL am i BOTHERING with this? The first two episodes I thought were OK. After the Ticket episode I thought the show was actually funny and pretty good. The problem was now I felt like a crackhead. I had to find out WHY THIS WASN'T LIKE ANYTHING LIKE I REMEMBERED and why did I actually kind of like it?! I really don't like anything else like it. I was never into stuff like Harry Potter, Pokemon/anime, or Video games (besides car racing ones) or really anything else like the show. Well I was even more surprised when I found out the show had a huge following.

What I like about it most is that It's a show with a good message made by good and talented people who TRULY care about the quality of the work they do. I mean look at a lot of the crap that's out there these days (not just limited to cartoons) that is "popular" and/or considered "Good" by a lot of people.

Edited by steve88



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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For those who cannot read enormous walls of text, I will just say that I was an anti-brony for a few months.  Then I watched an episode, debated becoming a brony for two and a half months, and then converted just two weeks ago.


Alright, for those who have a long attention span, here goes.


For as long as I have known about bronies (since 2011-2012?), I disliked them, although I didn't necessarily care.  For some reason, I began to give them more attention last August (2013).  I think now that it may have been triggered by seeing a news article criticizing Equestria Girls, although I am not confident.  Before long, I became fascinated with the brony culture, and soon became knowledgeable in MLP: FIM stuff.  This made me more anti-brony, and I wanted to understand the bronies since I had a feeling that it would become a fad to strike my high school this year (if Despicable Me did it, why can't this?).  In reality, I have observed only half a dozen bronies to date, all of which are theater geeks or students with mental problems.  The anti-brony phase lasted at least three months.


Then came November 30th, the day when everything changed.  That was the day that I watched my first episode (FIM part 1).  I was expecting to be able to watch it and strengthen my anti-bronyism as a result.  I knew that this is how many bronies were made, and I tried to make sure that I did not meet the same fate.  Of course, I loved that episode.  Over the next two weeks, I watched two other episodes (FIM part 2 and Ticket Master), which I didn't like as much as the first, but made me want to watch more after a few days for some reason.  Then I restrained myself for a few weeks, since I did not want my first thought of the new year to be ponies (it ended up being my second).  This whole time, I was still an anti-brony, but my mind was at war with itself, and it was driving me crazy! :derp:


On January 7th (2014), I decided that I would watch three episodes.  Out of my arrogance at the time, I made sure I chose episodes that bronies thought would be the best for conversion (Sonic Rainboom, Party of One, and Lesson Zero).  I loved those episodes, so I watched Boast Busters a few days later.  I hated that episode, but it didn't stop me from watching Dragonshy a week later, which I really liked.  At that point, I was really torn over whether I should become a brony.  In an attempt to get some answers, I got an account here in late January and made a topic titled "Almost a brony...", which ended up not helping that much in a final decision.


Then I realized in early February that I had a week off from school approaching.  I decided that I would try to be a brony for that week, to see if I liked it.  And thus on Saturday, February 15th 2014, eleven weeks after watching my first episode, I became a brony.  Later that day, I sort of regretted it, but I settled in with my decision a few days later, which is when I began to watch tons of episodes.  I expect to finish season 1 today, which means that I am watching them at a much slower rate than most new bronies.  However, I will remain closeted about it until I can confirm that I have friends IRL that are bronies (I have suspects among my current friends), but until then I will act like an anti-brony and completely conceal my bronyism.  Since I am one of the most loathed people in my school (strongly introverted and can go insane due to my work ethic at times), I think being an open brony would be suicide. :ph34r:

  • Brohoof 1


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I became a brony halfway through February when my friend told me I would like it. At first I was hesitant but now I love the show and the fan vase around it

My signature is signature... you get it?

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The summer of 2012 was when I first heard about the show and its fans. I saw ScrewAttack's episode of Death Battle between Rainbow Dash and Starscream and I was impressed how she was able to beat him, so I never really had any hate towards the show or its fans. For about a year I never paid it much attention, save for occasionally reading an article or watching a video on Bronies (both positive and negative ones). What got me interested in it was when I subscribed to a brony on YouTube (mainly it was for video games) in which I watched some of his episode reviews, as well as even watching some people's YouTube Poops of the show. I became fairly interested in it, so I decided to watch the show and after seeing the first two episodes, I instantly became a fan.


Signature by Kyoshi

Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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My pony tendencies existed since the spring of 2012 upon coming in contact with bronies on the internet, my liking for them were just dormant. After a failing attempt to date this one girl I suddenly dug deeper into the inner mechanisms of the community and suddenly became one with my interests for anthro clinging on. I completely forgot about the furry community though....


I remember my cousin laughingly bringing up the subject of this male fellow in his classroom writing My Little Pony fan fictions a year prior to my comeuppance.

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It all began on the radio... My father and I were on our way home from our grandparents when we listened to a radio chat about Bronies. We listened and found it strange that men in their 30's were watching a show that was on the Hub.


At first, like many people out there, I thought it was unusual and I didn't really think it was right... however, a few months after that, I started to gradually think more about ponies. I kept seeing them all over the older versions of iFunny and kept finding the ponies.... adorable...


It wasn't until late December in 2012 did I actually start talking about ponies and thinking about them being awesome. I was dared to watch just a few episodes on the internet around my birthday in January. Not two episodes later did I fall in love with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


That, everyone, is how and when I became a Brony.

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About a year prior to my actually becoming a brony I'd heard about the pones through the depths of the internet, etc. Now I thought the idea was cool, but probably not too much for me. At the time I was too busy being obsessed with stuff like World of Warcraft, Starcraft, League of Legends, Touhou, and so on. I had a good friend of mine who due to distance I rarely see nowadays, he got onto the pone bandwagon (and got off way before me, I'll add) at the time I just discovered it.


Cue a year later, about halfway through Season 2. Me and this friend and both our families take a two week vacation through Europe. Being bored nerdy teenagers we spent most of our time making smart ass comments about the historical sites we visited and discussed our various likes. And started mashing them together. Our common point at that point was WoW, so we had this thing where we started crossing over various franchises into the WoWverse for the giggles, like Madoka and Touhou. I still have the notebook around, we took it pretty damn serious those few weeks and I wrote all our notes down in detail.


One of the worlds explored (as an expansion pack) was Equestria. Ponyville would be the hub for the world, blah blah, game details. But when I got back from the trip after this nonsense, I was curious. The way my friend had detailed the show, it seemed much more interesting than when I'd first considered it... I watched it. And it was aight. Like, not a 10/10, but the characters were refreshingly balanced and fleshed out, and I caught up at a leisurely pace... It was when I discovered artists like Silva Hound and Alex S that I flipped the switch and became a full blown brony.

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I got hooked like 4 days ago after watching the first episode on netflix. It hit me that I was a brony today in the shower jaming to brony music, singing along in the shower. So Im really new yall. Lol

  • Brohoof 1
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I can't really remember when I become one...

I do remember how, though! 

My friend told me about it and I gave it a try~

My first ever episode was "Read it and Weep it".  :wub:

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I Dont know what the episode title was but i know it was season one episode one and two that got me hooked. I faught it for almost a month then gave in. Im hooked, and i cant say enough how awesome the cmmunity is

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I became a brony in october 2013, 2 weeks before the release of season 4.


Here's how:


Unlike most Bronies i know i started out as a hater, parasprite, troll, whatever. I stayed that way until I found out that some of my friends were Bronies. One had been a Brony from season 1! Anyway, they all asked me to give it a shot and being as stupid as i sometimes am i said no each time. Then one of them challenged me to watch all of season 1 without becoming a Brony. I accepted and i am ashamed to say, succeeded. But by then Brony YouTubers had me. I started watching video after video. This lasted for 2 weeks until the friend who had challenged me the first time challenged me again. It was to watch season 2 without becoming a Brony. I accepted, but this time thanks to YouTube i failed. Discord took me. I watched up until the very end of season 3 and got hyped for the release of season 4 which at the time was next month. I had successfully been 'reformed' (hence the Discord pic) and welcomed into the herd by my friends, and I don't regret it one bit! 


Yeah i just copyed what i said on the welcome plaza  :comeatus: 

  • Brohoof 1

  "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

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Coworker told me to watch, and I was like, "Psh, whatever. You crazy." Then at some point, the "Giggle at the Ghostly" song showed up in my Facebook News Feed, and I was all "*sigh* I guess I'll see what the fuss is about."


And then  :wub:  :lol:  :P  :D  :yay:  :huh:  :mellow:  :muffins:

  • Brohoof 1
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Hello I am new here


Can I just say I have watched the show and I enjoy it very much, the soundtrack especially! Though I have never really forayed into the brony fandom because I was a bit intimidated by it all, but I feel like I am coming out of my shell! I have been a fan of the show for a while but I have not been a 'brony' so it's lead me to ask this.


Why have you joined the brony fandom?


Apart from the obvious answer: I like the show (I watch it for the plot LOL), because there are some who like the show but arent a brony. Is it the sense of community you like? Or is it the attraction of fan fiction and fan art? I am actually genuinley interested in the fandom but I don't feel ready to call myself a brony, if that makes any sense?



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I joined the fandom simply because of the community.


.. and the art.

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I joined the brony fandom because I wanted to experience their culture such as music, art, and meet ups. I can safely say that YouTube brought me into the brony fandom and I thank them for that. I finally have a brony friend who I met in real life and lives in Texas, so I can't think the fandom enough for being so kind and loving. Thanks bronies, brohoof.

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I joined because the show was charming, and the culture was fascinating. 

"Don't only practice your art,
But force your way into its secrets,
For it and knowledge can raise men
To the Divine." -Ludwig van Beethoven

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Would you all agree that perhaps the community is sort of like a safe haven to talk about the show and all that? Obviously the show isnt something that youd perhaps discuss in college or school or something like that?

  • Brohoof 1
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Would you all agree that perhaps the community is sort of like a safe haven to talk about the show and all that? Obviously the show isnt something that youd perhaps discuss in college or school or something like that?

Exactly bro. Im a redneck living in kentucky and cant really talk about the show here, if ya ever met me you would never know I was a brony. So I agree, its a safe haven indead.

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After I watched the documentary back in February of this year

I had watched the show back in 2010, but I started it from the middle and was only able to to watch a few episodes, so it didn't stick as much

So this time, I saw it from the beginning and enjoyed it a lot more ^^

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