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Name at least one thing that frightens you about the future


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I'm more afraid of what my personal future will be like, will I be doing something I enjoy? Yeah, I'm sure there are more people wondering about that too.




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Half the countries around now not existing.. my bucket list includes going to every country

Only 1 language in the world - killing my precious Russian puns

Euro failing

To each their own

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Becoming an adult and being on my own.


No joke this is frightening. I'm 17 and graduating high school in June. I'll be on my own at college 6 hours away from my family. I have social anxiety and it scares the crap outta me.

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Dying alone in the dead of winter.




Without having the forethought to kill the heat and pose in a manner that prevents my fitting through the door.


Gotta get a laugh, right?

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Not getting a job, or even if i do, not getting the one i want.


Never becoming less introverted.


i am not kidding when i say that i´d rather die than live a garbage life.

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I have a few things that worry me about the future.


1. Muslim Terrorists becoming an everyday occurrence. They seriously need to go away or be dropkicked into space through an air lock of the death star. I'm tired of them wanting to harm others for shits and giggles. They need to be dealt with in some way.


2. Russia getting too cocky and bringing back the bad Russia. They say they aren't involved with Ukraine but we all know that they are pushing the buttons. What is to stop them from doing it to another country and then an another and so on?


Those are my top two concerns for the future.

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I fear being poor to the point where I have to steal in order to eat. I fear that in the future, I wont have a place to sleep at night other than the nearest park bench. I fear that since I grew up middle class, I will not advance forward into upper class; that my only other option is poor. I fear a nuclear war that wipes out everything in a matter of seconds.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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When I was a child the various TV specials about ancient doomsday prophecies always scared the crap out of me; and I had trouble viewing the future as anything other than a bleak mess as a result of the destruction by earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. >_<


Now-a-days, I'm much more mellow. If anything I worry that extreme morality will govern laws & the like. No more gaming, no more fantasy, no more sci-fi, and the like...

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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The fear that one day... MLP will be over.


Be it the declining quality or the end of production.

 I'd much prefer a sudden end to production of the show that a decline in quality.


Not being able to marry Rainbow Dash. 


And unlike lots of people I know.. I want the zombie apocalypse to happen. It would be so awesome!! 


It would be awesome until you remember that for every zombie in the world, there is one less human who was alive only a short time ago and that humanity is getting ever closer to extinction. Not to mention the sheer ecological damage that would have happened once humans are not around to take care of their toys.



Anyway, I'm afraid of what humanity will do once it reaches the distant stars. Maybe afraid isn't the right word, more concerned I guess.

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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                          My concern, and perhaps also frightens me is the state of this planet, to which we will pass down to future    generations. What state will it be in in say, 150yrs. will it be a toxic waste pool, or worse. Because it seems to me that the      people of today, and as is often the people in power, who do nothing but make excuses. Excuses, that mostly are, just that reassons to do nothing, and that is followed up by how bad we need more weapons, and machines of war. They care not about the future, much less the one planet in which we live, there life concern seems to be based on death, and destruction. A big scary distance future I see for sure is in the industry of (Nuclear Waste) which then is stored underground or in a old salt mine. Which is crazy, cause the element (Plutonium-239) alone has a half-life of  24,110yrs.  and I'm sure that within that  24,110yrs. our human made containers, (Picture included) will at some point, leak. Which in-turn will cause the  contamination of places that are uninhabital for perhaps thousands of years, so that to me seems a  frighten future for our decendents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      post-31415-0-49486300-1422522147.jpg  post-31415-0-20096300-1422523099_thumb.png


                                           Signature created by Starlight Glimmer  Avatar made by ConcorDisparate

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Homework due dates *shudder*


age... I'm scared for the loss of my youthful beauty before I can even use it.


and the inevitability of death.... I really don't want to die... I'm scared of death.

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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Me. I am afraid that in the future I will change to be a worse person, the world changing, yeah don't matter much to me, technology, over population, nah that don't scare me, I am worried that I will change, I like me now, not some boring older me with absolutely no life and future to my own.

Edited by Void Crawler

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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One of my most prominent fears is that I could easily die alone somewhere, so suddenly and unable to even call my parents or friends. To die in a traffic accident or from things that are beyond my control without any warning whatsoever. Whenever I wake up in the morning and set off to work I couldn't help but to think that... wow, all it takes is just someone to jerk their hands unexpectedly and I'd meet my maker, just like that and boom.


Yeah, it's somewhat really personal and tad selfish. The other one that I kept thinking is that how likely it is that I will slave away most of my productive age as if trying to meet some indiscernible quota, then grow old without actually ever lived.


I've been trying to stop thinking less about things that could be and more things that are, but bloody hell it's hard T7d48.png


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Yeah I'm also afraid of bad cops.... One false (seemingly-criminal) move and it could be the end for myself... It can happen to anyone, unfortunately.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Wow, I see quite a few "death" responses.


Personally, I'm actually more afraid for my relatives dying than myself dying. I have a pretty huge family on both my mother and father's sides, and I care for all of them simply because they're family. Yet throughout my life, I've never actually had to attend funerals on a consistent basis like most people with large families often do. In fact, I was 19 the first time I lost one of my relatives (I'm 24 now), and she remains the only one I had lost up until recently when my grandfather passed last month. 


What I'm really afraid of is that at some point, my relatives are going to start dying one after another within a relatively short span of time, like perhaps I'll have to attend at least one funeral every month or every other month. That really scares me. 

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I just fear of losing my horses. I likely wouldn't have become a brony if it weren't for my love of horses in the first place. Truth is I fear for them every day I hear something bad is happening or is about to happen. I worry my head off every time one of them gets hurt in any way. I guess that's what I fear most. Just losing them. I've started worrying about them again as I type this. For one of them is injury prone and tends to get hurt more often than most others.

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The inevitable heat death of the universe where eventually the last source of light in the universe will go out and everything will end in a state of complete void.










... And like, skeletons. They're spooky.

  • Brohoof 1



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This is going to sound really, really, really dumb... but I'm worried about when actors, voice actors, singers, writers, artists, hell even YouTubers I enjoy inevitably retire/die. Aside from that, falling into supremely terrible debt or a president making a completely and utterly stupid choice that will totally screw over everyone also sound pretty bad. Oh, and my family dying. And when I die because I have so many ambitions and things I'd like to experience and do with my life and I'm worried I won't get to. Still on the subject of dying, I'm afraid I'll die in a super painful way or catch some really bad disease that I'll have to suffer through for a long time. Plus, I'm worried about the consequences of the decisions I make. I don't do anything back, but I'm just scared that I'll do something to make everyone hate me, make fun of me, etc. but at the same time, I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I just completely contradicted myself... Whoops... :adorkable:


To sum it all up, worry about too many trivial things.

Edited by Princess Derpy
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