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Why does it seem Bronies are so against change in the show?


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People whine about everything. It's really that simple. I've seen people quit going to a restaurant because they changed the furniture. The annoying Gen 1 Pokemon fans hate on every new generation. TF2 fans hated on that one extension that I can't remember the name of. People didn't want to abolish slavery. People didn't want to give women the vote. People are still buttholes. Bronies that complain really aren't that different. They're just scared of change.

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Well you've got the answer a few times now, the whole question is wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. Sorry if I'm being terse, but you're looking for a strawman.

What do you mean I don't know what I'm talking about? Of cause I know what I'm talking about I'm talking about the over-reactors. The people who rage over the slightest difference, yes I have received some answers about people being reluctant to change but now people are posting as if I'm attacking the people who just casually questioning the change. Casually questioning it is fine because that leads to discussions.


I'm talking about the people who are like "OMG THEY ARE DOING WHAT TO TWILIGHT? I'M LEAVING THIS FANDOM!" That's who I'm talking about. But it's clear none of us are on the same page of what this thread is asking so I'm just going to ask a mod to lock it.

  • Brohoof 1
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People whine about everything. It's really that simple. I've seen people quit going to a restaurant because they changed the furniture. The annoying Gen 1 Pokemon fans hate on every new generation. TF2 fans hated on that one extension that I can't remember the name of. People didn't want to abolish slavery. People didn't want to give women the vote. People are still buttholes. Bronies that complain really aren't that different. They're just scared of change.

Hah, try and tell me this isn't a hate thread.

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The changes before the episode was announced were Cadence being an Alicorn and introduced and also introducing the fact that Twilight Sparkle had a brother via Shining Armor.


To be quite fair, Twilight having a brother out of nowhere was indeed a case of poor writing and contrivance. That really shouldn't be defended, whether you overreacted about it or not.  




Inevitably the same thing happened with Alicorn Twilight with all the rage and panick but in season 4 nobody is raging and have again just accepted it.



More likely, the dissenting voices were finally silenced after the months of the "Twilight is officially the only main character while the other five are sidekicks" sentiment. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not an over reactor, but I think it's easy to understand.  When you have something you care about and you feel that it is being threatened, it's natural to react.  The more you care about it and the more you think that it's going to be harmed or ruined, the bigger your reaction.  It's not always easy to be optimistic and assume the best is going to happen.  

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As long as the thread is still open I'll offer another two cents. More than those that get riled up, what's with the people who get over things so easily afterward? Who can blame people for getting outraged over Equestria Girls? But then it's every single bit as awful and stupid and vapid as anyone could have imagined but sure enough no one really cares anymore.


It's almost like the complainers, even when right, are able to just let go of this stuff while the superfans stay bitter and hostile against them forever.

  • Brohoof 2
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   This is a good question, one I have pondered for some time, the main hypothesis I have is the nostalgia, some bronies have for the first and second seasons, I too have some attachment to the older seasons too, but not enough to keep me from enjoying the new. The changes that did happen, such as Princess Twilight Sparkle, loss of the elements of harmony and Discord reforming, did bring new fans, myself included, yet some are worried the show would loose appeal, and they would loose interest, but it is more than just the show that made My Little Pony into a phenomenon, the dynamic and open fandom contributed as well, sure a few bronies will mope, reflecting on the good ol' days, I will not miss out on the improvements to the animation or the story, lastly, I do not want to miss out on meeting new bronies too.   

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I was late to the fandom and actually started watching after the entirety of S4 was aired, and when she turned into an Alicorn in S3, my first reaction was:


"Huh, season four is gonna be pretty interesting then..."


Just the fact that season 4 existed made it completely fine with me.

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When it comes to this kind of thing, in my experience, there's really is no easy spot to place the blame. Because while there is such a thing as nostalgic bias, there's also what I like to call "new toy" bias, where it's simpler for people enjoying the latest episode to dismiss the older ones and tell themselves they have everything they need right here. 

Having watched all of the episodes in row over the past few months and looked up some of the corresponding reactions, I actually find the brony fandom relatively accepting of new things compared to other fandoms. In fact, while I found season 3 and some of season 4 a little more wooden and less inspired than the first two (for example, the surprise bursts of creativity like reworking songs from musicals, Benny Hill chase scenes, and Twilight bursting into flames don't really happen anymore), most people, when I said so, seemed to wish I'd been a little more positive. And despite the instances of minor backlash that do speak to nostalgic bias, just look at Twilight becoming a princess: It would sound like a huge sellout from the outside looking in, and even worse, the episode did only the bare minimum to justify it. But the writers found legitimate ways to weave it into the story after that and continue to explore her character, and not only did the fans seem willing to hear them out, as far as I can tell, all but the obligatory minimum of ill will has been washed away. 

Edited by The Second Opinion
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As long as the thread is still open I'll offer another two cents. More than those that get riled up, what's with the people who get over things so easily afterward? Who can blame people for getting outraged over Equestria Girls? But then it's every single bit as awful and stupid and vapid as anyone could have imagined but sure enough no one really cares anymore.


It's almost like the complainers, even when right, are able to just let go of this stuff while the superfans stay bitter and hostile against them forever.


Well, what exactly is the point of staying angry forever about something like this? I can understand why someone might get angry about a change in the show, or something like Equestria Girls, but its only natural for that anger to fade as time goes on.

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Personally, I only am wary of change if I feel it will have a drastically negative impact on the show. Twilight becoming an Alicorn was scary because, to me, it signified the beginning of the end. Twilight goes from being a normal unicorn to being this ultra important magical demigod. I thought it was going to become twilight and her henchmen. Then the opposite happened which I didn't expect. They made twilight, in my opinion, the most boring character of season 4. She did nothing, was not using her new role as princess/alicorn to any potential, and lost what made twilight twilight.


Other things like how every season premier/finale they get a new power... it gets old really quickly to me. They are the rainbow crystal ponies of the elements of harmony and rock. I know its to sell toys... but form a lore.cannon perspective, it just makes them be super ultra mega important when in reality... they are just ponies who happen to represent a particular harmony.

Overlooking the powers and the new roles twilight might get, the only thing that troubles me now days is all the not so subtle pop culture and brony references in every episode. It was fun when we made references out of tiny jokes... now days it seems the writers are like "Look, its doctor whooves and rose together. Isn't that so funny!?!?!1"


In the end, I think season 4 was probably my favorite, but things like that scared me about the future of the show.

  • Brohoof 1
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I know you told me not to give this as a response but I'm going to do so anyways.  It happens all the time and is the nature of fandom.  Any time there's a big change fans worry that the change of direction could be bad.  Twilight as a winged princess and no longer a student of Princess Celestia was a huge dose of changes in a few seconds.  It's real easy to see that taking everything in a less desirable direction.  Some folks (just like in real life) prefer to keep going with what works rather trying something new and scary.

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Because they are so used to the elements that were around when they started watching. I do kind of freak out when a change is made but I get used to it. I'm really anxious to see how Twilight performs as a princess.

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Status quo can be something that's very hard to give up when people have been used to it for awhile. Not just in this fandom, but in anything. Look at sports for example, many people are attached to players they come to love and know, and are more averse to rookies and seeing old players get traded or retire. If you don't believe me, just look at NASCAR for example and how fans and fellow peers are reacting to Jeff Gordon semi-retiring.


People are also averse especially to changes they expect, let alone disagree with. Sudden and unexpected changes and/or those that come with few valid reasons, at least initially will always raise eyebrows. The old adage "Don't fix what ain't broke" has held true for good reason. Its not to say of course that these are the only changes people will react to negatively, but they often are among those.


I myself was mainly vocal about the Twilacorn move. The potential negatives of it I could list off aside, it was very sudden, abrupt and came with little explanation. Big changes like that moreover are bound to rile people up.


Besides that why should it be a problem that people complain about change or things in general? They are entitled to their opinions as much as the apologists and supporters are. Active and open discourse has been vital to this fandom, and any good fandom's survival.

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I'd like to believe that people do not like change because they may feel comfortable with something that they are passionate about. And when a drastic, or big, change occurs they are going to be angry about it.

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What I mean by this is whenever a new toyline or character is introduced such as a new power or pony growing wings or even the introduction of a new alicorn. Bronies seem to collectively run around on fire screaming 'its over /ragequit fandom' It's like they've never watched a TV series before in their lives.


I would love to see them watch Venture Brothers all the way through, the amount that show evolves and changes shows exactly why change is good cause it keeps the show lively, None of the additions really phased me apart from Alicorn Twilight but that was more of a case of when it happened rather than why for me. I saw it as inevitable.


So why is it that the slightest change tends to cause chain reactions of hatred and panic in the MLP:FiM community


P.S don't say it doesn't happen because it happens all the time and then it passes and people then accept it.

What I mean by this is whenever a new toyline or character is introduced such as a new power or pony growing wings or even the introduction of a new alicorn. Bronies seem to collectively run around on fire screaming 'its over /ragequit fandom' It's like they've never watched a TV series before in their lives.


I would love to see them watch Venture Brothers all the way through, the amount that show evolves and changes shows exactly why change is good cause it keeps the show lively, None of the additions really phased me apart from Alicorn Twilight but that was more of a case of when it happened rather than why for me. I saw it as inevitable.


So why is it that the slightest change tends to cause chain reactions of hatred and panic in the MLP:FiM community


P.S don't say it doesn't happen because it happens all the time and then it passes and people then accept it.

Ok I'm so glad that you get it. I am wondering the same thing. Me and my cousins who are pegasisters love Equestria Girls but my other cousin who is a Brony pretty much hates it. I mean it has its flaws but it doesn't deserve this much hate. I was actually proud of the moment when Twilight became an alicorn. This is just my opinion :/

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It isn't just bronies who hate change. I mean, look at the Sonic fandom. Sonic Boom (a spin-off mind you) changed Sonic's arms to blue and made Knuckles a ripped moron. The fandom went berserk from that. When you think of a certain show or whatever, what you imagine in your head is different compared to how far you are in that show. When a large change occurs, your mind might say "No! This isn't the show that I know!" You'll then go into denial about the change. Most people aren't like this, however, and accept change with a smile. I would be one of those people. Shows don't go anywhere if they stay the same forever.

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Looking back I remember when Equestria Girls first came out, and everypony flipped, then they saw it and alot of ponies loved it. Same with when Twilight became an alicorn, I think it has something to do with fear that the characters personality will change with their bodies.

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It isn't just bronies who hate change. I mean, look at the Sonic fandom. Sonic Boom (a spin-off mind you) changed Sonic's arms to blue and made Knuckles a ripped moron. The fandom went berserk from that. When you think of a certain show or whatever, what you imagine in your head is different compared to how far you are in that show. When a large change occurs, your mind might say "No! This isn't the show that I know!" You'll then go into denial about the change. Most people aren't like this, however, and accept change with a smile. I would be one of those people. Shows don't go anywhere if they stay the same forever.

Heh, yeah, because you'd probably laugh and enjoy it if Applejack were rebooted into a bulky idiot and Twilight did nothing but use long words.

Seriously, why isn't this thread locked yet?

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