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How do you sneeze?


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I sneeze decently loud and it sounds like I'm coughing or something, it also hurts. I usually sneeze three times in a row at least.


:o thats interesting! I only ever really sneeze once or maybe twice if I'm lucky :x (I love the feeling)!


Personally I am a loud and proud sneezer :D! Its nice because it clears everything and no one cares if you are loud when your sneezing :)!

Like a sprinkler. For Celestia's sake, I sometimes think I'll short circuit my laptop from just sneezing my own saliva all over. I tend to shoot some also when I yawn.


:o thats really interesting! I don't think I have ever herd of anyone like that before :x!


Do you have to carry tissues around with you all the time?

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:o thats really interesting! I don't think I have ever herd of anyone like that before :x!


Do you have to carry tissues around with you all the time?


Nah. I just cover my yawns and sneeze with my arm or hand. My mouth tends to salivate a lot so I end up shooting off some of it when I yawn or sneeze.  :adorkable:

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Nah. I just cover my yawns and sneeze with my arm or hand. My mouth tends to salivate a lot so I end up shooting off some of it when I yawn or sneeze.  :adorkable:




This must be awkward if you ever are sitting in a large crowd! Not sure I would like to be the guy sitting infront of you ;)

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This must be awkward if you ever are sitting in a large crowd! Not sure I would like to be the guy sitting infront of you ;)


Projectile spit cannon go! lol jk  :please:


But seriously. If some did rain on you, it wouldn't make you sick or anything unless I was already sick. I rarely get sick anymore as it is.  :toldya:

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I usually just go "Chu!" like Pikachu. I'm silent when I breath in so you don't hear the "ahh" that's usually before the "chu." x3 It's not really loud nor quiet. 

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I sneeze when my respiratory epithelium is irritated. Irritation of this mucus membrane stimulates the endings of the trigeminal cranial nerve, sending a message to my brain to activate the sneeze reflex. This coordinated effort between my respiratory, musculoskeletal and parasympathetic nervous systems results in the expulsion of air from my body at speeds reaching 93 mph (150 kilometers per hour)


Thats how I sneeze :squee:


(I totally did not take most of this from http://www.livescience.com/44362-why-do-we-sneeze.html )

  • Brohoof 1
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Unfortunately usually very loudly and, if I don't have a handkercheif handy, very messily. (is that a word? LOL) Yeah, it can be a real disaster at times, especially if I have a head cold. Kinda like a human version of a drooling bull dog. ICK! LOL!

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I sneeze when my respiratory epithelium is irritated. Irritation of this mucus membrane stimulates the endings of the trigeminal cranial nerve, sending a message to my brain to activate the sneeze reflex. This coordinated effort between my respiratory, musculoskeletal and parasympathetic nervous systems results in the expulsion of air from my body at speeds reaching 93 mph (150 kilometers per hour)


Thats how I sneeze :squee:


(I totally did not take most of this from http://www.livescience.com/44362-why-do-we-sneeze.html )


......... I think my brain exploded. Big words hurt! GAAAAHHHH! *passes out after running around in circles*

  • Brohoof 2
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