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How do you sneeze?


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I sneeze very loudly, pretty much yell when I sneeze  :please:. However, I usually cover up my nose when I sneeze so that I'm not annoying people around me  :catface:

  • Brohoof 1
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My sneezes are so loud it's not even funny. When I do sneeze I always make sure I cover my nose with my arm to prevent germs from going everywhere (I've seen people that don't do this o.o). It's weird though, whenever I go out into the sun, I always sneeze. My mom and grandmother has the exact same condition, so I guess it's hereditary.

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I uh... I swear when I sneeze XD I usually sneeze twice and my friends look at me like I'm crazy X3

Interesting enough, I've been doing that lately for some reason. After I sneeze, I swear quietly. :lol: 

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All in one, loud blast. I inhale deeply, then let loose the sneeze with all the driving force I can muster. It sometimes catches people off guard, but there's enough buildup time that its pretty obvious what's about to happen.

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  • 5 months later...

There is an episode of ER where a guy had sneezed out his eyeballs. ER never made up things, so it is very important to always close your eyes while sneezing!

1836955685_shockedSL.pngaaaaaaaaa....  achoo!

  • Brohoof 1
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