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S05:E05 - Tanks for the Memories


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Er, what? This episode didn't introduce those to Rainbow's character. In fact, we've seen her be vulnerable several times. I'm not sure why people keep saying this.


I know we love to decry The Mysterious Mare Do Well but even that episode showed how vulnerable Rainbow could be when she feels she's not admired for who she is. We also have Sonic Rainboom, a season one episode at that, in which she succumbs to stage fright. As far as other interests go, she has that in Read it and Weep (I mean, it was the whole point of that episode...). May the Best Pet Win had her pretty vulnerable, too, outright crying because none of the other pets aside from Tank came back to rescue her when her wing got stuck.


If anything, this episode made her seem overly dramatic and bawwww worthy, which I feel is too much. I don't want Rainbow to be crumpling and weeping over the smallest thing. It's nice to have things that round her character, yeah, but there's a point when you're making the character seek the WHAMBULANCE instead of having actual rounded character.


EDIT: Just noticed you pointed out the reading episode anyway. Here's the thing - unlike other shows who supposedly do the token 'it's okay to read' thing, Rainbow keeps and references that interest in other episodes. Also, it's not the only instance in which she's been invested in something that's completely unrelated to sports; even just two episodes ago, Rainbow was completely focused in helping Twilight feel happy in her home, even giving away her posters which likely meant a lot to her.



those episodes have nothing on this one. Everyone gets jeleous, eveeryone gets stage frieght. This had RD show actual, real, genuine emotion on a level that she never had done so before that the other characters have done every season. Her emotions and her "human" realistic emotional aspect has been in complete lack until now. She has never really truly shown anything beyond her character that is genuine enough to be very convining until this.

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those episodes have nothing on this one. Everyone gets jeleous, eveeryone gets stage frieght. This had RD show actual, real, genuine emotion on a level that she never had done so before that the other characters have done every season. Her emotions and her "human" realistic emotional aspect has been in complete lack until now. She has never really truly shown anything beyond her character that is genuine enough to be very convining until this.

I agree one hundred percent. Rainbow finally let go of her iron self control long enough to genuinely express her grief and sadness over Tank's hibernation, especially when she planned to show him how much fun you can have in the snow. I loved how she continued to express her feeling, by sitting under the tree to read him a bedtime story.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
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Why has it taken five seasons for Rainbow Dash to have a killer solo song of this length and quality? WHY DHX, WHY?


That little irony off my chest...


That was the best episode of S5 thus far, by far. There have been a number of notable Rainbow Dash episodes, both plot-related and slice of life, in-where Dash has really developed as a character. Wonderbolts Academy (giving up her dream for the right ideals), Sleepless in Ponyville (starting to show a softer, caring side), and now this, which tore open what remained of that 'starting to', and has turned it into a feels-filled cavern of character depth.


I was one among many who internally squealed with joy when Dash had little love nips with Tank in the original group pet episode. This entire episode was a capitalization on that. In short, this episode has expanded more on Dash's character, by focusing on what's hidden behind the tough girl act. No matter how tough you act or naturally are, there are moments where even you feel vulnerable, lost, confused, etc. As a Dash fan, this is visual gold to see the show delving more into for Dash's character. hell, all we need now is to meet Rainbow's Parents and her character will have received nearly as much character development as Twilight.


Some other key notes...

* Dealing with the concept of death and the loss of a loved one, without actually hitting upon it directly. This has been something the fandom's been talking about since Season 1. When will the show tackle the concept of death or loss? Well, this is about as close as we've come to that in five seasons. Taken out of context, the entire bedroom scene is a lot more grim if you don't know that he's simply hibernating. You'd nearly think he has to be put to sleep or some grimdark shit. I think it was handled rather well, and was a nice, creative way for the writers to include a theme like this without being direct and blunt about it.


* Differences in approach to dealing with loss. Perhaps even deeper than the theme itself, were the characters actually spending, what, a full three to four minutes of the show actually dealing with this. Those who physically let their emotions flow, those who remain silent and may show absolutely no outward expressions, but who's suffering goes untold inside, and those who are detached from things, not because they don't care, but simply because they're not very adept with displaying their emotions or even dealing with them in ways that most would consider the norm (Twilight).


I can identify with this very well, as I'm sure a whole lot of people can, because while I can sometimes be a Dash or Fluttershy, most of the time I'm a Twilight. I have empathy for those around me who feel sad, but I don't tend to cry or get overtly emotional, outside nor in my head. Again, it doesn't mean that you don't care, it's just a different approach to dealing with trauma and loss. Not a good or bad thing.


I was very, very impressed that the writers delved into that on-screen. It's that kind of subtlety that was seen in Maud Pie. Maud's personality is a very real personality type, that many introverts have. It was great for them to include a character like that, because a LOT of people can identify with Maud's character, and since shows don't usually include those characters much specifically because of how uninteresting they tend to be, it was even more special that they decided to do so anyway, for the sake of providing a character of whom many people could identify with directly. Similarly in this episode, they didn't have Twilight lump into the same group as Applejack or one of the others, she maintained that very realistic detachment that some people simply have for loss. It's a mature thing to include for a show like this.


I could go on for another few paragraphs, but these were the main points I wanted to hit.


Overall, terrific episode. This alone has made me more hyped for what S5 has in store than any of the last four episodes have by themselves.



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Overall a pretty good episode. Although, my only issue is the fact that apparently only 8 or so months have past between Season 2 Episode 7, which is Tanks first appearance, and this episode. For some reason, that just feels wrong.


I know Tank is Rainbow Dash's pet, but since we hardly ever see him, I didn't really feel anything this episode. We really don't have an emotional connection to him.


I like Dashie's song, it was pretty good.


So that Game of Thrones reference wasn't even subtle. They totally just threw that out there, and I freakin' loved it.





Dashie also had some great faces too. Please let that "angry face" she had be a meme. Please someone make it, or at least make it a gif!


Again, pretty good episode. I enjoyed it.


And as always, I uploaded my most recent commentary/review for you all to enjoy/laugh at/ignore. Whatever floats your boat.



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I'm probably the last person in the entire Brony fandom to get this, but I only just realized that RD goes through the five stages of grief when letting Tank go.


Denial: Refusing to accept the fact that Tank hibernates at all

Anger: Raging at everyone who mentions hibernation

Bargaining: Trying to stop winter from coming so Tank doesn't hibernate

Depression: Take a goddamn guess

Acceptance: Letting Tank go into hibernation


Also RD's first non-EG solo song <3

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Suspicion? It was actually confirmed to move around Equestria if I recall. It's main location is quite far from Ponyville if the Equestrian map is to be concerned.


Happen to know when it was confirmed exactly? I'd like to look into that again. ^^

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My favorite of the season so far, and one of my favorite Rainbow Dash episodes now. I thought it was a very cute story and enjoyed Dash's first solo song. Loved the Who's On First joke, and the mass crying scene honestly made me laugh. A very good episode.

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Everyone has a lot of good comments on a very different show.


I liked how Fluttershy was the grown up one in this episode.


What we didn't see was Twilight pulling the Princess strings keeping RD out of prison.

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It was a good episode after all......


It really deals with a issue that has to be faced by all of us eventually in a very......non-stigmatised and overly-harsh manner. This I feel was the essence of the show, that made it magical for me, and its made me really, really happy that it came back to this style again. A parable and a lesson to be learned about an issue. The icing on the cake is that its an issue that I have historically had a massive problem dealing with.

Also, this thing was flooded with meme-worthy material, and references to other pop culture just spilling out the top. Her angry face, the lemons Portal reference, and......winter...is...coming......oh man. Does not help with the (surprise, season 5 too) Game of Thrones.


The song? Well, I am still listening to it now, and I finished watching the episode...um....30 minutes ago? yeah, 10 times non stop loop so far. Its...it fits Rainbow in its tone. Im no music student, but I just feel it does, and its really nice to listen to, one of those moderate songs these days, not the soft classical or the "electric fart" techno, but the perfect middle ground. Im tempted to say classic rock, but I might get blasted for my error by music masters, so I wont say so.



I'm probably the last person in the entire Brony fandom to get this, but I only just realized that RD goes through the five stages of grief when letting Tank go.


Denial: Refusing to accept the fact that Tank hibernates at all

Anger: Raging at everyone who mentions hibernation

Bargaining: Trying to stop winter from coming so Tank doesn't hibernate

Depression: Take a goddamn guess

Acceptance: Letting Tank go into hibernation


Also RD's first non-EG solo song <3


That. Saroth. Comment of the day for me. It clicked, and its just a brilliant insight into what magic they weaved into the episode. It is the stages of grief..........

Damn. Downright brilliance right there. 

Edited by skysweep
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Why has it taken five seasons for Rainbow Dash to have a killer solo song of this length and quality? WHY DHX, WHY?


OMG SO MUCH THIS. I was so freaking excited about the song, probably more than anything else in the episode. FREAKIN' FINALLY, MAN

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Just saw the episode. A lot of rave reviews for this one, huh? B)  That's Rainbow for you. 


I might have to have to let it grow on me, though. There's a lot to take in here. I liked the callback to the Running of the Leaves. Some of the jokes fell flat for me on first viewing (especially the 'Clear Skies' part), but the emotional scenes, wow. I knew Dash loved Tank, but not this much. She was in serious denial and seeing her (and everyone but AJ) cry at the end was a real shock. I think it would have moved me a little more if they didn't play it for laughs quite as much, though. And finally Rainbow got a real, canon song! That was cool, even if her singing voice doesn't sound exactly like her.


The biggest surprise was Fluttershy being the one to make Rainbow face the truth. She never once seemed timid or doormat-like in this episode. Applejack admitting she cries on the inside was also huge. It suggests there's a lot more to her than meets the eye.

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Direct quote from Wikipedia:


The Kübler-Ross model, or the five stages of grief, is a series of emotional stages experienced by survivors of an intimate's death, wherein the five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.


Now, we all know that the show will most likely never deal with death and its emotional and physical consequences in a straight forward way, so all we’ll ever get will be hints and allegories like this very episode here. But that’s the problem: What this episode delivered was - ignoring the continuity breaking by having it aired way after Hearth’s Warming Eve or the actually quite differed way of integrating the five stages and forms of mourn in it - still not a good approach, mostly because of two reasons.


1) It simplifies the Kübler-Ross model. Not by simplifying the model itself, but its very scope. Yes, losing a companion, an emotionally close individual, is a hard thing to take. But Rainbow should’ve known from the very beginning that this “loss” was going to be a temporary one. She knew what hibernation was. She reacted like something really traumatic already happened. Her reaction might have been a totally emotional one, so you can only blame her for not controlling herself, but it was still a very childish one. She overdid it. And that leads to the second reason.


2) She might have not caused any irreversible damage by sabotaging the Winter Lab, but she still did something that wasn’t right. Now, while there is a lesson in the end, it’s just a half one. It was to accept loss and let go when it’s time, but she didn’t learn that doing what she did to prevent tank from hibernating while going through the five stages was wrong, no matter the outcome.


Don’t get me wrong, there are still things about this episode that were great. Honorable mentions go to the song and the comedic parts. I’ll Fly is probably one of the best songs from the show on my list and was the Rainbow Dash song the fans have been waiting for. While it’s not as great as it could have been – mostly because of the context it was presented in and not because of its quality – it still is a very good piece of music. And the way some of the 5-stages-scenes were done was done quite well, especially her getting angry (and her angry face) and the little scene with a more or less puzzled Spike. Not to forget about the scene with Open Skies, Clear Skies and Fluffy Clouds. That one was a really good laugh.


So my final rating of this episode is “Meh”, but probably in a more positive way than my rating of last week’s episode. Tanks for the Memories had a good idea, but failed a bit because of the show’s limits.

Edited by ~StatesTheOblivious~
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Great episode ! The funniest season 5 ( IMO ) episode so far !  :)


I'm the only who think that tanks' hibernation is a reference to "death" ?  :o


Edit: eh...It seems I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Edited by N.O.E.L
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Anypony remember this tweet from M.A. Larson regarding this episode?



What do you think it was? The subtle deal of death, or you think it's Sunshower whan he meant? :huh:  I think is Sunshower  :P

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I utterly adored this episode, and I'm not a particularly big fan of RD. I thought it was a really mature episode, dealt with loss and mourning whilst still being fun. The references were pure gold and overall this is one of the best episodes so far for me :)

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In sports they have the concept of "losing a step".  The show hasn't "jumped the shark" yet, but....  On the plus side, after Twilight's Kingdom there was some debate "Is MLP going to skew to older fans?".  After 5 episodes I can answer that w "absolutely not".


I seem to be the only one to notice that when Dash decided to stop winter, she had the same expression the Grinch did when deciding to stop Xmas.  Also, Dash totally trashed the weather factory & didn't even get scolded?


*Sigh*  The trend continues.  Seems like if I like an episode, everyone else thinks it sucks & vice versa. :(  I seem to have what Parkinson called "negative infallibility"

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This RainbowDash/Tank episode, give me all the feels. And feel conflict was well done. It feel believable to Rainbow Dash character. Even the moment she crid. It still feelt like Rainbow Dash crying. :)


And i might have crid asswell...  :(



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Happen to know when it was confirmed exactly? I'd like to look into that again. ^^

Right near the start, Rainbow says "Cloudsdale is here"


Anypony remember this tweet from M.A. Larson regarding this episode?



What do you think it was? The subtle deal of death, or you think it's Sunshower whan he meant? :huh:  I think is Sunshower  :P

It was the Game of Thrones reference.


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Right near the start, Rainbow says "Cloudsdale is here"


It was the Game of Thrones reference.


Oh, OK. Yeah, I had to guess he rather have more attention to a famous meme (I don't watch GoT, but I'm well aware of the meme), rather than "her"  :P

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Grinch pone. That is all.

I have to say, I really did enjoy this one. So far I'm liking S5 way more than I thought I would. Albeit they seem to be fan pandering a wee bit, but I'm totally ok with it. This show can do that and get away with it, unlike other shows, which is partly why I think it's so great.

I noticed a little hint of Rainbow factory in the scene where RD is sneaking into the weather factory too. Clever little remix though, just enough to make you think, but not enough to be remotely in danger of copying someone's work. Well played Hasbro.

Another thing I would like to point out here is, they finally got to Rainbow Dash in the personal breakdown department. That is interesting to see. We've seen all the others so far, but she has been about the only one who hasn't really broken down until now. Not only that, but they had her do it, in the Cloudsdale weather factory. Yet another subtle reference.

All in all, I'm seeing the same clever writing that got me hooked in the beginning, they're just taking new angles at the ideas now. Which I'm not opposed to at all. Really, I'm impressed they've managed to keep it fresh for 4+ seasons and still manage to put out interesting episodes that keep me wanting to watch the show.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler
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Another thing I would like to point out here is, they finally got to Rainbow Dash in the personal breakdown department. That is interesting to see. We've seen all the others so far, but she has been about the only one who hasn't really broken down until now.


I'd kinda consider her behavior in Mare Do Well in this category-





I will ALWAYS shoehorn this reference in


-but it's sort of like Lesson Zero vs It's About Time. It's About Time had crazy Twilight, but it wasn't, like, her crazy episode.

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That's exactly my point. I do agree, she's had her moments of bad reaction to situations, but she hasn't really broken down.
Mare do well was more of a shot at her ego than anything. She did learn an important lesson, however she didn't lose her mind and do something irrational because of it. This actually shows Rainbow Dash has more than one flaw as a character, which makes her more interesting in general. She also shows signs of having learned from said lessons, as she seems to shut her trap when her friends give her the look when she runs her mouth too much. And even after all this, she still retains her personality, and doesn't seem like a different character because she has to keep herself in check. She still manages to be that egotistical, tomboyish athlete that everyone loves. She just has her ego under control for the most part.

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