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Do you have any fears or phobias?

Probably Lee

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I'm afraid of heights, but only if I'm in an open space. I'd be fine if I was in a skyscraper looking out a window, but put me on the roof and make me look down I become a mess.


I'm also afraid of being stuck in a tight place with something on my face. I feel like I'm being suffocated, even if I'm not.


Also public speaking and wasps/hornets. Screw both of them.



I have a Tumblr for art. Clicky below if you're curious.


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  1. Spiders/Mites (A severe fear, and I don't even know why I'm afraid of balls with long skinny legs)

Heights (When me and my friend were doing a ropes course, we went off early to look at jewelry in Claire's instead since I refused to do anything above the second level)

The Dark (I now regret reading Creepypastas. Jeff is creepy.)

sig-32529.sig-32529.derpy_hooves___put_away_mailbag_by_rj_p-d62jp07.gifMail carrier Derpy is best pony​ derpy_emoticon1.png


But Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are cool too



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  • 2 weeks later...

My ultimate fear at the moment is growing older. I'm constantly pressured to figure out what I want for a career or where I'll go to college, but I have absolutely no clue, let alone how I'll get money to pay for said college, if I even want to attend. I'm worried about my parents dying, how I'll manage my rocky relationship with my siblings, if I'll ever find a significant other, and the idea of paying my own bills with the fear of being unemployed looming over me. I miss the carefree days of being a child, all in all.

  • Brohoof 1

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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Breaded mushrooms. It's hard to explain why. Also... Loneliness. I am terrified of loneliness. I can barely go two hours alone! I have a slight issue with the dark, too.



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I hate having my body restrained (even though I like tight spaces) and swimming in open waters. I'm always on edge if I know there is an insect in my room, even though I'm not necessarily afraid of them.


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Anything with more than four legs is an abomination of life...except house centipedes. House centipedes are real bro-bugs since they eat every other house bug, including each other. Also, they are kind of cute in a terrifying sort of way...









I have a Fear of Death.. cried myself to sleep sometimes...

You're so tired trying to rewind the mess you've made of your own mind


(Woah) But the pieces won't pick up themselves, you know

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I have trypanophobia, fear of needles. Hypodermic needles to be exact. It's not even a fear of sharp objects, I handle knives and even swords comfortably. It's not a fear of blood either. I mean pain hurts yeah but I'm not so adverse to it that I've ever avoided dangerous situations more than any rational person would.


I don't know what it is or what it says about me, but it's just the piercing and the siphoning/injecting feeling. I wish I did know exactly why I feel this way. It's frustrating not to know your own mind. All I know is even the thought of it, even the sight of someone else donating blood or getting an injection makes me light headed, my hands start to shake, and my gut feels like it's quivering.


Oh God it's happenign nww as I'm typing!



I find my phobias quite strange.


They can say a lot about a person can't they? 

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BIG TIME Spheksophobia


Slight aquaphoebia (not to be confused with hydrophobia)


Also, MAJOR Spheksophobia. :sunny:

Sunset Shimmer                         -----*and*-----                        Princess Luna


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                               :wub: Redemption ponies are best ponies :wub:                                                                                        

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Hypochondria, Acrophobia, Arachnophobia, Dentophobia, Claustrophobia, Melissophobia, Mottephobia...

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I have a horrible fear of WASPS. I don't like bees, but when I see a wasp, I want to jump out of a window.


I also have a fear of public speaking. As you can imagine, the public speaking class that I was forced into last year was not very fun (I did, however, get an A+!)

  • Brohoof 2


"In Poniet Russia, Joseph Stallion is you."

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I am afraid of:


- Deep water (mainly oceans)

- Large aquatic life (whale sharks, sharks, etc)

- The dark

- Vomiting

- Demons

- Dying

- Public speaking

- Having my house broken into

- Small and tight spaces

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, my phobias and fears are: 


- spiders

- fear of failure

- fear of being used by others

- heights

- public speaking

- being alone

- singing in front of a large crowd

- roller coasters

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm afraid of falling (but not heights which is hilariously ironic) and the dark. But I'm getting over my fear of the dark.

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I think that right now my biggest fears are of the future and of failure :(. I also fear heights, though :P.

"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist;

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

~ G. K. Chestertonsig-34493.Do4gzZF.png

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I know it might seem "cliche" or "edgy" but I honestly fear losing control of myself... I already have mild sociopathic traits already and am prone to bursts of anger.... also I can't stand being confined or when everything is basically the same.... the season 5 opener messed with my head because of all the same-ness.

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have fears of heights and I have a bit of a claustrophobia (hugs often scare me and I feel like I am being imprisoned, never to be let loose again. It is hard for family members to hug me. 

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