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gaming Most annoying enemies on games?


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Zubat and Tentacool in Pokémon games. One just appears repeatedly when you're trying to catch less common Pokémon. The other spams status effects and are everywhere in sea routes.


Just seeing the word Zubat makes my eye twitch  :blink: , also Spearows, Magickarp and Tentacool are annoying too.

As for other games the Slime cubes in Minecraft are irritating (I hate those things  :angry:).

and in Marvels Avengers Alliance there are the Mindless Ones (whom love to change their class all of a sudden :baconmane: )    

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I'm having trouble thinking of many, I may add some more later, but my current bane are the shockwave MOAs (and their Infested counterparts) on Warframe. Trying to get to a downed friend or to fight your way out of an increasingly unfriendly-looking mob - nope! *Gets sent flying*

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The Beamos' in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword were terrible. In general, I praise the game for the motion control (which is saying a lot for me!), but when it came to defeating this enemy, it was a nightmare.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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The most annoying enemies I faced in a video game would have to be the Crimson Jazz heartless from Kingdom Hearts 2. I remember that every time I had to fight them they would send multiple fire orbs and they would chase you. If you get caught then all the orbs that form hit you and drain your health until the orbs were finished appearing. Then the heartless would make three large fire orbs and they would get closer and closer to you until they exploded and send you flying into the air. Multiples of them is really annoying with the multiple fire orbs they try to hurt you with and becomes difficult to deal with them at times.


For me, it was the Hot Rod Heartless and the Dancer Nobodies.

  • Brohoof 1
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Invincible captains from Shadows of Mordor.


"Yeah... Uhh... You can't hit, sneak, shoot or anything of the sorts with this guy, furthermore he will bane-crush your spine as soon you're in reach. He whiters against fire tho... although he may get a bit mad if he's ablaze. Yeah... I hope you have a good insurance."

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For me, it was the Hot Rod Heartless and the Dancer Nobodies.

I completely forgot about the Hot Rod Heartless. I remember how annoying it was how after a couple of hits they become invincible and swerve around you. I also remember the Beserker and Sorcerer Nobodies were pretty annoying as well. 

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Well Most Annoying Enemies I've encountered so far are


Legend of Zelda series - Wall masters, Like Likes, Darknuts, Wizzrobes, and Bubbles. From Zelda Classic, Windrobes are the most annoying and threatening.

Kirby Series - It's T.A.C that's most annoying.


Super Mario Series - Bloopers, Cataquacks, Bandits, and boos


Plants vs zombies 2 - Prospectors, Excavating, Turquoise Skull, Explorer, Chicken Wranglers, Imps, Gargantuars, Pirate Captains and their parrots, Poncho, Wizard, iceblock, fisherman, Parasol, and octo zombies


Borderlands series - I would say Rabid Stalkers and skags that are most annoying


Terraria - Medusas, and Solar Enemies


Maple Story - Enemies that can seduce, blinds with a cover of darkness, and Damage Reflect.


Final Fantasy Series - From XI, True Sight enemies (such as imps), Lamias, Undead, Mamool Jas, and Yagudos. From Other and whole Final Fantasy Game series, I would Say Malboros which I hate the most for their bad breath attack, Tonberries, Omega Weapon, and shinryu.


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If I may bring up COD for a post, it's the zombies from the zombie mode... rush... thing. I can barely get a head shot on those zombies! Their hit box is so off, it just grits my teeth as I try to rip my controller in half. Which is another reason why I stopped playing COD.

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Generally speaking, I'd say anything that causes poison; the classic version that persists after the battle is over. A status ailment that's always introduced early and often, forcing you to pay for tons of antidotes or to just deal with being poisoned forever.


Close second is enemies with instant death moves. Maybe it's just a sour experience from Persona 3, where if the main character was hit with that, it was an automatic game over. Either way, doesn't being killed by an rng instant kill move just make you sigh in frustration? 

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Screw the wallmasters from Zelda. Any Zelda. Screw being sent back to the beginning of the dungeon. It's not a fair or even difficult punishment for having your back turned, it just wastes your time.

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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I'm sure there are others I could list, but some enemies that come to mind are:



Cliff Racers from Morrowind.  They aren't particularly strong, but they're definitely annoying (and they're comin for YOU)



Ice bats from the Zelda series. (as if bats alone weren't bad enough)



Firebrand from Ghouls and Ghost. (I can find myself dueling these guys for minutes just trying to hit them)



Some kind of enemy from Dark Souls has to be on here.  For the whole annoying factor, I'm gonna give it to the little flying bugs in Blight town. (I'm beginning to see a pattern here with flying enemies)



My own team on League of Legends (with friends like you guys, who needs enemies. am I right?) 

  • Brohoof 1


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Lets see here...

1. Black knights in dark souls.

2. Reapers in resident evil

3. Box head in the evil within.

4. Stiders in half life 2

5. Spiders in penumbra

6. Ripto in spyro 2 enter the dragon

7. Shadow link in loz ocarina of time

That which is not dead, may eternal lie, and with strange eons, even death may die.

"People fear death more than they fear pain. It's strange that people fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over." -Jim Morrison

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Lets see here...

1. Black knights in dark souls.

2. Reapers in resident evil

3. Box head in the evil within.

4. Stiders in half life 2

5. Spiders in penumbra

6. Ripto in spyro 2 enter the dragon

7. Shadow link in loz ocarina of time

Oh god Ripto annoyed the heck out of me as a kid playing Spyro 2, he also is a pain to fight in Spyro: Enter The Dragonfly.


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-quick scopers... they are a disgrace to all snipers...


-creepers (MC)... to those who haven't played Minecraft they're basically walking bomb plants that will murder you instantly if not wearing armor and leave a crater where they exploded... most commonly your house...


-Juggernaut enemies... basically enemies that take a lot of damage before dying they add to the challenge by not dying quickly but they are still annoying especially if they can kill you quickly... 


-Murlocks (WoW)... they're such annoying lil bastards... no matter which murlock camp you go to the moment you attack one half the camp is on you... I hope you like their agro sound effect... nagrrraaa...


-same class enemies (W101)... basically if an enemy is the same class as you then you do about 60% less damage to them its tedious for obvious reasons and the only way around it is to use a spell to convert your damage to the opposite class effect increasing damage by 60% or using a different spell... back when I played I always hated Icy areas because of the Ice enemies... its the only game I've ever played where I complained about an icy area


-that weak enemy that just really just wants to die... there is always that one game where you deal with an enemy that tries to attack you but dies instantly to you wasting your time completely...


-the Police... awesome people in real life but annoying as hell in video games... especially car games... though I do enjoy being chased by the police at times but sometimes I just want to do something and they come to ruin the fun and chase me...


-other players... must I go on?.... players are the most annoying enemy ever...


I can keep going listing more things but I'll leave it as is...

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
  • Brohoof 1


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Definitely the mindflayers from Demon's Souls.

Long range projectile which freezes you in place? Check.

Follows up said projectile with a grab attack which can be a 1 hit kill if your health is to low, and does this while you are frozen and can do nothing about it? Check.

And they are fought in narrow corridors with little space to avoid them? Checkerooni.

Bonus points for being terrifying.



Nintendo Network: kuma9k

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