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gaming The longest it has taken you to beat a game


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I have been playing them since they came out and i dont think that im ever gonna catch em all.

That's one of the reasons I got bored of it, I've  never caught all in one generation, and suddenly, a new generation comes  >_> . Though I can't deny the good times I had with the first 3 generations  :P


I'm not sure if you mean in-game time, or real life time to beat a game  :huh: . If it's the former, I think Ni No Kuni took me the longest in-game time to finish the main story (over 75 hours). If it's real life time. I got four games that fits within the list, due to me being a n00b who didn't read dialogues and stuff as a kid  :blush: : Zelda ALttP, OOT and Majora, and Mario RPG. Paper Mario also took me very long, but it can be discarded because I had Mario RPG earlier, and I've finished it much later  :squee:


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I barely spend much time on games. but the most time..probably around 32 hours on kingdom hearts 2 Final mix. I'm a rather big gamer and can beat a lot of games releatively quick, for example. the Dark souls games take me about 15-20 hours.

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Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Took me 43 hours total game time, 2 months in real time.  :lol:

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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2: about a few months in between being unable to finish the penultimate race full of rubberbanding racers and cops easily doing over 300 mph (and outrunning Ferraris as well). Maybe I was a terrible player when I was a kid back then but even so, the AI was just ridiculous.  

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*Puts on shield*

Technically, I've never 100% beaten any game.



But... I did beat the main story line of GTA IV, which to be honest I don't remember how long it took me, as I prefer to free roam rather than do missions.  Of course, even despite getting to the credits on GTA IV, I never completed all the side/odd jobs that weren't a part of the main story.  


I just like playing games for fun more than actually trying to beat them.   :derp: 

~ Miles

Edit: In retrospect, there's one game I do wish that I'd have tried to beat, but never even cared to attempt it back then, as I was very young... my favorite N64 game: Banjo Kazooie.  


Maybe one day I'll get the ol' N64 back out and try.  Hopefully it still works, heh.

Edited by Miles



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure which game's taken me the longest, but there's a Zelda game or two I stopped playing for years because of something scaring me in them (don't get me started on the Phantoms in Phantom Hourglass >.<). It also took some years to complete Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, thanks to some touch screen issues on the one part of the game where the touch screen was used. x.x Wasn't until I bought a 3DS that I could actually progress through that part, but I still remember how annoyed I was at the time. x3


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It took me a good 3 years to beat Half Life 2 the first time.


I had gotten to the Highway 17 level when I accidentally corrupted my save somehow. Not wanting to get all the way back there again I just left it alone. After about 3 years or so, I decided it was time to beat the game.


There are still games I have had since back in 2013 and '14 that I still haven't finished. Speaking of which, I should probably go finish those...

Edited by Terawolf


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400+ hours of trying to finish Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP. The fun thing is, I still haven't finished the game.

I know that feel... I got 300 hours into Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and I got about half-way. Yeah. And then the next game got released. :adorkable:


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People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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It took me well over 200 hours to complete Monster Hunter Freedom Unite since there is a constant need to grind for better equipment.

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The one that pops up to mind for me is Ocarina of Time. I first played it sometime around 2001/2002. However, I skipped over the Shadow Temple because it was too scary for me to handle. So I never actually beat it... I think I came back to it in 2009, and finally beat it then. Lol.

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2 years. Zelda, The Minish Cap, I'm looking at you.

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I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Circa 12 or more years : Worms Armaggeddon.


For years and years ive tried to get every gold medal and beat the damn game, but this game was so hard for me... :(


But after a lot of patience...A LOT of patience, i finally did it over the years  :squee:


The worst thing about this game was, that if you fail a level and then win the second time, you only get a silver medal and if you fail even more, you get no medal. Even if you dont use the extra help that you get, after the failing, you still get a worse medal.

Everytime i failed, i had to restart the game, which almost braked my ps2.

But after a long long long time, as i said and a lot of patience and restarts, i finally did it...so that i can finally forget the nightmare, that is this game.

Just kidding, i love the worms series  :proud:  ( even if they are extremely hard for me )

Edited by Velvietta


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There are some games I have which I've never gotten around to beating. I guess they're all still ongoing. Many many years at that. ^_^


Never finished Tomba/Tombi, played the heck out of it as a child... umm, close to 15 years?

"Always watching - Always lurking."


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Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask took me 8 years to finish. I started it at a kid but I was too afraid of the game to continue.

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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  • 1 month later...

Trying to think of the oldest game that i have left unfinished in recent years...


Far Cry 2, i intend to finish it some day, so 7 years thus far.

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I suppose technically it took me 15 years to complete the original Spyro the Dragon on PS1. I mean, I completed all the levels plenty of times during my lifetime, but it wasn't until earlier this year that I finally sat down, got all the gems and dragons, and finished the final bonus level to get 100% completion.



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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I tend to beat games quickly, the longest its taken me to beat a game was Wizard 101 and it took me 6 years to beat but thats because its an MMORPG... the longest its taken me to beat a single player game was Paper Mario 2 it took me 4 years to beat, but thats cause I wasnt into RPGs back then... as for games I try to beat (and dont put down for months) usually take me 2 months at most and 1 day at the least


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Not counting when I've taken a break mid-game or anything it took me about two or three months to play through the Mass Effect series. This whole working for a living thing ain't working out. :okiedokielokie:

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  • 7 years later...

I don't play many games that are beatable nowadays since many games that I play have no end to them. The longest it's taken for me to beat a game was several years, and the game was "Medal of Honor: Rising Sun". I got stuck on a mission because I didn't know what to do, and then I stopped playing the campaign because of that. it was until years later when I came back, found out was I supposed to do, and then beat it. Back then I didn't know of walkthroughs.

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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