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gaming Levels you couldn't get past as a kid.


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Took me forever to get past the Ice Dungeon in A Link to the Past(SNES version, as the GBA version had some modifications) and Stage 7/8 in Super Castlevania IV(the Library and Dungeon respectively)

I almost forgot...






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San Andreas - "Wrong side of the tracks". All I had to do was following that damn train...  :okiedokielokie:

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It'd be the Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time. Not that it was a hard dungeon. But that music....





As an adult, I'm finding the Shadow Temple to be my downfall. I'm totally lost and I haven't played OoT since maybe 2010. So now that I've forgotten most of it, I'm trying as hard as I can to beat it without a walkthrough XD

  • Brohoof 1

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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I almost forgot...






Yeah, I'm with you. I never played FFT on Ps1 as a kid, but a few months ago, I reached that fight in the PSP remake, and I agree it's freaking difficult  >_> .


Let me remember stuff I couldn't pass as a kid:

King K Rool in DK Country: I remember renting that game when I was a kid, but I couldn veat him EVER  :unamused: . Not even in the GBC version because I was stuck in one level with metallic barrels I had to use as elevators. It was not until a shitload of years later when I finally downloaded DC Country in the Wii virtual console and finished the whole game, IN A SINGLE DAY  :blink: . Yeah, I was THAT salty about that fight  :lol:


Most temples in OOT: Every time I was stuck in a puzzle, it was my younger brother who figured it out most of the time  

Majora's Mask: Got stuck most of the pre-temples puzzles, which I've never passed without the help of a buddy or a webguide. The temples themselves however, weren't that bad, though, I always finished them in the final day, but I always completed them in one go  :lol:

Paper Mario and Mario RPG: Paper Mario made me get stuck many times in the first 2 chapters due to my laziness of reading  . Got stuck with the Koopa Bross disguised as toads, the train because I didn't saw the rock in the tracks, and Moustaffa. From them on, the third chapter wasn't so bad, and I had a magazine with the guide from chapter 4 onward  :lol: . Mario RPG however, was worse, as I didn't understood the RPG mechanics back then (I avoided most of the battles, making the bosses WAY harder than they should've been  -_-). And I got stuck for years with the letters puzzle in the Sunken Ship area FOR YEARS  :unamused: .


Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon: I couldn't reach the first dungeon because I've never figured out how to get the hookshot pipe-thingy  . It wasn't until I was around 15 years old when I played that game to figure it out. Then, I got stuck, AGAIN  :unamused: , with the rock of the snowy area, but it only took me a year (little time compared to the first stucking it was a short time  :dash: ) to figure it out

  • Brohoof 1


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It was either 1995 or 1996; I had received my very first game console from my parents. It was the now almost entirely forgotten Sega Saturn. Why they went with the Saturn instead of the more popular systems one can only guess, but to my wee little self at the time I really could care less. It was video games! I didn't know the difference, I mean I was like five or six at the time. Anyway the game they had bought with it was a little number by the name of "BUG!" 




Bug! was one of those games that was a pure product of the 90's. He had that manufactured attempt at being a cool mascot written all over him and his game itself. 



From what I hear, it was one of the first 3d platformers ever, so even though his movement was notably restricted by those extremely narrow pathways the 3d factor alone made it really fascinating to my parents at the time, whom also played this game at the time. 


One thing to note about this game, its UNGODLY HARD. It may be oozing with that 90's cheese, but the enemies in this game WILL kill you, don't be fooled by that playthrough I posted up there, its not a forgiving game and it will take you out. Having no experience with games before that point, my child self spent hours trying to get through the game, and my parents and I would even take turns trying to get through harder parts of the levels. 


We were doing fine....Until the Bubbles came. Those bubbles, my god those bubbles. Neither I nor my parents could figure out how to get by them. We tried, and Tried, and tried some more, we even restarted the game from the beginning hoping that it would give us some time to prepare for their bubbly scourge. You see there is a part where you have to leap from one bubble to another that floated and moved through the air. There were so many of them, and it was the only way to progress in the game. We Couldn't do it, it was so frustrating that even my mother lost her temper at the game. It wasn't just us either, here are some quotes from youtube 


@gos3fraba21 OMG I KNOW!! it has been something that has buged me ever since I was little. those bubbles!!!!!!!
I could never do the bubble part. I actually thought my Saturn was glitched.


how do you get past the stupid bubble to bubble part?!
I played this game the firrst time when it was released in 1995.. and until now, after 17 years, I never got further than this fucking bubble part !!!!
I'm sure you can see a pattern lol. So yes, this is the one level I could never get past as a kid, and I was not the only one by a long shot.
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Level 6 in the first quest from the Legend of Zelda. It has a difficulty spike like none other in this game: both Wizzrobes are bad to face, and the ever-hated Like Likes are more abundant. Orange Wizzrobes aren't a threat but if you get careless, they take out two hearts with their magic. The blue varieties are even worse because even with the Magic Sword, the Blue ones take three hits to kill. They also attack in your line of sight, so trying to hit and run will likely get you hit by another enemy.


I had so much trouble with that level when I was younger because of those factors. I kept on losing the shield because of those goddamn Like Likes.


Thankfully, the level makes up for it by having the easiest boss in the game. Fire an arrow when its eye is open and it's dead. All satisfying for all the shit the game had to put you through.

Edited by Kelldrick
  • Brohoof 1

(coming soon)

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The first Sigma level in Megaman X was the bane of my existence when I was younger. The first half of that stage is so infuriating with moving platforms and floating enemies that can knock you off said floating platforms. If I recall the second half of the stage is not as bad but this was a level that always gave me a hell of a tough time, still does honestly. XD



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Oh god, let me think of a few....:

1) The last mission in Perfect Dark, Skedar Ruins, on the N64.

2) The second path to Venom in Starfox 64.

3) The first mission in Castlevania, or "Castlevania 64".

4) The missions after the first mission in Armorines Project S.W.A.R.M on the N64.

5) The third mission and beyond in Battletoads & Double Dragon on the SNES.

6) The second mission of Gradius. 

7) The first mission on Nightmare Creatures on the N64.

8) The second half of Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi on the SNES.

9) The entire game of Vigilante 8 2nd Defense on the N64.


10) The entire game of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask.


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The water levels in Sonic Rush. I still can't pass them now. :s

San Andreas - "Wrong side of the tracks". All I had to do was following that damn train...  :okiedokielokie:

  • Brohoof 2



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Mine is the inside castle part, from Loom, where you need to use the scythe sharpen spell, but inverse, when the blacksmith raise the sword.

The spell was AAAG, DFAF, CDDA one of theses on the normal form

Can't post a video cause im on mobile



Another game was the final boss from hercules-pc

Or the maze cave on the hobbit-pc

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Oh god, let me think of a few....:

1) The last mission in Perfect Dark, Skedar Ruins, on the N64.

2) The second path to Venom in Starfox 64.

3) The first mission in Castlevania, or "Castlevania 64".

4) The missions after the first mission in Armorines Project S.W.A.R.M on the N64.

5) The third mission and beyond in Battletoads & Double Dragon on the SNES.

6) The second mission of Gradius. 

7) The first mission on Nightmare Creatures on the N64.

8) The second half of Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi on the SNES.

9) The entire game of Vigilante 8 2nd Defense on the N64.


10) The entire game of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask.

Oh god yeah Majora's Mask is the one game next to Wind Waker that I have yet to beat.


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There was that one level in Sonic Adventure 2 where you had to press the gravity switches in order to progress to the goal. I hated that part of the level with a passion.

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The levels that I could never get past as a kid would have to be:


- The sand bird from Super Mario Sunshine

- The eel dentistry boss from Super Mario Sunshine

- The roller coaster balloon pop mission from Super Mario Sunshine 

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Tubba Blubba's Castle in Paper Mario 64 (for a good while, anyway), mainly because I thought I was supposed to wait for Tubba to leave that one hallway before I could continue (Obviously, it turned out he wasn't scripted to---I was supposed to actively get past him using either Bow or Spin Dashes.).

Edited by A.V.
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  • 2 years later...

Operation Knightfall in original Star Wars Battlefront 2. I could never get past the section where you have to stop the Jedi from destroying the book cases.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone talk about Rusty Bucket Bay from Banjo-Kazooie. Heck, it's even hard for speedrunners who've played the game for years. It's quite the difficulty spike considering that most of the rest of the game is relatively easy. Sure there's bumps along the way, but there the first time you go into it you can't figure out WHAT to do let alone how to do it. 

Edited by Barik, the Master Mechanic
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I couldn’t beat the shark boss in Ty the Tazmanian Tiger because I was freaking terrified of him (I have a thing about water levels and ESPECIALLY things coming after me in said water levels). But I eventually got over that.

I could not for the LIFE OF ME beat the Bio Lizard in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. And I got up to maximum lives and spent HOURS trying. No luck.

And the only 2D Sonic level I’ve ever beaten was Green Hill Zone. I suck at 2D Sonic.

When I was little I couldn’t grasp the controls of Ocarina of Time. I gave up until I was an ADULT and tried playing the remaster on my 3DS. I’ve managed to beat the Shadow Temple and get to the Gerudo Fortress... and I’m currently stuck. XD

I tried playing Final Fantasy 7 once. Couldn’t beat the first boss.

Managed to beat both Spyro: Ripto’s Rage and Spyro: Year of the Dragon, but I never managed to beat the original game.

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Wreck on The Deck part 2 in Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights I had the hardest time with as a kid. The level had you jumping on sails, and you had to be perfect with the double jump placement, otherwise your jump would be too short and had to start all over again.





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I like when posts mention the old days. Those days had way better video games than today.

Let me give you the many levels I would always get stuck on as a newbie gamer on the PlayStation 2. By the way, I played old PC games before then (like Armor Games), but I never got stuck on levels because they were often easy.

Here are the video games I got stuck on in my childhood. I played them on the PlayStation 2.

Note: I never used walkthroughs or watched videos for these games, so I had to do it on my own without any help.

"Medal of Honor: Rising Sun": I got stuck on the third campaign mission. You had to guide a friendly tank to a checkpoint, but I never got past the first ambush because I was inexperienced at FPS games and fighting bots. The game in general was very hard, as you couldn't regen health and there was many bots. I am proud to say that I completed campaign many times on very difficult settings, but only after I got past that third mission which took me over 50 times (at least it felt that way) to complete. After I got past the ambushes, it took me hours to find out where to go after I escorted the tank to last checkpoint. What a nightmare as a child (I was not a teen either).

"ATV: Off-road Fury 2": I could never get past the first race. After hours and hours of trial and error, I found out all you had to do was a power-jump that let you jump higher on ramps and hills, and that helped a lot since ramps and hills are on every race track. I played that game so much in my childhood because it was so much fun.

"Sitting Ducks": Don't judge me, it was a great game for kids after all. I think it was based on a TV show, but I can't confirm. This is one of the first console games I ever played, so I couldn't even drive right because I had no experience on console. I couldn't play the game at all because I hadn't developed console skills, so it took a few weeks to actually progress. I also could never unlock the second area (the tennis court I think?) because I didn't know how memory cards worked so I didn't save the game, so I was stuck on the first area for a few months.

"Destruction Derby Arenas": I got stuck on the first destruction arena in the campaign in the first section, which is unlocked after you complete several campaign races. If you lost, I think you restart back to the first race in current section, so it took a few days (or a week or two) to get past section 1, arena one.

"Medal of Honor: Frontline": It took a few days (maybe a week or two) to get past the very first part of the very first mission. I could not get past the beachhead.

"Hot Shots Golf 3": Defeating a bot opponent was way too hard for me as a kid, so it took a few weeks to actually win. I had to learn patience and accuracy, and I had neither before this game. It had me raging multiple times.

"Sonic 2": (I might have got the name wrong, can't remember) This game...trial and error. I could not get past Chemical Planet, it was really hard for younger me. After weeks of trial and error, I final succeeded. I never had a problem since. I played this game on a different platform, on a mobile arcade thing (I can't remember the precise term).

I got stuck on many more missions in other games, but I normally got over them after 3 hours or so, and they were not as hard as the ones I previously mentioned.

I was way too stubborn to quit a game if it was too hard, which is why I spent weeks on getting past all levels. I am proud to say that all the games I mentioned, I have completed regardless of difficulty, or at least progressed to the very end of the campaign or very, very far into the game since some didn't have no end, or the end required the highest skill to complete like Sonic 2 where you has to start over if you died too much or quit.

Come to think of it, playing these hard games as a kid helped massively in developing great skills as a gamer. I guess this is why I can't play on anything less than max difficulty on modern-day games, because anything less than max makes the game seem too easy.

Edited by EpicEnergy
added a few thoughts

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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