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How did you meet your best friend?


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Hrm... I didn't. I don't have a best friend... never did. Don't have any actually-no friends. Just this one... "guy" I talk to... but that's more of a hate-hate kinda thing.

So yeah. Don't know why I even posted here since I don't have/never had one... heh. >-<

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My closest friend I have right now I met about a year ago working full-time at a company in my hometown. He is like a brother to me. We help each other out and have many things in common. We consider ourselves as blood brothers. Very grateful to have him as a friend as well.


Two close friends I talk to from high school we stay in touch with each other from time to time. Those two have always been there for me and can talk to each other no matter how long it has been. 


One other very close friend  in memory from middle school up until now. Even if we don't talk that much you never forget your true friends ever.

Edited by Gone Airbourne
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I meet my closest friends when I was in middle school. I had just started going to a avatar chat called Cat Paw Island. i meet him along with two of my other closest friends there. we started role playing and uh i ended up dating my other two friends and it didn't work out with them... oddly enough it still not awkward between any of us. so. i dont have one best friend i have 3.

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When I was in fourth grade, we both went to magic and entertainment class together. I met him there and we discovered we live pretty close by and go to the same school, so we started hanging out.

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I don't like people in general but I have a special group of friends that you know will have your back no matter what in college, but my absolute best friend I met in 3rd grade at the swing set. We both liked playing basketball and fart jokes (lol) so we instantly became friends. Even though he dropped out of college leaving me behind we're still homies till the end.

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I met 2 of my best friends in middle school,I was just transferring from my old class to a new one,right in the moment I enter the classroom everyone there just looked at me.I felt very shy so I quietly go to the desk in the back (even tho is a small classroom and there are fewer people than my old regular classroom ._.) and when I sat down,those two people came up to me,and say hi so I say hi back to them,they both are pretty nice and all,so I beginning to talk to them more and more everyday ^^ it was fun talking to them since I have never had such nice people to hang out with before ^^ until the day we are graduated for high school ._. we all just lost contect after that  :(

Edited by Princess-Moonlight




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I have had several best friends and I have not had the best of experiences with having "best" friends. However, my current one and the one who has stuck by my side, even though we both attend different schools now, is my best friend. We have been best friends since 9th grade :). We first met in 4th grade and we became alright friends. It was not until after I got horrendously betrayed by two other former best friends during 8th grade that we started to see each other a lot and then it developed into a best friend friendship :). We are still best friends, even to this day :D

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I've got several candidates for best friends. Two I met in Year 7, though we only really became close in Year 11, and four I met over the past couple of years on the Bronies Australia forum, two of whom live in another state. I'm probably closest to a guy who inconveniently lives a thousand miles away in Brisbane, but who I can talk to about just about anything, and who helped build my self-confidence to a point where I can even think of myself as having best friends in the first place.


Sometimes this fandom is seriously magic I say.

"We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" - The Doctor

Moderator on Bronies Australia - I'm also on DeviantART

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  He moved into the house literally right across the street from mine, so one day when I had nothing better to do I introduced myself to him. A week later I drug him along on an adventure through a forest creek. Ever since then we've become best friends.


PROTIP: If you want to learn a lot about someone take them out on some kind of adventure. Whether it be to a store or out in the wilderness, as long as neither of you have been there it doesn't really matter.



I have a Tumblr for art. Clicky below if you're curious.


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I don't have one main best friend, I like my friends equally, although I know some much more than others. I met most of my IRL friends growing up through school, I'd never replace them for the world... Even if they are arseholes half the time :lol:


  "Sometimes I wish I could imagine myself 10 years from now, out of college, living life without boundaries.

             But, at the end of the day, it's just a step closer to the future. The future tends to unfold as it should... well, at least I think it does." - Kitty0706


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Got into a voice chat with a lass I had been talking to (later to become my girlfriend) and she decided to bring a friend along to calm her nerves. Lo and behold, we got along too, and her plan backfired as I now have somebody with insider information.

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I've got two best friends.


We became friends in my last year of high school, one of them someone who is a LOT bigger than I am, and probably a lot stronger, but a really friendly guy, and the other is about a third of my height, awesome little Japanese guy, but only a year younger than me. (I'm 6'2" by the way)


Devon and Shohei were the best friends I had. Sure we were dicks to each other, but we came together as friends, not people forced together by circumstance, but honest-to-God friends who had each other's backs.


To this day, I still talk with them over Skype, talk about ponies, games, art, music, and Shohei's obsession with making some of their other friends "His son." Seriously, i will never understand that.


While we're jerks to one another sometimes, I know they've got my back. They've helped me out when I've been stressed and depressed beyond belief, and I've helped them get beyond depression. Things like that forge bonds stronger than blood, in my opinion.


signature by John Washington

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I remember it as if it years ago. The clouds were dark, and I didn't know yet that there would come this new and strange human-being in to my class of 20. At first I saw this as an opportunity to gain a new ally against my worst enemy, but look, years laters and that strange thing is my best friend. 

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Back when I was a kiddo in elementary school, I meet two twin brothers who were nice, friendly and laid-back. We talked, discovered we both had lots of similar interests and quickly became friends. We're still friends to these days. Another friend I met was when I entered high school. I was pretty shy and dumb back then, and rather awkward, but we both got along quickly and decided to be friends.

My Dragon Cave scroll: http://dragcave.net/user/Dino-Mario

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