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S05:E20 - Hearthbreakers


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I really enjoyed this episode.

It was quite cute and pretty entertaining.

We finally got to see what Pinkie Pie's family is like and I enjoyed how they interacted with the Apple Family.

Strange that the Christmas episode aired one week before Halloween, but whatever. 

I still had fun watching it anyways.


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I enjoyed the episode. The Episode is made for christmas type episode like hearth warming eve, winter wrap-up, and tanks for the memories episodes so pretty much sure we can see this episode again in the month of december. I think I find the episode pretty much emotional.


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I just saw Hearthbreakers. I really liked this episode because it gave some much needed character development to the Pie family. I thought that it was cute that Pinkie's parents spoke in rhyme like old english. It kind of reminded me of Shakespeare in a small way. Pinkie's grumpy sister was funny. I also like her shy younger sister who seems like a cross between Fluttershy and Big Mac so I'm glad they paired her with Big Mac when they spit into teams. Does anybody think Pinkie's shy sister is her twin??? Pinkie did say she was only a few minutes younger I think... I thought the whole concept of Hearths warming dolls was cute and the hand made rock ones were especially cool because they are made in a more unique way. I loved seeing Maud again. I also loved the little scene between Twilight and Spike. Poor Spike always gets books as gifts which was funny LOL. I really related to how Applejack felt in this episode with the way she was upset because she had made such a large mess of things and how Pinkie's grumpy sister pushed them away. I have had experiences like that I am sorry to say though it was a different set of circumstances for me. This lesson was a good lesson for Applejack to learn that was in character with her stubborn nature. I liked how they spiced things up by having Pinkie agree with Applejack's plan instead of Applejack completely forcing her way. I liked how in synch Applejack and Pinkie were. It was ADORABLE! I also love that Applebloom is still Applebloom after getting her cutie mark. It was a bit less strange to see her cutie mark in this episode than in the last one. Her line about turning into an actual apple in a dream was cute.  I guess the only thing I didn't like was there were moments where Pinkie's grumpy sister was a bit hard to take but I guess she had her reasons. I am also stumped as to where "Nana Pinkie" is in this episode since Pinkie has mentioned her in a few episodes. Unless her mom is "nana".  It was interesting to see how different each Pie sister is.  

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I'm apathetic on the matter. that's generally an area where no laws forbid and it may or may not matter to some people.


Also whether it's cute or not is subjective. Nobody's saying the ship is canon, as always people are shipping just for fun. I'd say let them have their fun.


And I say shipping got old really fast. And I'm getting sick of every time two ponies look at each other they must be in a romantic relationship. /sarcasm

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Marble Pie is just the absolute cutest. Also Maud was awesome as always whenever she has screen time.


Very nice episode, that's really relevant for a lot of people although it usually plays a factor the first couple of Christmases with the in-laws.

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Okay, I have no idea why we had a Christmas episode before Halloween, BUT it was quite the entertaining episode. In fact, I think it is easily my favorite of the season.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I really liked this episode. It was really cool to see Pinkie's family, with names, personalities and such. Plus, it's always great to see Maud. There were a lot of good comedy moments, with the families playing off each other, and also a lot of sweet moments, with the families finally bonding at the end. Overall, I'd give it a 9.5/10


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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One thing I like was Applejack's absolutely horrified face when Pinkie counted to 19 on her legs. She really looked like she'd seen some kind of Eldritch abomination.


I also think I've got a new ship...although I'll probably never write about it since neither Big Mac nor Marble Pie speak much.

  • Brohoof 1
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Before any of you do anything, stop. Stop it right now. They are cousins. Or would be weird. Don't even make the tag, Derpibooru.


Sweet little episode, but inappropriately placed. Could Discovery Family not switch it out for another episode? Was that beyond their mental and creative capacity? L


The Christmas Before Nightmare.

There are no brakes on the Shipping...ship...train...whatever


The episodes are in anachronistic order; going by production order, you're gonna see a lot of jumping around


I'd love to see people place the episodes in a roughly chronological order; I know someone did it for the first three seasons, but nothing for Season 4 and 5

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Good afternoon, everypony, sorry I'm late! I'll try to keep this review short seeing as I have some errands and work I have to take care of, but boy oh boy do we have a lot to cover! Let's not waste anymore time and dive right in, this is "Hearthbreakers"!


So what can't I say about this episode? Because seriously, there's a lot to say. We had a successor episode to both "Hearth's Warming Eve" and "Pinkie Apple Pie," we had the Apples spending the holidays with the Pies, we got to see the Pie family in the present for the very first time (not including Maud), and we got to see where they live and how they spend the holidays, as in, the very environment that Pinkie herself came from. On top of all of that, we had a very lovely message, if I do say so myself, one that really works fantastically for this show especially. So where to begin?


Well I suppose we ought to start with Pinkie and Applejack first, seeing as they are the stars of this episode. They were great, both of them, really, they were. I really actually love seeing these two get to interact one-on-one with each other, at least since "Pinkie Apple Pie." Maybe it's cause they're earth ponies, maybe it's cause they both have far more simple, homey tastes and a deep love for things like family gatherings and such, there's just something very warm about Applejack and Pinkie Pie when they're around each other compared to some of the other characters. Applejack's the only character of the show who we've ever seen extensively with her entire family (Twilight and hers don't count seeing as her parents have yet to even speak in the show), and Pinkie Pie's referenced hers multiple times before this episode. So they definitely are far more similar than one might think. But it was really interesting seeing how the both of them were trying to make their holiday celebration with each other's families work. Applejack was thrown for a loop by how the Pie's traditions didn't meet her expectations (no surprise there, that's definitely a very AJ-reaction to have), but Pinkie Pie also made a mistake in assuming that AJ and her family would be completely comfortable with her family's traditions. It's an understandable error, really, and one that I'm guessing most of us can relate to. Different families have different traditions and different ways of celebrating holidays, that's almost as old as time itself. And it speaks to a bigger issue for people in general, that being that we're uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. It's a huge reason, when one thinks about it, that people have a hard time getting along with new people or different cultures, and some people are too critical of that reaction because I think all of us have a hard time dealing with the unfamiliar when we first encounter it. This episode shines because it both highlights that people, or rather, ponies have a hard time dealing with a different lifestyle, especially when it comes to something as precious as a holiday, but also doesn't judge either party for it. AJ was wrong for assuming they'd have the same traditions and then trying to have them celebrate entirely how she was used to, and Pinkie was wrong for assuming AJ and her family wouldn't be uncomfortable with this. They didn't just run from the problem (even though they almost did), but they reached a healthy compromise; in the end, neither set of traditions overruled the other, but both were shared with each other, and that is truly when traditions are most precious. Not just when they bring you and your loved ones joy, but when you're willing to share them with others and likewise let them share theirs with you. Heck, that's what a lot of new families have to deal with when a husband and wife share their traditions with each other! So yeah, great lesson here, great execution, and great rapport between Applejack and Pinkie Pie as the leads of the episode, I loved it very much.


Next, let's talk about the Apples and the Pies. I don't have a whole lot to say about the Apples seeing as they're hardly new, but they were all totally fine. It was really fun getting to see them interact with the Pies, that's for sure. Granny Smith was a hoot with Igneous and Cloudy Quartz, Apple Bloom and Maud were surprisingly adorable together, and Big Mac got the BUCK shipped out of him with Marble Pie! I mean, holy cheese, they weren't even trying to hide it, someone at that studio wants to make this ship happen (much to the chagrin of CheeriMac shippers). I like CheeriMac myself, but I won't lie, these two were pretty cute together!





Shipping: this is how it works




See? Ya know, I wonder how that happened?


We should totally ship mah brother with your sister!!!




Huh, seems legit


As for the Pies, I couldn't have hoped for anything better. I mean, holy cow, THAT FAMILY! Oh my goodness, that is totally the family that only a pony like Pinkie Pie could come from. You got Igneous Pie and Cloudy Quartz who are TOTALLY how they should be; the Amish dialect was predictable, but it killed me all the same. And ya know, they're super cool, I liked that. They're A-OK with who they are, but they clearly have no problem with their daughters being their own ponies either considering how different they all are from each other. It seems that Maud is the oldest of all of them (at least I think so), and ya know, she's really grown on me since her first appearance. In her first appearance, I thought her personality was obnoxious and blandness taken too far, but now, I really, really like her. Maybe part of it is that DHX seems to get that much of her personality that works is making a joke out of it, but IDK, I really, really like her at this point just as she is, can't really explain it. Anyway, she was great here, whether she was with Pinkie, Apple Bloom, Boulder, or "singing" more songs about rocks. Be you, Maud, be you. Limestone Pie (previously referred to by fans as Blinky Pie up to this point) was... scary. She seems to have a severe case of middle-child syndrome and is obsessed with her job as manager of the Pie's Rock Farm. It was a bit over-the-top at times, admittedly (though part of that might've been the voice, really), but for the most part she worked just fine and was entertaining to watch. I would've liked to see a bit more of her softer side, but who knows, maybe she'll feature in a Season 6 episode somewhere down the line.





Seriously girl, you gotta calm down. It's like Maud stole all your chill and left none for you.  :confused:


Finally, we learned that apparently Pinkie Pie is a TWIN (at least, for all we know she could be a triplet or even quadruplet, but IDK, until that's confirmed she's at least a twin). Yup, apparently she's a fraternal twin with Marble Pie (previously referred to by fans as Inky Pie up to this point). And oh my, Marble Pie. This filly... is adorable.





The Fluttershy is strong with this one  :squee:


She's basically the Pie Family version of Fluttershy, not even joking, but I couldn't help but want to see more of her! I don't know why, maybe it's because it's so bizarre a pony like this being in the Pie family, maybe it's just cause she's so cute, maybe it's because DHX kept blatantly trying to ship her with Big Mac (seriously, still not kidding about that, DO NOT be surprised to see that crop up in the future!). Whatever the reason, I need more of her (and her ship with Big Macintosh).




Just kidding, just kidding.  ;) Though to address that, as multiple people have pointed out, if they are indeed related, they are pretty much as distant as cousins can possibly be, so it really wouldn't be awkward at all to ship them.  :lie:


Overall, the Pies were great as were the Apples, and I really hope we get to see more of Pinkie's family in the future. I need more MarbleMac, perpetually-angry Limestone, adventures of Apple Bloom and Maud, and Granny Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Pie have silly old-pony conversations.  :D





They share the same bed when they're all home, THAT IS SO CUTE!!!  :wub:


Besides all that, not much else to cover with this one. The timing was a bit wonky on this episode seeing as we're getting a Nightmare Night one NEXT BUCKING WEEK, but it was most definitely a worthy successor to "Hearth's Warming Eve" and lovely to see them return to that holiday. Twilight and Spike had a cute bit at the beginning, the animation was lovely as always, the humor was spot on, and I loved the Pie's Rock Farm and just how big the show's writers made it, it was very cool getting to see both how colorful it was (especially at the holidays) and how many diverse locations there were on it. I still have no bucking idea what you do at a rock farm, but eh, details.  :derp: Finally, I would be remiss if I did not point out that DHX made a "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" reference, as well as a "Home Alone" reference in the same scene, in the SAME... BUCKING... SHOT!!!




That... is bucking amazing, and this episode is full of win for that alone!  :comeatus:


That's all I got for this week, everypony, see you all next Saturday when it'll be time for things to get SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKYYYYYYY!!!!!!  :mustache: This is Batbrony, signing off. I'm off! *cue dramatic exit*  :muffins:



  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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Aw, that was a nice episode! I love how this season has been fleshing out Applejack and focusing more on her flaws. First, we saw her discomfort in "Made in Manehatten" and now, her extreme stubbornness in this episode! I also loved Apple Bloom's friendship with Maud and how they both have connections to turning into things. Lol. Maud's "song" at the end was also hilarious. I also quite liked seeing Twilight and Spike's own Hearthswarming tradition.

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Great episode! Btw, next week's episode most fans have already seen ahead of time thanks to iTunes posting it early for some reason (no joke), so let's comment on the rest of the season to come.


The 11/7 episode will be another Discord episode, and will center around another conflict between him and Twilight for once. I especially think this is a good idea, since, let's be honest, Twilight's been more than a little mean to him as of late. Yes, Discord has his antics, but at least the other ponies try to be civil to him. And it's not like he means any harm! Twilight seems to be ALWAYS the first pony to get on his case anytime it even LOOKS like he's about to cause trouble (ex. the Smooze incident, which admittedly wasn't ENTIRELY Discord's fault). And bear in mind, Discord was the one who redeemed himself and helped Twilight stop Tirek at the end of Season 4. Or has she (and the writers) forgotten that? Some Princess of Friendship SHE's acting like! Either way, Twilight's antagonizing of Discord is something I hope gets addressed in two weeks.


Lastly, didn't the writer's mention we'll be meeting Fluttershy's brother later this season (the whole "Orchard Blossom is a new character" thing turned out to be trolling on their part a few weeks ago)? Cause that hasn't happened yet! There's only a small handful of episodes left, and the only one that we MIGHT see him is the "Hoofields and McColts" episode with Fluttershy and Twilight being given a map mission!


Any thoughts to what I'm saying, guys?

Edited by MovieLord101

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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This Episode Rocked

A very fun episode to watch and another one were we have met a few new characters aswell as seeing old favourites (Maud is a funny as ever). Marble was adorable  (and another ship for Big Mac, Cheerilees got competition).  Limestone was kind scary lol.
  Also I do love how Pinkies family are practically Calvinists.
  The re-enactment of the heartswarming eve was funny to.


  • Brohoof 1

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Lastly, didn't the writer's mention we'll be meeting Fluttershy's brother later this season (the whole "Orchard Blossom is a new character" thing turned out to be trolling on their part a few weeks ago)? Cause that hasn't happened yet! There's only a small handful of episodes left, and the only one that we MIGHT see him is the "Hoofields and McColts" episode with Fluttershy and Twilight being given a map mission!



Big Jim said Fluttershy's brother won't be appearing until next season


  • Brohoof 1

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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The episode was good as a whole but it was not as good as the last one in my opinion and here's why:

I still have a good view of this episode for it's humour, morals and caracterizations especially Pinkie Pie.

But on the other hand, I think the apple family could have knewn early in that rocks were a original traditional that goes back to the origins of the Pie family

It was at that Granny Smith told the family about the history around that boulder that I came to that conclusion of this main flaw of the episode, but it showed a good developpement for the Pie family I would say.

I also kinda think that Limestone Pie was a bit of a meanie.

But I think that Marble Pie was adorable with her design and her caracter (and I would ship her with Fluttershy, not big mac, come at me bros lel B))


TL;DR Not the best episode because of some flaws, but a neat episode in the very least

Rating: 8.5/10


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I hated this episode, as much as any others. They also bring two things that I didn't like the most

1)We already got, that friendship worths nothing, compare to romance/shipping, and that for every single equestrian is mandatory to get married/have a partner at some point.

2)Since Pies and Apples are probably related, and Marble and Mac have hots to each other, incest is now canon.


In the kid show.

How'd you like that?

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-First things first: I have waited FOREVER to see Pinkie Pie's other 2 sisters in present day and to finally have a look at thier personality.

- I knew that Spike's present would be a book. I saw that coming from miles away. xD

- I guess Pinkie really DOES know how to think inside a chimney, just like Chancellor Pudding head.

- Apple Bloom with her new cutie mark. Enough said.

- Granny Smith was spot on in this episode. I loved all of her interactions with Pinkie's parents.

- Maud is just as amazing as always. She's really smart too.

- A gem mine next to the rock farm? Pretty.

- I still love Maud as much as I did last season. Marble Pie is really cute and Limestone...... well, she's alright once you get to know her.

Overrall, I loved it. The lesson was not to force your way of living on some pony else, just because you don't understand theirs, which is a great lesson. Nick Confalone said that he wanted to make this episode feel more like a Season 1 or 2 episode and I think he succeeded.

  • Brohoof 1
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And I say shipping got old really fast. And I'm getting sick of every time two ponies look at each other they must be in a romantic relationship. /sarcasm

I don't know.... It seems kind of a fun and nice thing to talk about! As long as it isn't intercourse or anything like that.


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I loved the episode, but I found an animation error while watching it. When they are pushing the boulder up the quarry, Limestone Pie's cutie mark swaps. I guess it was the old place holder cutie mark before they gave her the lime one.


  • Brohoof 1
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