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What is your OC's most prized possession?


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As i've said in another topic, my OC's most prized possession is a locket containing a picture of him holding his goddaughter Princess Skyla on the day she was born. He almost never lets it out of his sight.

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Kronos' prized possession is an Imperial amulet that his adoptive father gave him. It's not just a symbol of authority in his community, but a family heirloom as well. Plus, the amulet doubles as one of those devices that is placed on a person's (or in this case, a pony's) chest and when it's pressed, a suit of Power Armor is built onto his body.

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North Wisewords:    The book she has on the stars and their legends but also the moon flower her little sister gave her she still has in her hair.

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Hmmmmm... I'll go through my OCs that have actual profiles for this:



Dax Blackwater: The hoof-stitched black bands he wears over his hooves; they were made for him by a friend he no longer has.


Harcourt Blackwater: His stealth suit; it isn't magical, but it IS made out of a material that doesn't reflect much light.


Luther Blackwater: The Blackwater Quarry itself - woe betide ANY who try to take it from him.


Vylia Blackwater: Her father's abacus, which is where she learned to love numbers.


Gideon Anomaly: His small red notebook, which holds the entirety of his 'Chaos Reset Theory'.


Smooth Groove: The navy blue beret her parent's gave her as a filly for Hearthswarming; she still wears it today.


Lucky Break: A four-leaf clover, sealed in amber... not that it's ever brought him much luck, mind you.


Gully Fluff: An old black-and-white photograph of a strikingly beautiful mare; she was the 'one that got away'.


Randi Maxis (my Ponysona): His mind... or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

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Starlet Harmony's most prized possession are her pearls. Her mom had a pearl necklace that her dad gave to her, and before she passed away, she gave the necklace to starlet, but it broke so she made pearl earrings and a pearl hair clip out of her moms necklace.  :wub:

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