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S06:E05 - Gauntlet of Fire


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    • I LOVED IT!!!!! <3

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Dragon strength hasn't been established? You sure about that? 


1) When Spike went Godzilla mode (kinda wish he did that in this episode, that would of been sweet) he was able to take on all of ponyville with no problems, even the wonderbolts were useless against him. He was also smashing buildings like there was no tomorrow. 


2) Dragons can swim through lava and Spike can serve as a literal pin cushion for Rarity and not be bothered in the least by it. They also eat Diamond and Precious stones for sustenance. They do this with SHARP teeth mind you, meaning they are Piercing Diamond, one of the hardest substances we know of, with the strength of their jaw and sharp fangs.


3) Spike isn't aware, but he is packing a lot more fire power than he thinks, He torched that Glacier that would of crushed an entire stadium of ponies with a single burst of fire breath.


4) Dragons have the potential to grow exceptionally huge, Ember's father is massive, and considering Spike's godzilla form that was nowhere NEAR that size was making lightwork of mobilized pony forces, one could only imagine what Ember's dad could do if he aimed to take on Canterlot. Without the elements the ponies would be screwed.


5) Take all that into consideration and then note just how MANY dragons there actually are and then note how we've seen ponies fighting. The Only pony I think that could take on a pack of dragons that isn't super powered on Alicorn magic like Twilight was is Maud Pie, because that pony is a beast 



Beyond her and probably the other members of the Pie family, Dragons pretty much have the upper hand in every way save for the elements of harmony's OP powers. 

1) Wow completely forgot about that episode 


2) Fair point but magical attacks should still be effective. 


3) I don't count fire power as physical strength.


4) Size matters not. Judge me by my size do you? And where you should not for my ally is The Force Friendship and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow, it's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.  You must feel the friendship around you, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes even between the land and the ship. (Completely off point but I couldn't resist)


5) Fluttershy. 

Edited by Sidral Mundet
  • Brohoof 1

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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I have to say, this is by far the BEST Spike episode I have seen. Spike truly showed his dragonheart.


Princess Ember is also a well defined character. The episode does a great job of showing the viewer the characters through their actions, not just through words. Ember reminds me a lot of Talia from Batman. A bit of a tomboy, but willing to respect others for their views even if she disagrees with them. In terms of romance, Ember may very well give Rarity a run for her money with Spike. Its a good thing she's fine being friends.


The obstacle course itself is well designed and rich in background and creatures. Interestingly enough, as much of a tyrant as Lord Torch seems, bossing the dragons around, as opposed to Celestia being benevolent and listening to the whims of her people, he nonetheless shows a lot of respect and fairness for others. When Spike was reluctant to do the Gauntlet, he willingly allowed Spike to leave, and later just as willingly let him rejoin. Moreover, he was willing to adhere to the Dragon rule of law and resign when his rule ended allowing a new Dragon Lord to rise up. Ironically despite how violent and brutish the dragons are, the Gauntlet of Fire seems a lot more democratic and fair as opposed to having a ruler that leads indefinitely for all time.....


I hope we see more of the Dragons in the future, especially Ember. 


Now for an obligatory Dragonheart video.


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Anyway, despite my love for dragons and other monstrous creatures of lore, this episode didn’t manage warm my sizzle zones. So the dragons are indeed pillow-stealing, war-declaring idiots that can’t be friends cause ponies + Spike need to look better. Well, that’s one way to solve all the plot problems, though I wonder if this is indeed in accordance with the grand plan H-Bro has in mind for the MLP franchise. They are effectively stating that Guardians of Harmony are a stupid, unfriendly, and unintelligent concept since it looks like it’s based on figures that promote this power and awesomeness the new episode speaks against. Still, it was the best Spike episode, whatever that means, and that Ember gall has some potential.


Ah, power and intelligence. Those who claim the latter is better than the former are clearly not intelligent enough to become powerful.


P.S: Equestrian dragons? So does that mean there are others? Well, judging from the fact that this flight only had one male adult individual and a handful of whelps, this could quite possibly be the case.

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1) Wow completely forgot about that episode 


2) Fair point but magical attacks should still be effective. 


3) I don't count fire power as physical strength.


4) Size matters not. Judge me by my size do you? And where you should not for my ally is The Force Friendship and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow, it's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.  You must feel the friendship around you, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes even between the land and the ship. (Completely off point but I couldn't resist)


5) Fluttershy. 


I really wish he'd Godzilla up again, it would of been so cool! Plus it would of scored him points with Ember :3


They still need the friendship canon with them to make that speech work, and they had only 2 out of the 6 members it takes to make the rainbow beam. They could probably teleport away or chuck a rock at the dragons, but I'm not so sure that aggressive unicorn magic would work on dragons. 


Isn't Flutters still scared of dragons? 

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I really wish he'd Godzilla up again, it would of been so cool! Plus it would of scored him points with Ember :3


They still need the friendship canon with them to make that speech work, and they had only 2 out of the 6 members it takes to make the rainbow beam. They could probably teleport away or chuck a rock at the dragons, but I'm not so sure that aggressive unicorn magic would work on dragons. 


Isn't Flutters still scared of dragons? 

Eh, maybe if he had better control over it, at least IMO.  If the Guardians of Harmony line looks to be any indication, he'll Godzilla up there. 


Okay so I do agree that Dragons are have a high strength but I was never expecting the ponies to start going all Kung-Fu. I was thinking they would start magically blasting them and shooting them from a distance since they're both Unicorns and that's their strength and we thus far haven't seen dragons be magic proof, so magic should be effective. Also side note, but given the bruising we've seen ponies go through, I think they're made of tougher stuff and could probably handle a punch or two (heck Twilight can handle getting smashed into and threw a mountain :lol: ).


Yeah she's scared but she'll always help her friends out if they're in danger.

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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This really shows a lot about dragon culture. Not to mention Spike didn't do something stupid ONCE! I am so happy!

But... am I the only one who thought Spike was getting his wings when he started to glow?

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But also, I wanna know what was discussed among the princesses at the tea party table Rarity and Spike interrupted.


I guess that the princesses they discussed about what might happen in the season 6 finale.




I really wish he'd Godzilla up again


It could happen.

Edited by Ulrik Raben


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DYN: Spike saved Ember from drowning but she never mentioned a thing about owing him a "life debt?" It's looking more and more like Spike's Honorable Dragon Code really is something he just made up for "Spike at Your Service..."  :lie:



It's just a shame that he'll likely return home an unsung hero after he literally threw himself into harm's way just for Equestria's sake. Also, on that note, I do wish Twilight had showed more concern for his safety. She was reasonably concerned, but considering that his life was in potential danger, she simply wasn't exactly the concerned parent I'd expect her to be in a situation like this. 


There are a few questions I am left with, though: Why was this the first time in Spike's entire life that he was ever summoned by the dragon lord?


Yeah, he's got yet another thing the citizens of Ponyville will take him for granted for and think of him as "some random dragon." :okiedokieloki: 

Maybe the next time he goes back to the Crystal Empire, he relate this tale and at least get some sympathy and a few free massages from his fans there?




Nitpick: Some dragon a long time ago decided a sceptor too tiny for any regular dragon to wield would bestoy lordship. It's like if Excalibur was the size of a toothpick.


This episode creates just as many questions as it answers (which actually isn't many). Because now I want to know more about this Bloodstone Scepter - Torch says he decided to end his rule because of the laws the dragons decreed. But it seems more like the scepter is the one that is deciding. And what kind of magic does it have that makes dragons glow? Can it do anything else? Did the dragons create it or is it some ancient artifact they stole, which might explain its small size if it came from ponies or griffons. So. Many. QUESTIONS!



Also, is it just me, or does Garble sound different?


Same VA for Garble, but I think he's gotten older just like the CMC VA's have so his voice is different now. Until I compared the credits, I thought it was a different VA!

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I'm sorry to rain on everybody's parades but I thought the episode was nothing special. The plot setup is okay. Twilight Sparkle and Rarity's characters were okay. Spike's character was okay. The recurring characters were okay. The new characters were okay. It's just...okay.


I'm not saying it was a bad episode or anything, it's just that everything that is done here has been done before. We've already seen Spike try to hang out with his own kind before in Dragon Quest. The idea of Spike giving up his position of power to Ember was good, but we've already seen that type of setup in Canterlot Boutique. Ember is not a bad character in herself but we have seen her type of character before in The Lost Treasure of Griffinstone. I'm not saying there was no originality in the episode. It was good to see some more dragons besides the ones in Dragon Quest. The problem is, all the dragons (with the exception of Ember and Garble)are pretty one-note. Also, I'm starting to worry that the writers have dropped the idea from Season 5 of the map episodes (You know, the ones that had two of the Mane 6 called by the map to solve a problem in Equestria).


Anyway, the episode was just okay for me. Nothing more, nothing less.

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This episode was really amazing. It was interesting how dragons glow when they are called upon to take up the task to become the dragon lord. It was also great to see other dragons again after not seeing them for a couple of seasons. Ember and lord Torch were really cool characters to see and it was also nice to see female dragons, since we saw only male dragons in certain episodes from past seasons. Twilight and Rarity in the multiple disguises were really funny, but  I do wonder where Rarity kept all of the outfits while being on the island. Spike and Ember worked really well as a team and the interaction between the two of them was great to see. It's also really great to see dragons being understood more by ponies and how ponies and dragons might work with each other at some point in the future. All in all, I really enjoyed this episode and this has to be my favorite Spike episode so far. 

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The boss dragon never said the scepter was dragon-made.  He probably stole it.  Torched some wizard and took it for his hoard.  Hence, dragon with tiny (but powerful?) scepter.


I liked how Spike was chill about everything and stayed who he is when facing danger.


I also liked that Twilight observed "The Prime Directive" by staying hidden as much as possible and letting events take their course.

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Eh, maybe if he had better control over it, at least IMO.  If the Guardians of Harmony line looks to be any indication, he'll Godzilla up there. 


Okay so I do agree that Dragons are have a high strength but I was never expecting the ponies to start going all Kung-Fu. I was thinking they would start magically blasting them and shooting them from a distance since they're both Unicorns and that's their strength and we thus far haven't seen dragons be magic proof, so magic should be effective. Also side note, but given the bruising we've seen ponies go through, I think they're made of tougher stuff and could probably handle a punch or two (heck Twilight can handle getting smashed into and threw a mountain :lol: ).


Yeah she's scared but she'll always help her friends out if they're in danger.


I think the guardians of harmony line is just based on "secret of my excess" not anything they have actually planned. I think they MIGHT make spike grow into an adult in the future, but that GOH isn't an indication of any current plans. (like how Skyla wasn't related to flurry heart when they decided to give cadence and SA a kid)




On that note, I do wonder if they'll ever decide to give spike wings; they even called attention to it being abnormal in this episode :P


Hot damn that was a good episode. I didn't think it was possible to include Garble and make the episode not obnoxious, and Ember is best dargin.


9/10 at least

The fact that garble's purpose tended to be "Get the crap kicked out of him for being an idiot" kind of does that to obnoxious characters :P XD

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Howdy all!


Yay a Spike Episode!


Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco wrote today's episode and it was a keeper.


Cathy Wessluck did a great performance as the baby dragon.


Fun to hear Vincent Tong as Garble again.


Ali Milner makes her MLP Debut as Princess Ember.

And she is pretty good.


While Matt Cowlrick was awesome as Torch.

(Ember's Dad)


Thought the gem hunting scene was funny.


And Twilight eager to learn more about the dragon race.

Celestia & Luna's giving her those looks was priceless.


Happy to see Spike make a new friend in Ember.

(Tough as scales but has a soft heart)


And Big Jim sez (Via Twitter) theres more Spike episodes to come later in the season.


Cant wait for more.

  • Brohoof 3


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Here's my thoughs on episode 5. The idea of showcasing a Dragon Lord was good as it shows that the dragon race have a leader rather than just be wild creatures roaming Equestria. Ember to me was a carbon copy of Gilda from S1 be neverless she was an interesting character. This episode was to essentially show that not all dragons are selfless creatures as depicted in the earlier seasons. Spike again, was put to an test of consistently questioning his role in life and seeking friendships through trust is a great example. The letdown is that Twilight and Rarity didn't do much and their role in this episode was rather wasted. To me, this is more of an expansion of different worlds and characters rather than pertaining to the mane 6 or the Map. A good episode to expand and developed Spike as a character but not so on the mane 6.

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I also liked that Twilight observed "The Prime Directive" by staying hidden as much as possible and letting events take their course.

About time someone mentioned this. Everyone is all why didn't Twilight blast Garble? Because that would be interfering in someone else's political affairs. She's a Princess of Equestria. If the dragons found out, things could have taken a turn for the worse.

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Great Spike episode, I expected it to be mainly spike though. Spike is now a former princess and dragon lord.


Anyone else a little bugged though that they've only released five episodes and only one of them took place in ponyville?


"Go home and hug every dragon you see on your way. don't tell them why you hugged them" I like that I'm'a do that next time I go out... maybe...




carbon copy of Gilda

woah, no... Gilda was just a bully. Ember presented herself as someone different early. Convincing her father that spike should leave, helping spike keep the ponies cover... it took gilda four seasons to reform, I wouldnt say that Ember really had to reform because she knew friendship was magic in the first place.

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woah, no... Gilda was just a bully. Ember presented herself as someone different early. Convincing her father that spike should leave, helping spike keep the ponies cover... it took gilda four seasons to reform, I wouldnt say that Ember really had to reform because she knew friendship was magic in the first place.

Yea its quite the opposite with Ember and Gilda. Yes they seem similar on the surface - both tomboys and a tough demeanor.


The crucial difference is that Gilda was highly insecure and bullied others to make herself feel better. Ember, while tough, doesn't bully others - she's quite reasonable and fair. Moreover Ember is quite confident in herself and in fact by participating in the Gauntlet of Fire shows that she has something to prove, fitting for the theme of the episode.

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About time someone mentioned this. Everyone is all why didn't Twilight blast Garble? Because that would be interfering in someone else's political affairs. She's a Princess of Equestria. If the dragons found out, things could have taken a turn for the worse.

Good point. Best to let things run their course and gain a new ally than risk leaving Equestria having the dragons as an enemy instead of a friend.

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Best episode of the season so far, granted it's still early but this hit a lot of good notes.


-World building: We learned about dragon politics (and God isn't that an odd phrase? XD) I particularly liked how the position of Dragon Lord is not hereditary but must be earned by standards set by the current Lord. For that matter, Torch was actually a really cool character. At first appearing kind of bull headed but ultimately isn't beyond reason or totally unfair. Not to mention his design was badass!


"You may not be big . . . but you are strong." (DAMN that writing!)


I mean compared to that dragon Spike found in the cave, Torch is a saint. Speaking of which . . .


-Spike: I don't know about you, but I've been getting more sick of people complaining about a lack of love for Spike as much as anything else. Not only did this episode deliver for those people but it really showed how Spike has matured. When Equestria was in danger at the prospect of a more violent Dragon Lord, at NO prompting and without a MOMENT's hesitation, Spike was ready to take the position and sacrifice his entire life to protect the home and friends that raised him. He also was clearly annoyed by Garble, but what was his last solution when facing him?




Now Spike is standing up to the bastard and not taking his shit!

Edited by Steel Accord
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