4HFan 476 April 26, 2016 Share April 26, 2016 It has happened again. This morning, I was walking out of my room, and it started playing AGAIN. Only this time the page wasn't even open! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! P.S. This is all real. No trolling. I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home. - Crown The Empire - Millenia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Generic. 9 April 26, 2016 Share April 26, 2016 That doesn't make much sense to me. Could you rephrase? Overlapping means like on OLD TV ages, when you could be watching Dr.Who on BBC1 and Top Gear on BBC2 at the same time, being the last show only a 'ghost' image just visible over dark places. I firmly believe both in multiple Universes and in Ghosts In a way consisting on that any ghost sighting is actually a 'cross' between our Universe and elsewhere (possibly a near parallel universe overlapping at some times) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azrael 13 April 27, 2016 Share April 27, 2016 looks like someone did their research. Good for you, but what are you doing to get involved in the paranormal? My findings are secret However, if you are really interested, you can add me on skype (which you can find on my profile page), and I can explain further, along with the others that I have also gathered to investigate and research. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alpinefroggy 451 April 27, 2016 Share April 27, 2016 No I do not believe in ghosts. I think the basis for belief is based on an argument from ignorance. I have not seen any compelling evidence 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreambiscuit 10,095 April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 There seems to be enough evidence to indicate there's something there, but not enough to say what is there. I keep an open mind and tend to believe in a lot of stuff like ghosts and the paranormal, especially on a level of trying to understand it for myself, and I can't dismiss it until or unless I have good reason to. I have heard disembodied 'footsteps' in a supposedly haunted hacienda I stayed at in Mexico, but realize there could be countless explanations for it. Again, my mind is open and seeking. I'm frankly curious about how these alternate realities perceive us. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phanact 333 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 I tell myself they're not real, but sometimes I scare myself and think they're in my room >.< 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tarnation 142 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 sorta. maybe. eeyup. yeah. definetly. They scare the creep outta me! 2 <p> best pony .......... And what in TARNATION?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holiday Agnaktor 1,436 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 I'm conflicted on this. Science says that energy can't come from nowhere, and some say that spirits can move things. It doesn't really add up in my book. The energy to move things has to come from somewhere. On the other hand, many people have had experiences with spirits, and the bible also says they're real. I really don't know. 1 Awesome signature by FallenTrench People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sceethe 704 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 Ghosts are real, thankfully we have the winchesters to protect us from them,though! Seriously though, nah they don´t exist. Probably. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Generic. 9 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 I'm conflicted on this. Science says that energy can't come from nowhere, and some say that spirits can move things. It doesn't really add up in my book. The energy to move things has to come from somewhere. On the other hand, many people have had experiences with spirits, and the bible also says they're real. I really don't know. Simple, science hinges just on the 3 Dimensions that we can perceive. For some reason they forget the two extra dimensions already proven (Time and quantic) we as 3D beings can just understand the concept of 3D plus a slight understanding of how time is supposed to look like ( partially, time is supposed to contain both, past and FUTURE ) Much less we can understand quantum concept, I mean, it's really like Prof. Frink explaining 3rd Dimension to the simpsons... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stormlight 1,371 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 Most of the time I don't mind that if there were any ghosts or spirits roaming around me and I didn't notice, since I honestly forget things are going around me sometimes. However, I do believe that there some type of spirits around us even if we don't notice it. When I heard my dogs howl late at night in a strange way, I get cautious and a terrified. Or even if I look up some local and popular ghost sighting stories; I sometimes want to feel my heart beat fast at the thought of being scared. Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Horse 12,962 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 I always say that it is the fool who dismisses something outside his expertise as impossible, and paranormal activity falls under that. My pragmatic side still generally prevents me from putting too much thought into stuff like this, but I don't want to say that it is flat out ludicrous. That being said, I don't think 'ghosts' or the like would be capable of affecting very much in the natural world, unlike what a lot of media would have us believe. If anything I can just see them observing, keeping watch over something or someone that had meaning to them in life. Why do they linger? Are they protective or disruptive? Who knows. They aren't here for us to ask anymore. "Always watching - Always lurking." Signature by @Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
On-Locoweed 108 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 Living in a really old house has given me some experiences with some strange energies from the past. My family and I have had brief encounters with "presences" that we believe are previous inhabitants of our home. There's one corner of my old room at home that always feels like something is there, because I feel like I'm being watched any time I look over there. It could be, though, that that area is a source or exit of energy to/from the house because it's a corner that's not well-insulated and doesn't have any adjoining rooms next to it. After seeing stuff on TV, I'd love to do some paranormal tourism and go to reportedly haunted places to see if it's legit. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Burst 36 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 Talking about supernatural entities isn't something I like doing. I'm not saying that ghosts/ spirits aren't real or are real, I'm just saying I don't believe it. I'm the kinda guy who thinks, "there is (usually) a logical answer to everything." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Dash 327 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 (edited) While the creepiness of ghosts is something that I find interesting, I don't believe in ghosts at all anymore. Main reason? Me, my brother and his girlfriend stayed at Waverly Hills Sanatorium for 4 hours and experienced absolutely nothing. Supposedly one of the most haunted places in the entire world and we experienced absolutely nothing. Of course it isn't that alone that makes me not believe in it, there are just too many holes in the idea. That's as bad as taking a jug of water out the sea while catching no fish, and then saying "hmm, I guess fish don't exist". But I myself do believe in ghosts. My theory is that spiritual beings rest in another dimension which then makes them invisible to 'Visible Light'. I've seen a lot of ghost footage, and while a lot are fake, and this kinda thing can easily be faked, there is a pattern I've noticed in many genuine ghost captured footage which all fits in to make a perfect picture. But the main thing that gets me believing is the ghosts of those that have died which can appear in photos after their death. I'm one that believes we all have a spirit inside, instead of just being living machines. But everyone is free to have their own believes. PS. Sorry for the shitty post, but my 't' key has totally fallen off, and it's jamming all my keys around it It's causing a key-tastrophe Edited April 30, 2016 by Lightning Dash 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,745 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 That's as bad as taking a jug of water out the sea while catching no fish, and then saying "hmm, I guess fish don't exist". But I myself do believe in ghosts. My theory is that spiritual beings rest in another dimension which then makes them invisible to 'Visible Light'. I've seen a lot of ghost footage, and while a lot are fake, and this kinda thing can easily be faked, there is a pattern I've noticed in many genuine ghost captured footage which all fits in to make a perfect picture. But the main thing that gets me believing is the ghosts of those that have died which can appear in photos after their death. I'm one that believes we all have a spirit inside, instead of just being living machines. Bit everyone is free to have their own believes. PS. Sorry for the shitty post, but my 't' key has totally fallen off, and it's jamming all my keys around it It's causing a key-tastrophe KEY_tastrophe.JPG Like I said, that was on top of never experiencing anything paranormal, ever. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChikaChan 7,326 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 I kinda believe it like I someone said: Always expect the unexpected ^^;;; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightfall Gloam 18,267 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 I don't believe in ghosts, mostly because I've never had any experiences with the paranormal, and I don't think we have sufficient enough evidence for ghosts, seeing as the only evidence is YouTube videos that could have easily been staged and edited. 1 Aspiring animator/illustrator, founder of MLPF's Lighthoof and Shimmy Shake fan club! "The magic of friendship grows" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Member Berry 1,217 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 (edited) No. Why are 99.9% of ghosts described human? Why don't you ever hear about somewhere being "haunted" by a dog or cat? I used to work in an pub and people believed it was haunted. It was an old building and the lighting always looked off up there because of where it was. The way the building was and the way the land was around it sheep could walk on to the roof and make noises. It was just a creepy looking building and people associate buildings like that with ghosts. Two men have also died up there so that's creepy too. I've been up there on my own numerous amounts of times, I would hear stuff but that was just floor boards creaking or the wind. I've never seen a ghost or anything weird up there. If ghosts DID exist I'm sure we'd have proof by now. Edited May 1, 2016 by Kayleigh - Kayleigh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFanatic34 3,234 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 I was able to capture a ghost passing by, I only happened to catch it by chance, I was just taking a picture when I suddenly saw it appear on my phone screen as my finger was heading for the capture button. It suddenly got a lot colder the moment it passed by. I took another picture and that mist wasn't there anymore. I took the photo in Miyajima, Japan, people sometimes commit suicide in forests like where I was. Wow, what was the forest like? I mean I've heard a lot of creepy things about it and would love to go myself just to catch a glimpse of something weird. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frecklesareblooming 225 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 I think there are things out there that science can't explain, but I understand people's skepticism when they're presented with grainy footage of a rocking chair moving back and forth or lights flickering on and off. We have ghost shows that capture EVPs and orbs of light, but those have to be taken with a grain of salt as they most likely go through several stages of editing. Personally, I haven't had an experience or been given sufficient evidence to know they exist or not, but I'm open to the idea. 1 "When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moony the Cat 3,702 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 I do believe in Ghosts, since i also believe in an afterlife. I would be pretty scared, to go into a Haunted Mansion or something. Because of that one Ghost Picture that someone posted, with the Fog on it, i remember that i took a kinda similar Photo, with a strange Fog on it. No Idea if its a Ghost, but only this one Picture showed the Fog. I actually shot it near my House. Now i have to say, there was a very small River near the Place. So...maybe the Fog came from the water? 1 Sig made by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFanatic34 3,234 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I do believe in Ghosts, since i also believe in an afterlife. I would be pretty scared, to go into a Haunted Mansion or something. Because of that one Ghost Picture that someone posted, with the Fog on it, i remember that i took a kinda similar Photo, with a strange Fog on it. 10999432_906819852702230_2116179947992425491_n.jpg No Idea if its a Ghost, but only this one Picture showed the Fog. I actually shot it near my House. Now i have to say, there was a very small River near the Place. So...maybe the Fog came from the water? Wow that's a creepy picture. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frequency Wavelength 45 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I live in Melbourne, Australia, I was just in Japan for a one month holiday, I am returning there end of this year. Actually I previously caught a ghost on film at an earlier trip to Hong Kong Disneyland, I'm pretty sure it's the same ghost "orb" in both pictures. It made a cool dash from Fantasia Mickey! It was just moving side to side here. I think there are things out there that science can't explain, but I understand people's skepticism when they're presented with grainy footage of a rocking chair moving back and forth or lights flickering on and off. We have ghost shows that capture EVPs and orbs of light, but those have to be taken with a grain of salt as they most likely go through several stages of editing. Personally, I haven't had an experience or been given sufficient evidence to know they exist or not, but I'm open to the idea. See twilythebookworm, I captured a ghost as an orb of light, definitely not edited. I do believe in Ghosts, since i also believe in an afterlife. I would be pretty scared, to go into a Haunted Mansion or something. Because of that one Ghost Picture that someone posted, with the Fog on it, i remember that i took a kinda similar Photo, with a strange Fog on it. 10999432_906819852702230_2116179947992425491_n.jpg No Idea if its a Ghost, but only this one Picture showed the Fog. I actually shot it near my House. Now i have to say, there was a very small River near the Place. So...maybe the Fog came from the water? That's definitely a ghost, very much a similar consistency to the image I posted from Miyajima, Japan on page 2. Fog from the water would appear differently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carl Poppa 464 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 The stuff you see on TV on shows like A Haunting is often really stupid, absurd, and obviously fictionalized. Add to that the fact that ghosts seem illogical and impossible, and considering there's no real solid proof one way or the other... well, I'd want to believe they aren't a thing. But I've seen some shit. And there was no explanation for the things to which I'm referring. Nothing logical could explain the events in question. So I'm left to assume that there are ghosts or spirits, of some kind, even if they aren't necessarily what people think they are. One thing's for damn sure. There's plenty of stuff in this world that I, nor anyone else, understands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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