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What did you think of it?  

230 users have voted

  1. 1. How was the episode?

    • Holiday jeers; man. >: (
    • Didn't care for it...bah humbug.
    • It was...total meh.
    • I'd say it was jolly decent!

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I am always sceptical about musical episodes since they tend to be either huge hits or huge misses for me. But WOW this episode blew my expectations out of the water! It was brilliant! The songs were all fantastic - especially Luna's, which was EPIC. I got chills everywhere!


I'm still trying to adjust to Starlight being a predominant character in the show but each episode that centres on her does her more and more justice. A great Christmas episode (despite the time of year it aired); the best out of all Christmas episodes so far. 


Awesome!! 8/10 is my rating. 

Am I the only one that didn't like it? It wasn't the worst, but it wasn't great either. It felt really out of place for the time of year and I'm not interested in episodes that are pretty much musicals. I don't want to sound horrible towards it, but it just didn't work for me and did they really have to go with a scrooge spin-off like every has done before?


Like I said; I don't want to be hard on it, but I just can't bring myself too like it.

That's fair enough. If you didn't like it, you can't help that. No episode is going to please every single person out there. 


I too am usually not a fan of full musical episodes, but personally would say this one was an exception. It was a bit weird to have a Xmas episode in May, but hey never mind. XD

  • Brohoof 4

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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GREAT musical episode! Probably the best of them all to date. Seriously, how has Disney not hired Daniel Ingram for anything yet? Wasn't expecting a MLP version of A Christmas Carol either.



  • Brohoof 1

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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I know what I'm watching at Christmastime this year. :icwudt: Very good holiday special, definitely better than Hearthbreakers and even better than A Hearth's Warming Eve, in my humble opinion. That's not even mentioning this...




I'm not even Applejack's biggest fan, but being the show's first actual ghost pony (meaning not counting Windigoes) is an honorary achievement.  :icwudt:   

  • Brohoof 1


Comet's still best boi. <3

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Ok, just one word describe this episode: Phenomenal. 


A total ponified Scrooge! The songs were just amazing and I've gotta get cracking on new remixes...


Man...this episode was just off the chain...like it was so well played.


And lol Twilight showed her Pinkie side...



  • Brohoof 1
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I'm in love with the music in this episode. I think it might be my favorite of the season. For a Christmas episode in like May.


It's you I love


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(First of all, sorry that i wasn't in the stream today. I was incredibly occupied throughout.)


This is the kind of Heartswarming eve episode, that i wished for, for almost 5 years, but damn was it worth the wait.


I was always a big fan of Christmas specials and my favorite christmas story was always the christmas carol and ever since the first heartswarming eve episode, i always wondered "why dosen't MLP have one?" Finally, my wish was fulfilled and it was fulfilled in a great manner. :D


First off, AJ, Pinkie and Luna as the ghosts, are casted perfectly. They all represent the original ghosts pretty well, while also keeping their personalities.


The songs where all phenomenal and that's what you need, for a great christmas special. You can laugh with it, you can cry with it, etc. and i think if you feel emotions during that songs, then it did it's job well. Of course, some might not like musicals, but i love them.


I also love those little breaks during Twis reading, especially when she made Pinkies voice, which was so much cuteness. :)


The Moral was also great. If you sit with your butt in the office for 12 hours all day and then go to sleep for your whole life, it will be over one day and you missed it. Also, i don't get what kinda implications some people complain about, because i never thought for one second, that this episode implied that working dosen't pay off. It just said that you need to relax.


I admit, my review is probably a bit bias, since i am a sucker for Christmas specials and movies. But this was the best episode this season and the best heartswarming episode. This is something, i can probably put in my collection, of great christmas classics that i can pop in during the holiday season.


Have a cute Twily. <3



  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

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This will be my shortest review in FIM history.


A Pony Christmas Carol....




Honestly, I've never much cared for the episodes of any show where the characters play other characters in a story that doesn't serve to develop anything.  As a person who doesn't care for holidays irl (it's not that I don't value friendship, which I do, I just don't care for decorating and traditions), I think it would have been better if Twilight said, "The end," and then Starlight said, "Wow, you were right, Twilight.  That was a great story.  But if it's all the same to you, I think I'll still skip it."


*Starlight walks off camera.  Door slam sound.  Roll credits.*

  • Brohoof 5


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Im very mix with the episode, but lets breaks this down into two

First the good:

Starlight being Scourge is good choice, but I would have personally would have picked Blueblood(but that's just me). The ponies represents ghosts are ideals casting. The songs is what demonates this episode ! And that Luna is the ghost of Harts Warming future, essentially that saying that if you destroy Hearts Warming Eve. Besically by Destroying the Holiday ponies forget why they united to from Equestria in the first place. And it somehow turns into a frozen wasteland where you see the remains of Equestria all around you. Long story short. Luna's singing is the scariest and best part of the episode and it's at the end of it.

Now the Bad:

Since this an adaption  of the Christmas Coral...this by far the worst adaption  I have ever  seen.  Even the songs are by far epic, they are cheerful...yeah. Plus they skip Scourge's friend  completely and go straight to the Ghost of Christmas past. They sanitized the scariest and most important intervention from Ebenezer's old busyness partner. "These chains are the chains that I have labored my entire life." Is damn powerful symbol of one laboring for their own regret. Jacob Marley (Scrooges old Partner) considered Scrooge his only friend, and came back from the grave to tell him about the Three Spirits because if Scrooge was fated to die that very night if he did not change his ways! It's a big deal! On top of that, they cut out the poor and rich theme of the story. What are they're no poor ponies in Equestria? Calling BS on that one.  Plus they turned Scourge into a Supervilian, huh? Okay this episode made Scourge into the Grinch. So please pick a Christmas you want to adapt and stick with it. I felt they mutilated the Choral and that's sad sight to see 



I do have mix feelings, as I said. As a retelling of The Christmas Choral, its fails miserably and it cuts corners  to point there the Muppet's  version is the better rendition, in comparison . As its own things its pretty awesome the sings are awesome and animation really good  I would suggest watching, but watch own thing. If you really good want a  awesome retelling of  The Christmas Carol check out Doctor Who's version starting Matt Smith

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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I keep listening to Seeds of the Past ... so much love for this song right now. I know everyone is likely focused on Luna Future's song, but I think SotP may rise to my personal top ten. 

@COBLoneWolf, Muppet's Christmas Carol is likely the best adaptation outside of George C. Scott's one. Of course I love when they take liberties with the take which is why I think Scrooged with Bill Murray is a genius piece of holiday cinema. If you want a really bad adaptation ... Magoo. Trust me. :/

  • Brohoof 4



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I keep listening to Seeds of the Past ... so much love for this song right now. I know everyone is likely focused on Luna Future's song, but I think SotP may rise to my personal top ten.


That piece actually moved tears to my eyes, no joke.

  • Brohoof 3

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

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My favorite line in the whole episode was Spike saying "Yeah, coming from the pony who took away cutie marks". I think Spike's blunt line there was the best part of the whole episode!



Gotta say Spike's snark in response to Starlight's criticism of Snowball Frost in Act 2 was hilarious. XD



I was surprised Spike was so blunt here. It was indeed a throwback to how his personality was in earlier seasons. I didn't mind it, but considering how nice he's been since then it was a bit surprising. Also funny was his deadpan line about "yeah we get it, Starswirl's awesome" in response to Twilight going on about the bearded one's accomplishments. XD


Having said that, it would have been even funnier if he instead brought up the alternate reality the three of them visited:


"Says the pony who in one instance managed to turn Equestria into a barren, lifeless wasteland all over the loss of her best friend."


Just keep tellin' it like it is, Spike... XD



As for other comments I have about the episode - I liked it, but didn't love it. Of the three HWE eps, it's maybe on par with "Hearthbreakers," (which I also liked) though this is a warmer tale since AJ's harsh negativity over "tradition" gives that episode some bad mojo.


But it's still not as good as "Winter Wrap-Up," mainly because anytime you retell a well-known story, you really have to punch it up with some great character moments or plot twists. And aside from the funny moments with the characters in the real world, the storybook world didn't really do anything to set itself apart from "A Christmas Carol." Sure, the story was a bit different, but not enough to make it very predictable.


"Winter Wrap-Up" had it's original premise going for it, and one of the most amazing and unforgettable musical numbers of the series. "A HWE Tail" had excellent production values and great musical numbers, but I never felt for any of the characters in "AHWET" like I did for Twilight in "WWU".


I guess the one negative this episode has going for it for me (and it's not a fault of the episode) is I saw the previews and from the sightings of Rarity's parents and possibly Rainbow's dad, I bought into the hype that the story would involve the parents of the characters in some way. But they were just there for momentary window dressing so I felt let down even though I know I shouldn't have expected them to feature prominently. (Flutter Brutter can't get here soon enough, IMO...)


Also what did the play on the word "Tail" have to do with the story? Other than it involving characters with tails, that appendage didn't figure into the plot at all. (I know there's a joke somewhere in there, lol.)


Again, I liked this episode a lot, but to dethrone "WWU" it needed a lot more feels. As it stands, it's a wonderful, warm holiday episode that's should bring a smile to many faces. But for viewers who crave unique story ideas, world building, and plot unpredictability, it falls a bit short.

Edited by Truffles
  • Brohoof 3

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I keep listening to Seeds of the Past ... so much love for this song right now. I know everyone is likely focused on Luna Future's song, but I think SotP may rise to my personal top ten.


Completely agree, Seeds of the Past was my favorite song of this episode as well.  Quintessential Applejack song and highlighted Ashleigh Ball's already beautiful AJ singing voice at its absolute best.  That said, Pinkie was surprisingly joyous sounding in her own song; I don't mean just her usual cheery self, she always sounds that way in virtually all of her songs, but some of the high notes she reached here, they really took that cheer an extra step further into genuine, sincere holiday joy that can't help but put a smile on your face.  Like I practically felt like she was about to start crying simply from how happy she was, and to me, that embodies everything that the Spirit of Christmas Present/Hearth's Warming Presents (HA) is supposed to represent.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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My thoughts on the episode as a whole

The good:

Starlight plays a great Scrooge/Snowfall

Hearing Starlight as a filly talk

Pinkie Pie as the ghost of Christmas past is brilliant

The songs were great, especially Pinkie’s Present

The holiday scenery is amazing


The Bad:

It’s another Christmas Carol without any twists or original concepts (aside from planning to destroy the holiday)

Missed opportunity to have Twilight read the story to colts and fillies (CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Pipsqeak etc) alongside Starlight and Spike

Not including the Princesses, Discord, Shining Armor and Flurryheart in the final shot


Rating: 8/10

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I was surprised Spike was so blunt here. It was indeed a throwback to how his personality was in earlier seasons. I didn't mind it, but considering how nice he's been since then it was a bit surprising. Also funny was his deadpan line about "yeah we get it, Starswirl's awesome" in response to Twilight going on about the bearded one's accomplishments. XD


Having said that, it would have been even funnier if he instead brought up the alternate reality the three of them visited:


"Says the pony who in one instance managed to turn Equestria into a barren, lifeless wasteland all over the loss of her best friend."


Just keep tellin' it like it is, Spike... XD



As for other comments I have about the episode - I liked it, but didn't love it. Of the three HWE eps, it's maybe on par with "Hearthbreakers," (which I also liked) though this is a warmer tale since AJ's harsh negativity over "tradition" gives that episode some bad mojo.


But it's still not as good as "Winter Wrap-Up," mainly because anytime you retell a well-known story, you really have to punch it up with some great character moments or plot twists. And aside from the funny moments with the characters in the real world, the storybook world didn't really do anything to set itself apart from "A Christmas Carol." Sure, the story was a bit different, but not enough to make it very predictable.


"Winter Wrap-Up" had it's original premise going for it, and one of the most amazing and unforgettable musical numbers of the series. "A HWE Tail" had excellent production values and great musical numbers, but I never felt for any of the characters in "AHWET" like I did for Twilight in "WWU".


I guess the one negative this episode has going for it for me (and it's not a fault of the episode) is I saw the previews and from the sightings of Rarity's parents and possibly Rainbow's dad, I bought into the hype that the story would involve the parents of the characters in some way. But they were just there for momentary window dressing so I felt let down even though I know I shouldn't have expected them to feature prominently. (Flutter Brutter can't get here soon enough, IMO...)


Also what did the play on the word "Tail" have to do with the story? Other than it involving characters with tails, that appendage didn't figure into the plot at all. (I know there's a joke somewhere in there, lol.)


Again, I liked this episode a lot, but to dethrone "WWU" it needed a lot more feels. As it stands, it's a wonderful, warm holiday episode that's should bring a smile to many faces. But for viewers who crave unique story ideas, world building, and plot unpredictability, it falls a bit short.

Gotta agree with you about WWU it you want to do a comparison. To be fair WWU is on a level all its own in many ways. Also, that last paragraph was a fair assessment.

  • Brohoof 2



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The only thing I didnt like about this ep is Hearthwarming's Tail story didnt contribute to the history of Equestria just like Hearthwarming's Eve did...


Everything else is good :D. Applejack's singing is awesome.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well that was certainly an improvement. It got a lot right despite basically being "A Christmas Carol" with ponies. And while it's not quite the same as an original plot, it still requires some skill to adapt such a story for your particular milieu, so kudos to the writers. The songs were lovely.


There were a few things that weren't great. While Spike's response to Starlight opining that using magic to destroy HWE was an overreaction was great, it still bothers me that Starlight demonstrates such a lack of self-awareness here. As Spike says, she did the exact same thing... she didn't like cutie marks (and what they represent), so she used magic to destroy them, exactly the thing she unironically calls an "overreaction". At least they could have shown some sign that Starlight realized the inherent hypocrisy when Spike points it out. Just a reaction shot of a sheepish grin on her side would have fixed it. 


No arguments against Luna being the future ghost, but I think it would have been better to leave her in the shadows throughout her appearance. It's clearly Luna, so showing her doesn't constitute a reveal, and it would have been more inline with the spirit (hur hur) of the scene to keep her obscured. This is more of a personal preference and a bit of a nitpick, though.


Some more good things to full out this criticism sandwich...

Spike going for a cocoa break was funny on its own, but it also worked very well as a meta-joke... there would have been an advert there, so implying that Spike was getting his cocoa during the ad break.

Snowfall's "villain" song was pretty awesome, almost makes me wish she still was a villain.

I like that it seemed to draw on multiple versions of the story. Pinkie's outfit reminds me a lot of the one in the Jim Carrey version, a robe and a crown of leaves.


All in all, a marked improvement over the previous 2 episodes. Not perfect, but still one I wouldn't mind watching again at Christmas time...  :catface:

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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I think this is my favorite episode of the season so far. Normally, I'm not a fan of musicals, but I throughly enjoyed all the songs in this episode. Out of all the songs they did, Starlight Glimmer and Pinkie Pie's songs were my favorite. The changes they made to the source material made sense within the context of the MLP-universe and the visuals were stunning. 10/10

  • Brohoof 2
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Darn it, I'd love to explain all the correlations between Snow and Starlight but I'm on mobile and I don't want to type that much.


I think the most significant is Luna telling Snow about how her actions would have drastic consequences even though she didn't entirely know the full extent her plan would bring. Similar to how Starlight was mostly oblivious to the horrible alternate realities she was creating. There was also another line that stood out but it escapes me at the moment. I'll edit in or post it later if I can remember it.


Great episode! :D


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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The only thing I didnt like about this ep is Hearthwarming's Tail story didnt contribute to the history of Equestria just like Hearthwarming's Eve did...


Everything else is good :D. Applejack's singing is awesome.

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I've watched this episode a few times now, and I have some thoughts:


There's a lot to take in while watching this. The backgrounds are not only gorgeous but numerous, and we only get to see them for a few seconds at a time. The shots of Ponyville all decorated for the holidays tempt you to pause the video and just stare at it. There's a <b>lot<b> of artwork in this ep that we are taking for granted.


The transitions from scene to scene are very fast-paced...heck, the whole episode is fast-paced. It doesn't slow down for anything. Snowfall leaves her house several times and simply trying to keep track of where she's at, while trying to pay attention to the plot, is hard.


While I loved this episode, I must say it was a little overwhelming. So much stuff happens and it makes me want to rewatch it many times just to keep track of all the details.

  • Brohoof 1
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