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What did you think of it?  

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  1. 1. How was the episode?

    • Holiday jeers; man. >: (
    • Didn't care for it...bah humbug.
    • It was...total meh.
    • I'd say it was jolly decent!

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Pretty good. I'm pretty sure that professor guy during the past segment was supposed to be Snape. I also really like the 4th Doctor bit and Luna's giant Sith lord/Steven Universe Blue Diamond thing. And Derpy. Derpy is always great. It's just that a Christmas themed episode is just really out of place.

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Overall, while this isn't a bad episode and seems more or less to accomplish what it sets out to do, I ultimately just don't really care for Christmas-themed episodes or musical episodes. I can see how this could be a feel-good episode, and how the costumes, elaborate sets, characters roleplaying other characters, etc. could be entertaining, but the episode also (obviously) relies on several cliche and kind of simplistic holiday-episode tropes. I'll just write about my observations below, roughly in the order as they appeared in the episode.


When I see all of the elaborate holiday decorations throughout the episode, I can't help wondering whether all of that is really necessary. Are people really getting enough enjoyment out of those decorations to make it worthwhile to buy them and take the time and effort to put them all up and take them all down? For me, Christmas decorations like those are, at best, only mildly amusing, and most of the time, I end up tuning them out completely.


Of course, Twilight and Spike are horrified at Starlight's suggestion that she might just skip the Hearth's Warming Eve celebration. I've never really liked this idea in holiday-themed stories that anyone who isn't sufficiently joyful or celebratory during the holidays must have something wrong with them, and they must be guilt-tripped and socially pressured into conforming and celebrating like everyone else. I'm sympathetic to Starlight's and Snowfall's attitudes that the holidays are overrated, that everyone shouldn't feel obligated to participate in them, and that being extra nice during the holidays doesn't necessarily make up for or replace doing good work and good deeds the rest of the year. (Snowfall's reaction that Hearth's Warming Eve is dangerous and should be eradicated is obviously exaggerated, though.)


Spike incredulously asks Starlight why she would deny herself presents and candy, but I might respond that somebody has to pay for all of that. Perhaps Starlight feels that whatever enjoyment she might derive from the presents and candy others give her isn't worth the money and effort that others spent on those things. Or maybe Starlight would rather not feel the pressure to reciprocate and try to find gifts for other ponies who are giving gifts to her.


Both Snowfall and Starlight kind of make arguments that other ponies' celebrations of Hearth's Warming Eve are too materialistic and shallow, and/or aren't actually focusing on what the holiday is "supposed" to be about. However, I'm not really one to complain that other people are missing the "real" reasons for the holidays amidst the (supposed) materialism and shallowness of how the holidays are celebrated. Do whatever makes you happy, so long as you don't feel obligated to burn yourself out or go into extreme debt in order to try to make others happy or meet others' holiday expectations. But if some people don't want to join in the usual holiday traditions or participate in what they feel is the often forced cheerfulness and kindness of the holidays, then that should be respected, too.


At the Hearth's Warming Eve party, when Snowdash says that Snowfall believes that "we would all be better off spending time working to make Equestria a better place", everyone at the party boos. And when Snowdash says that Snowfall believes a better Equestria looks like "ponies working hard, learning, and using their abilities for the benefit of Equestria", Merry and Flutterholly laugh at that notion. But I don't think Snowfall's ideas there are ridiculous and worthy of being booed or laughed at. When Merry and Flutterholly say that a better Equestria looks like the Hearth's Warming Eve party they're at right now, I want to ask them "Well, how is that able to happen? What makes that possible?". It's only through the power of capitalism, harnessing resources, and technological progress - i.e., the hard work of lots and lots of people to make their fellow human beings' lives better - that we have the leisure time and wealth to spend on parties like these in the first place. I get that the intended message is probably to strike an appropriate work-leisure balance and not to tilt too far toward work, but I think that message doesn't come across very well in that scene.


We learn from the Spirit of Hearth's Warming Yet To Come that Hearth's Warming Eve celebrations are apparently absolutely necessary to hold the windigos at bay - without Hearth's Warming Eve, all is strife and the future is a cold nightmare. So, without Hearth's Warming Eve, there's really not enough goodwill, or too much bad will, generated among ponies in the ordinary course of events to keep the windigos away? I find that hard to believe. But even if we accept that, it only constitutes a pragmatic argument for Snowfall not to try to eradicate or interfere with Hearth's Warming Eve. It doesn't necessarily follow that Snowfall should participate in Hearth's Warming Eve herself, let alone pull a complete 180 and throw the "Hearth's Warmingest" Hearth's Warming Eve celebrations. After all, the windigos seemed to be kept at bay even without Snowfall celebrating Hearth's Warming Eve earlier.


After Twilight finishes the story, she really turns on the cutesy charm when thanking Starlight for letting her read the story, and saying that Starlight is welcome to join Twilight and Spike at the party downstairs, making it difficult for Starlight not to go to the party. It's partly my contrarian impulse, and partly my sympathy to the idea that holiday celebrations are overrated and people shouldn't feel obligated to join them, but I think @Justin_Case001's idea of Starlight essentially telling Twilight "Thanks, but no thanks" would be funny and perhaps more interesting. Maybe the partygoers would initially be shocked that Starlight still couldn't be convinced to join them, but then they might accept that Hearth's Warming Eve celebrations aren't for everyone.


I would say, though, that in Starlight's and Snowfall's cases, the Hearth Warming's Eve parties might be close to the least downside for the potential upside that they could reasonably ask for. Neither of them is doing anything urgent, all of their friends/acquaintances are at the parties, and all they really have to do is literally go downstairs or down the street to attend. If I were in their places, I would figure, hey, why not go to the party and get some free food and possible conversation and entertainment? But still, their experiences at their first Hearth's Warming Eve parties might not be representative of how those parties would go in general. In both Starlight's and Snowfall's cases, they initially didn't want to go to the parties, and so the fact that they surprisingly decided to attend meant that the other partygoers probably went out to their way to make Starlight and Snowfall feel welcome. In later years, though, they might just become one more on the list of guests, and consequently could get left out of everyone else's social circles and conversations. I've attended parties where I didn't know anyone well enough to make more than a minute or so of awkward initial small talk with a few people, and so I spent almost all of my time standing around, just consuming the refreshments and listening to other people's conversations without ever feeling able or invited to join in on them. I could easily imagine the same thing happening to Starlight and Snowfall, and in that case, they might not feel like attending the Hearth's Warming Eve parties is worthwhile any more. Maybe the idea is supposed to be that everyone is extra nice and welcoming at the Hearth's Warming Eve parties, but in reality, I wouldn't necessarily expect that to be the case.

  • Brohoof 4
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This is the first episode of Season Six that I actually really enjoyed. :D The songs were wonderful, and the Equestrian adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" was really well done. :3 I'm gonna watch it again, now.



I realize that some might consider this story overused, but I think mlp's interpretation was clever and, more importantly, relevant to current character arcs. I'm not a fan of reformed Starlight, but if her reformation had gone more like Snowfall's did in this episode, I would like her so, so much more. This story was much more fun, and much more well-paced than those sloppy last ten minutes of the season 5 finale. This episode achieved what others failed to do-- it made me like and empathize with Starlight... even though it technically wasn't her I was watching. Plus, this episode was a huge improvement on Twilight's character, compared to other recent ones. It actually showed her reading and understanding Starlight's situation, and using her own methods to get through to her and help her improve as a person pony.


I always enjoy episodes where the mane six play as other characters, too. It's fun to see their same personalities in a different context, and of course, the amazing songs and costumes add so much to it. This has been my favourite episode this season, no matter how poorly timed its release was. :P

Edited by AmberDust
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The songs in this episode were absolutely amazing! I loved it!


Would've been even better if they wouldn't have released this episode in may. :D



Edited by SOM3D4Y
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Wow, a musical episode that DOESN'T mess with the status quo? We haven't had that since Pinkie Pride. I liked it! And as my favorite pony, seeing Big Mac so openly happy makes me smile. (That sounded a lot less creepy in my head.)

  • Brohoof 1

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This was a very enjoyable and well done episode, I loved that it was Starlight's first Hearth's Warming and she had some holiday blues so Twilight tried to cheer her up and it was nice to see the castle during the holidays. I also enjoyed the overall story and how it was a lot like A Christmas Carol and the songs were all fantastic. I loved Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Princess Luna as the three spirits and I loved seeing a young Starlight, she was adorable. A fantastic holiday episode and definitely one of my favorites. 10/10!!




















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This episode was awesome!! This is probably my favorite episode of FiM to date. I mean seriously we got five songs!! Now on to some real talk starlight was awesome in this episode, applejack is best ghost confirmed and what can I even say about pinkie pie that hasn't already been said before?

  • Brohoof 1


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I liked it,  and Glimmer being in evil mood even in a book was just grand for the moment.   Also some of the songs where good and some a bit blah.   Casting Luna at the end as the Ghost of Future was just the twist I liked to see and it fits her so well! 


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The episode was good, but I am really getting tired of the Christmas carol parodies. Seriously, they could have at least added new stuff to the mix, but all they did that was new was twilight reading the book. Also, yes, I know the songs are good and enjoyable, but it gets kind of old after non stop songs for a half an hour. I want to watch a TV show not a music playlist. It doesn't help that they are having a hearthswarming episode in the middle of may! I know I am being really nit picky, and a lot of people probably disagree with me, and maybe perhaps I AM being to harsh on the episode, but being harsh will make the show better over all. It lets the creators know their mistakes and fix them. Plus I never said I hated the episode. It just could use some improvements.


Now I am sure some of you reading this are probably wondering "why the heck is he rambling about pointless and possibly obvious stuff?"




Who am I kidding, this is the MLP fan base.  :P

  • Brohoof 1
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1.) Snowfall isnt really using magic.. She's mostly doing potions.


2.) How can the seeds of the past quickly grow fast? No matter How I look at it.. it's not really logical, but if it's for the lyrics, then who cares right?


3.) did you guys saw a colt who also has a rainbow mane?


4.) How come twilight hasnt appeared in the story? I really thought she would be the spirit of harmony or friendship

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Lots of great songs this time around. So glad to see Luna singing!


I always find the evil females of MLP attractive. Just something about their dastardly expressions is attractive, and it looks good on Starlight.


I find it a bit jarring that they aired a Christmas based episode just as summer is about to start. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.

  • Brohoof 2
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I daresay this is one of the best episodes of the entire show, and easily the best Hearth's Warming episode. Part of the spirit of Christmas is all the songs, so this having been a musical is extremely fitting. My only complaint is I don't get why they decided to air this in May, especially with a mid-season hiatus coming up. Had they waited to air this one after the hiatus, it would have been far more appropriately-timed. Dunno why they couldn't have kept this ep back and finished up another one and aired it instead. But that's a fairly minor complaint, since when I feel like revisiting this show years down the line, I can watch this ep at the right time anyway.

  • Brohoof 1

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They made her eeeeevvvvvvviiiiiiillllllll


She was warning Snowfall to not cast a spell and destroy the future, I don't really get how that's evil. I mean, she's trying to scare her into not ruining everypony's lives, creepy but not evil.


 Plus, just a story. Not the real Luna. 

  • Brohoof 3

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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Lots of great songs this time around. So glad to see Luna singing!


Sure was good to see Luna singing again since "You'll Play Your Part" back in the Season 4 finale, and with a solo song as well, though I am surprised it was not Kazumi Evans who was doing the singing this time for Princess Luna like before.

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It has Luna in it, so it's a god episode. But how come that Luna was so tall? (beside the obvious fact that she was a magical spirit of the future). I mean, what's under the cloak?


She wasn't tall.  The Spirit of the Future was tall.

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This episode did a good job of paying homage by taking a key element or two from A Christmas Carol and How The Grinch Stole Christmas, while still portraying itself in doing its own thing for using musical storytelling when telling a story. Not just that, there were songs sung by the three ghosts known as Past, Present, and Future which I might add that the songs all hit the mark.


I commend Mike Vogel for the writing of this episode and Daniel Ingram's music capturing the right feel for Christmas, even when airing in May. :P


10/10 from me.



  • Brohoof 6
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