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food How often do you eat salads?


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I try to eat a salad a couple times a week just to balance out all the trash I stuff down my gullet all the time. This way I feel less guilty about ordering that extra bag of fries. Mmm, pass the ketchup!  :smug:

  • Brohoof 3
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I eat fruit salads fairly often. I like to throw bananas, papaya, mango, strawberries, pineapples, grapes, and grapes.


As for veggie salads, not all that often; I should eat them more though. Nothing is more nutritious than a fresh garden salad XD.



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Never, lol. I hate vegetables.


I know I probably should cause I rarely eat very healthy food... but it's just so disgusting. The only vegetables I like is cucumber and paprika


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I eat it quite often. Adding something as simple as the perfect dressing (I personally love ranch in my salads) make it taste delicious. Plus, it's healthy and has stopped me from eating the junk food I used to eat - i.e. McDonald's every day because I was always too lazy to make myself something.

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I'll eat 1-3 a week. Better than junk food and plus it can taste amazing if you know what you're doing. Chicken + bacon + spinach leaves + carrots + corn + lettuce = Heaven <3

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Never, lol. I hate vegetables.


I know I probably should cause I rarely eat very healthy food... but it's just so disgusting. The only vegetables I like is cucumber and paprika

what about a basic cucumber salad? Just thinly sliced cucumbers marinated in vinegar with salt and pepper, and chilled?

All the time! :D I love to try different types of salads with different ingredients. Salads don't have to be boring! There are so many fruits and vegetables out there to try.

I like pasta salads, too :nom:

I know they don't have to be. I've had a couple of amazing salads before

But I'm lazy, so the prep work for the more fantastic ones is a bitch

  • Brohoof 1

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Is never an option? XD I honestly have never eaten a salad in my life. I think this is because vegetation like that, like lettuce or celery for example, that stuff just makes me gag for some reason. Like if it was on a sandwich and I didn't know it, the moment I would feel that 'crunch' of the veggie, I would then spit it out immediately.


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Most salads are boring and flavorless, or some of the leaves end up being bitter due to being harvested late, rot, etc. I prefer vegetation on sandwiches. A salad sandwich might work out. Someone get to inventing that (yes, I know it probably already exists).

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what about a basic cucumber salad? Just thinly sliced cucumbers marinated in vinegar with salt and pepper, and chilled?


*shivers* eeew no pls no


vinegar makes me puke, literally.


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I don't think I've ever had one. If I did it was when I was extremely young.

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Eating green leafy vegetables is a good way to stay regular and feed your body nutrients you need. So, as someone who desires bowel movement regularity and nutrition the answer is yes. Plus, it's summer time, and there's no better time to eat healthy than at such a time when the garden is yielding all sorts of salad-level vegetables. I've done raw food cleanses before where I subsisted solely on salads in some way or another, typically plain, and those are interesting experiences lemme tell you.

  • Brohoof 1
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