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Does Fluttershy deserve alicornhood?


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She saved Equestria from being covered in smoke, AND she reformed Discord, the most powerful and dangerous canonical character, both pretty much single-hoofedly. If anypony deserves alicornhood, I'd say it's her--more so than Twilight, even. 

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Alicornhood seems to come with the title of Princess though, which means being a leader and taking on responsibilities as such. Despite Fluttershy's great feats, do you think she'd do well put in charge of giving speeches to large crowds? She can take charge of animals, and even Discord, and now she can stand up for herself, but as she is now I don't think she'd be ready to be put into such a big leadership position, or even want one. Forcing such a shy introverted pony into a job like that wouldn't work very well.


 I don't think it's just a matter of who's most "Deserving", it's also important that they fit well for the role.

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She saved Equestria from being covered in smoke, AND she reformed Discord, the most powerful and dangerous canonical character, both pretty much single-hoofedly. If anypony deserves alicornhood, I'd say it's her--more so than Twilight, even. 

Given the things that others have done to "Deserve" alicornhood, I think so, but alicornhood is given by Plot requirements, not actual deservement :P

So, the odds of fluttershy becoming an alicorn are roughly on par with free snowcones in hell



Alicornhood seems to come with the title of Princess though, which means being a leader and taking on responsibilities as such.

Fluttershy's honestly doing the same amount of Responsibilities as twilight is right now as a princess, as the mane six have been called to go to foreign summits, deal with foreign delegates and fix Friendship problems just like twilight.

Honestly twilight hasn't been given any "real" responsibilities either as a princess, and luna is pretty light on that too-- cadence and Celestia are the only ones that actually do real rulership activities, while twilight and luna more act as magical guardians, which is more or less what Fluttershy does too.


Not saying she'll ever GET alicornhood as I know that'll never happen, but just pointing out that being a "Princess" in this world is fast and lose with that title and what it means.

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Not saying she'll ever GET alicornhood as I know that'll never happen, but just pointing out that being a "Princess" in this world is fast and lose with that title and what it means.

Maybe she could be a forest guardian or something. And yes, I don't expect that to actually happen, I just think it's a bit of an injustice that she isn't a princess. 

Edited by pnylvr
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Fluttershy's honestly doing the same amount of Responsibilities as twilight is right now as a princess, as the mane six have been called to go to foreign summits, deal with foreign delegates and fix Friendship problems just like twilight. Honestly twilight hasn't been given any "real" responsibilities either as a princess, and luna is pretty light on that too-- cadence and Celestia are the only ones that actually do real rulership activities, while twilight and luna more act as magical guardians, which is more or less what Fluttershy does too.


True, even then being a Princess, no matter what exact roles you may take up for that job, seems to require some standing in front of crowds, "Smiling and Waving" and giving speeches, or dealing with other ponies to some extent. Which Fluttershy would likely have a hard time doing.


 There's also the fact that being a Princess...sometimes really get's you noticed. I doubt Fluttershy would want ponies noticing and paying tons of attention to her like that. Of course, that depends on the episode, she might get the same treatment as Twilight and her Alicorn status would get ignored half the time for some reason. The ponies of Equestria only seem to notice Twilight is an Alicorn when they want to.

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She is fine where she is at. She still has a ton of potential and possible growth within her and her overall destiny to have to resort to such a thing. To make her into an alicorn would be to throw a lot of that away and shoehorn her into something she really is not. Everyone has been pointing out lately that Fluttershy has seen some impressive character growth, and honestly I think the trend will continue without needing to resort to cheap plot twists like "POOF! Suddenly you are an alicorn!".

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True, even then being a Princess, no matter what exact roles you may take up for that job, seems to require some standing in front of crowds, "Smiling and Waving" and giving speeches, or dealing with other ponies to some extent. Which Fluttershy would likely have a hard time doing.


 There's also the fact that being a Princess...sometimes really get's you noticed. I doubt Fluttershy would want ponies noticing and paying tons of attention to her like that. Of course, that depends on the episode, she might get the same treatment as Twilight and her Alicorn status would get ignored half the time for some reason. The ponies of Equestria only seem to notice Twilight is an Alicorn when they want to.

I think its a bit late to stay out of the spotlight at this point given they've started to have pretty much everyone start to notice the other 5 when they see them :P

Regardless of princess status, fluttershy's moved into the public eye by this point, so she'll noticed whether she wants to or not at times. Plus she HAS to get noticed when she's in her current line of work of being sent out by the map in order to do her job.

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She hasn't managed "new magic" in the way that Twilight did.  If any pony should have gained a horn, it would be Rainbow Dash through her Sonic Rainboom. 


This is not to say that ascension is outside of Shy's grasp.  I think if you asked her about it, she would categorically deny that she is ready for it, or that she deserves it.  If you said another pony was going to ascend from their group, she would point you elsewhere. 


I don't think she would be happy as an alicorn really.  She might feel safer as one, but could you see Fluttershy holding court?  I could see Alicorn Fluttershy trying to hold court and 5 hours later a couple of unicorns come in asking for permission to destroy a forest somewhere for profit, only to have her get upset and turn them into animals, so they would learn perspective.


It could be thrust upon her, but I don't see her seeking it.

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I was always of the opinion that Twilight's friends have done as much to deserve becoming alicorns as she has, and one thing I've taken from post-S4 events is that they have a heavy impact on Twilight's decisions as a princess. I mean, they do all have thrones in the castle, after all - it's just that Twilight completed whatever magical task it was that caused the forces-that-be to grant her the power of the three tribes.

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I truly hope none of the other ponies will ascend into being alicorns. For Twilight it was a bit of a given considering her status as Celestia's prize student and the incarnation of magic, but I don't think any of the others should follow suit. That's not because they don't deserve it, but because it's simply not for everyone to become an alicorn. I think Twilight's role as Princess of Friendship means she has to draw on her friends to be truly effective, so I don't think her friends are all that far below her in status, they just don't have the royal duties to go along with it.

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She hasn't managed "new magic" in the way that Twilight did.  If any pony should have gained a horn, it would be Rainbow Dash through her Sonic Rainboom. 


This is not to say that ascension is outside of Shy's grasp.  I think if you asked her about it, she would categorically deny that she is ready for it, or that she deserves it.  If you said another pony was going to ascend from their group, she would point you elsewhere. 


I don't think she would be happy as an alicorn really.  She might feel safer as one, but could you see Fluttershy holding court?  I could see Alicorn Fluttershy trying to hold court and 5 hours later a couple of unicorns come in asking for permission to destroy a forest somewhere for profit, only to have her get upset and turn them into animals, so they would learn perspective.


It could be thrust upon her, but I don't see her seeking it.


Lol, how about no? Rainbow Dash would make an awful princess, Alicorns shouldn't be so self-centered like she is.

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She saved Equestria from being covered in smoke, AND she reformed Discord, the most powerful and dangerous canonical character, both pretty much single-hoofedly. If anypony deserves alicornhood, I'd say it's her--more so than Twilight, even. 



Yes, she was able to reform Discord through her infinite kindness and patience because he's not a pony, but it'd be a tad bit weird to have a Princess that would be afraid to speak up to other ponies and stand out for herself and her moral values. I mean, she is literally scared of her own shadow. She could be some sort of Princess of the Forest, although I barely see any need for that.




I don't really want to see any more characters become alicorns.




Eeeyup. And if Fluttershy turns to an Alicorn then the rest of the mane six whould too have to torn into alicorns. And I don't want to watch a bunch of Mary Sues doing a bunch of Mary Sue-ish things in a show that might as well be re-named My little Mary Sue Pony. :-o

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She saved Equestria from being covered in smoke, AND she reformed Discord, the most powerful and dangerous canonical character, both pretty much single-hoofedly. If anypony deserves alicornhood, I'd say it's her--more so than Twilight, even. 

By that logic, I think all the Mane6 deserve alicornhood by now :huh:. Hell, even Starlight might be worthy one day of it


Alicornhood seems to come with the title of Princess though, which means being a leader and taking on responsibilities as such. Despite Fluttershy's great feats, do you think she'd do well put in charge of giving speeches to large crowds? She can take charge of animals, and even Discord, and now she can stand up for herself, but as she is now I don't think she'd be ready to be put into such a big leadership position, or even want one. Forcing such a shy introverted pony into a job like that wouldn't work very well.


 I don't think it's just a matter of who's most "Deserving", it's also important that they fit well for the role.

Well, Flutters has the same responsibilities as the rest of the Mane6 when Twi got her castle. In other words, she'll be going to whatever place the map tells her to go along with at least one more of her fellow Mane6 plus with whatever she always did before that :dash:


True, even then being a Princess, no matter what exact roles you may take up for that job, seems to require some standing in front of crowds, "Smiling and Waving" and giving speeches, or dealing with other ponies to some extent. Which Fluttershy would likely have a hard time doing.


 There's also the fact that being a Princess...sometimes really get's you noticed. I doubt Fluttershy would want ponies noticing and paying tons of attention to her like that. Of course, that depends on the episode, she might get the same treatment as Twilight and her Alicorn status would get ignored half the time for some reason. The ponies of Equestria only seem to notice Twilight is an Alicorn when they want to.

I don't think that's much of an impediment to her

1-Flutters can get around with speaking with people on her own. While giving speeches to crowds might be a problem to her, I don't think she has to, as the Journal of the Two Sisters explains that being a ruler of Equestria is more of a guardian duty

2-Flutters might just merely make act of presence most of the time if she's expected to do so with other members of the Mane6, which I bet it'll happen most of the time. She'll rarely be on her own forced to do such speeches

3-She has grown as a character, and while I don't expect her to get over her fear of crowds and giving them speeches, I think she can develop strategies like giving short and to the point speeches if she needs to deliver one, and she can now hold her own (even taking the initiative) on one on one conversations (remember that she's the one who interviewed the Flim Flam bros in Viva las Pegasus)

4-All the Mane6 are known through all Equestria already :dash:




She is fine where she is at. She still has a ton of potential and possible growth within her and her overall destiny to have to resort to such a thing. To make her into an alicorn would be to throw a lot of that away and shoehorn her into something she really is not. Everyone has been pointing out lately that Fluttershy has seen some impressive character growth, and honestly I think the trend will continue without needing to resort to cheap plot twists like "POOF! Suddenly you are an alicorn!".

I believe Flutters, along with the rest of the Mane6 will look gorgeous with horns and wings each, but that's more me wishing to see them more regal rather than them needing being made alicorns :huh:

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Lol, how about no? Rainbow Dash would make an awful princess, Alicorns shouldn't be so self-centered like she is.

I would not have thought of any of the mane six as "great alicorns" but here we are, with the unicorn behind the "Want It, Need It Incident" possessing the crown of a princess.


Although Twilight would probably be the most competent governor of the lot by far. 

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Alicornization doesn't automatically make her any better that who she is anyway. Fluttershy exhibits a calm, humble demeanor and to have her bestowed to "Princess" has no point. Besides, not eveything becomes better when your an Alicorn.

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  • 2 years later...
On 10/11/2016 at 2:50 PM, Trixie the Great said:



Yes, she was able to reform Discord through her infinite kindness and patience because he's not a pony, but it'd be a tad bit weird to have a Princess that would be afraid to speak up to other ponies and stand out for herself and her moral values. I mean, she is literally scared of her own shadow. She could be some sort of Princess of the Forest, although I barely see any need for that.







Eeeyup. And if Fluttershy turns to an Alicorn then the rest of the mane six whould too have to torn into alicorns. And I don't want to watch a bunch of Mary Sues doing a bunch of Mary Sue-ish things in a show that might as well be re-named My little Mary Sue Pony. :-o

Yeah, I agree. Though she has done things worthy of alicorn status, we need to remember how she has all that built up fear and shyness, which does not really fit princess material. 

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  • 3 years later...
On 2016-10-10 at 5:16 PM, silvadel said:

She hasn't managed "new magic" in the way that Twilight did.  If any pony should have gained a horn, it would be Rainbow Dash through her Sonic Rainboom. 

Fluttershy has "The stare" and is the only one that can communicate with animals. I'd say that's pretty magical


On 2016-10-10 at 3:56 PM, pnylvr said:

She saved Equestria from being covered in smoke, AND she reformed Discord, the most powerful and dangerous canonical character, both pretty much single-hoofedly. If anypony deserves alicornhood, I'd say it's her--more so than Twilight, even. 

I 100% agree! Honestly, Fluttershy should've been the main character! I'd have prefered to watch someone grow as a pony to become less shy and face her fears than watch some boring know-it-all ONLY learn about being a princess and friendship all the time. Cause that gets boring after awhile


What I would've LOVED to see is maybe Fluttershy being a secret alicorn or something like that

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I think she would be a good alicorn, but I believe that alicorns come to be either through natural birth or being chosen by another alicorn. While Fluttershy very well could have been an alicorn, she wasn't born or chosen to be that way.

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To be an alicorn requires a command of magic. Fluttershy has none. Further she does not match up feats wise to Twilight. Nor has she learned/grown as much. Finally as others have stated she is not capable of leadership on a grand scale. She just isnt fit for the job. If any of the mane six outside of Twilight were suited to lead it would be Rarity and Apple Jack. And they are not even as high up on my list of favored characters as Fluttershy. 

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