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How often you visit a physician/doctor?


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Go every year? Go every week :-o ? Or do you just never go for some reason :wacko:?


I haven't in a while :maud:. Normally if I'm sick I just take some medicine/medication :-p.

Edited by 95-Wolf
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I try to remember to visit the doctor once a year for a checkup. I have gone a couple of years without seeing one before out of forgetfulness. :please:

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If i don't get sick, atleast once a year for a routine checkup. If i do get sick, i always go to him, since most medical procedures are free in germany, including a normal checkup.

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I need to go once every 2 years for my diving physical so I can keep working. Last time I went to my regular doctor for a check-up was about 5 years ago. Last time I went to the hospital was 2012 which is where I was first introduced to MLP.


I don't seem to have many problems at all physically and if I do have a problem I generally deal with it myself. I'm very Type A personality in the sense that I hate getting help, even medically. I have an issue with pride. XD

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If i don't get sick, atleast once a year for a routine checkup. If i do get sick, i always go to him, since most medical procedures are free in germany, including a normal checkup.

Woah a check up is free in germany? Man that's awesome. With insurance here in the us for me it was 15 bucks, with out its 100.00.

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Woah a check up is free in germany? Man that's awesome. With insurance here in the us for me it was 15 bucks, with out its 100.00.


I will be honest. I don't like the healthcare system in the united states. The fact that you have to pay a large sum, for an operation, that might be important (Heart operation for example) is scary for me.


If a doctor in germany, notices during a checkup a life threatning disease, you will be send immediatly send to the hospital and all will be paid by the state.

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I will be honest. I don't like the healthcare system in the united states. The fact that you have to pay a large sum, for an operation, that might be important (Heart operation for example) is scary for me.


If a doctor in germany, notices during a checkup a life threatning disease, you will be send immediatly send to the hospital and all will be paid by the state.


I think I'd rather live in germany at this point. I'm afraid of going to the doctor here since things are usually so expensive. I just wish America would get with the plan and just do what everyone else does..but no we have to be complicated.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think I'd rather live in germany at this point. I'm afraid of going to the doctor here since things are usually so expensive. I just wish America would get with the plan and just do what everyone else does..but no we have to be complicated.


^ This


I don't go to the doctor unless I have no other options. I can take my own medicine, stitch my own wounds and kiss my own boo boos without draining a pint of blood and offering it to those vampires we call the health care industry.


I also feel a lot of Doctors are less interested in how you physically are doing or feeling, and more on what prescriptions they can stick you with that will earn them the most green. Not saying it is all like that.. just that I have seen a lot of stuff that is pretty sickening when it comes to treating the sick.

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^ This


I don't go to the doctor unless I have no other options. I can take my own medicine, stitch my own wounds and kiss my own boo boos without draining a pint of blood and offering it to those vampires we call the health care industry.


I also feel a lot of Doctors are less interested in how you physically are doing or feeling, and more on what prescriptions they can stick you with that will earn them the most green. Not saying it is all like that.. just that I have seen a lot of stuff that is pretty sickening when it comes to treating the sick.

Yes you understand. I swear I've has so many docs that do that whole happy routine but don't actually listen to me. At a skin doc I waited 2 hours after my appointment just to hear to use the same meds I've been using for 10 years that are not working.

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  • 2 years later...

I used to go once a year when I was younger, but nowadays.....well, let's just say I haven't been to the doctor for a checkup in a long time. :twismile: 

Edited by JackieDash
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I typically go every few months to get my check up and bring up anything I want to talk to her about.  Lately though, I've been going more frequently since getting these bad headaches whenever I squat too much which makes exercise fun...

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  • 5 months later...

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