leonbrony17 1,216 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 When the show ends in a few of years and when you maybe even later stop watching it or leave it because you saw everything. And then 10 - 20 years later, you'll find it again or just think about the beautiful time that it gaves to you. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 That implies that it already isn't, I owe this show a lot as it is. I doubt I'll ever stop watching it anyway, I've already rewatched most of the episodes and movies an uncomfortable number of times, plus reread most of the MLP comics a few times too. I'll probably be watching this show on my death bed. 10 Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sceethe 704 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 i actually forgot most of the episodes already since i dont really watch it regularly anymore,but i'll never forget all the awesome fan-made content that the community has produced over the years 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 I really enjoy this show and I am glad that I saw it, but I don't know if I would go that far. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chuckles4lyfe 441 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 Oh for sure! I already have so many great memories and stories in regards to the show. Catching the new episodes on the livestream, discussing headcannons with others, and favoriting thousands of artwork on deviant and Tumblr are just some of the few things that I will cherish forever . I will definitely continue to watch the show even when it reaches its inevitable end. 1 #Squadgoals "But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"—Dash "Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."— Twilight Sparkle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Guy with the CMB 5,873 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 Already has. It is a big, prominent, CRUCIAL part of my favorite times of my life, and the most beautiful in my memory even though it's when my anxiety began. Spring of 2012 through 2013. Almost all of 2013. Save for the end...not so great. Still great in my memory nonetheless. c: 1 Romans 10:9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekySonic 1,150 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 Probably. It doesn't really feel like it now, but my mind is just really dark and clouded. 1 Check out my voice-acting demo reels on Casting Call Club, if you'd like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moony the Cat 3,703 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 My Little Pony already gave me the best Forums Memory, the nicest Fandom Memory and good Memories of the cute Shows and good Animation. At the moment, it already is one of my overall best Memories. It helps me deal with my depression sometimes and it kills most of my boredom. I will probably look back in a few Years and start watching again or visit the Forums again ( if they still exist then ). But i dont even think, that i will ever really leave the Mlp Fandom, i will stay here for a long time. Sig made by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corgis 574 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Not sure really. MLP was kind of the first show I started watching on my own so it has a big spot in my entertainment part of my life. A lot can change in 10 years but I still think I'll remember the show in a positive light. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luminance 2,186 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 As a memory yes definitely but beautiful? That's too much credit going to just a tv show, IMHO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zerox 1,144 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I think that I will never forget how awesome this show is. Probably, but only because being a part of this fandom has literally changed me as a person. how did it change as a person if you don't mind me asking Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nullifier 0 37 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 (edited) No because it already became a past memory from now.So even less in the future. Edited December 2, 2016 by XellosMetallium I live only to accomplish our Lord's mission.The world is a lost cause.So it's just me and my mission. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormBlaze 992 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 very likely, though like Pokemon, I dont think ill ever lose interest in it. Maybe ill drift from the fandom, but when im Matriarch of my own family, I dont think the MLP in the household will die. Denz and I got together because of ponies, our skills and hobbies have been MLP themed for some time now, so we're not gonna just forget about it. DeviantArt ~~~ YouTube ~~~ MLP Forum Store Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solid 1,327 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Perhaps, but definitely the community. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weesh 690 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I think people underestimate how much they will change in 10 years.you will be a totally different person in 10 years. even if you are 50, a decade is a lot. there will be some lovely community memories, but I'd hesitate to suggest that it's going to trump all the things that are coming up in my life. Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techno Universal 2,575 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Probably in 20 years from now I'll be working on a MLP robotics project to try and fix our society. 1 Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @Kyoshi) My theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
20% Cooler Than Cake 161 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 120% most certainly so. This show has had such a huge impact on my life, it is literally impossible for me to forget this. I have so many memories watching new episodes, sharing my opinions on them, watching more episodes, being on these forums, rewatching episodes... even if, for whatever reason, an alien takes control of my mind and forces me to never watch the show again, this show has been life changing for me, and I will forever remember it as simply beautiful. 1 “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrimGrimoire 4,973 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I will treat it like i treat any nostalgic memory. I'll look back on it and remember how much fun it was and how much i enjoyed it during this time period. It also helped get me out of a dark hole and get past a pretty low point in my life, so it will always have value to me because of that. Who knows? I might even be like one of those old fogies who sits around bitching TV is not good anymore and needs to return to the good old days. ~No profound statement needed~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,442 November 29, 2016 Share November 29, 2016 This is more than just a show that I happen to like, it did so much on my life. Of course I'll remember it with deep fondness Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 November 29, 2016 Share November 29, 2016 (edited) For the show itself, I have a few nice memories of anticipating episodes on Saturday mornings, especially during Season 2 when I first started watching. It gave me something to look forward to especially in times when there was little to look forward to. This show was a part of my coming of age as a teenager and interacting on this forum with a few certain members has become an interesting experience, for both good and bad reasons. There was a point where I really became frustrated with my life and pretty much lived through this forum, but thankfully I'm through that and wiser for the wear. I also enjoyed a lot of the fandom content around that time; there were new animations, streamed convention panels, great Internet discussions, and of course, tons of amazing fanart. I still remember a lot of the great cartoons I grew up with and some of the fan works surrounding them and MLP is no different. Edited November 29, 2016 by Fifty Grinches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anonymous Old User Who Has Left 599 November 29, 2016 Share November 29, 2016 I say it will. I couldn't imagine myself being who I am today without seeing the progression of Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy as amazing characters. Had I not watched MLP I'd probably still be that same extreme introvert who couldn't even converse with customer service, let alone other people. “All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a way they do support each other.” (Abu Musa, Bukhari & Muslim) “Say: He is God, who is One. God, the Eternal. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” (Chapter 112, Qur'an) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss 6,234 November 29, 2016 Share November 29, 2016 (edited) I'm probably never gunna stop being into it so yea. even when I'm 155 I'm still gunna be jamming to "Hearts as Strong as Horses" Edited November 29, 2016 by Misscellanio Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DANUTERCISD 204 November 30, 2016 Share November 30, 2016 probably not. I'll probably remember watching it if i see a old pony figure in the future or something. I inhale dank memes, and i intend to make a dank signature soon. I also have shyabetes btw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monsoon 1,662 November 30, 2016 Share November 30, 2016 Not really to be honest there's more to life then this show in my opinion I like it however there are shows which has a more interesting story and world then mlp in my opinion however mlp isn't something I'll forget anytime soon it's just it's too predictable for me to feel captivated with the story and world although I can see why people think mlp is there most beautiful memory No Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swifty 249 December 4, 2016 Share December 4, 2016 (edited) Certainly not. The show gave me too much anger and bitterness since the writers decided to turn a Galadriel like character into a Princess Peach like character. Most probably to please the rabid fans of the character's sister. Edited December 4, 2016 by Swifty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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