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Which Villain do you think is the most Evil?

Sovereign Leader Rarity

Which is the most evil MLP villain?  

48 users have voted

  1. 1. Which is the most evil of all?

    • Nightmare Moon
    • Discord
    • Queen Chrysalis
    • King Sombra
    • Tirek
    • Starlight Glimmer

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But even though Sombra just wanted to enslave the Crystal Empire,


Sombra wanted all of Equestria, actually.


It was explicitly said that whoever controls the Empire and the Heart can affect the rest of the world -- think Ganondorf with the Triforce.


And in Sombra's Cutie Re-Mark timeline, not only did he convert the Crystal Ponies into soldiers to fight the Royal Guards, but the whole world began warping into something similar to his corrupted Empire (e.g., Hell-red sky, giant black crystals all over the place, etc.).

Edited by A.V.
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Tirek is my first choice, with Queen Chrysalis as a close second. Both have come very close to conquering Equestria at least once.


Tirek nearly succeeded after he took the Princesses' combined Alicorn magic from Twilight, and had it not been for Rainbow Power, he would have become Equestria's King and God for who knows how long.


Chrysalis had Equestria at her mercy in her second appearance when she kidnapped and replaced the Mane Six and Royal Family, and no one was the wiser to her plan except for Starlight, Sunburst, and Thorax, leaving the country completely unprepared for a full-scale invasion by the Changeling Swarm. Had it not been for Starlight and Thorax in the end, Equestria would have been in Chrysalis' iron hoof within at least twenty-four hours.

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Tirek & Sombra

Chrissy is right after them

Discord - not completely evil, but not that good either, even after being reformed

Starlight - she wasn't even evil


nightmaremoon - kind of hard to rank... below Tirek and Sombra, but higher than Starlight

Edited by Bats
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Toss up between Sombra and Tirek. 


Tirek's problem is that he apparently isn't willing to kill. He really should have killed Twilight and the rest of the mane six after she gave up her magic, but he didn't. Not really sure why, though. It's not like he had anything to lose, and on top of that, Twilight had just handed his ass to him, so he had to be feeling pretty sour towards her. 


Meanwhile, I definitely don't think Sombra would have any problem with killing. 

You could say the same thing about Chrysalis in terms of killing. It never occurred to her that maybe the reason why Starlight was able to turn her hive against was be cause she let Twilight live to eventually find her and make her her student in the first place. Then again, she also did think less with her brain and more with her ego.


On topic, I agree with you on Sombra and Tirek being the most evil.

Tirek is my first choice, with Queen Chrysalis as a close second. Both have come very close to conquering Equestria at least once.


Tirek nearly succeeded after he took the Princesses' combined Alicorn magic from Twilight, and had it not been for Rainbow Power, he would have become Equestria's King and God for who knows how long.


Chrysalis had Equestria at her mercy in her second appearance when she kidnapped and replaced the Mane Six and Royal Family, and no one was the wiser to her plan except for Starlight, Sunburst, and Thorax, leaving the country completely unprepared for a full-scale invasion by the Changeling Swarm. Had it not been for Starlight and Thorax in the end, Equestria would have been in Chrysalis' iron hoof within at least twenty-four hours.

But ultimately, Starlight never would have foiled her plans if Twilight never found her and made her her student. Even when held prisoner, Twilight Sparkle plays a role in Chrysalis's defeat.

Edited by heavens-champion
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You could say the same thing about Chrysalis in terms of killing. It never occurred to her that maybe the reason why Starlight was able to turn her hive against was be cause she let Twilight live to eventually find her and make her her student in the first place. Then again, she also did think less with her brain and more with her ego.


On topic, I agree with you on Sombra and Tirek being the most evil.

But ultimately, Starlight never would have foiled her plans if Twilight never found her and made her her student. Even when held prisoner, Twilight Sparkle plays a role in Chrysalis's defeat.


True, but while she was ready to deal with Chrysalis again back when she learned about Thorax, she let her guard down afterwards, and that was when Chrysalis struck. Twilight and her friends were caught by surprise, but Starlight knew from the time she spent with Twilight that she was always supportive of her actions, so when the Changeling drone impersonating Twilight tried to act like her and tell Starlight the opposite of what Twilight would have said, that raised Starlight's suspicions, and once Luna confirmed the truth, Starlight was more than ready to venture into enemy territory to save her teacher and all her friends from Chrysalis' wrath.

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True, but while she was ready to deal with Chrysalis again back when she learned about Thorax, she let her guard down afterwards, and that was when Chrysalis struck. Twilight and her friends were caught by surprise, but Starlight knew from the time she spent with Twilight that she was always supportive of her actions, so when the Changeling drone impersonating Twilight tried to act like her and tell Starlight the opposite of what Twilight would have said, that raised Starlight's suspicions, and once Luna confirmed the truth, Starlight was more than ready to venture into enemy territory to save her teacher and all her friends from Chrysalis' wrath.

Still doesn't mean Chrysalis won't come back for Twilight.

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Having not read the comics, Sombra is my pick, because he mixes the horrific deeds of Tirek with the sadism of Chrysalis and Discord. Starlight at least appears to have some moral code, and Chrysalis has somehow convinced herself that her borderline inept tyranny is for the best, so they seem less "evil" to me, and Discord is more unshackled from conventional morality than anything. Nightmare Moon was never overtly malicious, aside from her Equestria-conquering ambitions. Tirek, while just as sociopathic as Sombra, doesn't have any moments I remember as being especially sadistic - he just doesn't care about the pain he causes, if I'm remembering correctly. Plus, Sombra just leaves more to the imagination, and I find that genuinely frightening.

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Still doesn't mean Chrysalis won't come back for Twilight.

Her, and the rest of the Royal Family and Mane Six as well. Celestia's been cocooned twice by Chrysalis now, everyone else once, but it still doesn't mean it can happen again when Chrysalis returns for her revenge.

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I'd have to go with Sombra, though Tirek is a close second for me. Sombra escaped to just continue plotting. I mean, the moment he could, he was on that empire. Tirek at least gets all mopey lookin when he's teensy again, hahaha.

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  • 3 years later...
On 1/13/2017 at 12:47 PM, Rarity the Snowperior said:

There are many villains in the MLP series, but which is the most evil of the bunch?



Take only each MAIN villain of each Season into account and consider their plan, their behaviour and their actions.


If I had to pull straws, I'd go with Tirek, with Sombra as a close second.

Am I the only one who thinks that the dazzlings are the darkest villains. Lets think about this for a second. They are the only villains to be banished to another world. Starswirl the bearded banished them himself because it was the only way he could actually get rid of them. Unlike all the other major threats including Tirek and Sombra who are pretty dark. They were all taken care of or defeated in equestria. The sirens were only the ones banished. 


And that happened 1000 years ago. Think about Siren feed on negativity and anger. Which caused the ponies to fight which brought the windagoes, who almost brought ponies to extinction thanks to what we know about the story that formed equestria. They were stopped and thus equestria was created. After this all those bad things happened, probably more in this order. Tirek, Discord, Sombra, Nightmare moon. They caused all those bad things to happen. 


And if they were sent to the human world, while we don’t know a whole lot we can assume its very similar to ours and when you think about the many wars we have in our world that could have possibly, happened back then. There a good chance it happened in there world and it could have happened due to the sirens. That would be a lot of deaths and war including the most gruesome war ever WW2 which was horrific. Like let that sit for a minute, if the human world had a world where there was a ww2, which resulted in about 12 millions deaths and that doesn’t include soldiers. And I don’t think they would care in the slightest, they need that negativity energy to feed on and if that means feeding on people who can cause bloodshed and genocides then I don’t think there going to care that much. 


Having said all of that I truly think the Sirens are the darkest villains and also why think they have little backstory or info on them and if the staff were to go into detail about them, then MLP wouldn’t be a g rated show 

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Nightmare moon and the pony of shadows seem like the darkest... :P

Sombra was cruel, he enslaved many ponies, put many through visions of their worst fears by his mind magic, wanted to see the main characters suffer(and eventually kill) and destroyed the tree of harmony(although the spirit still existed, yet it didn't play a role in the show after uprooted so he definitely did damage).

Tirek, CG and chrysalis did try to kill the main 6, were cruel and manipulative too, its hard really to decide which was the evilest, I want to say sombra but I might be biased just a bit. Storm king deserves a mention too, although they perhaps overplayed him for comedy too much a bit. 

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Starlight. She is the only one who did evil for the sake of bringing misery. If the best kind of good is being good for the sake of good, that is exactly the opposite.

She is also self rightous and less self aware, she thinks she is the victim of the situation. That makes me sick.

Other villains are bullies, she is a leader of a twisted cult and a communist leader.

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Nightmare moon just has a week mind.

Starlight was just preventing everyone of suffering the same she did.

Tirek is just a grown Cozy.

Cozy is just a kid.

With them out of the way let me think...

Chrysalis only steals love while sombra enslaves so I think he is the most evil.


Discord is like Tirek and Cozy, very childish mind, not necessarily evil so Sombra wins for most evil.

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If Sombra actually had an intimidating voice, I would vote for him.


But seriously, a villain that is the most evil is one that can twist you into feeling completely useless and lose all hope. I don't think any of the MLP villains did that.


I am thinking about some soap operas out there where you hate the bad guy so much you want to strangle them through your TV screen in anger and despair. If anyone would get close to that, it would have been Cozy or Starlight, and it would have been glorious! :oh_golly:

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  • 1 year later...
On 2017-01-19 at 1:52 PM, FlareGun45 said:

It's a tough decision between Tirek and Sombra! But even though Sombra just wanted to enslave the Crystal Empire, Tirek wanted all of Equestria! And in his parallel timeline, he seemed to destroy EVERYTHING! No he's the most evil of all the villains!


I don't really consider Discord or Nightmare Moon to be necessarily "evil". Discord is just chaotic, and confusion, but he wouldn't hurt a fly! Well, at least not lethally. Nightmare Moon, she just wants eternal night, but she really wouldn't hurt anypony! She didn't even enslave Equestria, nor does she want to; she just wants Celestia's job and have no more daylight, so the worst she can do is kill crops for the lack of sunlight and then ponies would starve.



See the source imagewell Tirek is the most evils villain of all  of mlp well almost as evils as the batman wh0o laugh (shudder The one who laugh is way creepier and dangerous ) 



See the source image

Edited by Scootaloo9074090
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  • 6 months later...

King Sombra and Tirek are equally evil for me. Sombra wants to enslave the whole pony folk and he only has selfish reasons for doing so. And Tirek only cares about meaningless destruction, as shown in the alternate timeline.

Chrysalis is on place 2 for me. The changelings were starving for love, so they had a reason. But the ponies would still have to live in a cruel world if the changelings had success and defeated them.
Chrysalis remains evil and just lives for revenge later on. She is disgusting, but without the changelings she isn't that big of a threat.

Cozy Glow the psychopath is the smallest threat, so I gave her place 3. But all 4 of them are purely evil. Or at least 99% evil. :rarity:

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Definitely Starlight. Unlike Tirek who just destroyed for no real reason - or Chrysalis who had a hive to feed, Starlight was an ideological fanatic who was hellbent on converting everyone to her ideology. It is even more dangerous due to the real world resemblances and the fact that she was designed that way to begin with. It is one thing to enslave people, but it is another to brainwash them and make them lose their unique talents and gifts.

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Tirek is the most evil because if he had managed to deprive everyone of magic for a long time, eventually, to quote Apple Bloom, "There would be a lot of uneducated little ponies out there starving for apples. Chaos, it would be CHAOS!"

Each and every pony would be deprived of food and weather magic, among other things that may slowly decrease their chances of survival.

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Not slowly, but quickly. Imagine losing everything you thought you needed to survive. Apply that to a societal level - Tirek was destructive, he did not care much for overt manipulation, only using it to cause destruction. While Starlight was willing to go back in time and destroy reality all because of her egotistical whims and fantasies - as well as her ideological idealism.

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