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Hard to Say Anything  

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  1. 1. Like It or Not?

    • *cringes* NNNNNOPE! ("I hate it!" >__<)
    • Eenope. ("I dislike it.")
    • *crickets chirping* ("…meh")
    • Eeyup. ("I like it!")
    • "It's MY cuddly-wuddly boopsie-woopsie pumpkin pie." ("I LOVE IT" <3)

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I liked this episode. It was nice to see Sugar Belle again. (Honestly, it would be better if Night Glider got more character development..) There's not much to say about this episode because to me, it was pretty much a typical love interest story and it sort of felt like a re-hash of Hearts and Hooves Day. Also, I did not like Feather Bangs that much. Although, he was kind of adorable at the end. 


I would give this episode a B on a grading scale. 


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22 hours ago, Batbrony said:

Well then it turns out that the "costumes" are a clown wig, a pirate hat, and mustache-gag-glasses.  Uhhhhhhhhhhh, guys, you do realize that even five-year-olds know those aren't costumes, right???

The citizens of the Crystal Empire might take offense at that remark: ;)


Granted, his disguise was a little more effective at hiding him. But you'd think the green crested tail sticking out the back of the overcoat would still be a dead giveaway. X3


21 hours ago, Batbrony said:

Watch it.  It needs to be seen, at least once, to be believed... nah, I'm being overdramatic, it's basically if you crossed MLP with a bad Fairly OddParents episode... still a thing that should never have happened, for the record, and still my least favorite episode of the show ever right now. :okiedokieloki:

The conspiratorial side of me wants to think this episode was something "designed to fail" just so the show makers can claim "doing romance on MLP:FiM went over like a lead balloon" every time some fan asks them on Twitter or at a con when "X character is going to date Y character?" I suppose that would be a bit of a stretch to believe, since it would be a waste of time and money to quiet shipping-hungry fans, but who knows?

I'm just glad this wasn't a Spike episode. If it had been him doing this with Rarity with the CMC helping (and maybe Blueblood in the Feather role) the Spike haters would have been coming for him with pitchforks. It wasn't too good for Big Mac, I suppose, but the stigma will probably fade over time. For reasons I don't understand, when Spike does something dumb it sticks to him like glue and he never gets forgotten by some segment of the audience. =(

Anyway, you're review was more entertaining than the actual episode! I hope writing it was at least somewhat cathartic for you! =)


9 hours ago, Dowlphin said:

It can work though. I enjoyed seeing Fluttershy not repeat old patterns, but standing her ground, and generally if a Fluttershy episode isn't spectacular, I'm fine with that, because Fluttershy, haha. Her presence alone makes my day.

I definitely get you as someone coming from the view of being a Spike fan. :lol:  Though even I can't defend episodes like "Spike at Your Service" or "Princess Spike." :lie:

  • Brohoof 1

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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I thought this episode was okay, I mean I liked it in a sense that it is a good ship, the episode was rushed (I wish Hasbro would do 2 parters for things like this but you know what 7 year old is gonna care about this stuff) and it was cringey (hate the word) but what do you expect from a show that, although yes has a lot of older people watching it, is still meant for younger kids. I enjoy the show because it makes me happy, I could care less if an episode sucks because that doesn't mean the little kids will not like it or like it either. I liked the episode as a kid but if I were much more mature this would make me feel like I had gone through a disgusting PDA segment.

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this episode ruined tons of fan fics xD 

i dont mind big mac with that pony, i find it cute. but i really liked him with cherrylee, i expected they would become a couple someday. and i personally liked him with marble pie. even when i recognize that with her it would be a pretty basic relationship so it was a sinking ship imo :lie: 

i laughed with the country vs pop idol song. i found it pretty funny 




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I actually liked quite a bit of this episode especially the end. Granted, I was on the Mac/ Marble ship but there was only a hint of attraction. I never saw Mac and Cherliee as anything more than friends myself. I agree that Big Mac shouldn't have tried to kiss her when she was asleep, but calling it an assault is a bit off base. A lot of little girls read Sleeping Beauty (I give you that the non-Disney version is much more sinister). A lot of little girls would see romance like that because that is what fairy tales teach! Big Mac probably went along with the CMC because he's a pretty shy, humble stallion and probably hasn't been around mares outside of his family too much except for the Mane 6. I found the pony that was a parody of Justin Bieber to be funny myself! The pony could represent any heartthrob boy singer and not just Bieber who is the heartthrob at the moment.

  • Brohoof 1

  Proud Pegasister and Dog Mom!



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@Batbrony, Your review made me so happy!  I've said it before and I'll say it again: the one upside of bad episodes is that they're really fun to review, and fun to read others' reviews of.  That Krusty the Clown bit, oh, that just had me rolling!  :lol:

Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 3


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4 hours ago, Justin_Case001 said:

@Batbrony, Your review made me so happy!  I've said it before and I'll say it again: the one upside of bad episodes is that they're really fun to review, and fun to read others' reviews of.  That Krusty the Clown bit, oh, that just had me rolling!  :lol:

Glad you enjoyed yourself and the review, that is the only cathartic pleasure I can possibly derive from the wretched experience of watching this episode. :muffins:

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Oh look, the poll shows two peaks. Why am I not surprised?

Heheh. Says the one who actually liked the episode. I personally give it a 7/10.

You know, there's been this pattern of things either getting really out of hand as a result of conflict that seems just so... forced to hit lows. The fact that it's the CMC in all their youthful innocence and Big Mac's agreeableness made the conflict come across as more organic. Of course these three little fillies wouldn't know better and Big Mac has never been known to be assertive when placed outside his comfort zone. (If Big Mac was getting into a relationship with Fluttershy, she'd totally be the one wearing the pants! Do let your imagination run wild there :orly: )


This is more of a comment on other episodes as of late but really, it seems like ponies don't have as much common sense as they used to which makes the conflict boiling points seem all the more forced when they're finally struck. It's like the characters can no longer see when an idea is failing and learn from it before things hit a boiling point...

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I really enjoyed this episode, it was nice to see Big Mac and the CMC in a somewhat starring role together, and I liked how the CMC tried to help Big Mac win the affections of Sugar Belle. Feather Bangs came off as a interesting male dynamic to Big Mac and reminded me a lot of Gaston from Beauty & The Beast just without the arrogance and vain personality that Gaston has. I also loved the three mares that always seemed to follow Feather Bangs, they reminded me of The Bimbettes from Beauty & The Beast. All in all a delightful episode that provided a good moral about simply being yourself around someone you like, 9/10!!





















  • Brohoof 2


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On 5/13/2017 at 0:00 PM, WiiGuy2014 said:

Found a YouTube video! Better watch it before it's taken down!



Right before the theme song, 2 out of 3 CMC said the same thing, while the 3rd one said a different and longer sentence. It was hard to make out! Anyone out there who knows what was spoken?

"Written by Becky Wangberg" Is there a new Writer on board?


"Feather Bang" With a name like that I have to say, "The stuff they're getting away on kid shows these days!"


Since nobody ever answered this;  the bit of dialogue you missed was, in my opinion, one of the funniest lines in the episode. The set-up is that the CMC are wondering why Big Mac is going to "Starlights old village" (apparently that is it's only name) so frequently. Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo answer two different things at the exact same time, making an unintelligible noise, then slightly later, but as not to get lost in the unintelligible noise, we hear Apple Bloom answer "..to get away from the smell".


 So basically Apple Bloom theorizes that Big Mac is making frequent, out of town trips to " get away from the smell". Then all the CMC fall down laughing, which implies that there is actually something at Sweet Apple Acres emmiting a smell that one would want to get away from. Granny Smiths "old pony" smell? AJ's farts? We will never know.


  About the name "Feather Bangs", and you aren't the only one that missed this. The hair that falls over a persons forehead is referred to as " bangs" the style of his hair is a hairstyle known as "feathered" (feathered hair was very popular in the nineteen seventies. Think about Farah Fawcett's hair). And that's why having "feather" in his name has nothing to do with being a pegasus, or not. And "bangs" isn't being used as an innuendo for sex. It is just, as has been a point beaten to death already, extremely lazy ass writing! 

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, while most CheeriMac, and MarbleMac shippers are obviously upset, i kind of like SugarMac. It feels a tad more realistic and refreshing, not to mention it doesn't feel as forced as the former two pairings. And that Feather Bangs guy was pretty hilarious too, glad to see even Hasbro can't resist making fun of Justino Biberón. Those bimbette mares were quite a treat as well.  That being said, the whole thing got downright cringe-inducing at some moments, but frankly, this is one of those episodes you can enjoy if you don't take it seriously because, obviously, the episode doesn't take itself seriously. It's pretty much an affectionate parody of sappy love stories and stuff like that.

  • Brohoof 2

My Dragon Cave scroll: http://dragcave.net/user/Dino-Mario

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This was the third CMC focus episode in a row and it was pretty good. Big Mac is the main character though and he's a lot more loquacious than usual due to his enthusiasm regarding his crush on Sugar Belle. Speaking of which, this is the first time since the Season 6 finale that we saw Starlight's village and now that Sugar Belle has her baking talent back, she is baking many apple based desserts.

Big Mac's attempts to win her affection are humorous to watch as he foolishly takes love advice from Sweetie Belle's faerie tale book. Even in the magical land of Equestria, faerie tales aren't a reliable source of love advice but Big Mac is new to this kind of thing so he goes along with it anyway. I can understand viewers' objections to Big Mac trying to kiss Sugar Belle without her consent but I consider this episode to be a parody of faerie tales and why they don't necessarily work in a real life scenario. More importantly, Big Mac is portrayed as wrong for trying it and that teaches the younger viewers to respect their crushes' personal space.

Another parody is Feather Bangs whose song is reminiscent of pop songs from the last 2 decades and he generally behaves like a very exaggerated and arrogant celebrity. However, his extroverted image and show was just a ruse to cover up his insecurity and difficulty talking to mares in a social and casual environment. I thought it was a nice touch to justify his obnoxious celebrity persona and teach the moral that there are better ways to win a mare's heart.

Big Mac listened to Sugar Belle's feelings and gave her what she wanted from the beginning. This was the correct decision and now it looks like they are in the first step of a relationship and dating. I support this ship since Big Mac seems to genuinely care about Sugar Belle and I like it when underdog characters succeed at relationships.

  • Brohoof 1
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I feel like this episode was just a stupidly convoluted way to get Big Mac and Sugar Belle together. You know what other place has been shown to have an apple orchard? Appleloosa. You know what place is CLOSER to the village than Ponyville? Apple-bucking-loosa! In fact, according to Hasbro's official map of Equestria, Starlight's village, Appleloosa and the Pie family rock farm are all in the San Palomino Desert!

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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I like the part when Big McIntosh impresses Sugar Belle by fixing her bakery at the near-ending part before Feather Bangs does that, so I will say this is an excellent episode! :D

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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  • 2 weeks later...

People are so whiny these days about everything... 


Because how can anyone not just love this episode ?? Because that episode was awesome 5/5! And that says a lot from me. For past seasons CMC episodes for me were least favorite and I never cared much about them. But with Season 6 and mostly this season, I started finding the episodes quite nice, even the previous episode Parential Glideance. I find the CMCs so adorable at what they are doing in latest episodes. This episode was so sweet that how can anyone even slightly dislike it?

To start off, the CMCs' decision to spy was a good way of their crazy ideas to move the plot.

An episode taking place at SG's village without SG, that's innovative, different and so good to make the episode there! Sugar Belle I still find nice but I could consider Marble Pie more adorable. I have not read through the comments yet but is this why it is disliked? Because someone's canon was broken that Big Mac is not with Marble?

I ship the new couple and even though some may say 'it happens so suddenly they already love each other' - the CMCs did say he has been going there for a while.


And when I saw Feather Bangs, first I thought was omg a BIEBER PONY!! And I still freaking loved his look, I just couldn't hate him for his resemblance with JB because I just didn't imagine that this was JB. Then we see some funny situation with each trying to outdo the other in impressing Sugar Belle. Yes I could understand if that was the hate part but really i dont know why some should immediately think this should be Bieber who the episode is trying to convince should be liked. No, it is a pony of his own and although I expected some loserish ending for him, he also got help and. I liked it, it made up for a very refreshing ending! And I could relate Feather Bangs to other cute singers that have fans. I am in no way fan of JB but I do  not relate that pony to him, so being awesome works for me.


This was a heart warming episode, not Hearts Warming Eve.  I so dig Big Mac and Sugar Belle, you go in your development, and this was another episode for him to talk.  


Edited by ImpctR
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I read a couple pages of these reviews. I think I'll just get straight to the point here.

I can understand both sides of why some like and why some hated this episode. But all I really want to say is this:

Pop music was alright, if not pretty damn good, up until the late '00s. When Bieber and many others alike entered the genre, it just went to shit. I'm neutral on the shipping here, with Big Mac winning in the end, but only because Feather Brains sang like Bieber. I'm not big on country music (oh the irony), as I'm more of a rocker. Anywho...

NOW... had he [Feather] sung like this - then I'd probably have rooted for him instead of Big Mac:

Damn, got goosebumps during the chorus (0:49 to 1:11). 



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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On 5/13/2017 at 11:05 PM, Dark Qiviut said:

So, Big Mac follows the CMCs' stupid advice and try to plant a kiss on Sugar Belle, who's happily napping in a hammock.


On 5/29/2017 at 4:22 AM, Batbrony said:


I would say what is wrong with this part that provokes such reactions? Are some over-sensitive? Why overreact on a thing that has been done over and over in other cartoons? How is this suddenly harassment, ASSAULT, soon RAPE maybe??  And why are such made with the pure reason to make you laugh out considered a huge problem? How is Big Mac with love potions not creepy, because I see the same logic. And frankly, I find the scene funny, I doubt younger audience got shocked, stunned, depressed to see Big Mac moving his lips towards Sugar Belle? For that logic, we should ban Bon-Bon and Lyra because look they promote the younger audience to deviate from being straight. How is this OK in comparison? If anything makes things look bad it is when something like that gets needlessly much attention and some go sky high loud over it. Same with racism, same with anything.


I can't accept this kind of over-sensitivity behavior because if anyone's like that, wow stay away from them. You may look at them, they will think you are sexually harassing them, you will say black even if not referring to them, they will call you racist, uh stay away. I know that a lot of the MLP lore describes the history of America but this is still a fantasy world and more like a fairy tale, don't act like the cop in Equestria. So I would  say this:

On 6/1/2017 at 4:41 AM, GoldenGumdrop said:

I agree that Big Mac shouldn't have tried to kiss her when she was asleep, but calling it an assault is a bit off base. A lot of little girls read Sleeping Beauty (I give you that the non-Disney version is much more sinister). A lot of little girls would see romance like that because that is what fairy tales teach!


What's these accusations, I feel someone should not be doing anything around you. I am all for following the law and rules but I think some people are over the top, the small deviation from them and those people go nuts.


Like look Bigmac and Sugar almost lips kiss *ye ye excuse them that  they are just touching noses but don't excuse Big Mac', so what is this now, making love by your standards? Some fandom's reactions makes me




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2 hours ago, ImpctR said:

I can't accept this kind of over-sensitivity behavior because if anyone's like that, wow stay away from them.

Curious word selection. Whether one accepts a reaction or not, it does not cease to exist. If the last element of your sentence was simply indicating that you would not be friends with someone who wears their emotions on their sleeves, that's fine obviously. Compatibility is always important. It's the word behavior that I find awfully curious in this instance. We are on the internet, and it isn't uncommon for someone to ratchet up the volume for a little flair -- whether it is for comedic purposes -- or to punctuate a point. Usually it isn't typical of someone in real life. For example, I wouldn't expect either Batbrony or DQ to be with someone at a movie theater and turn into a giant squid of anger screaming 'Unacceptable' at the top of their lungs. 

It also ignored a sort of historical charm of some of their comments. Like me, Batbrony is very forgiving of the show even when it has flaws that break the experience for other fans. When he does decide to break character and up the volume, it is meant as an element of style for the writing itself. I do a similar thing. My default position is dry wit, with a touch of pragmatic optimism, and a dash of salt. When I go all caps, or go silly, it is meant to catch the attention of the reader. 

Now, to the unrequited kiss attempt, as I mentioned, it was in bad form ... and probably not something one wants to try on a real girl that they aren't dating. I'll hang my hat on a 20 year relationship to suggest that is good advice. There are plenty of other problems with that scene though. It isn't cute, it isn't natural for Big Mac, it isn't endearing, and compared to the interactions seen in Perfect Pair, it was poorly executed. That alone is worth a


Ah. Cathartic. Anyway, there is a reason that people liked Han and Leia's budding romance and hated Anakin and Padme 'sandy romance'. As Rarity says, it is all in the presentation. Big Mac is just not written well enough for you to root for him. Scenes like this impact people who want to root for him. I wanted to protect Sugar Belle. I mean the look on her face says everything. And that's curious, because that was what someone wanted us to get from that scene, otherwise it would have been storyboarded with a different reaction shot. Unless you chalk it up to unfortunate implications. Either way it's bad. A fee episodes later we see exactly how much better it could have gone. 

If you like it, cool. As I say time and again, another person's taste had no impact on whether I like or dislike something. I'm certainly not apt to point mah wiggly finger at someone suggesting they are bad and they should feel bad. I don't do that. I'm not a dick. 

  • Brohoof 1



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2 hours ago, ImpctR said:

I would say what is wrong with this part that provokes such reactions? Are some over-sensitive? Why overreact on a thing that has been done over and over in other cartoons? How is this suddenly harassment, ASSAULT, soon RAPE maybe??  And why are such made with the pure reason to make you laugh out considered a huge problem? How is Big Mac with love potions not creepy, because I see the same logic. And frankly, I find the scene funny, I doubt younger audience got shocked, stunned, depressed to see Big Mac moving his lips towards Sugar Belle? For that logic, we should ban Bon-Bon and Lyra because look they promote the younger audience to deviate from being straight. How is this OK in comparison? If anything makes things look bad it is when something like that gets needlessly much attention and some go sky high loud over it. Same with racism, same with anything.


I can't accept this kind of over-sensitivity behavior because if anyone's like that, wow stay away from them. You may look at them, they will think you are sexually harassing them, you will say black even if not referring to them, they will call you racist, uh stay away. I know that a lot of the MLP lore describes the history of America but this is still a fantasy world and more like a fairy tale, don't act like the cop in Equestria. So I would  say this:


What's these accusations, I feel someone should not be doing anything around you. I am all for following the law and rules but I think some people are over the top, the small deviation from them and those people go nuts.


Like look Bigmac and Sugar almost lips kiss *ye ye excuse them that  they are just touching noses but don't excuse Big Mac', so what is this now, making love by your standards? Some fandom's reactions makes me

OK, let's take this point by point, shall we?

#1. "I would say what is wrong with this part that provokes such reactions? Are some over-sensitive? Why overreact on a thing that has been done over and over in other cartoons? How is this suddenly harassment, ASSAULT, soon RAPE maybe??  And why are such made with the pure reason to make you laugh out considered a huge problem?"

First, don't pull the over-sensitive card with me, I am VERY libertarian when it comes to art and creative properties and media, and identify as a moderate conservative.  So I'm not the PC police or anything.

Second, yes, this kind of thing has been depicted in other cartoons or animated films before, but it is all about CONTEXT!  In the case of cartoons, the types of cartoons that would show something like a character trying to kiss another character while they're sleeping is usually something like the Looney Tunes where that would be the punchline of a joke in a sketch where no lesson is being taught, everything is purely for comedy.  In the case of old Disney Films like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty, for starters those came out decades ago, and on top of that those princes were at least usually doing that to actually save a princess, not JUST sweep them off their feet (not to mention in some cases the prince already knew the princess, even if they'd only met like once).

In this context, it is an episode where Big Mac is actually trying to start a real, genuine relationship with Sugar Belle.  It is not a Looney Tune's sketch where everything is comedy and it is not a Disney fairy tale where he needs to kiss her in order to save her life.  At this point in the episode, he only knows her largely as a business acquaintance, and they've had a couple of flirty exchanges a few times, but that is it.  Neither of them has asked the other out yet, which makes what he did completely inappropriate, out of character for him since Big Mac is far smarter than that, and something that Sugar Belle rightfully freaked out about, and not in a comedic way, but a genuinely freaked out manner (I imagine her reaction would have been stronger if Feather Bangs hadn't shown up a second later, but at the very least the writers didn't try to make her the butt of the joke, they seemed to show her with an apt reaction).  I have it on good authority from a close friend here himself, who has been married, that it's not even a good idea for a married partner to kiss his/her partner unbeknownst to them while he/she is sleeping as even that could freak them out; that rule applies a hundredfold in this situation given how Big Mac and Sugar Belle know each other at that point in the episode.

#2. "How is Big Mac with love potions not creepy, because I see the same logic."

It's not good, I referred to it in my own review of this episode as basically the Equestrian equivalent of a magical roofie, BUT the difference is that that wasn't his idea!  That was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and while it was a horrible idea that could have had terrible consequences for both Big Mac and Cheerilee, they didn't know what they were getting into at first since they were so young so they get a bit of a pass for their age.

#3. "And frankly, I find the scene funny, I doubt younger audience got shocked, stunned, depressed to see Big Mac moving his lips towards Sugar Belle? For that logic, we should ban Bon-Bon and Lyra because look they promote the younger audience to deviate from being straight."

If you're interpretation of Bon Bon and Lyra is that they are a couple, that's perfectly fine and valid, the show has given us enough material to MAKE such a valid interpretation.  BUT because the show writers are competent and know that doing so so explicitly in a children's show to the point that it couldn't be interpreted any other way would rub many the wrong way, they've made it just as valid to interpret those two as just being best friends as well.  Even if kids are interpreting it that way, I'm not quite sure how that's comparable to this.  LGBT relationships are only a deviant thing depending on the religious or social community you belong to, they are not a universally condemned thing worldwide like sexual assault is.  It's also not comparable because Lyra and Bon Bon have always been depicted well together, there has never been poor writing involving either of them; this awful scene was born of lazy, incompetent writing that, in the course of going for an ill thought out joke, depicted in a benign manner a stallion attempting to kiss, in a serious way, a mare he was legitimately interested in getting together with while she slept and while they were not in any sort of romantic relationship or even courting one another, and played it all for laughs as though if someone were to do that and get caught, people should just laugh it off.

#4. "How is this OK in comparison? If anything makes things look bad it is when something like that gets needlessly much attention and some go sky high loud over it. Same with racism, same with anything.

I can't accept this kind of over-sensitivity behavior because if anyone's like that, wow stay away from them. You may look at them, they will think you are sexually harassing them, you will say black even if not referring to them, they will call you racist, uh stay away. I know that a lot of the MLP lore describes the history of America but this is still a fantasy world and more like a fairy tale, don't act like the cop in Equestria."

Over-sensitivity in people promoting political correctness is undoubtedly a problem, but you are mistaking revulsion at something that is just plain bad as me trying to be politically correct.  That is not the case in the slightest.  Anyone who actually knows me here (which you do not seem to) know that I am incredibly open to all manner of depictions in media and people pushing the bar, including on MLP itself.  MLP has rarely ever in a serious manner broached the subject of romance and its complexities, and given that its target audience is still largely children, it is incredibly important that they do so carefully when they do.  They also owe giving smart writing to the subject at this point since they know that so much of their audience is made up of teenagers and adults as well.

I have no idea why you are directing so many of these assumptions about how I behave in real life (your examples about overly-sensitive PC behavior) at me when you don't even know me.  You seem to have read one single review of mine (for what is now my least favorite episode of MLP ever which I can barely even consider to be a part of the show) and if you had read my others at the least you'd have a far different idea of who I am.  I am no "cop" in Equestria, I am a passionate but fair-minded fan and critic of MLP who enjoys critiquing the show, and I call bull shit where I see it.  That episode was 110% grade A horse shit in so many of the most important ways.

#5. "What's these accusations, I feel someone should not be doing anything around you. I am all for following the law and rules but I think some people are over the top, the small deviation from them and those people go nuts.

Like look Bigmac and Sugar almost lips kiss *ye ye excuse them that  they are just touching noses but don't excuse Big Mac', so what is this now, making love by your standards?"

So once again we're at this point where you think you know everything about me from a single review of a single episode that put me in a particularly bad mood because it rubbed me the wrong way.  Man, just stop, I'm not some jerkoff who goes around making wild accusations at everyone about harassing people, I hate those kinds of people.  I am a perfectly balanced, well-rounded individual with plenty of my own personal quirks, but I am NOT that kind of negative and never would be.  The fact that a guy like me hated that episode so much should speak to how bad it is.

And no, no, no, no, no, I absolutely adored their little nose touch at the end, hell, I've WANTED MLP to make more attempts at depicting romance.  I think kids should have healthy depictions of romance in media directed at them to watch, including even the idea of physical romantic gestures like kissing as being a good thing.  Heck, I love the idea of Big Mac and Sugar Belle together, and I think they'll be great going forward, it's just that the episode they got together in was awful in so many ways.  As I said, if you're going to depict a romantic relationship in a kids show or movie in a serious manner, however, in a way that you are trying to teach a lesson to kids and adults, then you need to be bucking careful and make bucking sure you have your shit together before you do!  This episode did not, not in the slightest.  Anyone wants to fight me on that, I will, because this was so bad it didn't even seem like it belonged in MLP.

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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@ImpctR It's kinda weird that you call people that criticize this episode over-sensitive, while you also seem to show a lack of respect for those people, that just want to share their opinions here.

I am not saying that you are not allowed to not like this episode. But instead of acting disrespectful to others and even act like that this is some sort of a PC thing, maybe you can be more respectful and talk normally with the people that have a different viewpoint. I am sure they're very open to discuss these things with you.

  • Brohoof 4

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3 hours ago, ImpctR said:

Why overreact on a thing that has been done over and over in other cartoons?

"It's been done before" =/= "it's okay." Consent matters.

Furthermore, the crux of the gag is that leaning in to kiss Sugar Belle while she's sleeping is inappropriate and doesn't make Big Mac look any better to her, so it's not unreasonable to view it as a sort of sexual assault. And I don't see what's funny about a gag which sort of just amounts to Big Mac acting poorly. 

I don't recall seeing the cartoons you're referring to, but I presume those have a sillier tone where we're not supposed to sympathize with the characters as much. We only focus on Big Mac, and we're supposed to root for him to get the girl even when he does things which, based on evidence in the episode, she's clearly repulsed by, and which he ought to have known she'd be repulsed by. And because we're supposed to root for him, we can't even laugh at his expense like we would someone we were supposed to dislike. 

3 hours ago, ImpctR said:

For that logic, we should ban Bon-Bon and Lyra because look they promote the younger audience to deviate from being straight.


What on earth are you talking about? Bon Bon and Lyra are never stated to be in a relationship, and there would be absolutely nothing wrong with it if they were. The relationship fans like to imagine they're in is based on mutual respect, whereas the kiss in "Hard to Say Anything" is done without Sugar Belle even knowing, let alone consenting. There's a huge difference. And the show doesn't even have the freedom to actually make them a couple, so I don't see how they're promoting "deviance," which isn't even a bad thing in the first place. 

3 hours ago, ImpctR said:

You may look at them, they will think you are sexually harassing them, you will say black even if not referring to them, they will call you racist, uh stay away.


These are strawmen. I've been called an "SJW" online before, but I'm not going to call you racist for saying "black," and I'm not gonna accuse someone who's looking at me non-sexually of sexual harassment. I'm not gonna presume anything about you in real life, but if someone is calling you racist or a harasser for doing something you think is innocuous, maybe there's a reason for that. 


  • Brohoof 1
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