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A Royal Problem  

205 users have voted

  1. 1. Like It or Not?

    • Starlight: *spits in barf bag* "Did Tirek bake this cake?!" Celestia: "No. Tiberius." Luna: *facehoof* ("I hate it!" >__<)
    • Starlight: "The princess are A Royal Pain." ("I dislike it.")
    • Luna: "Eh. 'Tis not bad. But I've had better moonshine." ("…meh.")
    • Celestia: "It's cause for a celebration! *Starlight, Luna, Tiberius, Philomena join* ("I like it!")
    • Luna: "This is FABULOUS!" Celestia: *whispers to Starlight* "She and Rarity have girls' night out every Friday." ("I LOVE IT" <3)

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This episode feels like a poor man's "Luna's Micro" from the comics. The sisters seem artificial and forced in their interactions in the episode rather than energetic and fun like they were in the comic, and Andy Price's art in that issue is more entertaining than the animation in this episode. Celestia also feels too insensitive towards Luna. With all the guilt and sadness Celestia has gone through after having to send her sister to the moon, you'd think she'd be nicer to Luna. 

The comic also had Kibitz who played the role of the helper of the sisters better than Starlight, who feels like she was forced into the episode for no reason. All Starlight does is take the focus away from Celestia and Luna when making the episode fully from their perspective would've helped. The jokes are also much funnier in the comic. This episode's comedic highlights are a flanderized Twilight and Luna eating a banana peel.


Score: 3/10

Edited by bigbertha
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I think the Comic and Episode both did things better than the other, but I did notice that both the comic and episode can have happened at the same time, what I am saying is that they are canon from my point of view, and they compliment each-other well.

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  • 3 months later...

Great episode! This was completely unexpected but quite well executed. I know this might not have been the most natural sequence of events, but this was certainly new and refreshing. There were a lot of hints that Celestia and Luna were just like other ordinary sisters, so maybe this was bound to happen someday. It was quite shocking that Starlight could change Celestia and Luna's cutie marks, but considering how she managed to erase all the cutie marks in a whole town and even Twilight's, it makes sense. A really entertaining episode, in my opinion!:twi:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I liked this Episode, i thought Twilight was really cute and funny in this one and the lesson...well, it was okay. Day Breaker looked really cool, but why was it Starlights Nightmare and not Celestias? Did Starlight just imagined this evil Version of Celestia out of fear or did Daybreaker really exist at some point and Starlight just feared that she could come back, because Celestia seemed to recognize her. I think i heard Daybreaker first appeared in the Comics, so it was probably a reference to that. i dont know because i dont read the comics.


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1 hour ago, Nanotek said:

I liked this Episode, i thought Twilight was really cute and funny in this one and the lesson...well, it was okay. Day Breaker looked really cool, but why was it Starlights Nightmare and not Celestias?

I think it was more reasonable as GlimGlam's - Twi had been browbeating her since the map that a repeat of the whole nightmare moon episode could not be allowed to happen, and the dismissive way each sister felt about the other's duties wasn't helping. Celestia wasn't asleep, and was visiting GlimGlam's dream.

1 hour ago, Nanotek said:

Did Starlight just imagined this evil Version of Celestia out of fear or did Daybreaker really exist at some point and Starlight just feared that she could come back, because Celestia seemed to recognize her. 

Not sure; it is a logical extension of NMM though. Perhaps imagining nightmare outcomes is something else she learned from her mentor?


1 hour ago, Nanotek said:

I think i heard Daybreaker first appeared in the Comics, so it was probably a reference to that. i dont know because i dont read the comics.

I don't think there is a comic, but I think there is a trading card with a similar design, as a "nightmare sun". It IS curious that luna didn't need to be told who Daybreaker was, despite not having seen this particular standoff before...

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  • 4 months later...

One of my favorite episodes in the entire series. I loved the portraile of all characters involved: I loved twilight comedic role, she had a reason to freak out in a way its make sense for her character. Starlight was amazing, luna was a bit salty and prideful but she had good intentions while celestia finally got a real personality which I loved, this episode made me love celestia. The nightmare was stunning, it's always nice to see nightmare moon again and daybreaker was something I wondered if we will get in the series, and it was more then I could have asked for. I am still holding hope that daybreaker will appear for real by brainwashing or celestia losing her temper in a battle against a powerful villain, that will be a cool concept.

10\10, this episode blew my mind.

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  • 3 months later...
6 hours ago, Helpful Hoof said:

so if the nightmare, can cause damage to her Sicie then who helped them before Nightmare moon was defeated

Nopony, sadly. While 'tia could raise the moon, many a filly will have woken shaken from their night terrors, with no beautiful princess there to protect and guide them....

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On 7/16/2019 at 7:30 PM, CypherHoof said:

Nopony, sadly. While 'tia could raise the moon, many a filly will have woken shaken from their night terrors, with no beautiful princess there to protect and guide them....

Interestingly the species that guards pony dreams in the comics live on the moon and where corrupted by Nightmare Moon when she was banished there.

Excluding cross media continuity an interesting paralell could be made between Ponies not having a dream guardian and the number of mental . . . quirks the main characters have demonstrated.

Twilight: Obsessive compulsive to the point of mania if things fall through.

Pinkie: Depressive if she feels her friends are excluding her to the point of delusion.

Starlight: Embarked on a scheme to steal cutie marks and later rewrite history becuase her foalhood friend went off to Canterlot without her.

Applejack: Obsessed with pride and self-sufficiency to the point she works herself to exhaustion.

Trixie: Possibly compensating for an inferiority complex to the point she enslaves a town.

Roseluck and her friends: Collapsing in a faint at the sight of a Bunny Stampede.

Fluttershy: Literally afraid of her own shadow.

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  • 8 months later...

This episode is so good that its little annoyances bother me all the more. On paper I like how Twilight freaked Starlight out so much that she walks on eggshells around the princess, but her dialogue is incredibly bland. She's a mouthpiece for exposition and that's it; any personality to be seen here is an incredibly watered down version of Twilight's, which by the way is slightly exaggerated in this. And I would have been able to move past the ethical implications of switching cutie marks if the episode hadn't lingered on it, but it lingers on everyone getting upset and then goes out of its way to try justifying what she did. It worked this time, but that doesn't make it okay. With how this episode was set up, I feel a couple lines from the princesses telling Starlight not to do that again would fix that issue pretty easily. Otherwise this was even better the second time. The highlight this time was how sincere both Celestia and Luna were about helping people. And their conversation about pancakes at the end is adorable. 

Also, I complained in the past that I don't believe Celestia and Luna would turn evil just from arguing, but on second watch I don't think I'm supposed to. Clearly that's Twilight overreacting because she expects them to be perfect, and Starlight turning that into a horrible nightmare because she's crazy. I'm also not convinced that Starlight's nightmare would really be so dangerous, but then again, it's not exactly surprising that she's mentally unstable. 

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  • 4 months later...

Hello crazy old episode!


So this episode is the one at the top. Except for the short little intro before the credits, where Twilight was being so surprised over the map choosing Starlight, the rest of the episode is flawless.

The only big question I have is, why couldn't they make more of these "interesting for everyone to watch" episodes?

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18 minutes ago, Splashee® said:

Hello crazy old episode!


So this episode is the one at the top. Except for the short little intro before the credits, where Twilight was being so surprised over the map choosing Starlight, the rest of the episode is flawless.

The only big question I have is, why couldn't they make more of these "interesting for everyone to watch" episodes?

I liked that too.

This was the first time the Map had called anypony other than the Mane cast; it had called Starlight (who, much as I love her, is as crazy as a bag of frogs at times) and it had called her to the Royal Palace, instead of Twi.  Classic Twi Freakout Triggered.....

The similar scene where the CMC are summoned is noticably cuter though :)

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7 hours ago, CypherHoof 🐎 said:

The similar scene where the CMC are summoned is noticably cuter though

We have to address how cool the map acted, when calling, or indicating completion of a mission. The cutie mark glowing in a very special way, on queue as well. When Starlight finally wakes up at the end, and the sisters are getting along again, it is perfectly queuing completion, and after that Twilight shows up with a tooth brush?

If I remember that correctly, then this is a good and well paced episode indeed! (I saw it last time in 2018)

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4 hours ago, Splashee® said:

The cutie mark glowing in a very special way, on queue as well

Cutie marks and the lore around them aren't really that well defined, but its worth noting that this happens in one other circumstance too - when a pony is being openly true to what the mark represents.  Two good examples are when Cadence finds the strength to save Spike and return the Crystal Heart, and when Coloratura puts her heart into a song.

I was more surprised we didn't see that with Diamond Tiara during her reformation montage.

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  • 8 months later...

This episode was meh. I wasn't too crazy about as everybody else does. Also, I'm not into Daybreaker. She's basically just "what if Celestia was Nightmare Moon?" It's too fan-service for my liking,

Besides a couple of good jokes here and there and some good visuals, I'll give it a pass.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This episode shows and demonstrates so well Starlight, how she is differs from Twilight, the two sisters. I loved every minute of this episode. There also so many small details which I just adore like Celestia's pancakes, music box Twilight etc.

The nightmares in this episode were also interesting to see. I'm still not sure if this maybe not too much for the original target demographics, but nonetheless I really liked these well executed scenes. Then I need to address  also day breaker in this nightmare. It was interesting to see Celestia's counter part. But this character is also not what makes this episode so great for me. It's the whole story there with all those little details.

As I said: I loved it.




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On 2021-05-21 at 8:36 PM, Astral Soul said:

There also so many small details which I just adore like Celestia's pancakes

I particularly liked the way that, when Luna ate a pinapple instead of Celestia's pancakes, the next morning Celestia made pinapple pancakes...

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  • 1 month later...

Looking back on this episode again, I wasn't too crazy about it. Don't get me wrong, the visuals (especially the dream sequences) looks nice, the sisterly bond between Tia and Woona was interesting, but that's about it. Everything else was just dull. I don't understand why this episode choose Starlight instead of Twilight since Twilight know the Royal Sisters more than Starlight. I wasn't a big fan of Starlight in this episode. She was so painful to watch when she easily screwed up. Also, I'm not a big fan of Daybreaker. She just Nightmare Moon: Celestia edition. What else is there?

I know a lot of people do like this episode. If you like it, good for you. I'm just not a big fan of it.

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14 minutes ago, JMTV99 said:

Looking back on this episode again, I wasn't too crazy about it. Don't get me wrong, the visuals (especially the dream sequences) looks nice, the sisterly bond between Tia and Woona was interesting, but that's about it. Everything else was just dull. I don't understand why this episode choose Starlight instead of Twilight since Twilight know the Royal Sisters more than Starlight. I wasn't a big fan of Starlight in this episode. She was so painful to watch when she easily screwed up. Also, I'm not a big fan of Daybreaker. She just Nightmare Moon: Celestia edition. What else is there?

I know a lot of people do like this episode. If you like it, good for you. I'm just not a big fan of it.

You're entitled to your opinion... no matter how wrong it is.



"Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent."
- Pete Docter 

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  • 1 year later...
On 2018-12-09 at 4:47 PM, CyperKirin said:

I think it was more reasonable as GlimGlam's - Twi had been browbeating her since the map that a repeat of the whole nightmare moon episode could not be allowed to happen, and the dismissive way each sister felt about the other's duties wasn't helping. Celestia wasn't asleep, and was visiting GlimGlam's dream.

Not sure; it is a logical extension of NMM though. Perhaps imagining nightmare outcomes is something else she learned from her mentor?


I don't think there is a comic, but I think there is a trading card with a similar design, as a "nightmare sun". It IS curious that luna didn't need to be told who Daybreaker was, despite not having seen this particular standoff before...

The comic was Nightmare Knights. Granted it was a Daybreaker from another reality, but it was still an interesting read.


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On 2022-12-15 at 3:57 AM, Gale Wind said:

The comic was Nightmare Knights. Granted it was a Daybreaker from another reality, but it was still an interesting read.

Sure. But the episode was back in 2017 and the comic didn't release until 2018 :D

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