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I think this is a fabulous idea I always had the Idea of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich to start dating and get married someday and have a baby I couldn't imagine Pinkie Pie a mother I would be overjoyed to see that and Cheese Sandwich a father and I would love to see what their beautiful baby would look like I have a Picture representing that and I found a great story on the subject




Pinkie Pie was very excited today because she was going to plan her first date with Cheese Sandwich, the party pony that she felt was going to take her title of Ponyville's premier party pony,
but ended up being the pony who helped her make Rainbow Dash's birthday the best party ever and the pony who stole her heart this past Hearts and Hooves day. 
Pinkie head was loaded with possible ideas for dates but wasn't sure what was a proper thing to do for a date.

"Oh Gummy, what is a good idea for a first date?" Pinkie asked her beloved pet alligator who just blinked in response.

Pinkie then gasped loudly and said "You're right Gummy, I should go ask Rarity!" she then hugged Gummy and ran out the door.

Once she was at Carousel Boutique she knocked quickly on the door.

"Coming" she heard Rarity's voice on the other side of the door, then the door opened and Rarity stood there with a puzzled look on her face "Pinkie, what on
earth are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be planning your date with Cheese Sandwich?" Rarity asked.

"I am, but I have a question" Pinkie said to her friend.

"And that is?".

"What is a good first date?".

"Well, it can be anything you two want to do, it can be a day at the beach or a dinner at a fancy restaurant as long as the two of you are having a good time 

"Thanks, Rarity," Pinkie said.

"Oh, I wish you knew how much I envy you Pinkie, I really want my first date to be a dinner at the most romantic of restaurants and a moonlit walk in the park 
but I don't think I'll ever find a stallion that will want me" Rarity told her friend sadly.

"Aww, don't say that Rarity, you're find your special somepony and he'll take you on the most romantic date ever!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

"You really think so?".

"Absolutely!" Pinkie said with a huge smile "Any stallion would be lucky to have you as his marefriend".

"Thank you Pinkie, you made me feel so much better." Rarity said smiling.

"That's what friends do, well I better get going,I'm supposed to meet Cheese Sandwich in the middle of town, maybe when we're talking we'll think of something, 
see you later Rarity" she said as she left the boutique.

"Good luck Pinkie." she said to her friend,"I really hope she takes my advice, that she doesn't try and do something she'd never do just because it sounds like a  
better date" Rarity said to herself.

Pinkie was hopping around Ponyville searching for Cheese Sandwich but was having no luck.

"He said he'd be here right around now, I hope everything's okay." she said to herself sounding worried, but then she saw a familiar mane moving up and down 
as if the pony who had it was hopping around like she does.

"Cheese?" Pinkie called out.

"Pinkie?" a very familiar voice rang out.

Upon hearing that voice, Pinkie giggled a little and ran towards the source of it as fast as her hooves could go, once she saw him she ran up to him and gave 
him one of her big Pinkie Pie hugs, "I missed you soooo much" she told him.

Cheese Sandwich hugged her back and said "I missed you too Pinkie".

After they stopped hugging Pinkie asked, "How was the party in Appleloosa?".

"It would have been better if you were there, but it was still really good".

"Who was it for?".

"A little buffalo named Little Strongheart".

"Little Strongheart? I met her when me and my friends went to Appleloosa to bring a tree to their orchard, did she have fun?".

"She said she had a lot of fun and I also met a pony named Braeburn who said he was Applejack's cousin"

"You met Braeburn?" Pinkie asked, "Isn't he a nice and happy pony?".

"He is and when I was talking with him, I told him about me and you and he said that he was happy that two of his cousin's friends had special somepony's 
and said he wishes he had the courage to tell the beautiful unicorn he has a crush on that he likes her".

" 'Beautiful unicorn'?" Pinkie said, "I wonder if he means...".

"It could be her" Cheese added.

"Maybe we'll have to get them together one day".


"Speaking of romantic get together's, do you have any ideas for our first date?".

"I've had some, but I don't think there good ideas for dates".

"I've had the same problem, what are some of your ideas?".

"A picnic in the park or a walk on the beach were my best".

"I thought of dinner and a movie, but I didn't like that".

"We'll think of something, maybe we could think of something over lunch?" Cheese suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Pinkie replied.

"What sounds good for lunch?".

"How about we get haybugers and fries?".

"That sounds really good".

"Let's go!" Pinkie said enthusiastically.

And the two party ponies headed off to get lunch.

Once they had finished lunch, they still hadn't decided on what to do for the date, which was making both ponies upset.

"Why can't we find something to do?" Pinkie asked, "you would think one of us would have thought of something by now".

"I don't know, Pinkie" Cheese answered "maybe we're thinking about it too hard and we should just pick something we both really like".

"Yeah, but what?".

"Let's think of things we both like".

"Okay, we both like parties, having fun and making everypony happy".

"I know, but how about we think of things we can do for a date?".

"Okie Doki Loki, let's see," Pinkie said "we both like movies, but we don't want to do that".

"Okay, and?".

"We both like going to the park or the beach".

"Yeah.but is that a good first date?".

"I don't know," Pinkie said to him, "Rarity said that anything can be a good date as long as we are doing something we both like".

"That sounds like great advice".

"Yeah, it is" Pinkie replied "But what is a good first date?".

"Well, Rarity did say anything we both like just like I had said before".

"I know".

The two ponies kept thinking about what to do when Applejack walked up to them.

"Howdy ya'll" Applejack said to them "What's up, I thought you were going to have your first date tonight?".

"We are," Pinkie told her "But we can't think of anything to do".

"Well, I have some tickets to a rodeo that I'm competing in later today if you're interested," Applejack told them.

"That sounds like fun," Cheese said excitedly "What do you think Pinkie?".

"That's perfect!" Pinkie said sounding extremely happy "Thank you sooo much AJ!".

"You're welcome guys" Applejack responded "I'm just glad I could help".

"When is it?" Cheese asked.

"About seven, so if you want to get some dinner before the rodeo you can," Applejack told them.

"Okie Doki Loki, see you later Applejack," Pinkie said to her friend.

"See you guys there!" Applejack said as she galloped off.

"So, what should we do for dinner?" Pinkie asked.

"How about pizza?" Cheese suggested "I hear there is a great pizza place here".

"Yeah, Me and my friends go there at least once a month".

"Okay then, let's go!".

The two pony's headed to the Ponyville Pizza Parlor, which is Pinkie Pies's favorite pizza place in all of Equestria, when they got there they decided to order 
out and eat in the park since it was such a beautiful day outside, once they were at the park they put the blanket on the ground and sat down.

"I can't wait to see Applejack in the rodeo," Cheese said, "I have never been to one before".

"Really?" Pinke asked sounding surprised " I would think that a pony that travels as much as you do and plans parties of all types would of at some point 
seen a rodeo".

"No actually, I've never had a chance to go to a rodeo" Cheese explained "I have planned parties for them, but every time it starts I have to leave for the next

"Wow," Pinkie said shocked "Well you're in for a real treat, Applejack is one of the best rodeo ponies in all of Equestria!".

After they finished their dinner, they headed to the Ponyville Rodeo Grounds to enjoy the rodeo.

Once the rodeo ended Cheese Sandwich was walking Pinkie Pie home and all he could talk about was the rodeo.

"Wow, that was so cool!" Cheese exclaimed "Applejack was great, I can't believe how many ribbons she won!".

"I know," Pinkie said to him, "I told you she's one of the best in Equestria".

"Now I see why, I don't think she's one of the best, I think she the best in all of Equestria!".

"You'll have to tell her that".

"Yeah." Cheese said as they got to the door of Sugarcube Corner they stopped and he looked her.

"What?" she said when she noticed him staring at her.

"You look lovely tonight." he told her.

She then giggled and blushed a little and said "aww, you're just saying that".

"No, I'm not Pinkie." he said, then he leaned over and kissed Pinkie's cheek.

Pinkie started blushing making her normally pink face red and all she could do is giggle.

"Good night, Pinkie Pie" Cheese said with a smile on his face.

"Good night, Cheese Sandwich" Pinkie said smiling back, they hugged and he headed off into the night to the hotel he was staying at.

Pinkie headed inside Sugarcube Corner and ran right up to her room and she started giggling and couldn't stop.

"Guess what Gummy" Pinkie told her pet "Cheese Sandwich gave me a kiss good night on the cheek!",she looked over and saw her journal on her nightstand 
and went over to get it "I just have to put this in it" she declared proudly "it's way too exciting not to!"  she wrote the day's events in it and then climbed into bed 
"Thanks for the advice, Rarity." she said out loud with a yawn "You're right as long as we're doing something we like, anything can be a good date".



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@NathanW200  I made this thread to provide information for anyone who might be interested in joining the project.  It's not really a place to be stating episode ideas...

However, I do know of a thread where that is the topic (link).  Though I might recommend putting that story part into a spoiler block.

  • Brohoof 1

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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Just now, Superplay64 said:

@NathanW200  I made this thread to provide information for anyone who might be interested in joining the project.  It's not really a place to be stating episode ideas...

However, I do know of a thread where that is the topic (link).  Though I might recommend putting that story part into a spoiler block.

Nice I hope you do thanks for taking my idea into consideration

Edited by NathanW200
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 The story has been placed into a spoiler box as it was taking away excessive amounts of space without being pertinent to the topic at hand.

@NathanW200 it is very important to make sure that what you post coincides with the topic's theme and the original poster's requests, especially when large amounts of text come into play. Please do take that into consideration for upcoming posts.

  • Brohoof 1
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This idea looks good on paper, but I have a few fears.


1. Ships. I'm afraid people are going to force ships and romance in a show that isn't supposed to have either. This show isn't supposed to be romantic, and putting the power into the hands of the fans will mean ships and OC's everywhere.

2. Authenticity. This would be a totally different team. Things would be handled differently. The show wouldn't be the same.

3. Copyright. You will need to take caution not to be shut down by copyrights. Watch out, and make sure you don't break any of these rules. If you do, it could be game over.


However, if you can make quality episodes that seem just like the real show, then I'll most certainly watch them.:)

But it's going to be REALLY hard.

  • Brohoof 1


MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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On 1/18/2018 at 9:00 PM, Rhythm Red said:

This idea looks good on paper, but I have a few fears.


1. Ships. I'm afraid ponies are going to force ships and romance in a show that isn't supposed to have either. This show isn't supposed to be romantic, and putting the power into the hooves of the fans will mean ships and OC's everywhere.

2. Authenticity. This would be a totally different team. Things would be handled differently. The show wouldn't be the same.

3. Copyright. You will need to take caution not to be shut down by copyrights. Watch out, and make sure you don't break any of these rules. If you do, it could be game over.


However, if you can make quality episodes that seem just like the real show, then I'll most certainly watch them.:)

But it's going to be REALLY hard.

I totally understand where you're coming from.  (I kinda like posts like these, as it give me an opportunity to explain/expand upon some things not present in the mane post)

1.  Ah yes, the crazy world of ships.  Too be honest, I too agree that FiM is about friendship, not romance, and having a lot of it in there would be....undesirable...for lack of a better word.  If I decide to open the writing to idea and script send-ins, the writing/ideas used would be heavily regulated, so one would definitely see little to no romance in the show.

2.  You are right about that unfortunately.  No matter how a show is run, every crew member has their influence, and an entirely different crew would have their own affect, so no matter how much regulation I put on the production for this project, there is no way around the fact that there will be a different flare to these fan-made episodes over the official ones.

3. True.  But not really for FiM.  I might have to look out when it comes to [Spoilers for Episodes I'm planning! (2020 Edit: Content removed to avoid false perceptions about the project's direction.)]


[Content removed - 2020]

but in regards to FiM, I'm actually only going to officially release any content of this project if I actually am granted legal permission by Hasbro.  I know of a place, where people can submit a form in an e-mail to Hasbro, requesting permission to use their IP.  I plan on doing this, and if I am denied permission, I'm just going to have to accept that (then eventually pitch my 'backup' idea show to NBC or CBS or something, which would use reworked [ponyized/real-world] versions of all 60 episode ideas of mine).

Edited by Virtual Click

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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5 minutes ago, Superplay64 said:

I totally understand where you're coming from.  (I kinda like posts like these, as it give me an opportunity to explain/expand upon some things not present in the mane post)

1.  Ah yes, the crazy world of ships.  Too be honest, I too agree that FiM is about friendship, not romance, and having a lot of it in there would be....undesirable...for lack of a better word.  If I decide to open the writing to idea and script send-ins, the writing/ideas used would be heavily regulated, so one would definitely see little to no romance in the show.

2.  You are right about that unfortunately.  No matter how a show is run, every crew member has their influence, and an entirely different crew would have their own affect, so no matter how much regulation I put on the production for this project, there is no way around the fact that there will be a different flare to these fan-made episodes over the official ones.

3. True.  But not really for MLP.  I might have to look out when it comes to [Spoilers for Episodes I'm planning!]

  Reveal hidden contents

GLaDOS and other Portal elements in a few episodes, and the DeLorean time machine for many others,

but in regards to MLP, I'm actually only going to officially release any content of this project if I actually am granted legal permission by Hasbro.  I know of a place, where people can submit a form in an e-mail to Hasbro, requesting permission to use their IP.  I plan on doing this, and if I am denied permission, I'm just going to have to accept that (then eventually pitch my 'backup' idea show to NBC or CBS or something, which would use reworked [humanized/real-world] versions of all 60 episode ideas of mine).

1. You say 'having a lot of that in there would be undesirable'. Any shipping would be undesirable for me. It's not what the show is about, and fans of certain ships would be pissed when their favorite ship isn't shown. Stick to the canon ships, like shining armor and cadence. 

Frequent romance+MLP=NOT GOOD.

2. It doesn't matter to me if the show is different. That's gonna happen. But I just want to make sure you keep MLP authentic if you end up doing this. Don't deviate too far from the examples set by the current team.

3. Maybe subtle references to that game would be alright. But don't make an episode outright themed around it. Just throw in a few tiny references, just like MLP did with metal gear solid.

  • Brohoof 1


MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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On 6/15/2017 at 7:40 PM, Superplay64 said:

DHX might no longer produce pony after Season 9, but who's to say we can't? 

The legal system?


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@Key Sharkz I know of a place, where ponies can submit a form in an e-mail to Hasbro, requesting permission to use their IP.  I plan on doing this, and if I am denied permission, I'm just going to have to accept that.


@Bas My Logic for this is: When you have no info, plug in your own! :sneer:  (Berry is Scoot's adopted mother anyway in my headcanon.)

Edited by Superplay64

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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5 hours ago, Superplay64 said:

@Key Sharkz I know of a place, where ponies can submit a form in an e-mail to Hasbro, requesting permission to use their IP.  I plan on doing this, and if I am denied permission, I'm just going to have to accept that.


@Bas My Logic for this is: When you have no info, plug in your own! :sneer:  (Berry is Scoot's adopted mother anyway in my headcanon.)

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but they won’t say yes. You’re not just asking to use their IP you’re asking to basically take over their show. They aren’t going to say yes, perhaps it’s better to accept the reality now that the show is going to end.

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@Superplay64 hey i know that he wasn't on ur list but i can do a pretty good Snails voice!

also i can produce some music if that helps at all:twi:

Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@woodchunks66  Ah!  A background music artist!  Something I hadn't added to the list because I was sure how I was going to do the music at the time!  I definitely need a background music artist, since I deemed it would be the best route to take (over trying to edit background music from the actual show, or using background music from other shows).  This would be one of the last parts of making an episode though :huh:, so I'd have to get back to you later on doing a demo bit (and by later I mean it's probably going to be several months due to how slow I'm gathering a crew :dry:).   Glad someone offered for this position though (despite me not even listing it), so I'll keep you in mind for sure.

  • Brohoof 1

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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7 hours ago, Bas said:

I'd stick more to official cannon. If you want to, I can see RD taking over the role of a pegasister instead of Berry.. Might play out similiar, they are close already. You could bring up RD's parents as well.

There's something I want to say in response to that, but it'd spoil an episode...

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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Just now, Duzzkey said:

Unfortunately, it has to end at some point, before it becomes not worth watching. I really don't want the series to become stale, and get seasonal rot overtime that just kills it's quality by around season 11.

Did....you even read the main post?  I wasn't talking about actually keeping the official series on the air, I mean "keep it going" as in the story, through this whole fandom-episode project I'm trying to start.

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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7 minutes ago, Superplay64 said:

Did....you even read the main post?  I wasn't talking about actually keeping the official series on the air, I mean "keep it going" as in the story, through this whole fandom-episode project I'm trying to start.

It's almost understandable that the mistake would happen because there has been a rise in posts related to the show potentially ending. Add to that the activity here surfaced the topic at the top "Recently Posting In" block, and it's easy to miss that this is a Creative Resources topic. 

Anyway, I'm glad to see this may still be a thing. :)


  • Brohoof 1



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23 minutes ago, Jeric said:

It's almost understandable that the mistake would happen because there has been a rise in posts related to the show potentially ending. Add to that the activity here surfaced the topic at the top "Recently Posting In" block, and it's easy to miss that this is a Creative Resources topic. 

Anyway, I'm glad to see this may still be a thing. :)


That makes sense but I still don't understand why people don't read the first posts in threads. It's one of my pet peeves

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