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Episodes which you find off-putting


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Let's have a nice little thread to talk about the episodes that we find truly off-putting. These aren't episodes we dislike; these are episodes we hate, and we want the world to know, dangit.

For me, the first episode that always comes to mind is "The Best Night Ever." This episode and its "moral" annoys me on so many levels. What even was it? Never look forward to anything? Don't go to parties? Always stay with your established friends and don't branch out? On a logical level, I understand the idea was "don't overhype anything", but it was executed so questionably. Seeing the Mane6 have their hopes and dreams dashed isn't particularly enjoyable (even if there are funny moments), and them making total jerks of themselves by ruining the gala for everyone isn't fun either. Oh, but don't worry; according to Celestia, that doesn't matter because the gala is always "boring!" Let's all laugh about it! Seriously... what? It's especially jarring since this was a season finale that was (somewhat) built up throughout the season.

Enough about me though. I want to know which episodes upset all of you.

Edited by PonyMage
  • Brohoof 2

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I really can’t think of any I dislike to that extent. There are handful I don’t like, and one or two I’d say I hate, but nothing that serious. I’d actually be concerned if a children’s cartoon could provoke a reaction like that out of me.

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I wouldn't say any episodes make me that angry, but I would be lying if I said I don't despise episodes that depict the Wonderbolts (apart from Rainbow Dash) as selfish bullies who appear to learn their lesson and then forget by the time they appear on the show again.

  • Brohoof 4


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28 pranks later was the worst trigger episode for me. The only thing good of the episode is that it makes the other episodes look better.

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If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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Both Newbie Dash and Fame and Misfortune give me MLP PTSD at this point. Like reliving a nightmare of shitty writing and terrible characterizations. It is like being mentally whipped by the writers of those episodes. I guess they are good if I am in a masochistic mood.

  • Brohoof 6


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I'm not very far at all, but I can't think of any episode that hate, I can't think of any that I dislike even... I love em all:)


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1 hour ago, PonyMage said:

Let's have a nice little thread to talk about the episodes that truly trigger us. These aren't episodes we dislike; these are episodes we hate, and we want the world to know, dangit.

For me, the first episode that always comes to mind is "The Best Night Ever." This episode and its "moral" triggers me on so many levels. What even was it? Never look forward to anything? Don't go to parties? Always stay with your established friends and don't branch out? On a logical level, I understand the idea was "don't overhype anything", but it was executed so questionably. Seeing the Mane6 have their hopes and dreams dashed isn't particularly enjoyable (even if there are funny moments), and them making total jerks of themselves by ruining the gala for everyone isn't fun either. Oh, but don't worry; according to Celestia, that doesn't matter because the gala is always "boring!" Let's all laugh about it! Seriously... what? It's especially jarring since this was a season finale that was (somewhat) built up throughout the season.

Enough about me though. I want to know what triggers all of you.

The theme I got out of that episode was 'sometimes things don't go according to plan, but don't let it get in your way'! I can see why you hate that episode, but I think it's a very valuable and relatable lesson. 

  • Brohoof 3


MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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While there are certainly episodes I can't stand, none of them genuinely makes me want to  proselytize my dislike to the world. Something like that would have to be so bad it breaks my complete enjoyment of the show. Not even the worst episode has done anything to dent my overall enjoyment of ponies. Heck, even the episodes I think are crap have good moments and scenes that I enjoy. Owl's Well has that wonderful stargazing scene toward the end, and SugarMac concept from Hard To Say Anything is a romance I fully support. 

No. No trigger episodes. 

  • Brohoof 6



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44 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

Fame and Misfortune


1. Slice Of Life and Stranger Than Fan Fiction did the meta stuff much better.


2. Forgive me for not enjoying the MLP equivalent of The Boys Of Bummer (The Simpsons).


42 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

"Flutter Brutter"


The scene of Zephyr casually destroying his own dad's prized cloud collection and driving him to tears preemptively ruined any sympathy I could've felt for the former.

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Wow...I've been waiting for a topic like this. There's quite a few episodes actually and most of them are in the later seasons :adorkable:

...but let's start from Season 1, eh? :please: Boast Busters is an episode that REALLY gets on my nerves :dry: I literally have to MUTE the TV every-time Trixie is about to say: "watch as The Great And Powerful...". NO. You're NOT Great and Powerful. You're weak and Pathetic...


...and I would like to add Griffon The Brush Off to the list ('cuz of how much of a dick Gilda was in that episode), but...she learns her lesson later in Season 5...


I can't watch Baby Cakes. I can't stand babies crying (especially IRL) and the cake twins were giving Pinkie Pie such a hard time in that episode...


...and I can't watch the Season 5 premiere (...and finale) without losing my temper and throwing a MASSIVE hissy-fit. Where the hell was Discord in "The Cutie Map"??? He could've played a MAJOR role in that episode...


...and I really don't like Starlight. I just don't...


There's A LOT of episodes I didn't like in Season 6:


- The Crystalling (parts 1 and 2)

- Newbie Dash

- No Second Prances

- Frutter Brutter

- 28 Pranks later


...and as for Season 7, well...


I didn't like the ending for 'Fame and Misfortune' and the overall plot of the episode. Twilight didn't consider the amount of (un-wanted) attention she would get before publishing her diary...


...and I'm gonna be brutally honest here: feather bangs in "Hard To Say Anything" was a piece of sh*t. Yes, he can sing, but he was such a d*ck to Big Mac in that episode, trying to flirt with Sugar Belle and yet he doesnt notice the other three ponies that are interested in him...

Heck, if I was in that situation and Sugar-Belle was my girl-friend / mare, I would proceed to beat the sh*t out of Feather Bangs and tell him to go p*ss off, but then again...Hasbro wouldn't approve of this...


...and in "Triple Threat", Spike was completely out of character and he was worrying / being over-dramatic over nothing...

(normally, Spike is a pretty chill guy and he's normally the one telling Twilight to calm down...)


...and Rarity was CLEARLY in the wrong in "Honest Apple". AJ knew what she was getting into at the start of the episode (AJ said that she was a little too practical), yet Rarity insisted that she should be a judge for her fashion show...


...and Twilight was being completely irresponsible in "A Flurry Of Emotions". She should've known better to say to Shining Armour and Princess Cadnce that she had her whooves full and she needed to take care of the sick foals...

If anything, she should've aksed either Pinkie pie or Fluttershy to handle the situation...


Also, I don't like Flurry...


...and while RD's parents MIGHT be a little over the top, I didnt like how rude she was to her parents in "Parential Glideance" and SCOOTALOO'S SCREAMING IN THAT EPISODE!!! O_O MY GOD!!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING HASBRO!?!? O_O


...and then you've got Secrets and Pies and Once Upon A Zepplin :/ 


...and just about EVERY episode in Season 7 where RD says the word "awesome". Seriously, give that word a rest...


Edited by SolarFlare13
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28 pranks late is, in my opinion the worst show of the series and it doesn't even reach mediocrity for me, but I don't get angry at it. I take this show waaay to seriously sometimes, but never enough to get genuinely angry over a bad episode.

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Someone looked at Newbie Dash and thought “yup, Perfect. Good job everyone.”  and approved it, and then went to do the same with 28 Pranks Later. That’s usually enough to make me want to punt babies. Heck, 28 Pranks Later gave me a Vietnam Flashback

On 12/2/2017 at 4:00 PM, Celli said:

This may sound rude, but if an episode of a cartoon show triggers you, maybe you should find another interest.

As someone who clearly has this problem, I still have to agree with this :P

Edited by Prowl
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Another 'your bad episode' thread but with a little twist of words, i like it.

The episodes that triggered me dont have to be the worst of the show but it just make me pissed.

Fluttershy Leans In. That episode just pissed me off for how boring it is. The idea behind it is not bad but the way it presented just feel forced and dull. I cant take it. I rather watch Mare Do Well 5 times a day than this crap.

There still more episodes that pissed me off but that's all for today. 



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Why would I get triggered over a cartoon? Sure there's episodes I don't like such as Rarity and her fashion/dress episodes, those I dislike only because their kinda boring, but they don't trigger me or anything.    

  • Brohoof 2


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@PonyMage @Sparklefan1234 @Kyoshi @A.V.

Nah, none of the episodes are trigger to me.

At worst, the episodes are forgetable. Even The "bad" episodes that I consider "bad" like "Hard to Say Anything" are at least interesting since I can at least think about how I could fix it in a fan fiction rather than waste my time just complaining about it.

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