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Best MLP Fanfic

Moonfire Dusk

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Here are two of my favorite stories.

Never Made Much of Myself staring Sunburst and Zephyr Breeze relating over past feelings of self-doubt.

The Real Life of Flash Sentry where Flash Sentry has a secret to tell that turns him from a stereotypical, good-looking, popular kid into a relatable young man.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I got really sucked into Past Sins in college. I've found problems with it over time, but when I first found it, I read the WHOLE THING in one sitting, staying up all night.

I still really enjoy Maternal Instinct. Watch out if you read that one, it can get kind of heavy. But the writer is extremely talented and in the few scenes where they write Princess Celestia... they just do her amazing justice, and that really endeared me a lot.

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm a big fan of Past Sins. It's not perfect, but I was quite invested in that one. Nyx is best OC. :lol:

Of course there's Fallout Equestria, which gets intense and M-rated before long but it's so well-written. Somehow it's engaging enough to hold my attention for 600k words. :blink:

Rainbooms and Royalty presents an intriguing alternate universe (known as the Dashverse) in which Rainbow Dash becomes Celestia's personal student. It's a good read with tons of sequels that further explore the alternate timeline.

And I'm actually not done with it yet, because it's an unfinished serial that has been going for 3 years, but MLP Forums' own Stardust Balance has one called A Journey Beyond Sanity that I adore. Human in Equestria fanfics can get quite cliche, but I think AJBS is one of the best of its kind.

Oh, and I'm not done with this one either--and it's only the first book of a series that exceeds a million words in total--but Austraeoh is the sheer greatest work of fanfiction I have ever read in terms of scenery description. The attention to detail is phenomenal. While the story does have some sloppy spelling errors--and one OC's name inexplicably changes early on :blink:--it's a fantastic work.


Signature by Kyoshi

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Read many epics in pony fics. These are probably my top 3:

-All American Girl. Yes, said it, and I'll keep doing it. THIS, IS, MY, FAVORITE, FIC, EVUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


-Schemering Sintel 


-Last of the Dragonlords. A must if Fluttershy is best poneh



Others I should recommend are: FOE doesn't need introduction. Persona EG, Fallout Equestria Girls, Equestrilvania (it's cancelled though), My Little Arkham (Arkham City with Mane6 involved. What else you need?), Seven Days in Sunny June. I think Assassination of Twilight Sparkle has it's fans, but I think it's merely a prologue of it's stronger sequel: Aftermath of a Fallen Star


Sig by Discords

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Aw, geeze, Rick, I haven't read many fanfics, but I sure want to.  I can never find the time.  I really enjoyed...um...I think it was called The Circle of Friends.  That was a really short one.  You can listen to someone read it on youtube in ten minutes.  Uh, let's see, Simply Rarity was great.  That was medium length.  Someone on these forums highly recommended several to me: A Bluebird's Song, Background Pony, The Best Night Ever, and Last Man Standing.  I haven't made the time to read any of them, sadly.  I will someday.  I want to read Background Pony the most.  That one looks amazing, but it's really long.  It's an actual novel.  500+ pages.  It's nuts.


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  • 1 year later...

Best ones that I’ve read were probably: 

“His Own Personal Heaven” (it hits close to home for me, as I myself have been down that path, but am better now) (2012) (Very depressing, but uplifting, similar to “Requiem For A Dream” (2000).

“Mother’s Day”, (2016) Very cute, touching, and uplifting.

"It Doesn't Work That Way" (2016) Very funny.

“The Mother Of Dragons” (2019) Very funny.

Edited by rybird
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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

i have 3 because they all lead up to a story

1. bride of discord



2. daughter of discord



3. son-in-law of discord



the first 2 are read on youtube here are the link for the them from my playlist



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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Splashee® said:

What makes you like this particular one? I have never heard of it.

It's an old classic of mlp fanfiction (finished in ~2012). And it's even suggested as a summer read in one of the US universities!

Anyway, it's a story about Lyra. Because of some events nopony could remember her longer than a few hours, she was like a ghost. But it's not really about her, it's about mane 6, other background ponies and mature problems (same concept as friendship problems in the show). The author deeply investigated characters and really well presented them in the fic, I especially love Discord's character. This is the fic with beautiful and sad story (very interesting story!), deep characters and moral.

Background Pony makes you think after you finished it, it motivates you, it inspired me to make my first artwork

Edited by Vefka
Missed a word
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Just now, Vefka said:

It's an old classic of mlp fanfiction (finished in ~2012). And it's even suggested as a summer read in one of the US universities!

Anyway, it's a story about Lyra. Because of some events nopony could remember her longer than a few hours, she was like a ghost. But it's not really about her, it's about mane 6, other background ponies and mature problems (same concept as friendship problems in the show). The author deeply investigated and really well presented them in the fic, I especially love Discord's character. This is the fic with beautiful and sad story (very interesting story!), deep characters and moral.

Background Pony makes you think after you finished it, it motivates you, it inspired me to make my first artwork

Anything that inspires you to do work afterwards is good!
I am not much for reading, but if I had to I would try it out!

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23 minutes ago, Vefka said:

It's an old classic of mlp fanfiction (finished in ~2012). And it's even suggested as a summer read in one of the US universities!

Which one? :o

I’ll have to read Background Pony someday. 



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On 8/26/2019 at 9:23 AM, HeavenSunset said:

i would say either "My little dashie" or "I can wait"

I remember reading My Little Dashie when I was ~12, it was very tragic, I was almost crying next few days. My dad even had to read it too to understand why I'm so sad and help me

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14 hours ago, Vefka said:

I remember reading My Little Dashie when I was ~12, it was very tragic, I was almost crying next few days. My dad even had to read it too to understand why I'm so sad and help me

I only know the little box video from YouTube :dash:

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Hoo boy.... I definitely can't say what I consider to be the "best" fanfic I've read, but I can point out some contenders for the title - stories that had an impact on me, all of them because of great storytelling, and because they managed to touch me in some way.

The Only Tree in the Forest by Hap: I guess you could describe it as a historical chronicle of sorts, from the perspective of a single character as they watch the world change around them. It becomes obvious which tree fairly early in the story, but that's not something the story hinges on. One downside, in my opinion, is that it ends rather abruptly.
Package Not Delivered by M48 Patton: A short, somewhat bittersweet story about mailing ponies, and a rather poignant take on some of the events of the first season.
Fahreneigh 451 by Liquid Truth: I'll admit it right now, I'm a huge sucker for Bradbury, so when a story successfully emulates both his style and puts a unique-yet-familiar spin on the source material, that easily goes in my top ten percentile of things I like by default. Sad and surreal, it's one of the favourite stories I've ever read.
80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore by Cynewulf: It's hard for me to pinpoint why exactly I like this story so much - possibly because of the optimism inherent in it, when it touches on the inevitabilities of Twilight's immortality, and where it goes from there. For what is essentially a short adventure novel, it's actually rather action-free, but that works in its favour, as it gives focus to the protagonist's own insights and thoughts. I also admired certain... parallels, though some of them will probably be missed on the first read.
Mythic Dawn by MagnetBolt: Frankly, if there's a single story I've read that would qualify as a perfect sequel to FiM, this would easily be it. It follows some of the show's formula - in fact, it jumps into it with an unabashed sense of humor - but it quickly hits its own beat while staying true to MLP's message.
The Eternal by Forestfire34720: MLP fanfiction has had its share of "after the end" stories, and this is one of them. And yet, while the story focuses on a sad event - the passing of a dragon - it's a happy tale, not because of what has happened, but what is happening. In the words of Robert Frost, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
Amber Ashes by GMBlackjack: This is one of those "adventure epic" stories, and it deserves that title in spades. It's a Mane Six story of sorts, although it leans heavily into the alternate universe angle, and while it certainly has the whole "save the world" thing going on, that's only one aspect of many plots and subplots that take place. It's funny, it's dark, it's dramatic, it's amazing, it's ridiculous and scary and, well, I could go on. It's quite a long read, clocking in at almost 100K words, although that's just a drop in the bucket compared to the source material. If you're looking for a novel to read, you can't go wrong with this.
And finally, I can't omit Friendship is Optimal by Iceman. Hoo boy. One of the earlier works of the MLP fandom, it inspired of its own canon, though far from the scope of works like Past Sins or Fallout: Equestria. One could argue it's not really a MLP fanfic or just a science fiction story, given that it takes place in the real world and there are no real ponies or the Magical Land of Equestria to speak of, but in either case, it's one hell of a ride from the beginning to end. What you take away from it is probably going to vary heavily - from happy, to bittersweet or, in my case, being literal nightmare fuel. But whatever the case, it's a sobering idea that I can only hope will remain fictional.
  • Brohoof 1

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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  • 2 months later...

Background pony is probably my favourite one, it's so good that I consider it the best book I've ever read. The story is very interesting. It's perfectly implemented in the show's events and goes with canon plot side-to side without breaking it. The plot leads to an outstanding ending that answers every question, gives answers to every single mystery listed in the book (and there are a lot of them) and ends this fic in a way that nothing could be added. It's a perfect, finished and very sad story. I'd recommend everyone to read it. I don't even want to start reading Past Sins because I feel that nothing could beat Background pony for me, but I'll give it a shot soon.


On 9/4/2020 at 5:28 AM, Cagey said:

Which one? :o

I’ll have to read Background Pony someday. 

You probably should, I'm sure you'll like it as mch as I did.

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  • 6 months later...

Lately, I've been more into fan fiction than the actual show so I have a lot of favorites.


https://www.fimfiction.net/story/440461/the-many-resurrections-of-twilight-sparkle. If you're in the mood for some dark comedy, this is for you. It's hilarious from start to finish.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/58874/twilight-sparkle-makes-a-cup-of-tea. It's short, but contains just as much emotion as stories that are tens of thousands of words long.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/24189/magical-pony-ultrasounds. I've always thought that Twilight and Pinkie are the best comedy duo in the show, but this story makes me question that. Rainbow and Pinkie play off each other perfectly making for one of the funniest MLP fanfics out there. If you can tolerate preexisting PinkieDash, you'll probably love this.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/364345/passion-and-reason. As of right now, this is the best TwiPie shipfic I've ever read. It's funny, insightful, sells the relationship between Twilight and Pinkie perfectly, and wraps things up with an incredibly wholesome ending.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/24084/the-road-to-ponyville. Maybe Pinkie just works great off of everyone because this is also amazing. It's also better than the show's "road to" episode.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/167615/injuring-eternity. This is at least in the top 5 of the best MLP fanfics ever and it's definitely the best MLP shipfic. Even if you don't like shipping, I still think you should at least give this one a try.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/3260/the-little-pink-pony. There are a lot of stories about how dark and sad Pinkie's past might've been, but this is the best of those.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/3270/sparkles-law. This is tied with Magical Pony Ultrasounds for best comedy fic. The escalation of every single plot and the way everything comes together is perfect.

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/67362/hard-reset. This is a fandom classic for good reason. It's exciting, dark, funny, sad, and just plain fun. 

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/14554/home-grown. The best "coming out" story in the fandom even though it's really just Applejack coming out to herself. The Rarijack is one sided in this story so I think even people who generally don't like shipping should still try this one.




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  • 6 months later...
On 2018-02-05 at 8:33 PM, Will Guide said:

Here are two of my favorite stories.

Never Made Much of Myself staring Sunburst and Zephyr Breeze relating over past feelings of self-doubt.

The Real Life of Flash Sentry where Flash Sentry has a secret to tell that turns him from a stereotypical, good-looking, popular kid into a relatable young man.

Crusaders of the Lost Mark - Episodes Aftermaths   where Spoiled rich rethink her worldview and rethink her life

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