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Rollercoaster of Friendship


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I’m not sure what the point of this was. To remind us that EG is a thing? To me it seemed like a bunch of rehashed old themes with a bland plot (except for the white room twist that was surprisingly satisfying) and no new likeable characters. The new villain was much below standards of the usual MLP villains, who are often fearsome or relatable, or at least interesting, while this Vinaigrette Barcelona was just repulsive. The message of the whole story was alright, and Pinkie and Rarity made me chuckle two or three times, but in general I’m not impressed by this special.

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Alright, I finally got to see it after missing it on yesterday.

First things first, it was nice to get a special focusing on characters outside of Sunset and Twilight, I found that to be a nice change of pace.  I wasn't really that fond of Rarijack before hand, but this episode kinda warmed me up to it.  I think I might actually like it now.  Or at least the EQG version of it.  Also the comedy was pretty solid here.  I especially enjoyed Sunset and Sci Twi on the ring toss.  Overall I rather enjoyed Rollercoaster of Friendship.  With both this and Forgotten Friendship it is clear to me that the EQG series deserves more than the shorts we have been getting, even if they are pretty enjoyable.  I would love to get some 11 minute or 22 minute episodes as I feel like the franchise has proven capable to handle it at this point.

Also before hand I thought Mirror Magic would have benefited from being a 44 minute special, but this kinda feels like what would have happened if that was a reality.

Also also, finally a Rarijack episode that I actually like!

Edited by cmarston1
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Forgotten Friendship was much better, but it was Sunset centered and that is probably why, (a lot of us are biased for her) I dont really like the shipping of the mane six, but thats a viewers choice type thing. Think the highlight was Sunsets freak out lol. Worst EG villain so far, and that "teleports us into an empty white room" thing was kind of eh lol, but i got a kick out of AJ with the fun inspector lol

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I Liked:

  • Implied Rarity & Applejack shipping. 
  • Applejack getting jealous of Rarity's newfound friendship with Vignette Valencia. 
  • The Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash rollercoaster scenes. 
  • The "white room" joke. :laugh:
  • Sci-Twi being Sci-Twi. 
  • The obvious Disney references. :pinkie:
  • 19 hours ago, DonMaguz said:

    Applejack's self criticism and regret of how she approached Rarity even when she was telling the truth. Bravo AJ, you're really trying to fill up your pony counterpart's horshoes.

    This. ^^^^


I Did Not Like:

  • Applejack telling Rarity she's not special. :blush:
  • I found Vignette Valencia to be more forgettable than obnoxious.
  • The "Mirror Magic" rehash.


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I finally got around to watching this special and right off the bat, I'll admit that this one wasn't as good as the previous special, 'Forgotten Friendship', but then that was a pretty tall order to overcome. You could tell who was going to become the main villain right away--they didn't even admit to make it more convincing--though I'll give them props for making it a character who is a social media fanatic--I do like how 'Rollercoaster of Friendship' payed homage to modern conveniences as well as the lingo to go with it. Surprised that this one focused on Rarity and Applejack but it worked really well especially when they were both at each other's throats near the end. You can tell that both Ashleigh Ball and Tabitha St. Germain put their hearts and souls into the delivery.

Then we have Vignette, the villain of this special. As I said, it was obvious that she was going to be as such because they showed no effort in hiding this fact, and her attitude made it even more obvious. At least she didn't transform or anything--good consistency there--but she did have a couple of problems. One is her redemption which I'm certain others have already mentioned. It felt really rushed here and we didn't get to see what happened after she was exposed for what she had done. We also don't know what made her who she was prior to the special beginning so I feel Vignette is missing some key details. Definitely one of the weaker EQG villains--even weaker than Sunset when she was the villain in the first movie--so far. Finally, her motivation comes off as petty in that she cares about numbers more than substance.

Yes, I'm aware of the cameo appearance from Megan--I may not have watched generation one of MLP but I knew who she was from other media forms and I thought it was a wonderful little nod to MLP's roots--it made sense to include her in Equestria Girls given she was a human in generation one. I'd have liked it had she been given a few lines of dialogue but I suppose a cameo is better than nothing. We also got to see another side of Sunset, that being her competitive nature and not wanting to admit defeat. This can be viewed as another weakness to her character as her devotion towards winning blinded her to what was going on. Also, Twilight's techno-babble reminded me of Doctr Who--I honestly felt like Applejack in that I didn't know what Twilight was saying.

Her phone ended up being a simple teleportation spell? It was actually pretty funny that that's what ended up being the case but at the same time, I would've loved seeing the girls traversing the internet in their attempt to escape from their predicament. Maybe next time that could become a thing. Before I forget, I won't deny that there were some cringe-inducing moments, such as when Applejack attempted to expose Vignette. It felt both forced and annoying and I couldn't bring myself to listening to it. Vignette's dialogue at times was also annoying on account that she used way too many acronyms--and wasting time explaining what they mean.

Oh yeah, Flim and Flam making an appearance. That was definitely a surprise and for once it seems that they weren't trying to be as crooked as they are usually depicted. In fact, they wanted Sunset and Twilight to stop playing because of how they--mainly Sunset--were desperate to win and by using all kinds of ridiculous--also inventive--methods. If anything, Flim and Flam felt pity for them. Lastly, there is the whole Rarijack shipping that this special loved teasing without actually making it official because of obvious reasons. I don't follow any of that shipping stuff myself but you could tell the writer was trying to push the boundaries as far as it could go without going overboard.

I give this special about 85%. I did enjoy it but those flaws definitely prevented it from being perfect or at least being as good as Forgotten Friendship.

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I think it was ok. Nothing too special, but harmless enough. It was kinda all over the place, but at least played in the favor the main focus of AJ and Rarity, which was overloaded with shipping fuel. Still, I've found said shipping fuel to be sweet and cute, instead of pandding :mlp_icwudt:, not to mention it was a nice not having to focus on any Twi and Sunny for a change :mlp_icwudt:. Best of all.... G4 MEGAN IS CANON :pinkie:. My main beef was Vignette. She's a new low on EG villains. Maybe because I'm not fond on the social media obsessed, eyes glued on the cellphone millennials :dry:, not to mention her poor motivation. Hell, Juniper Montage had a credible motivation at least.

Oh well, I  guess I'll wait for the YouTube release. It's kinda obvious it'll get one of those.

Leak spoilers 


Well, I guess this wasn't the special where human Twi goes to Equestria, so we know EG has something else to give


Edited by Steve Piranha
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Idk what to say...It feels like the same sort of stuff we seen before. All the fighting, jealousy, villain, denying, forgivness...nothing really much, tbh. What's with the serious amount of blushing with this one? C'mon Hasbro don't go this route just to be relevant now. Eqg don't need it. 

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13 hours ago, cmarston1 said:

Also before hand I thought Mirror Magic would have benefited from being a 44 minute special, but this kinda feels like what would have happened if that was a reality.

Beyond the basic plot structure, I don't really see it. But with that being said, I for one would've loved to see Mirror Magic include several short adventures involving Starlight and Sunset bonding. Because let's be real, this was basically a 22 minute story with a bunch of shorts thrown in - not that it's really a complaint, in fact most people seem to agree those were the highlights of the special.

Heck, it's still not too late to make shorts with them. Get on it, Hasbro!

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If Rarity were nicknamed Rare, would her clothing designs be considered... RAREWEAR (Rareware)?

Also, I wonder how the Equestrian Magic keeps seeping in. Could this one have something to do with whatever Cozy Glow has in mind for "School Raze?"

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So I finished watching the film this morning after doing a ton of stuff yesterday afternoon. Vignette was an okay character. I can say at the very least she's the example of a social media star gone awary. This is my first seeing Rarity and Applejack teaming up, and I'm impressed it went well. My favorite part was where RD ends up in the white box and asks Fluttershy if she could eat her salad. Overall, a good movie. 

1 hour ago, YoshiAngemon said:

Also, I wonder how the Equestrian Magic keeps seeping in. 

I've been thinking of that too...

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First time watching this, I was impressed with how the girls had to deal with another person who had an object infected with Equestrian magic, in this case, Vignette, the PR representative for Equestria Land. However, I feel like this was a similar situation to what happened with Juniper in Movie Magic with how Vignette tried to keep the Rainbooms out of her way because she wanted everything her way and wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

Though there is one exception to that:


I gotta admit, Vignette had good taste for Sunset's outfit. Makes me wonder if Sunset will ever consider dressing up like that in a future short or special.

Other than that, I enjoyed the latest special to follow up Forgotten Friendship, and I give it a good 9/10, possibly 9.5/10 for my score.

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hahahahahaha I Am so freaking elatated Iv shipped Rarijack for years and now we are NEAR THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN, seriously it's incredibly obvious the crew just wants to go all out with it at this point, it's like Lyra/Bon Bon levels of obvious. 

Otherwise while the villain kinda sucked the comedy was on point the character interaction was great and the reveal of "THEY WERE JUST IN A ROOM" was hilarious.

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I really liked this special. 

I liked

*Rarity getting a big role in the special, she got the most focuss, which I am very happy about, since she is my favourite.

*The rollercoaster scen with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

*When Rarity did that laser.

*When they all found out they were inside an empty white room.

*The scene where Twilight and Sunset were going crazy over that game, especially this moment





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I thought the special was mostly good. Kind of disappointed that I didn't like it as much as Forgotten Friendship as I would've hoped, but as what's already been said, that was a difficult one to top. Some of the cliches were offputting, like the tired old "jealousy of a friend" subplot and the main characters defeating the villain in the end by holding hands and powering up for the umpteenth time. The villain was pretty one-dimensional, but I thought her evil plan was intriguing and liked how they tied it together with a good message about not being so consumed by social media. Almost all of the jokes hit their mark too, like how Applejack got "busted" by the cop for her fake badge, and then he started treating her like a legitimate officer when she explained to him how the badge was fake and Rainbow Dash's reaction to getting teleported into the white room and seeing Fluttershy with the salad. The plot's definitely more slack, almost making me feel like they just went, "Okay, the characters go to an amusement park! Then what?", and just improvised from there...but that's kind of the charm. :kindness:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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According to Ishi, Vignette is early 20’s, like Gloriosa. I notice their designs are slightly different to the Humane 7(lips mainly), so do you think the humane 7 would look/get a design change like that if they were draw in uni?
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I think the main focus was on the Applejack and Rarity's relationship. They recycled the same exact plot that they used with magic mirror, only this time with the twist. I thought that's kinda wasn't that interesting to watch them struggle with the antagonist that wasn't that interesting herself.

The moment when I saw Rainbow Dash arguing with the Fluttershy about why  she is not brave enough to go for the thrills. I thought that it would be ridiculously cliche that RD herself would be scared of rollercoasters.

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I thought the whole thing was... Fine. Just fine. Nothing particularly striking or exciting. Quite predictable in almost all of its elements, besides the less than subtle undertones with Applejack and Rarity. The paired off character interactions were a good storytelling choice for a setting like the one seen here. The dynamic of shifting attention off of Twilight and Sunset as main protagonists was a nice change of pace as well. Jokes were hit and miss. Music didn't exactly make me want to 'shake my tail' either.

One thing I will say in Vignette Valencia's defense is the subtly clever anti-characterization she receives. I've seen a few complaints above that note her lack of background, development or sympathetic motives but that's the whole point. Her character's primary flaw is her desire for appearance and popularity over genuine connection. She cares about relationships only on the superficial level and only when it's exicitly to her benefit. She uses people as a means and is clearly confortable in disposing with them once they've outlived their usfulness. In the same way our view of her is only superficial and loosely connected to that of the Mane 7.

She's self-obsessed, arrogant, manipulative, callous, shallow, entitled and dismissive towards others who don't help further her goals. She's a narcissist and frankly a sociopath given her flippant attitude to the possibility of having erased Rarity's friends from existence(i.e. murder). When you think about it, she's potentially as much a monster as we've seen so far in E.G. and much more realistic one at that. Her redemption didn't seem genuine because it probably wasn't, I doubt a character like her would feel much remorse. She does seem uncomfortable with the fact that despite all her followers she has no real friends but it still seems to stem from a purely selfish standpoint of lowering her own self-esteem rather than actually caring about anyone at the time. You know how she do.

For all those reasons and more(#bangs) she's my second favourite villain in the series, after the Sirens.

Edited by Roughshod

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9 hours ago, Roughshod said:

One thing I will say in Vignette Valencia's defense is the subtly clever anti-characterization she receives. I've seen a few complaints above that note her lack of background, development or sympathetic motives but that's the whole point. Her character's primary flaw is her desire for appearance and popularity over genuine connection. She cares about relationships only on the superficial level and only when it's exicitly to her benefit. She uses people as a means and is clearly confortable in disposing with them once they've outlived their usfulness. In the same way our view of her is only superficial and loosely connected to that of the Mane 7.

 She's self-obsessed, arrogant, manipulative, callous, shallow, entitled and dismissive towards others who don't help further her goals. She's a narcissist and frankly a sociopath given her flippant attitude to the possibility of having erased Rarity's friends from existence(i.e. murder). When you think about it, she's potentially as much a monster as we've seen so far in E.G. and much more realistic one at that. Her redemption didn't seem genuine because it probably wasn't, I doubt a character like her would feel much remorse. She does seem uncomfortable with the fact that despite all her followers she has no real friends but it still seems to stem from a purely selfish standpoint of lowering her own self-esteem rather than actually caring about anyone at the time. You know how she do.


With that ending, though, I'm pretty sure they wanted us to sympathize with her on some level, which is weird when she was totally unapologetic for the past 40 minutes. 

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1 hour ago, AlexanderThrond said:

With that ending, though, I'm pretty sure they wanted us to sympathize with her on some level, which is weird when she was totally unapologetic for the past 40 minutes. 

I guess so. It seems the reception was slightly mixed though. The biggest issue I have with that is the sense that they have to make Vignette sympathetic in her defeat. There's nothing wrong with having an unrepentant villain in a story. Not that this villain was particularly captivating in any respect but my reaction to her dilemma has about as much emotional depth as an upvote on Reddit.

Edited by Roughshod
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8 hours ago, eventyraren said:

This is apparently the first time the pony up has been filmed and put up on youtube. i mean "Mirror Magic" was in a maul and still nothing happened. 

They can just write it off as 'special effects' or something. That would be my guess. I still wonder what happened to Principal Cinch and if she ever went to the school board.

You'd think that by now someone in authority would be getting suspicious of all this activity considering Sci-Twi was investigating it by the end of RR. I get she's a genius but is there no one else who even cares? No one that's slightly curious? Is it it all a massive conspiracy?

On 7/10/2018 at 3:07 AM, ShadowSJG said:

So, is rarijack canon?

What does your heart tell you?

It's about a canon as you're going to get with enough wiggle room for people to leave it open to interpretation. Their blushing, handholding, dreamy eyed interpretation.

The truth is always rough.
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