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How useful do you think you would be in an end of the world situation


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Well, i'd say i fit well in a grave. Quite well. I mean, and the occasional rambling could help if people want to be bored to my state. So like, if you all lose hope i have use. Until then, i'll just... shake violently to make some interesting background noise in the cold and silent atmosphere of the wastelands.

Just no dogs, please.

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In an end of the world situation, I would be a lone traveler learning skills on my own pace to fend off the barbarism of the end times. I would be a decent swordfighter. But what skills do I have currently? Cook decent meals such as preparing eggs, vegetables, and raw sources of meat. Plus, Below Average Melee fighting skills currently.


Either way I will not expect myself at the end times to be in the survivor camp nor will I expect them to ask me for joining. More or less, I’ll be living in a cave. Meditating. Learning. Traveling the dangerous end of times lands.

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I would likely be not too useful. I am agile, I could learn how to survive off of what's left, and I could probably be a decent shot if I got accustomed to shooting a gun (which there is .22 caliber pistol in my house, but there's only about 5 or 6 rounds in it). I would still be lucky to survive more than 2 or 3 days, though.

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Strategically it isn't a good idea to tell too many facts about one's self. The more people know, the more they can use against you, or exploit you for in a survival situation.

But if I were to acknowledge basic skills that apply to the situation, I'd include martial arts. self-defense, proficiency with melee weaponry and survival skills in the wild. On a less technical note, I'd have to include an ability to eat the unspeakable without blinking and, just in case, an aptitude for slaying zombies. 

Edited by Narcissus
  • Brohoof 1
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I'd inform them that I have decent physical strength and speed. I'd also tell them that I have basic cooking ability, which could also come in handy under the circumstances in which it would be necessary.

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What is this fresh spoor of madness? Every poster replying to the OP & not just the abbreviated title? Truly, a sign of the apocalypse.

 What would I say?… "*exaggerated head tilt* ... Offer? To what does it matter anymore? For once, we are without the shackles of culture's expectations! We have faced hardship & come out of it with a reason to keep fighting. We are given the gift of survival! No longer are we slaves to an indeterminate future of deadlines or taboos! Nor cacooned in our technology! Now, we live in a constant Now; civilization shall come as each long day reaches fruition! We have only the glory of Today! I ask of thou, my ragtag ragamuffins! Make me thy Leader & we shall work as one pack, living for each other and onto the Chaos we were thus borne! After all, every leader ought be as replaceable as the food source!

 ...... and I'm also a bloody good scavenger! Got some neat three sledgehammers from a Home Depot a while back & some tol' boss plans for scrap metal armor and barracks!~~"

  Think what any Doomsday needs, is just a guy happy to be alive! To just have a good day, oh, what a glorious day!

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If asked I'd probably tell them I'm really good at selecting end of the world fashions and accessories. And I'm really skilled at preparing garnishes for K-rations. These skills may not have the greatest demand, but if I'm the only one providing these services, I could demand some serious respect. 


Or...they'll just run me over with a steam-roller and confiscate my makeup case and cookbook for the raw materials. :pout:

  • Brohoof 2
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I would be completely useless. In fact, in an actual end-of-the-world scenario I would probably die during the initial disaster exactly because I'm entirely useless in such a situation. I have zero survival skills. I can't navigate other than by more or less using the sun, I can't forage for food, I can't plant crops, I can't hunt, I can't build. Right now, I'm a programmer. My job is basically 'Google stuff and then copy paste it until it works'. I would be utterly useless in a disaster. I guess I'd be useful as a pack mule, though. Carrying stuff should be within my abilities.

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To be completely honest, I probably wouldn't be very helpful at all. I'd be panicking, and I'd probably die from fear. :') But if I weren't panicking, I'm good at cooking, gardening, building/finding shelter, fishing, and maybe sneaking around.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm really not sure. I've done a lot of research regarding end of the world scenarios but I don't know if i'd really be useful.

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