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Best/worst region of the US.


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i used to drive cross country in a semi aka over the road, i enjoyed west coast, east coast was alright, but everything in the middle was boring and looked the same, I cant tell you how boring driving through endless desert and endless corn fields, no wonder they are nicknamed flyover states.

  • Brohoof 1
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Worst region? Anywhere on the edges...because ya know? floods and bad weathers. Best? Right down the middle of the US map.

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2 minutes ago, TBD said:

Worst region? Anywhere on the edges...because ya know? floods and bad weathers. Best? Right down the middle of the US map.

You mean the coasts?

Edited by VG_Addict
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3 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

In your opinion, what is the best region of the US? The worst?

Best - The one you aren't in and long to live

Worst - The one you are in and feel you cannot leave. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Best - West coast, specifically Washington, Oregon, and some parts of California.

Worst - The south and midwest, specifically Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, the Carolinas, Florida, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, and probably a few others I'm forgetting about.

  • Brohoof 1
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All factors considered, the best is up north near Canada and the worst is down south. I hate the heat. God deliver me from SoCal.

Also, congratulations to @Jeric for providing the only objectively correct answer.

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I can't designate any region as the best or worst, because there are good and bad aspects of every area. Me personally I reside in the Northeast and while it's a great place to live, imo there are a number of obnoxious/arrogant people (not referring to anyone specific of course it's more a general vibe)

As I expected a lot of people are answering the South for worst. I know only a handful of southerners and they're all among the nicest people I've ever met. So at least from personal experience I don't have a single bad thing to say about the region.

Edited by Frostgage
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Having lived in almost every part of the U.S. I can clearly say that the best is the Southwest; California, Nevada and Arizona.

The worst was the Midwest/South; Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and that whole general area of the country.

The west has more dramatic scenery (even the deserts are beautiful), the cities are more modern and the weather is vastly preferable. The Midwest/South has very limited resources, run down cities that never bring anything up to date, the weather is always extreme (boiling humid summers and ice in the winters) and the scenery is unremarkable. I hated my time in the Midwest but I love the Southwest with a passion.

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Best: The South. I'm talkin all the southern states...Georiga, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, etc....mostly the more eastern southern states. I don't know why I love it here so much, maybe it's just the people? The accent? Or maybe it's just because I've lived in the south for so long I wouldn't fit in anyplace else.  :laugh: Either way, the Southeast is the best region of the US in my opinion. I would like to live slightly farther north though, like Kentucky or Tennessee, just cause I miss the cooler weather. I love the midwest too, what with the all the farmland and wide open spaces. 

Worst: I don't know, maybe the northeast? I can't really say cause I've never been anywhere except the midwest and south. 

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Best: I'm assuming the New England states. They still have four seasons (if any seasons are shortened, it's the hot ones that I hate), they're less prone to natural disasters, they are liberal (not completely so, but it's way better than where I live), they are less religious (Vermont and NH are apparently the least religious in the country. Paradise!).

Worst: I have major complaints about pretty much any other region in the US aside from New England/the Northeast, to be honest. Plenty of beautiful places to visit, such as Southern California, but to live? No, no, no. Although the South/Southeast probably tops the list of the worst. Miserable hot, humid weather (all year around, pretty much), frequent tornadoes and hurricanes, super conservative, super religious. You couldn't pay me enough to move any further South/Southeast than I already am. My state is already horrible on all counts (except for hurricanes, we're too far inland), and isn't even considered apart of the "Deep South".

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1 hour ago, Cyclone 1066 said:

Best: if you can see a corn field, you're good.

Worst: if you can see skyscrapers, move. Northeast especially. Everyone's got a temper. At least very few people in LA will open doors for you.

I agree

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Best: Southern California, Appalachia, Washington and Oregon (minus Seattle and Portland), Upstate New York, Utah, Idaho, Texas, Louisiana and the deep south, Southern Florida, Colorado (minus Denver), Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Wisconsin

Worst: Bay Area, Seattle, Portland, Denver, New Jersey, New England, NYC (minus Brooklyn), Chicago Bonus: Canada minus Alberta and Quebec, UK, continental Europe, Australia

I hate how bay area politicians ruined this once great state.

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It's hard to list a worst or a best for regions, but I think I could do it for individual states. Note that I've only really lived in Washington (not D.C., talking only about states anyways and it technically isn't an actual state) and Texas (which is on neither list, because there's some good and some bad).


Best: Washington, Hawaii, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming

Worst: California, Alaska, Louisiana, Maine, Utah


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I don't know about the best region, but how can anyone not say the worst is California? It's not the only state with a shit economy and booming homeless population. Yet what it does have is the biggest number of idiot commies, all thanks to a corrupt college indoctrination system, and an entertainment industry that's overrun by SJW scumbags.

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1 hour ago, KillerKingBakudan said:

I don't know about the best region, but how can anyone not say the worst is California? It's not the only state with a shit economy and booming homeless population. Yet what it does have is the biggest number of idiot commies, all thanks to a corrupt college indoctrination system, and an entertainment industry that's overrun by SJW scumbags.

Only the bay areas is ground zero for communists and SJWs. Southern California is either moderately liberal or somewhat conservative. Bay Area also has a bunch of left leaning tech companies like Google than only like to employ women and foreigners.

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