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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 8th Anniversay Celebration Thread!


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As most of you know, today is the 8th anniversary of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. We should celebrate the existence of the show that brought so much of us together on this forum. If you would like, post about how you found about MLP and how you found this forum! For me, I found this forum many years ago but only joined sometime last year. For the show, I found it back in 2011 or 2012. It took me awhile to get used to it but I finally decided to become part of the fandom in 2013. Right around this time, everyone was into ponies, so it was kind of hard to avoid!

Anyways, I hope you all have a great day today and have fun celebrating the 8th year of MLP:FiM existing!


  • Brohoof 14
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Happy Ponyversary everypony :balloon:

I found this forum by searching for a mlp forum on google I think. As for the show I started watching it in 2012 didnt think I would like it. It was kinda just on in the background at first I did not know what a Brony was back then.

Edited by Dabmanz
  • Brohoof 6


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Well, I discovered the show back in 2015 - through Equestria Girls, but I didn't get into until around a year ago. My enjoyment of it, lead me to this forum almost a year ago - after my interest piqued from certain threads that I found while browsing Google.

  • Brohoof 6

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Happy birthday to the show! :yay:

I wish I could say I've been here since the beginning but that's far from the case. :adorkable: I heard of the show and fandom back in 2011 or 2012. I never experienced the absolute flood of ponies a lot of people often talk about (I guess the forums I frequented were the exception to the rule) but I knew they existed. But in spite of being a cartoon fan, I figured it wouldn't be my thing – why would I like My Little Pony?

Fast forward a few years. At the start of 2017, I somehow ended up hearing about bronies again. I started to find the fandom more and more interesting, but it took an extremely boring night in May for me to finally check out the first episode of the show – I couldn't think of anything else to do so I did that. :P I didn't fall in love with the show yet, but another similar night a couple of weeks later led me to watch another episode. The following night, I watched the third one, and I knew there was no turning back. A little over a month after this, I felt I wanted to talk with other people about the show, so I ended up here. I was immediately surprised by the friendly atmosphere on the forums, but the longer I had spent here, the more I realized how wonderful the community was! Now I've been here for a year and (almost) three months, and I have no plans to leave anytime soon!

So to put it briefly, the show brought me a lot of joy at a time when I really needed it. And as many other members of the fandom have said, the community has eclipsed the show for me, in spite of my love for the latter. To think how many amazing people I've met here, how many times my friends here have made me feel better – and none of that would ever have happened if I hadn't watched that horse cartoon that one time! :laugh: Thanks to everyone – the MLP crew for creating such an amazing cartoon, and the wonderful community here for creating a place that really feels like home! :rarity:

  • Brohoof 12


Signature by @Sparklefan1234

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I am not quite sure where to pinpoint my entry, but the absolute earliest I could say my interest spiked was, say.... late 2014 to late 2015. I wasn't necessarily fond of ponies back then, but I was somewhat into Creepypastas and Creepypasta games. Due to this, I regularly watched SomeOrdinaryGamer's content back then, and I inevitably encountered the Luna Games. While I watched that batch of videos and enjoyed them well enough... it left a peculiar impact that I couldn't quite describe back then. Before I knew it, however... I was browsing quite a lot of MLP related artwork on numerous websites. Why? At the time, I couldn't tell you... but it became quite clear later in life.

Due to the fact that my interest slowly petered out after a while, I will fast forward a bit: into January 2018, to be specific. Though I don't recall any turning points within me... for some reason, my interest in MLP drastically spiked. I couldn't tell you why... and chances are, I will never be able to, but it certainly happened. It wasn't until early February when I decided to slowly become acquainted with the fandom, to the point where I visited Equestria Daily on a relatively frequent basis. Later that month... I had finally achieved a milestone: I bought my first batch of MLP merchandise, in the form of a collection of Funko's MLP Vinyls. I was anticipating the worst possible reaction when I approached my mother, and asked her if I could buy it... but fortunately, she didn't mind me becoming interested in MLP at all. 

Then, on the 9th of March, 2018... yours truly entered the Forums. :darling: It has been an incredible year for me in terms of MLP, and while I couldn't say that I don't have a fair share of grievances here and there... I can't say that I have many regrets joining this fandom.

  • Brohoof 12
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Happy 8th anniversary MLP FIM!! :pinkie::balloon:

My love for MLP goes way back, all the way to G3. I started watching episodes of MLP FIM back in 2011, and in 2014 I finally decided to officially join the fandom and become a fully fledged pegasister, and I have been ever since! :-D 

As for MLP forums, I randomly came across this place on Google in October of 2016, and seeing as it was a place centered around MLP and bronies/pegasisters, I decided, why not join? And I am so glad I did! The fun times and friends I've made here have made it so worth it! :wub:

  • Brohoof 8
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I first got into the show 3 years ago when I watched a video about the Top 10 Non-Disney Princesses and saw that Celestia and Luna were both #8 on the list and at first, it boring hearing them describe the two of them.

”My Little Pony? Really?”

But I actually took a chance by looking up Celestia and Luna and was pleasantly surprised when I saw how pretty they look at what their powers were

”They raise the SUN and the MOON! That’s so awesome!

So I took it a step further and look up an episode from the show that had the two of them in it.

Season 7 Episode 10: A Royal Problem. My first MLP episode.

Now I love the show and Celestia and Luna are now my favorite ponies and my favorite princesses of all time!!

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I've been a fan since late 2011 and I would have never thought I would be a fan this long... :wau:

Happy 8th Birthday MLP:FIM. Have some cake!


Hurry before Tia eats it all!

Edited by Woohoo
  • Brohoof 9

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Ponies invaded a small forum I was a member of in March 2012. It was the first time I had heard of the show or the fandom. I was skeptical, but the regulars assured me this was actually a thing, that it wasn't just a joke they were trying to pull. So I took their word for it, and watched the two episodes that were up for free on the offical MLP website - "Hearts and Hooves Day" and "Putting Your Hoof Down". I don't know why they had two non-sequential episodes as the ones available for viewing, but regardless, my curiosity was piqued. Over the next few days and weeks, I ended up watching all of Season 1 and caught the season finale of 2. By the end of all this, I knew I was hooked.

Found this forum two months later by just doing a Google search for "mlp forum"


 In the 6 and a half years I've been a fan of the show, I've changed a lot, and I know for a fact that this show had a lot to do with many of the positive changes I've made in my life. It's made me happier, more kind, more generous and more accepting. I wouldn't be the person I am today without MLP, and I'll forever be in debt to the creators and staff of this amazing show.


  • Brohoof 8


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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I had been watching the show here and there with my niece last year. I initially wrote it off as just another 80s retro revival show that we’re everywhere at the time but was surprised how good it was. It wasn’t until the beginning of this year when I got bored one night and saw it on Netflix and decided to watch it from the beginning. My life has been downhill ever since. 

After watching the show for a while, I decided to find a forum to share my ideas of the show and I found this place. Again, my life went downhill from there. :-D

  • Brohoof 5
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I found this forum because I didn't have anywhere else to turn.

My daughter Margie had been watching ponies for about a month when I first decided to see what the fuss was all about; having been a congoer, I'd seen enough cosplay to warrant curiosity.  So, I sat down with her to watch "Keep Calm & Flutter On" with her - my first pony episode - and I was drawn to the characters, the flow of the story as well as the general vibe.  So, I went back and binge watched more, mostly with my little one... but more and more on my own as I got into it, and as she'd moved on to FNAF, more or less...

But I had a problem: I now had no one to discuss ponies with.

There was already a social stigmata associated with Bronies, and even though I had no issue with admitting I watched it, I found that almost everyone else I knew either mocked me for it, or simply didn't care.  I had no way of chatting about these adorable equines to anyone, and it felt like I was holding a huge secret that nobody gave a damn about.  Ever collected something that was pretty useless to collect, and felt like you could never share said collection?  Yeah, it was like that.

It didn't occur to me to do any sort of random search for others of a like mind - call it a social brain fart, if you will.  I simply plodded along and tried not to annoy anyone too much about it, and for the most part, it was just watching ponies and staying quiet.  I'd had a rough time in school for being weird, and didn't want to feel the bootheels of another bully - physically OR verbally, now that I was an adult; I just hid my cutie mark, so to speak.

I ended up here from DeviantArt, of all places, because one cute pony pic led to another, which led to another, which led to several websites... which led me here.

I was floored at the number of folks here, who all had zero issue with telling ANYONE how much they loved their ponies.  They chatted ponies.  They debated ponies.  They reviewed ponies.  They even roleplayed ponies!  How in the wide, wide world of Equestria had I ever missed THIS place, I thought to myself as I wandered about, completely blown away at how much pony stuff there really WAS in here.  And when I started getting replies from my very first post, I kinda teared up a bit - I felt like I'd finally found a place that would accept me, and where I could just enjoy being a fan without judgement or vitriol.

Once again, I thank the entire MLP Forums staff and fellow Ponyites for taking me in and letting me hide in the corner. 

Excelsior, you wonderful people.  :kindness:

  • Brohoof 9

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Knowing that today is MLP fim 8th anniversary and my second anniversary on this forum is  a pretty good coincidence.

Edited by TBD
  • Brohoof 5



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Happy 8th Anniversary to "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". The show that (for better and for worse) forever changed the perception of the franchise.

I had heard that there was a new iteration of My Little Pony sometime in 2011, but only in passing and I just blew it off as just the same dumb show for little girls I had always assumed it was. However, I became curious when I found out that Tara Strong was playing one of the main characters and that the showrunner was Lauren Faust.

I liked snippets of the Season 2 finale and decided to start watching the show proper on Netflix in August 2012 to get caught up in time for Season 3, and I became hooked!

To this day, it remains one of my favorite animated shows and I think it deserves to at least be mentioned as one of the best animated shows of the decade.




  • Brohoof 4



"Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent."
- Pete Docter 

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Despite being a brony for a long time, I discovered this forum a few months ago. Found it through a link in another website.

8 years is a long time for a show to run, and I honestly never expected MLP FiM to last this long, and more episodes are still being made! It's amazing, and I'm happy to be a part of it's fandom!

Edited by EpicEnergy
  • Brohoof 4

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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Hey Everypony. Thanks for celebrating the 8th anniversary.  I really can't believe it's been that long since I started to learn the magic of friendship. 

Image result for twilight balloon 

  • Brohoof 10
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Happy anniversary My Little Pony!

My journey as a brony is still short, but this show really helped me a lot in the dark times lately, keeping me happy for most of the time.

Just now, Twilight Sparkle said:

Hey Everypony. Thanks for celebrating the 8th anniversary.  I really can't believe it's been that long since I started to learn the magic of friendship. 

Image result for twilight balloon 

Feeling old eh? ^_^

Edited by Kevin Tang
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Happy Anniversary day My Little Pony!



I first discovered MLP back in approx. the middle of 2013, but at that time it did not caught my attention. At the end of the year we had a Garry's mod lan party, and my friend added some MLP addons...I sad: "Ok...". After some hours of playing he opened the Flutter-Hulk video, that point was the first time I started to show some interest, than later we watched the first two episodes, and I understood what is going on with this series, there was no stop.
I joined to a local MLP forum in my country (what is off now sadly) in the begining of 2014, and to this forum in this year, 10th of June.

Just now, Kevin Tang said:

Feeling old eh? ^_^

There is a feeling on his words telling me yes. :D

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Happy anniversary everypony!:mlp_grin:

Truthfully, I feel genuinely blessed to be with you all of you beautiful ponies on such a momentous occasion. It's been quite the journey, I don't know where in Equestria all the time has gone, but regardless it feels so amazing to be celebrating the eighth year of the show that brought us all together.:wub:

Going forward, I simply cannot wait to see what comes next, and I am already eagerly waiting for the show's ninth anniversary next year!:-D

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Happy Anniversary Friendship is Magic!

I saw my first episodes (them being the last three episodes of Season 2) back in the winter of 2012 when I turned on the TV to watch Animaniacs but that was on instead.  I enjoyed it and never picked it up until the summer of 2013 when I saw the last three episodes of Season 3 and Equestria Girls.  Still wasn't toooooo hooked yet but something later in early 2014 told me to pick up the show again and start watching so I did, and I officially jumped into it late into Season 4 ("It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" to be percise) and have been watching ever since.

I found the forum when I was looking for regular discussions about episodes in between the winter of Season 6 and Season 7, since being in college and having no one to talk to about the show. I mostly lurked around on here during that time and the first half of Season 7.  Then I remember officially making an account to comment on something in the Show Discussion and have been doing it ever since even branched out to other topics.

It's amazing that I've become this invested in a show despite not being there since the beginning, but that just goes to show the impact and quality it has.

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