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general How Much Land does Everypony Own?


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I have 6 acres where I currently live, but recently purchased 50 acres in a very rural part of my state. I plan to move there in a year or two.  :fluttershy:

So, how many acres of land does everypony on here own or live on? 

  • Brohoof 4
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Well....if you'd like to get technical...

I still live with my parents who rent a house on a vast and spacious .5 ish acre of "land" :mellow: Or to put it in simpler terms: I live in a suburban neighborhood, unfortunately. :P But I'm already putting away money to save up for a nice chunk of land when I move out in the foreseeable future. :ph3ar: 

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I own no land, since I live in an apartment complex with a roomate, but....

My parents in northern Arkansas live on a property with their own custom built house with about an acre of land I think, next to the lake. Pretty up there, I lived there for a while before moving out, but it is more remote than when I lived in Bailey, Colorado (45 miles southwest of Denver in the mountains) and that was a pain to grow up with. We commuted to Denver many times when I was young. xD And back then they owned about an acre up there as well, when you walked to the street you could kinda see Mount Evans, pretty view, but the forest was in the way.

My uncle who is also in northern Arkansas (my dad's brother) about an hour away from my parents they own about.... 50 acres of land I think? He has a big property. but Property is much cheaper up there, and he has two buildings up there, his house and a "shack" that is more of a garage with a nice living quarters.

But that was a lot of tangents about the topic. xD Me personally, I own no land whatsoever, but eventually, I wanna get my own property down in Texas about a few hours away from where I was born (in Louisiana) and close to Dallas. I just need money and to pay off my debt first ^^;

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I don't own anything, I live in an apartment.  I would one day like to be able to own some land and be as much off the grid as I can, grow my own food maybe have some chickens for fresh eggs.  I have this whole dream house in my head, don't know if I'll ever achieve it.

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I currently live with my parents on about 1.6 acres of land, most of which is woods. Especially around this time of year, we see a lot of deer on our property.

When I move out I'll probably get an apartment first, but I might just go straight for a house depending on my expenses and how soon I move out. I don't really want a large yard or field, but I'd love quite a few acres of forest somewhere in the Appalachian mountains. I've always loved the cover of trees, and being able to go camping on my own property would be really cool. Man, I haven't gone camping since I was active in boy scouts a few years ago. I really need to do that again sometime soon, before the temperature gets too low.

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There's no land that I own personally. My family's house in my hometown is just in a regular suburban neighborhood so there's only about a fraction of an acre of free space for a yard. And up at college I'm in an apartment.

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I used to live on a one acre plot of land for about four years where we had horses, chickens, the whole nine yards. One acre doesn't sound like a lot in hindsight but for someone who's moved around constantly it was way bigger than anything we had before. I kinda miss it because of how quiet it was, but I don't miss the work. Horses are not the kinds of animals you pick up just because they're cool! 

But I was able to name a bright orange chicken I had Scootaloo. That automatically makes everything worth it. 

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16 hours ago, Prospekt said:

There's no land that I own personally. My family's house in my hometown is just in a regular suburban neighborhood so there's only about a fraction of an acre of free space for a yard. And up at college I'm in an apartment.

My girlfriend and I have talked about what we'd do if we end up lasting and ever getting married. We'd definitely like to have a few acres out in the country, with a decent-sized house and a nice big yard with lots of space for trees and for pets to run around. Maybe we'll set aside some space to grow our own food if we end up living in an optimal climate for that. But this won't be for a long time.

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12 hours ago, Bas said:

You got how much?

In Germany...it is unusual to own land unless you are living in a rural area. Or having an external garden not attached to your house.

It belongs to my father, we used to be dairy farmers so we needed that much to feed the milk cows. Now we both have jobs outside of farming and just have a few beef cows and grow corn, wheat, sunflower and soybean.I hope to buy a farm of my own someday. :mlp_icwudt:

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14 hours ago, J.T. said:

It belongs to my father, we used to be dairy farmers so we needed that much to feed the milk cows. Now we both have jobs outside of farming and just have a few beef cows and grow corn, wheat, sunflower and soybean.I hope to buy a farm of my own someday. :mlp_icwudt:

I don't think I'll ever have the farm as a business but I think I'll end up homesteading with  hand picked people with that much land.

And of course Cows and goats!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I own a solid 1/4 of an acre xD pretty much a Lot in a subdivision. Picture below~ In the future I was to build my own house out in the country on like 5 acres or so.




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4 hours ago, Bas said:

Wait, it is super common there to have such huge yards and "gardens"? :mlp_wat:

Outside of the city limits, yep. 

Where I currently live, 5 acre parcels are quite common along with large family farmland. My 50 acre property is much more rural. Closest neighbor there is about a mile down the road  :fluttershy:

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I don’t personally own land. My brother has 11.2 acres but I live in the city and the only outdoor space I can call my own is my little 4'x 6' balcony on my upstairs apartment.  

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