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mega thread How are you feeling?

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A bit annoyed..some couple don't understand " go get a room" especially when it's a study room... for studying,

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Tired and oddly energetic because I have some sick beats blaring into my ears. This sick beat is called Power Trip [Shards of Disharmony] by Viricide Filly

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Today's appointment with my psychologist made me think of things. It makes me feel kind of hopeful that having therapy via the internet is a thing that exists. I was feeling oddly teary today too but that's okay, emotions pass.

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I just managed to smash my finger between my chair and the table and after that got oddly close to fainting. Whoopsie doo. :ooh: I'm feeling good that I have a small Easter holiday until Monday though - it means I can watch movies in the evenings!

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