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What do bronies hate?


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IN MY OPINION: I hate stereotypical American attitudes. The really stubborn, patriotic ones who would rather pretend America is a super country that wins every war than face reality.


Ex: Americans who believe they speak "American" and not English and refuse to believe that English is from England since America was founded by Englishmen. America doesn't even have an official national language.


Another example is a legitimate comment I saw made about the Avengers that said: "I thought we won the war so Europe wouldn't get things before us" because the Avengers was first premiered in Europe.


Or, funny story, how some Americans think they're "above" (North) of Canada.


I KNOW THIS IS NOT HOW ALL AMERICANS ARE! I just don't like those specific Americans.


"I also really, really, really hate victim blaming. I saw a post on Tumblr that was comparing "pretty/beautiful" women to "ugly/plain" women, and it basically went:


Beautiful girls: high self esteem, look good in anything, get dates, modeling jobs, etc


Ugly girl: don't get raped.


Okay... who the HELL thinks "ugly" girls don't get raped? Rape is a power thing, not a sexual thing. That comment right there is just finger pointing that it's the woman's fault she got raped because she's "pretty" which is not even something you can control. If a girl is born and grows up to be gorgeous, how is that her fault? Another thing is that not every single beautiful girl has a high self image. Every woman has insecurities, no matter who you are.


Okay, I need to stop now before I rant forever...



Hey, I hear you, sister. I live in one of those places. Even though I am a military Brat, I do feel that the people here are a bit...obsessed with the whole American superiority thing (not to mention racist). Our state is Ironic in that way. It feels kinda weird to think that I'm the only one who really doesn't think that way. My family is from NJ, so their way of thinking kinda rubbed off at me (the good kind of way, there are good things about NJ, despite what other ponies say)


And the thing you said about girls is true, too (did I word that right?). It is sad people think that way

Edited by Anony-Brony
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what can ya say, it's old human nature, will never change, if someone has different views that we may dislike, we are going to give them a hard time. people behave basicaly the same way no matter what the topic is. So if someone feels like if anything thats seems even slightly out the ordinary for what they think is acceptable, such as if you are a grown man, that you should be big rough tough and have a dry eye. and oh, here comes someone who expresses care, emotion,and friendship in the form of a childrens cartoon and just so happens to like it a lot. well guess he's a faggot and a wuss. (exuse my vulgarity if it happens to offened anypony) but yes they will say that. hope fully I don't get penalized for that.

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Trixie. (:o)


Her Great and Powerfulness is waiting in Hoofington for your apology, retraction, and year of slave labor in the special effects department. For complete forgiveness, you must also replace in your everuday speech the words "good", "awesome", and "pinecone" with "Trixie", "Trixie", and "Trixie", respectively. Example: "Wow, this Trixie that Trixie gave me is yummy, Trixie, and Trixie! Thank Trixie!"


Failure to abide by these instructions will lead to whacks over the head by Sethisto.


First thing that came to my head about what I hate: Intense, angry debates about Vinyl's eye color. Who cares...

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I hate the "love and tolerate" ****. I've only seen people abuse it as a manner of saying "go **** yourself hater," which absolutely does no good to our already bad reputation.


That motto needs to die.

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Well, here's a really short version of my hate list. Like .0001%


Jack Thompson

People who don't like violent videogames and movies.

People who say death metal isn't music.

People who say that if it's metal, it can't be Christian.


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People don't get on disability for things like these. And if they do, it's a very, very rare case, and coupled with something else, like a predisposition for a mental disorder which has manifested. Which is also not very common. I like how they didn't provide one scrap of evidence, or a single case in which this has happened. I've never heard of anyone getting on disability for being a brony, and I highy doubt such a thing even exists without a pairing of some other disorder, which is the thing that would have gotten them on disability in the first place (like a mental disorder,) and not just being a brony. And as for the adult baby thing, yeah, leave them alone. Again, this is something that people don't just get on disability for. It's something that people do in their spare time, because they like to do it. It's not a mental disorder. It's a preference. And I don't think anyone has any right to judge them for it. Or for anything else anyone might like. That's what I hate - busybodies who have something to say about everything, and no point to make. People who complain about things that don't need to be complained about, and push negative stigma onto things that they, in their narrow, little world, don't deem as "normal." And for what? It makes them feel better to bully other people? Who asked for their approval anyway? That just pisses me the right off.


Oh, and cicadas. Those cu-[FLUFFY SUNSHINE RAINBOWS] can all die an a hell fire.

Edited by Clover Heart
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I had never seen that Fox News clip before, but it's too over the top ridiculous to hate. Suggesting that bronies stay home from work and file for disability because they love the show so much? It's almost adorable sensationalism. It makes Gabby Gums look like respectful journalism.


As for the hate, nothing really. I don't really hate people who look at me weird for watching My Little Pony, but I dislike when they go out of their way to try and convince me how wrong I am as a person. Nahhhh, I'm good.

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wow Fox did that wow just wow.....


as for the things i hate well for starters the corrupted bronies that shoves MLP to people who would become bronies but got so sick of hearing it that they decide that not to be one..

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I hate the "love and tolerate" ****. I've only seen people abuse it as a manner of saying "go **** yourself hater," which absolutely does no good to our already bad reputation.


That motto needs to die.


Not all bronies say "go **** yourself". What about all those bronies out there that don't go hating on the haters on Youtube? I bet a lot of bronies read the troll's comments but they don't always reply. I think it's good to keep in mind to love and tolerate even the haters. We don't want to be mean like the haters (then we're haters ourselves) so we should love and tolerate. Maybe eventually the bronies saying mean things to the haters will realize just to leave the haters alone. Getting mad at them will get them more mad at you. And then the fury just increases and increases and there's no end! So we should have the motto to love and tolerate thus the haters will lose their anger. It's best to remind yourself not to disrespect them back.
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While I'm a conservative brony myself and I do watch Fox News, I do admit and fully agree that what they said about bronies were for the most part, misguided assumptions based off of little research.


The thing that I hate is when haters hate us because of misconsceptions in their mind, and off of another's word, and openly refuse to respect our opinions, try the episode and make a judgement from there, or even listen. Of course, most of the time they're pretending to do this because of trolling, and I can seperate them easily, but sometimes there are those who honestly will refuse to even look at us, and I hate that because they're closed minded.


I also don't like closed minded people in general. I'm very optimistic and curious, and those that aren't, especially those with a pessimistic, purely logical and unfaithful view of the world irk me. I'll respect them nonetheless, but I don't usually get along with them.

Edited by Brisineo
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I think I hate most generalizations, even though I have used them on occasion. Any statement saying all of any given group are bad, better, the same, and etc. is complete nonsense.

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Oh, I hated all the major media outlets before I even became a brony, simply because as far as I'm concerned, they spend about 5% of their time delivering the news and the other 95% of the time acting as political pundits.


As for anything else that I really hate... well, I guess the only thing that I really hate, are, frankly, stupid people; now, by stupid people, I mean people with perfectly sound, healthy, rational minds who intentionally choose not to use them, and in the process say or do really, really, really stupid things. Honestly, that's how most of the world's problems get started; stupid people doing or saying stupid things that they could easily have avoided doing or saying if they had just stopped and thought about it for one minute. :mellow:

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Posted Image


Think about it for a minute.


Yeah, I think everyone in the world does.



I HATE escort missions. Why is it that game companies that KNOW we hate these missions have to CONSTANTLY use them in their games?! Want me to be twice as likely to buy a game? Advertise that there are NO escort/'protect the idiot that nobody cares about' missions, as a selling point.

Edited by SBaby
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Uh, let's see...



Fox News


R34 (no, i don't hate (most) cloppers, but i do hate R34)

Pedophiles, pedophilia, lolicon, foalcon, etc etc etc.

And a portion of the fandom. Yes, there are good bronies, but some are uuuh. I'd rather be called a ponyfan or just fan, though.

Edited by leictreon
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