Lord Valtasar 12,700 October 8, 2020 #1 Share October 8, 2020 this is the second stage of the aniversary masterplan, and this time you're summoned to share your story of how you first got into the show and the forums, once again @Randimaxis went above and beyond and graced us with a very special video 10 My Shop My Gallery Ask Zecora Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brony Number 42 10,073 October 8, 2020 #2 Share October 8, 2020 Nice impression of Twilight @Randimaxis 4 This is my new signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Bolt 35,085 October 8, 2020 #3 Share October 8, 2020 Tara Strong! *excited nerd horse noises* My story.....well....*clears throat* I am a life-long fan of My Little Pony. I remember playing with my G3 ponies when I was very very young, in fact I still have them! Sunny Daze, Strawberry Swirl, Butterscotch, Daisyjo, and G3 Pinkie Pie. When G4 came into existence I had grown out of my pony ways a little bit but watching a couple episodes of FIM sucked me right back in. In 2014, I stumbled across the fandom online and learned what this strange "brony" term was. I was actually really amazed by how a show for little girls was so widely loved by so many adults. I had never heard of something like that before, and ever since I've been heavily involved in the pony fandom. I contribute mainly with pony art, I am an amateur digital artist. I used to make PMVs a couple years back and had quite a decent following on YouTube, but unfortunately due to copyright issues I shut down my channel, but have happily become more involved in the art side of the fandom. I stumbled across MLP Forums in October of 2016, which reminds me, my anniversary on here is coming up as well (October 17th)! I had no idea just how this little community would change my life forever, and in big ways. During my time on here I've met some amazing and wonderful people, people who have changed my life if I'm to be honest with you. I couldn't imagine my life without a few of them, they know who they are. I know they aren't active on this site like before, but...Misty, Sliding, and Cyclone, if you're reading this I want you to know that I love you guys so much. Thanks for coming into my life and always being there, for being my shoulder to cry on and for making me smile and laugh when I needed it most. And Sliding Bolt...I'm gonna marry you. And of course I never would have met these people and MLP Forums wouldn't exist if it wasn't for MLP FIM. I wanna give a big thanks to FIM for bringing us all joy and changing our lives for the better over the past decade. While I have no doubt that G5 will be amazing and loved by us all, FIM will forvever hold a special place in our hearts. 4 ☆ My socials ☆ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ2489 2,855 October 8, 2020 #4 Share October 8, 2020 Wow where to begin! I'm sure I've told this story plenty of times and I'm sorry if this is too repetitive for you!! I discovered the show at a very strange point in my life. I had always been aware of the show's fandom phenomenon but I'd never looked into it other than there must be something special about the show to have such a following. I distinctly remember having a few mates around, passing the time away playing COD WAW Zombies and one way or another we ended up browsing youtube watching stuff like Joe from Joey's world tour doing the green wasabi challenge. Then a friend put on one of the infamous "brony cringe" videos. I remember sitting there watching these people expressing themselves through this show not aimed at their demographic and I found myself fascinated as to what makes this show so appealing. Fast forward a couple weeks and I'm browsing youtube just wasting time and somehow youtube decided to recommend to me "Applejack's Day Off". I decided to watch this episode just to see what the fuss was about and well, I was hooked. After watching the show in it's entirety I've come to understand Applejack's day off isn't the best the show as to offer but regardless I was so interested with the story, the level of writing and the effort the show creators put into the episode that I started to watch a couple more. I then decided to start from the beginning and I think I watched the show in it's entirety (There were 7 seasons at that point) in something like 3 weeks. I can't explain how or why but the show gave me strength and motivation to get out of bed in a morning and push through my GCSE's. I was at a low point back then, something I've only cones to realise after the fact, but the show helped. And then I found the forums. I know I haven't been the most active member, i'm prone to disappearing sometimes for months at a time but you all mean more to me than I can say or express. Everyone of you that I have met or seen on the forums have been super super friendly and so welcoming! It was a nice relief to meet genuinely nice people who care and share similar interests to me. As for the show it's self. I have never come across a show/ piece of media etc that has brought out physical emotion from me, The Perfect Pear has affected me (positively) massively!! I'm rambling and I probably don't make much sense so I'm going to stop talking! Anyway, yeah. I love the show and I love you guys! Heres to the future 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deae Rising Shine~ 56,042 October 8, 2020 #5 Share October 8, 2020 Well, it started with a friend in a german trophyhunter forum, who suddenly had a pfp of Fluttershy(Instead of his normal R*-Games logo), eventually a spam-thread turned into some weird kind of RP, where we tried, some more, some less serious, to "Save him from the ponys". Eventually "as a plan to learn the ponys weaknesses" I started watching the first few episodes... As probably with many others, a few turned into the entire show(Which at january-march 2013 was only 3 seasons). eventually i started to annoy most in the thread with my pone obsession, so i looked up a forum of the show around a year after starting, as I watched(Suggested by mentioned friend)in english, i looked for a worldwide one, pretty much this one was the first result I think, so i checked it out and eventually at the begin of february 2014, I clicked the join button, gave myself a name, that I already used in another kind of RP with someone else and thus me was born here. And that's how I met your mother, kids. That's how Equestria was made. Legends never die. Ponies neither. Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brony Number 42 10,073 October 8, 2020 #6 Share October 8, 2020 I will just link my blog post, because I'm lazy. 3 This is my new signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Early Sunsets 2,107 October 8, 2020 #7 Share October 8, 2020 (edited) How I got into MLP was a little unusual. There were a few points where I had the opportunity to start watching the show, but it took a few years for me to actually commit to giving it a fair chance. Freshman year of high school (2013) during one of our summer practices for marching band, a friend of mine asked if I'd ever seen MLP and showed me the Smile HD video. I ended up watching the first three episodes on Dailymotion then stopped (good job me, stopping right before the first good episode). I wanted to like it, but the first few episodes were meh and I didn't feel like putting in the work to find more. A few years later I had an online friend who was into the show, and she's actually on the forums, though she hasn't been active in a while (@Storm, I think. We met through the Warrior Cats Forums). She referenced it on a few occasions and made me an OC at some point (think I might still have it kicking around somewhere on one of my old hard drives). Someone else in that circle of friends apparently didn't like me very much and ended up driving me out of the group, otherwise I may have ended up watching the show sooner. Senior year of high school two more of my marching band friends asked if I watched MLP because of my email avatar (it was a dragon. It wasn't a character from MLP, but I guess the art style was kind of similar). I didn't really watch it at that point, but I'd actually completely forgotten about it by that point, so that kind of put the show back in my memory. Once I got to college, one of my half-sisters let me use her Netflix account since campus was a few minutes from her house. I was scrolling through the children's section (because animation is miles better than live action imo, plus they're just more fun) and saw MLP on there. I didn't watch it at the time, but I filed that away. The football stadium at my college was being torn down at the end of the football season so it could be rebuilt. The marching band had a storage room under the stands for our instruments, and we were cleaning out the room after the last football game so everything could go in storage while the stadium was rebuilt. Before we left everyone signed the walls, and on one of the walls was a big drawing of Pinkie Pie (notice a theme with marching band and bronies yet?). When I got back to my dorm room I decided to give MLP another chance, which lead to me binging every episode out at the time. That was November 2018. I joined the forums the next January during winter break. I wanted a place to go where I could be around other people who enjoyed MLP as much as I did, and I've never liked using things like Discord in big groups (I always end up lurking and never actually saying anything. Forums feel a bit more like making blog posts than talking to people, so it's easier), so I searched My Little Pony forums and ended up here. Nearly two years later and I'm still here. Doubt I'll ever leave. Edited October 8, 2020 by BOOker_laugh_at_my_pun 3 Rainbow Dash Fanatic "You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony "So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer "Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 October 8, 2020 #8 Share October 8, 2020 To make a long story short I saw the first two episodes on Netflix in the summer of 2012 and was actually quite surprised to find it was better than the reputation of it being a girly girly show would have been. I could have actually watched the show as it gone through season 3 throughout Late 2012 and Early 2013. But it wasn't until after the season ended that I decided what the hey, I binge watch the first three seasons over the span of about a week. And despite the drama about Twilight becoming an alicorn and the fact that there's a spin-off movie about Twilight going to a human world version of Equestria in the original Equestria Girls film, I decided to stay on with the herd and wait to see season 4 later in Fall 2013. Since then I always thought each season was going to be the last season but by the time we finish season 7 it became official that I'd been with the fandom for more than half the actual run of the show. And I'm always proud to have been part of the fandom for most of the show's run Some people say the show should have ended after season 3 but honestly I didn't care how long the show went on for. it was always nice to spend time with all the characters every week. Nice to see all the lesson they've learned and the experiences they have. Not to mention some of my personal favorite characters made their grand debut much later. Especially you Thorax; making Changelings my favorite non-pony race 2 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Gallagher 33,595 October 8, 2020 #9 Share October 8, 2020 Well, it’s an interesting story to say the least. Ever since the moment me and the Mane Six met each other’s eyes for the first time, my life hasn't been the same. I had had run-ins with this show several times before. My friend and I used to be into YTP where they would pop up a lot and we would usually mock it or get annoyed by it, even though neither of us actually knew anything about it. I’ll even go as far as saying that we were one of those ‘haters’ who hadn’t a clue what it was all about but mocked it because of the sheer fact it looked girlish. To this day, that’s the only thing I regret... Another time, we took a visit to my cousins and one of them was playing with her MLP toys. I don't remember exactly which ones she had but she most definitely had Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash because I remember asking why they had two words in their names. I think she probably had Fluttershy and Applejack but I don't recall seeing Rarity or Pinkie Pie there. On May 22, 2019, the day we started our Junior Cert exams which is the end of our third year of school exams in Ireland, that evening, out of nowhere, the idea came into my head of seeing what the fuss was all about. I was aware that Seasons 1-5 were on Netflix so, unaware of what was about to happen, I started at the very beginning with the first two-parter episode and within the first minute, exactly what Twilight said happened to me. The spark ignited inside me. Immediately, I knew that the thing I had needed for so long was finally there in front of me. No matter how I felt before, I knew that I was now officially a brony. For a while, I was still a little bit guilty about the whole thing so I never told anyone. I can equate it to 'The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows,' when you want to tell them so badly but you know you just can't. On holiday in July, we got Netflix working on the TVs. I knew I couldn't watch it in the main room but I knew that there was also a TV in my sister's bedroom. Everyone else, bar my grandparents, had left and I remember politely asking them to knock before they came into the room, so I can exit out and pretend to be watching something else. My family came back very quietly, unbeknownst to me, and then my sister walked in, wondering why I had told them to knock. Tragically, she didn't knock and barged right in so I couldn't exit out fast enough. I even remember what episode it was. It was ‘Fall Weather Friends.’ The truth about what I had been hiding was right there. I tried to tell her that I had only just clicked the wrong thing but she was having none of it. Eventually, she told me she won't tell anyone. It blew over for a bit with me getting further and further into the show, still refusing to let anyone know. I remember particularly watching 'Bridle Gossip' at least seven times. I had just finished Season One after we had got home and one time, me and my parents were browsing through Netflix looking for something to watch and the truth slipped out. Like a genius, I went in to my account, not thinking they'd notice but right away, they did. They had the understandable reaction, 'What is that?' 'Are you feeling alright?' 'Isn't that for babies?' I gave the best explanation I could about what a brony was but they were still thinking, 'What is wrong with you?' Nowadays, my family is completely cool with it and my mother and me quite often watch episodes together. To Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, even Spike, you have saved my life in so many ways and to that, I will forever be grateful. I can’t begin to put into words how much I love every single one of you and I want to thank you all for bringing me the magic of friendship. I love you forever. Happy Anniversary! 3 Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Danny 9,027 October 8, 2020 #10 Share October 8, 2020 Well, it isn't like "very" much to say about my story, but anyway, here is my story about how i got first into MLP:FiM and into the forums (and hope i will write everything correctly): Before being a brony, my life wasn't happy at all. Since childhood, i don't have any friends in real life. A long time ago when l was a kid and i was on the school (when i was between 5th and 8th grades), l tried to make friends but they are all bad and ignores me for some reason. I even was bullied from those bad kids, of course this situation was happening in the high school as well, trying to make some friends but they all act like i didn't even exist. In high school i was even beaten up by those students in the high school and my life being in the school was very, very terrible. Some few years later, in 2016 i was on my aunt's house, it was on the summer holiday, i still don't have friends. I watched on the tv to see what is something new about shows, movies, serials and even cartoons, i first saw My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It was season 5 episode 24 (or should i say with Countess Coloratura episode). The rest of the episode was really awesome and when Countess Coloratura turned into Rara and plays on the piano, she sang her song "The Magic Inside". When i heard her singing her song, my heart was beating and l cried of happiness. I was so sad that i have no friends like Applejack with Rara. And i felt that Rara opened the door for me to see what friendship could be. A few months later, l met with the mane six, i know their name, the Elements of Harmony and what they represents these elements and i even saw my personality too, for example i have Rarity's personality for being a generous person that i really like to help people when they need and Fluttershy's personality for being shy sometimes and like animals (dogs, cats, bunnies etc.). I really knew that the show is so amazing! Some another years passed by in 2020, i made an account on EQD Forums to see if there is some bronies online to chat with and they are online (but i wasn't very active there). In February 26th, i made an account on MLP Forums to see some more active bronies and pegasisters to chat with and they are. I started to be active here because in my opinion (and i didn't mean to be bad or something like that... ) i like to stay here more than EQD Forums, it is like my second home. I even made a few friends to chat with about mlp and trying to help as best as i can with their problems. And, for that, thank you Rara for showing me another way to make friends, to make friends with you, the mane six, with everypony from this show! Rara, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Spike, thank you, thank you for all the help to get through these school problems and you didn't ignored me for trying to make friends, without you i didn't still have friends. As for my second home, the MLP Forums, i will always love you guys, i love you for accepting me and to be friends with me. You guys and the mane six are the only friends that i have in my whole life... Again, thank you My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, thank you MLP Forums, you really changed my life, and i will never forget that moment! Happy anniversary My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and MLP Forums! 3 Signature by @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rising Dusk 28,085 October 8, 2020 #11 Share October 8, 2020 (edited) I did a blog post about all of this, but I'll just copy and paste the snips When the first season of FiM premiered, I did actually watch the first five episodes. I found the two part beginning quite intriguing that gave me the vibe of a show that might be along the lines of Sailor Moon, Card Captors or any of the many magic girl anime the west was being introduced to at the time. After finding out through the next three episodes that the show was less about the Elements of Harmony super powers, I lost interest. Too busy with college, my WoW addiction and other fandom interests to add another. As time passed, I knew the Brony Fandom grew as a thing. Seeing them pop up around campus and of course the peak moments that hit 4Chan like a wrecking ball. I remained indifferent about it, not knowing any Bronies personally at the time and being part of another obscure fandom, had learned to accept others for what they like. Fast forward to 2018 and work had taken me overseas. Now I wont say they were dark days or that I slipped into depression, but I will say that I could feel the isolation. Family and friends that my whole life I've been use to talking to everyday, or gaming with everyday after work/school, were all now on the other side of the planet. As I was going to work, they were coming home from work, when I was getting ready for bed, they were just waking up. Only leaving the narrow two days on the weekend anytime to do anything with them. Getting to know the ones I worked with though I actually met my first Brony, well face to face anyways. He was really shy and introverted, but we shared many other interests that helped break the ice pretty quickly. And apparently I'd been the first person he'd talk to in a long time that wasn't bothered by his pony interest, still pretty indifferent. Talking more and more with him though, I decided to do a little research on what the fandom was doing these days. Then I stumbled across a documentary on YouTube called The Brony Chronicles - A Documentary on My Little Pony and Bronies by Saberspark. It was really well made, with the most catchy intro song ever, and managed to get me to take a second look at the show, which was luckily all on Netflix. Giving it a real shot this time, I got hooked easily. Even though I was a late bloomer to the fandom, I wouldn't say I regret not picking it up earlier. I actually prefer to think FiM entered my life when I best needed it. I didn't need anything complex, but what it really came down to, is that the show did something so simple... It just made me smile. Next thing I knew, I was plowing through the episodes. So many funny moments, smiles, emotional strings, stories and characters I just couldn't put it down. I hadn't quite finished the first season when I reached out to the community and found the MLP Forums. I made my Introduction post, but wasn't expecting much. I'd joined other fandom forums before, all of which that went un-replied to with maybe a couple of views. To my surprise though, I was getting responses within minutes of me posting, and for days after ponies were still welcoming me to The Herd. I was shocked, stunned of not seeing anything like this in my many years. This really kept my interest though, so I stuck around. Edited October 8, 2020 by Rising Dusk 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TBD 17,256 October 8, 2020 #12 Share October 8, 2020 OMG @Randimaxis Stop recording yourself and sharing your kinds word to us, you’re making my eyes brawl out I known MLP for since I was kid, but I didn't get into G4. I don't know how I got into G4, maybe because since I used to like MLP as a kid, I just happen to give it a try. I do have some doubt about this show and thought maybe it would be too girly or childish for me. But I gave it go and now I cannot tell you all how much this show means so much for me. Every lesson and problems this show tackles helps me in some way, irl. 2016, was when I came upon this forum and meet a lot of group of people. I can say, I did changed a bit if not, more for the better because of the people here and the show we all share and love! 2 ♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,956 October 9, 2020 #13 Share October 9, 2020 (edited) I made a blog post about how I became a brony. Edited October 9, 2020 by Sparklefan1234 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chadbacca 375 October 9, 2020 #14 Share October 9, 2020 My story goes back to far as 2012. At first, when I heard about the show and the fandom, I didn't really give it a lot of thought since I found the idea of adult men liking MLP to be pretty weird. Fast forward to the Summer of 2013, I actually became curious about the show and decided to begin doing research on it. One of the first things that I found, if not the first thing that I found, was a video from PaleoSteno about why the show was so good and why I should it give it a chance. So I watched the whole thing, and after a bit of back and fourth in my mind, I finally decided to check out some of the fan-made content first, including the fan-made episode "Double Rainboom" (I know, it's not that great from a writing standpoint). Not long after, I got around to start watching the show with the very first episode that I caught on TV was "A Dog and Pony Show" back when we still had the Hub, and I enjoyed it, so I went back and took my time to watch the show from the very beginning, and before you know it, I was officially a brony. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cagey 4,248 October 9, 2020 #15 Share October 9, 2020 About four years ago, I was home with the flu, too sick to read a book, and pony was the only thing on TV. At first I was skeptical. Then I thought, Hey, this voice acting is pretty good. There was also a stray thought about why the Purple One had wings in one episode but not in another. And I took notice of characters I recognized, like Rainbow and Fluttershy, who had been favorites of old friends of mine. I thought I’d forget about the show after I watched it, but I couldn’t. The characters were too likable. I binged the first six seasons in a week, my first time truly binge-watching a show. TL;DR: pony good. Happy anniversary. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Live Spark 163 October 9, 2020 #16 Share October 9, 2020 That video was really cute! I first got into the show way back in January of 2011, so pretty much when the show first began. I only ever intended on watching a few episodes but ended up watching it till the very end. I've still yet to see most of the Equestria Girls stuff and the MLP Movie is also on the still to watch list as well. I joined the forums early last year mainly as a way for me to say goodbye to the show, knowing that it was coming to an end after 9 years on the air and while also hanging out with fellow fans in the process. To be honest the show was always bit hit or miss with me especially during the last few seasons, but having said that I do love these girls quite a lot and I'm glad that I was able to follow their story till the end! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Splashee 28,566 October 9, 2020 #17 Share October 9, 2020 How I got into the forums was quite simple. It was the top search on Google when needed a place to talk about MLP FIM and hopefully show some work. I got into MLP a long time ago, before FIM actually. But my main goal coming here was that I had never before made an OC. Only a pony persona from before FIM. So I had to make an OC before the show ended, and I began thinking up a concept for it around mid Season 8, and it wasn't until mid Season 9 that I joined here with my final product, which is also my profile/avatar/user name: 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Js250476 1,367 October 10, 2020 #18 Share October 10, 2020 I don’t have as much of a in depth history as everyone else but here goes mine. I didn’t think much of MLP at first mainly assumed it was a standard girls show overtime I heard of the fandom and just how much impact the show has had on tons of people I hadn’t ever seen anything like it before especially seeing it grow into such a phenomenon everyone I went I saw MLP content of all kinds of things everywhere. My first real experience with the show that I remember was watching Joshscorcher’s reviews of it I always loved those videos and it showed what the show was like and gave me some interest in it. One day MLP happened to be airing a episode on the TV I had on at the time and I figured what the hell I’ll give it a chance and see (that episode being The Mysterious Mare Do Well) since then I’ve caught up to the rest of the episodes available at the time and I become really invested in MLP as a whole. I watched a ton of fan made content, subscripted to several analysts channels, read all of the comics Ect. And the community was so wonderful and fun to be apart of it was a unforgettable experience. A few years back when I went to Discord MLP was the reason I bonded with some of the greatest friends I ever made and I still talk with and hang with to this day. Eventually when the finale was about to air I joined MLP forums (I had already known about it for a long time and lurked but never had a actual account to talk with people before.) I owe so much to this franchise for much happiness it gave me and blessing me with amazing friends happy 10th Anniversary Friendship is Magic and thank you MLP forums for being a amazing community for everyone 💖 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zerox 1,144 October 10, 2020 #19 Share October 10, 2020 In 2012 or 2013 I came across those MLP parody videos on YouTube like apple.mov and that was the first time I saw the characters from the show. I actively started watching MLP in early 2016 when I got Netflix. That was actually the first thing that I watched on Netflix. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zerox 1,144 October 10, 2020 #20 Share October 10, 2020 (edited) On 2020-10-10 at 5:20 PM, You said: He is using netflix for the first time, got no clue how it works or about anything, and the first thing he does is learning about friendship. Expand Actually MLP popped up when I opened it. There wasn't much content available on Netflix in January 2016 when they officially launched in my country anyways. Some people obviously used a VPN and had Netflix earlier than me. Well I started with season 2 as it was the only season to be available at the time. Edited October 10, 2020 by zerox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loyal Defender 4,111 October 10, 2020 #21 Share October 10, 2020 I discovered the show purely because I was bored and curious back in 2013, I'm pretty sure. Seeing it on Netflix, and deciding to give it a watch, I found that I was super into the show. So I watched the next episode...then the next....then the next, then the next...soon after I realized how much I truly enjoyed the show. It lead me to meeting many brony friends on Minecraft, on a now-closed server known as Pony Concordia. That's where I met most of my friends. It lead me to joining Legends of Equestria for a year or two, until my sister ended up getting me banned for reasons I won't disclose. It lead me to joining Discord in 2016, where, of course, I met many of my friends. And then, I joined MLP Forums on September 29th of 2017, and in February 28 of 2018, that's when I met and befriended my best friend, @Will Guide. I'm so happy to have been able to meet all of you! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 October 10, 2020 #22 Share October 10, 2020 On 2020-10-10 at 7:41 PM, Loyal Defender said: I discovered the show purely because I was bored and curious back in 2013, I'm pretty sure. Seeing it on Netflix, and deciding to give it a watch, I found that I was super into the show. So I watched the next episode...then the next....then the next, then the next...soon after I realized how much I truly enjoyed the show. It lead me to meeting many brony friends on Minecraft, on a now-closed server known as Pony Concordia. That's where I met most of my friends. It lead me to joining Legends of Equestria for a year or two, until my sister ended up getting me banned for reasons I won't disclose. It lead me to joining Discord in 2016, where, of course, I met many of my friends. And then, I joined MLP Forums on September 29th of 2017, and in February 28 of 2018, that's when I met and befriended my best friend, @Will Guide. I'm so happy to have been able to meet all of you! Expand Oh thank you so much! it was actually awesome we got to watch all of Season 9 together via screen share despite some lagging on my end. But it was truly a beauty to see your reaction especially to the last few episodes. And I still enjoy role playing with you even today. And occasionally me watching your playthrough videos of Kingdom Hearts and FNAF. You are one of my best online friends and if we actually could hang out in real life I would take advantage of that. All in all, I'm glad the show brought us together 2 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 October 10, 2020 #23 Share October 10, 2020 Hard to believe that it's been this long, but I got into the show in early 2012, way back in the middle of season 2. I am not really entirely sure what convinced me to watch the show, but I'm glad that I gave it a shot. All I can recall was seeing memes and videos online, and I guess that got me to watch the show on a limb. Which like I said before, I am happy that I decided to do so. Now when it comes to how I got into this site, all I can really remember was watching a video about Ponyville Confidential, that somehow ended leading me here. Either the forums were mentioned in the video itself, or it was mentioned in the description, but somehow it got me here, which I guess is all that matters. Either way I'm glad that I got into the show and these forums as well. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Luna 31,422 October 10, 2020 #24 Share October 10, 2020 Ten years ago, FiM wasn't even on my radar. The show came out during time that a lot of 80s shows were getting rebooted (Thundercats, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Voltron, etc..) and for me, it just got lost in the mix. At that time, I was watching the Thundercats reboot and I loved it but I don't think that I would have given FiM a fair shot to be honest. My first introduction to FiM was me babysitting my cousin and she wanted to watch it. I figured why not, it would keep her occupied. It was the episode Forever Filly. I was surprised by how mature it was dealing with siblings who are that far apart age wise. It hit home because of how my brother and I are. Anyway, when the episode was over she asked if she could watch another one. The next one she put on was The Perfect Pear. By the end, we were both wrecks. I asked her if this was really a show intended for kids. At that point, I started watching the show from the beginning. Unfortunately a lot of stuff was ruined like Twilight becoming a Princess and her castle but it was still a great ride. Once I was caught up with season 7 (this was before season 8 started), I looked online to see if there were any forums where I could post my thoughts on the series. The rest you can say is history. I feel like the ponies and everypony here have been my best friends for years and I wouldn't trade any of you for anything. I will always have fond memories of waking up and joining everyone in the forum lounge for coffee and muffins. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 October 11, 2020 #25 Share October 11, 2020 (edited) Before this forum even existed, I was a mainstay over at the Sonic Stadium Message Board. Back when Season 1 was peaking, avatars of characters from the show began to appear. The first one I saw was Angel Bunny, so I thought there was some connection to Alice in Wonderland. Well, in July of 2011, I decided to give it a shot, starting with Part 1 of the pilot. Well, as you can see, I got hooked and never looked back. This video below is one of my first introductions to the brony fandom. Needless to say, it still cracks me up. Edited October 11, 2020 by Dark Qiviut 2 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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