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How often do you cry?

Akemi Homura

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Emotional turmoil and sensitiveness can make a person cry easily. Add in snowballing effects of problems, and you have a very volatile combination. Some people handle it better than others, holding back the tears, but others just release their emotions right away.


Just now I cried for about a minute until I stopped. Over the past view weeks I've been building up some negative feelings about myself and my life, and finally let it all out. The actually crying wasn't strong, as tears just fell out of my eyes, but the sobs were rather loud... that and the Celtics losing to Miami (an emotional loss, mind you - but we won't get into that), and the fact that my mom yelled at me (we won't get into details), and later sympathized with me let me release the proverbial gates.


Rarely do I ever cry, but I do feel emotions and sadness more than the average person. The past three years have been rather emotional for me and my friends, so there's that too. The last time I cried was late March where my mom and I got into a fight, and I ended up saying some stupid things. Realizing the error of my ways, I let my emotions go, to which my mom sympathized. Anything before that? Early April of 2010. Life was getting sort of tough for me, and I let it all out after being accused of hanging around somewhere after school (my mom saw me exiting the school a different direction, so she thought I was doing some bad things). That year in particular looked like it was spiralling out of control, but I ended up discovering what friendship meant a month later.


So yes, that's some of my stuff for you. Post yours.

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I've cried when someone made a silly face at me.

I'll let you judge from that how much I cry.

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Crying doesn't usually solve anything so I don't.


While that may be true, it lets go off repressed feelings and you will be able to think better as a result.

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Only when something REALLY gets to me. I wish I could think of a moment when that happened that has nothing to do with my brother, 'cause I really can't right now.

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While that may be true, it lets go off repressed feelings and you will be able to think better as a result.


I died inside a long time ago.
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I used to cry whenever I was hurt physically (when blood was drawn). Now, my adrenaline just kicks in and I grit my teeth while tensing my muscles. :wacko:


I permanently wear a pair of Teflon undies... and some sturdy armor.


No form of media has ever made me cry. Ao no Hana came pretty damn close, though.


EDIT: Actually, i cried at my Grandfather's funeral... <semi-depressed now>

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Very, very little. The only times I do cry are at random points that are usually the result of a built up week full of stress, and then one little thing strikes me as sad, and I just cry. But I never cry at sad movies or anything, I just feel depressed xD

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I dont cry much at all but yesterday I cried so much. All emotions came at once when Hollowshield sent me a certain video :3

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Sometimes I'll cry a bit to let off some stress, sometimes because I'm emotionally hurt. I tend to be more emotional at night, when my mind tends to wander and I recall painful events.


I do find a short bit of crying as a kind of relief. Sometimes I'll feel on the verge of either breaking down completely or exploding in a fit of rage. Crying seems to relieve that middle ground feeling. That is, crying which is not done in the form of despair.


Don't misinterpret what I'm saying. I'm not some sort of emotional wreck that cries every time I'm stressed or worried, but many times it can be very relieving and can allow me to move on from whatever the original issue was.

Crying is only human. I don't see why some people view it as some offense against maturity and masculinity.


If you need to cry for a bit, go ahead. Just don't cry out of despair. That can lead to worse feelings.



For those who care for religious support:

"Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger

or discipline me in your wrath.

Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint;

heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.

My soul is in deep anguish.

How long, Lord, how long?


Turn, Lord, and deliver me;

save me because of your unfailing love.

Among the dead no one proclaims your name.

Who praises you from the grave?


I am worn out from my groaning.


All night long I flood my bed with weeping

and drench my couch with tears.

My eyes grow weak with sorrow;

they fail because of all my foes.


Away from me, all you who do evil,

for the Lord has heard my weeping.

The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;

the Lord accepts my prayer.

All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish;

they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame." -Psalm 6: 1-10


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I don't cry anymore

I tresure every day Happy or Sad

(Except for when its really sad or happy


SAD: Family Member Dies

HAPPY: Graduation day (NEXT YEAR OMFG)

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Well, would you care to explain what made you die on the inside then?


I don't know. All I know is that by the 6th grade, nothing moved me at all. When my pets died I didn't feel anything. When my grand father died, I felt nothing at all. I haven't cried since then. On our wall at home, 6th grade is the year I stopped smiling in photos. Three days ago, my AP Psychology class took 20 minutes to talk about how they have never seen me change expression. I had a straight face all throughout a fight I had last Monday and I had a straight face during the entire graduation ceremony while everyone else was going crazy. I am super negative and cynical. If you see my posts around, you'll notice that a lot of them are a bit blunt. According to my doctor, I've had depression for the longest he's ever seen. I refused medication for my depression because I don't mind being negative and cynical.


What can I say, nothing effects me. I just don't get excited, I don't get sad and I don't relate well.

I'm also Asexual.

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During the school year, probably about once a week.

During breaks (Christmas, Summer, Spring), maybe once a month? I don't know, but it's significantly less than when school is in session.

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When I read My Little Dashie, To Be An Alicorn, The Price You Pay, and especially Where All Roads Lead (some heart-wrenching stuff here). Don't remember anything else bringing tears since I was 5 or so.

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