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Who's more evil?

Petite Pirouette

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Celestia: "If the Empire is filled with hope and love, then those things are reflected across all of Equestria. But if hatred and fear take hold..." *Cue Nightmare Face w/ dark crystals*


Also, one stained-glass picture implied Sombra was somehow going to use the Crystal Heart as a doomsday weapon (which would explain why he hid it instead of just throwing it in lava or something).

Edited by A.V.
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  • 4 months later...

G1 Tirek. Motherfucker almost beheaded Spike.

Grogar. He wanted to keep ponies locked in one dimension forever.

Lavan. Almost threw ponies into a volcano.

Arabus. Almost killed ponies by sucking up their shadows and magic.

G4 Tirek. Both devious and manipulator, he made Discord betray his own friends.

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*comment about Diamond Tiara being worse than both of them*


Really, I think the most evil villain we've had is, indeed, Chrysalis. Including Nightmare Moon, she was simply jealous and spiteful. She had no intentions of physically harming or killing anypony, which I think is a significant fact in showing the extent of which the evil in her made actually allowed; Nightmare Moon was more for severely inconveniencing everyone than outright harming them.


Discord, inconsiderate as he was, has always been more of an anti-villain character than anything. He's not really looking out for either side of the moral code, he's just doing what he finds fun. He's sociopathic and insane, not fully understanding the pain his antics put other ponies through. However, this doesn't truly harm them. Not in any severe ways.


Sombra was probably the worst tyrant of the rulers, ruling over his kingdom with an iron hoof before Celestia and Luna intervened. But at the same time, it's safe to assume he limited his tyrannical insanity to his own land, likely not too heavily intervening in the workings of Equestria in general. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd left all outside the Crystal Empire be.


Chrysalis, however, is a sadistic sociopath. She finds enjoyment and fun in harming the residents that she steals love from, confusing them, watching them wallow in the despair this confusion would cause, laughing as she comes so close to taking down a benevolent duarchy before war could even ensue. She isn't limited to her own kingdom, and while she didn't seem to be a murderer, she was a manipulative brute, feasting on the positive emotions of others not only for nourishment, but for amusement, and finding solace in watching their pain.


Chrysalis is the most evil. And until I learn that Sombra was working his citizens to the bone in order to build a giant mecha that would crush all opposition so he could overthrow neighboring kingdoms that's the argument I'm standing by.

On the contrary... Chrysalis though evily effective is the least evil because she had a reason to be one ((at least a possible one, to feed her own)). On the other hoof Luna became evil and threw a tantrum induced apocalypse because she had a bitch fit for not getting her night appreciated, Discord plain wanted evil for an even more shallow reason ((he wanted to do evil/chaos for the sake of evil/chaos)). Tirek wanted the world and though selfish he had a goal. So yea... Discord is the most evil of all.
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If I had to choose, I'd say Tirek, since he has been the most powerful so far, and was quite willing to cause mass destruction.

Edited by Feather Wind
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On the contrary... Chrysalis though evily effective is the least evil because she had a reason to be one ((at least a possible one, to feed her own)). On the other hoof Luna became evil and threw a tantrum induced apocalypse because she had a bitch fit for not getting her night appreciated, Discord plain wanted evil for an even more shallow reason ((he wanted to do evil/chaos for the sake of evil/chaos)). Tirek wanted the world and though selfish he had a goal. So yea... Discord is the most evil of all.

No, Discord wasn't out to spread evil, and his goal wasn't just spreading chaos. He just wanted to keep having fun with his chaotic powers; making chaos was just what resulted from it.


Discord isn't evil - he's apathetic. He's spent all his time distancing himself as far as possible from social bonds and empathetic feelings, which took away the guilt that came from putting the ponies in unpleasantly chaotic situations. He never set out to hurt or kill anypony, he was just keeping himself satisfied. It wasn't malice or cruelty; it was apathy and egotism.


Now, I posted that comment before Tirek came around, and let me just say that he QUICKLY took the spot from Chrysalis for me.


Tirek was monstrous, egotistical, apathetic, malevolent, stealing, angry, and had no justifiable reason for his actions other than being powerful and overtaking Equestria, which he came very close to doing.


Not to mention, he was clearly willing to harm and even outright KILL in order to achieve his goal.


Tirek is, by FAR, the most evil villain to date.

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*comment about Diamond Tiara being worse than both of them*


Really, I think the most evil villain we've had is, indeed, Chrysalis. Including Nightmare Moon, she was simply jealous and spiteful. She had no intentions of physically harming or killing anypony, which I think is a significant fact in showing the extent of which the evil in her made actually allowed; Nightmare Moon was more for severely inconveniencing everyone than outright harming them.


I would actually say Nightmare Moon as she was a separate entity that possessed Luna and was trying to bring about eternal night which would have doomed the planet. This isn't just me going by the comics, this was confirmed via Word of Faust.


I'm personally in the crowd that would say Tirek is the most evil villain to date.

Edited by The Coffee Pony
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When you put it like that... well, Discord was in it for amusement, but he never actually hurt anyone. Chrysalis was securing food for her subjects. I can't see them being entirely evil, really. I'm leaning more towards Chrysalis because she actually hurt ponies.

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Well Discord is the GOD of chaos. Chyrisi is a Queen. Who must provide for her subjects. Her evil is justified as far as her royal duties go. Discord on the other hand had no purpose other than to just turn ponys heads upside down for fun. Because whats the fun in making sense? Disrupting natural life of course. But "Evil" is defined as knowing your causing pain and continuing to do it

so Chrysi is evil

Edited by BloodyTeaCups
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No, Discord wasn't out to spread evil, and his goal wasn't just spreading chaos. He just wanted to keep having fun with his chaotic powers; making chaos was just what resulted from it.


Discord isn't evil - he's apathetic. He's spent all his time distancing himself as far as possible from social bonds and empathetic feelings, which took away the guilt that came from putting the ponies in unpleasantly chaotic situations. He never set out to hurt or kill anypony, he was just keeping himself satisfied. It wasn't malice or cruelty; it was apathy and egotism.


Now, I posted that comment before Tirek came around, and let me just say that he QUICKLY took the spot from Chrysalis for me.


Tirek was monstrous, egotistical, apathetic, malevolent, stealing, angry, and had no justifiable reason for his actions other than being powerful and overtaking Equestria, which he came very close to doing.


Not to mention, he was clearly willing to harm and even outright KILL in order to achieve his goal.


Tirek is, by FAR, the most evil villain to date.

Thats exactly why Discord is evil. Because he is apathetic towards how he treats life. Anything that opposes life and well being of others is evil. So thats why i say Chrysalis had a better reason. Because she might have been apathetic towards the ponies but not her changelings which she refers as "subjects".
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I'd say Chrysalis, she trapped Twily and Candy in the forgotten Canterlot underground where they might starve to death, and her overconfidence and I don't see her sparing anypony if she didn't need their love to feed her changelings. 

Discord, the worst thing he did was psychologically harm the mane6 by taunting their elements, but I don't see him doing worst than that, he only want to have fun after all 

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I'd say Chrysalis, she trapped Twily and Candy in the forgotten Canterlot underground where they might starve to death, and her overconfidence and I don't see her sparing anypony if she didn't need their love to feed her changelings.

Discord, the worst thing he did was psychologically harm the mane6 by taunting their elements, but I don't see him doing worst than that, he only want to have fun after all

Oh yea he destroyed their homes and crushed their souls turning them into something opposite of what they are... Talk about mind rape amirite?
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