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Who's more evil?

Petite Pirouette

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Discord took pleasure in seeing ponies corrupted and manipulated by his magic, while ruining their lives for amusement. I don't know how that does not qualify as evil in most cases.

  • Brohoof 4
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Discord took pleasure in seeing ponies corrupted and manipulated by his magic, while ruining their lives for amusement. I don't know how that does not qualify as evil in most cases.


Thanks for the brohoof on my post. Glad somepony actually read it and agrees xP I don't see how Discord isn't evil. In the past I myself have said he wasn't that evil and was more of an unstoppable force, but I had the epiphany that I was in fact wrong, he can be very sadistic and cruel, and this great song about him helped in that respect. It's called Never-ending Strife and I encourage all those who have never heard of it, to watch and pay attention to the lyrics. It puts a little light on the dark intentions behind Discord's actions with the ponies. If you take away the fact it's really not that intense due to being aimed at a younger audience, you can see he's actually pretty darn sadistic and malicious in how he acts, and this song demonstrates that perfectly.


Discord is not a Disney villain like Chrysalis. His voice, appearance and personality yells 'joker' more than 'evil' in the case of Chrysalis, but the fact remains that he's got all that evil, underneath, and intertwined with his preference to having 'fun'.

  • Brohoof 2
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Chrysalis of course, I mean she almost staged a take over and for what? Some love? In comparison Discord doesn't seem all that bad with his chocolate rain(explosive!).

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Gilda made Flyshy cry ... Shes most evil


Thanks for the brohoof on my post. Glad somepony actually read it and agrees xP I don't see how Discord isn't evil. In the past I myself have said he wasn't that evil and was more of an unstoppable force, but I had the epiphany that I was in fact wrong, he can be very sadistic and cruel, and this great song about him helped in that respect. It's called Never-ending Strife and I encourage all those who have never heard of it, to watch and pay attention to the lyrics. It puts a little light on the dark intentions behind Discord's actions with the ponies. If you take away the fact it's really not that intense due to being aimed at a younger audience, you can see he's actually pretty darn sadistic and malicious in how he acts, and this song demonstrates that perfectly.


Discord is not a Disney villain like Chrysalis. His voice, appearance and personality yells 'joker' more than 'evil' in the case of Chrysalis, but the fact remains that he's got all that evil, underneath, and intertwined with his preference to having 'fun'.


Better Discord song brony.


check dat ! Edited by SolarWind
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Gilda made Flyshy cry ... Shes most evil



Better Discord song brony.


check dat !



Better Discord song brony.


check dat !


A: Nope :3 The original is better than the remix.

B: You really think I haven't seen that before?

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A: Nope :3 The original is better than the remix.

B: You really think I haven't seen that before?


Sorry about that double post and also I should have known you would know all there is to be known about Discord fanmusic.
  • Brohoof 1
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Sorry about that double post and also I should have known you would know all there is to be known about Discord fanmusic.


That song, whether original or remix, is good for Discord as he is in the show. But again, Neverending Strife portrays Discord's darker side, and is truly an excellent master piece as well ^^

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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I agree.

But euro-beat has a sick ... Beat.

But my point is Chrysalis had to save her people,

Discord wanted his own fun.

Gilda was just a BI- ... can I say that?

Edited by SolarWind
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how can you think that queen Chrysalis is evis she was just trying to feed her subjects, Discord found entertainment in the suffering of Pony also he's a God who may or maynot have created the griffons and manticores.

it also took the elements of Harmony to stop Discord it only took the power of love to stop Chrysalis.

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I wouldn't consider any of them truly evil. Discord just has a "buck you I do what I want attitude." with everything he does. Sure, he messes with ponies, but that's just because of his joking, non-serious, personality. As some people said before me, he only wants to have fun. And Chrysalis was just trying to feed her kingdom, or her family. I don't really think doing something like that is truly evil, especially since she was doing it for the better of her people.

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I agree that Chrysalis was trying to feed her people, so she does get a few points for that. But she did it with pure hatred and she was definitely enjoying herself while destroying everyone around her. So, major points docking for that one.


But Discord was also enjoying himself while he made everyone around him suffer. Well.. except maybe Pinkie Pie :P ("Chocolate. Rain!") So he loses points too. I'm not sure who I think is worse, cause they're both pretty bad.


But yeah, Gilda was totally awful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What about Discord brainwashing?

He did it so he could have some fun, and in my eyes, that is evil.


That and there's the scene where he realizes that he's successfully made Twilight miserable and hopeless, his reaction is "YES! I DID IT :D". Classic sadism. I think some people tend to not look into his character enough to see he was a sadistic bastard and not a juvenile prankster who just wanted to have fun, and that's why I love him so much :)

Edited by Pegasus25
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I would say the queen, Discord wasn´t evil in my eyes, just annoying and having fun. The ponies could live in the world how he made it, noone was harrased.

The queen manipulated with ponies, used their own love against them and then wanted to take a control and space on already taken place, I wonder what she would do with all the ponies there.


I would send her...

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Hmm... I don't know.

Discord turned Ponyville upside down, made the Mane 6 fall apart, and just caused one big giant headache for everyone. But at the same time, he was teaching the Mane 6 a lesson, and just wanted to have fun.


Chrysalis only did what she did because her subjects were starving and apparently need love energy in order to survive. Yeah, what she did wasn't very nice, but she was just trying to provide for her own kind.


And Luna only became Nightmare Moon because she felt rejected and shunned. Her sister seemed to get more love than her from the other ponies. She didn't go out of her way to hurt anypony. She just wanted a little attention.


So... I can't really decide which one is more evil, since in reality, they all had (relatively) good reasons for the actions/crimes they committed. *shrug*

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I say they're equally evil. They're evil for different reasons, sure, but I don't believe one is more 'evil' than the other.



-turned the Mane 6 into the opposite of the way they usually are

-spread chaos all through out Equestria

-Tried to take over Equestria



-tried to marry Shining Armor so she could steal the love from all of Equestria and gain power

-also tried to take over Equestria

-trapped Celestia in, well, a chrysalis


So, yeah, I say they're equally evil.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 year later...

Sorry didn't read the OP.


Chrysalis is more evil than Discord since she could have went to other food sources while Discord can't help but be choatic

Edited by Mywas
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Chrysalis and her Shapeshifters are magical evil parasites in the way of Dungeons and Dragons definition of a Neutral Evil species.


Discord is Chaotic Evil since he wants to spread chaos and impose it on others.

Edited by Singe
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It's a matter of perspective, from Discords perspective he's just trying to mix things up, hes a chaotic neutral character that doesn't want his powers or abilities to be maintained, kind of like, the closest thing to the liberator role from a dark perspective MLP comes close to, but you see him cauing disharmony which in end results in him being an antagonist, as characters like, Boba Fett, or Deadpool, or other previous self concerned anti heros, but in end their ultimate concern is not the misfortune of others, but the lengths of ones own abilities. As far as Chrysalis goes, I would say she is a little more twisted, throwing Twi and Caedence in a underground dungeon as opposed to changing the world around them, tricking Shining Armor into marrying her, and god knows what was going to happen to Celestia in that cocoon. Discord wanted disharmony because it is what brings him to his version of harmony.

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Whenever i hear "Discord just wants to have fun." i facepalm and imagine Queen Chrysalis like this

At least Chrysalis doesn't hide behind her finger while doing what she does... she's honest with herself. Whereas Discord fools you all by "having fun" but thing is you haven't been in the place ponies have when he was "just having fun". Discord is Chaotic Evil. He is not only evil... he is THE WORST KIND OF EVIL. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticEvil He is the evil that does evil for evil's sake whereas Queen Chrysalis has a purpose albeit a selfish one.

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