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I have to say, it was either Wonderbolts Academy, (because it didn't live up to my hopes and expectations), or Hearth's Warming Eve. (BOOORING!)

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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Family Appreciation Day. I can't even tell you how boring that episode was for me. I almost fell asleep watching it.


2/10, would not watch again.



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mysterious Mare Do Well is still my number-one least-favorite, but some of my others have changed now that Season 3 is almost over. Allow me to list them:


2. Spike at Your Service
3. Baby Cakes
4. Green Isn't Your Color

5. The Crystal Empire - Part 2

When I post in a thread, the replies seem to stop.

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Cutie Mark Crusaders episodes. The first ones were okay because they focused on trying to get their cutie marks. Cutie Mark Pocks episode was the best one because it was ingenious in design. But the rest just seem very bland and boring and doesn't involve the six mane much.

Edited by poniesforfun


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Boast Busters.


This episode managed to botch essentially everything.


Annoying new characters: Snips and snails.


Wildly OOC Rarity, RD and AJ. Also, petty, rude and unlikable Rare, RD and AJ.


Stupid plot.


Terrible lesson that didn't fit the episode.


The only sympathetic character was the one that we were supposed to hate so much that we would laugh when she was rendered homeless. Joy.



The most mean-spirited, badly written, terribly put together piece of **** I've seen in a while. This episode makes G3 look good.



The only good thing to come out of it was Trixie.

Edited by RWB

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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I really don't want to admit it, but there is one episode of the series that I just can't stand, and it's probably the ONLY episode I "can't stand."


It's About Time.


This episode was just stupid. It wasn't funny, the plot was pointless, it was incredibly boring. It's hard to put into words what makes it just so bad, but it's my least favorite episode of the entire series. I'd rather watch a Mare-A-Thon consisting of Mare Do Well, MMMstery on the Friendship Express, Owl's Well That Ends Well, Spike At Your Service, and whatever other episodes bronies typically dislike, because every one of those beats this episode.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Theres no episodes I don't like, but if I had to choose one it'd be Dragon Quest . Mainly because of the stereotypical Teen Dragons, There is already enough of those at my school (minus the Dragon part) I don't need them in one of my favorite shows!

  • Brohoof 1


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I dont understand, what part of the episode was not children appropriate. It was one of the shows I actually quite liked. what part was inappropriate.

  The part where Spike gets some ketchup and uses it as fake blood and the scence where he attackes the toy mouse quite violently. I'm also not quite sure wether the punch could be concidered acoholic, although it probably wasn't since Pinkie said that "Spinke" joke.

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Look Before You Sleep. I was one of the people who didn't like Rarity to begin with, and this episode is exactly why (she seems slightly OOC, although I didn't know her well enough to notice it at the time). She's a total bitch, left, right and centre, and seems to provoke Applejack much more than vice-versa. Also, Twilight Sparkle is OOC IMO - I don't imagine her as the type who'd host a slumber party.


My opinion of The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well is mixed. It could've actually been a great episode; there's a great moral to be learned, and what happened to Rainbow Dash was actually very believable: she'd developed such a love for attention and praise that she no longer cared about saving lives. Perhaps the Mare-Do-Well situation was justifiable; the episode never gave a chance to justify it. It has all the traits of a good episode, but doesn't put them together.


The Show Stoppers is boring. It doesn't help that it's the second CMC episode in a row, but there's nothing to change the fact that Stare Master is easily the better of the two. Nothing is learned in The Show Stoppers, nothing worthwhile happens, it seems like a filler.


Boast Busters has a lot of flaws. It feels a bit empty, and I thought Trixie was a poor character. I hated her in seconds. Snips and Snails were also poor, and Twilight Sparkle kind of annoyed me with her naivety (she's socially awkward, but she's intelligent enough to realize that the Ursa needed to be gone, and that impressive magic was required to do so.) If it was Rainbow Dash, and Trixie were a Pegasus, she'd have settled the matter in ten seconds flat, and managed to create something awesome at the same time.


I am actually rather fond of Feeling Pinkie Keen. Let's face it, whether or not Pinkie Pie makes any sense, or is supposed to, she's hilarious. And Twilight Sparkle is, as a consequence, equally hilarious when they're together. The episode features both characters at their best.

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  • MMDW has a few nice moments (Rainbow Dash by herself on that cloud is one of my favorite scenes focusing on her, and she seems to have become a stronger character because of this episode), but it's frustrating to watch most of the time, and the Mane 6 are way out of character. Probably don't have to elaborate on this one, it seems.
  • I hate Super-Squeezy-Cider-6000-Whatever. The song is good and hearing Double D's voice come out of a unicorn is funny, but everything else just sucks. The moral is all messed up in ways too complicated to explain without going on and on, Applejack comes off as smug, the whole conflict comes up because everyone is acting dumb, there's alot of weird character moments that don't sit right with me, and I want to punch Pinkie Pie in the face.
  • Ponyville Confidental is boring, cliched, and predictable. The way all the adults treat the CMC in the third act was downright cruel, no matter how you slice it, and I find it very hard to watch. And unlike the other episodes I mentioned, this one has no redeeming qualities.
  • I think I'm the only person who disliked Just For Sidekicks, but I just really can't understand why Spike At Your Service is hated while this one gets nothing but praise. Yes, it was weird how Spike was suddenly bad at housework, and the dragon code came out of nowhere (though I just assumed that all dragons have a personal code of honor, and Spike's adventures in Dragon Quest and The Crystal Empire inspired him to make his less about hoarding and more about being chivalrous), but the argument that it some how derails his character is baseless. It demonstartes his devotion to his friends and enthusiasm to help others (even if he doesn't realize he's in over his head). Somehow, that's unacceptable, but everyone is satisfied with his butt monkey status is JFS. I get that the episode's moral was about not shirking responsibility and helping others out of kindness, not out of personal gain, but watching Spike being upset that he didn't get invited to the Crystal Empire, getting dumped on by everyone in Ponyville, being portrayed as a careless jerk, and finally not being able to make his cake even after he learned his lesson was cringeworthy for me. He went from being a nuanced, actually sorta noble hero worthy of a stain glass window to a fail-tastic butt monkey in this episode, and it's Spike At Your Service that gets the bad wrap?

I had alot to get off my chest with that one. :angry:








(But seriously, why wasn't he invited to the Empire? Was saving all of Equestria from slavery, misery, and DEATH not enough to earn him an invite? There was no reason to bring that fact up; if he was just staying home like usual, that'd be fine, but no, a point is made about how disapointed he is just because "screw you, Spike!". Man, I hate dislike that episode.)

Edited by CITRUS KING46


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The problem with S.A.Y.S. for me is that it felt like a wasted premise. The central conflict would've been far more interesting if Spike were his usual helpful self conflicting with the headstrong, prideful Applejack. With the route they took, Applejack undoubtedly had the bigger beef and you just wished Spike would cut it out already.


And after watching Games Ponies Play, I can kind of understand why Spike wasn't invited. He would've been a third wheel. It seemed the Mane 6 had the welcoming routine planned out for awhile amongst themselves. I know RD said at the end "too bad Spike couldn't come, he would've had fun", but I don't see what real use he would've been this time. Despite the nobility of his actions, there really aren't that many transferable skills between saving an empire from the apocalypse and welcoming a games inspector. I'm sure when they do an episode about the actual games next year Spike will definitely be there.

Edited by n1029
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I don't hate it as much as when I first saw it, but Keep Calm and Flutter on still annoys me a great deal.  Maonly because I don't think that Discord's Heel Face turn was set up very well.  It came out of nowhere and was too abrupt, and frankly, I don't think Discord's character is best served as someone ona  leash, no matter how long that leash is.  Discord was an awesome villain in Return of Harmony, and now he's kind of watered down.


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Okay, this has nothing really to do with the new episode. Or maybe it does? I don't know. 

But I'm curious, what would be considered the worst episode and why? I don't mean a episode that's bad, just...not as terrific as the others. 

According to some fans, it's Mysterious Mare Do Well. But why? 

I'm curious. 

What fun is there in making sense? 

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Spike at your service, just really didn't do it for me

Something about spike acting so goddamn irresponsible for most of the episode was annoying, wish they could have challenged him without resorting to that

  • Brohoof 3

for !!SCIENCE!!



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I agree with Quiles, I didn't like that episode, I facepalmed with how irresponsible he was being, cause usually he is pretty responsible.


SIgnature by Reverie


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The season 3 finale, whatever it was called.  It was just so...  underwhelming...  ...  stupid...  boring...  complete waste of potential.  I dunno what else to say about it.  Some episodes are bad like the one with pinkie pie babysitting, but theres nothing worse than an episode with lots of potential failing in every regard

  • Brohoof 6
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Magical Mystery Cure.

And no, it's not  because Twilight was turned into an alicorn. 

As a stand-alone episode, it had way too many songs, and as a result felt rushed and half-baked and there was little to no plot development.  As a season finale, it needs to be two episodes.



It wasn't the series finale they are coming back for Season 4


Whoops, typo.


Edited by IronPuddinG
  • Brohoof 4


"Dumping someone is like throwing a kitten into a pool of lava." - Day[9]

'I see!' said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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I would say the season 3 finale was the worst in my opinion, but Spike at your Service was more disappointing for me as I was really looking forward to seeing Spike and Applejack interact.

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Too Many Pinkie Pies. Don't get me wrong, I love Pinkie, but this episode was just so annoying. Not to mention all the obvious plot holes and lazy writing, like when Spike just so happens to find a secret hidden door behind a bookshelf that just so happens to contain the book he's looking for. It feels like it was a good idea that got thrown out the window.

  • Brohoof 1


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I have to agree Season 3 Finale was the worst they rushed it and it should have been a 2 partrer so they could have more of a plot developement and the way they fixed the issue so fast was a downer and there were to many songs not they weren't bad.


Magical Mystery Cure.

And no, it's not  because Twilight was turned into an alicorn. 

As a stand-alone episode, it had way too many songs, and as a result felt rushed and half-baked and there was little to no plot development.  As a series finale, it needs to be two episodes. 


It wasn't the series finale they are coming back for Season 4



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