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You just got kissed by your favorite pony. What do you do?

Vocal Symphonie

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Sorry if I weird anyone out with what I'm about to post here, but I think my thought process would be something like Twinight125's here. I would realize that it's a pony that just kissed me on the lips, but I would also know that it wasn't an animal that did it. These ponies from MLP are clearly capable of being in a relationship the same way us humans have relationships with each other.


So, if best pony (Twilight) confessed her feelings for me, and she told me how much she liked me before kissing me, even though I'm a different species, I would try my best to keep my cool(And probably fail miserably. I mean, It's TWILIGHT I just got kissed by), and tell her that she's very brave for confessing her feelings for me, before returning the feelings back to her.


And it doesn't HAVE to be Twilight. I think it's possible for me to return feelings for any of the mane 6, and even many ponies outside of the mane 6. Almost all of them have really interesting and attractive characteristics, despite them being ponies.


And really, if you think about it, if you're going to turn down a really kind and loving person just because they look different, that's racist in my book. I know they are different species and all, but still, that's all it really is in my eyes; they just look different. You just need to remember that they are not animals, because animals don't have personalities.




*Blush* W-well... if something like that happens, then... it happens. That's where most relationships go after a while.


S-sorry, but... yeah. *Shrug* :blush:


And if she didn't want to do that stuff, EVER, then I would totally understand that, and I most certainly wouldn't leave her or cheat on her because of it(I mean, it's Twilight, why anyone would want to cheat on TWILIGHT for ANYTHING is anyponies guess). But if smexy time DID happen, then... yeah...


*Finally notices everyone in the thread giving me a look of horror and disgust*




*Someone in the background faints*


Heh-heh... uh...


*Slowly starts for the exit*


Why can I only brohoof this ONCE?! GIVE ME A HUG MAN


I'm so glad somepony actually sees it the same way I do!

  • Brohoof 5

"Time you wasted together; was not wasted..." John Lennon

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If Rainbow Dash were to kiss me, I would be a little weirded out at first, but after conversing with her, just to make sure the Looney bin isnt going to be my new home, I would probably be happy and kiss her back...What? Just cause I wouldn't be completely against kissing a highly intellectual pony who can probably hold a conversation longer than most of the girls where I live, that makes me weird? (Ok maybe a little)

  • Brohoof 1


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Why can I only brohoof this ONCE?! GIVE ME A HUG MAN


I'm so glad somepony actually sees it the same way I do!


*Pokes head back through the exit door* Aww, Thanks man. *Huggeh*


Btw, I'm pretty sure the reason people are like this is because when people think of ponies, they also think animals.


So they think: Relationship + animal = asdfghjklblah


I think it's understandable why people think like this, because we are used to ponies in the real world being animals and nothing more. But I think that it is indeed possible to have a relationship with another species, provided they are sapient. If they're not sapient, then it's not really a relationship if the other individual has no way of telling you that they love you.


Btw, remember those Mass Effect games? I hear that at some point in the game, you're given the option to have smexy time with an alien. But no one IRL even batted an eyelid at Shepard when he did. So... why is it when you give the 'aliens' an extra pair of legs (MLP ponies), it's suddenly all wrong? Somepony please tell me the logic in that.


If Rainbow Dash were to kiss me, I would be a little weirded out at first, but after conversing with her, just to make sure the Looney bin isnt going to be my new home, I would probably be happy and kiss her back...What? Just cause I wouldn't be completely against kissing a highly intellectual pony who can probably hold a conversation longer than most of the girls where I live, that makes me weird? (Ok maybe a little)


Of course returning feelings for different sapient species might seem very weird to most people, but just remember that at least you're not doing something bad like going around killing people... You know, something that actually hurts people. Returning feelings for a member of a species with similar intelligence I don't think counts as hurting anyone.

Edited by Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 3

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Sorry if I weird anyone out with what I'm about to post here, but I think my thought process would be something like Twinight125's here. I would realize that it's a pony that just kissed me on the lips, but I would also know that it wasn't an animal that did it. These ponies from MLP are clearly capable of being in a relationship the same way us humans have relationships with each other.


So, if best pony (Twilight) confessed her feelings for me, and she told me how much she liked me before kissing me, even though I'm a different species, I would try my best to keep my cool(And probably fail miserably. I mean, It's TWILIGHT I just got kissed by), and tell her that she's very brave for confessing her feelings for me, before returning the feelings back to her.


And it doesn't HAVE to be Twilight. I think it's possible for me to return feelings for any of the mane 6, and even many ponies outside of the mane 6. Almost all of them have really interesting and attractive characteristics, despite them being ponies.


And really, if you think about it, if you're going to turn down a really kind and loving person just because they look different, that's racist in my book. I know they are different species and all, but still, that's all it really is in my eyes; they just look different. You just need to remember that they are not animals, because animals don't have personalities.




*Blush* W-well... if something like that happens, then... it happens. That's where most relationships go after a while.


S-sorry, but... yeah. *Shrug* :blush:


And if she didn't want to do that stuff, EVER, then I would totally understand that, and I most certainly wouldn't leave her or cheat on her because of it(I mean, it's Twilight, why anyone would want to cheat on TWILIGHT for ANYTHING is anyponies guess). But if smexy time DID happen, then... yeah...


*Finally notices everyone in the thread giving me a look of horror and disgust*




*Someone in the background faints*


Heh-heh... uh...


*Slowly starts for the exit*


My feelings EXACTLY dude! Hey, no one raises an eyebrow at Aragorn/Arwen, or Loren/Elfangor, or Goliath/Elisa, or Captain Kirk/anyone(!), or Captain Jack Harkness/ . . . . . :blink: Do I really need to say it? Hell Rarity and Spike are a popular pairing as well as Discord and Celestia, try to figure out how well THAT would work! . . . . On second thought don't. Save some money on Brain Bleach. My point is I agree with them being a sentient species and not animals. Crowley's particularly good work Her Whole Dang Heart deeply explores and analyses this idea. I also agree with the "whole mane six and outside" as well. Fluttershy is pretty much my dream girl, with Rarity inches behind, but I could see myself with all of them. (Aside from Dash.) I also wouldn't mind taking Octavia out for dinner either, or rock with Vinyl. But of all ponies outside the Mane Six I would love to steal a kiss from me would be Littlepip of Fallout: Equestria!


Posted Image


Why? She's best pony, that's why! She's pretty, smart, heroic, and the biggest badass Equestria has ever known! B) . . . Too bad she isn't into guys and taken to boot. :(



Btw, remember those Mass Effect games? I hear that at some point in the game, you're given the option to have smexy time with an alien. But no one IRL even batted an eyelid at Shepard when he did. So... why is it when you give the 'aliens' an extra pair of legs (MLP ponies), it's suddenly all wrong? Somepony please tell me the logic in that.


Amongst my various examples, I was going to use Shepard's relationship with Tali (a Quarian) or Liara (an Asari). For girls, Shep can even have a relationship with Garrus. One of the tension points in the relationship is how that would . . . . well work!
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Amongst my various examples, I was going to use Shepard's relationship with Tali (a Quarian) or Liara (an Asari). For girls, Shep can even have a relationship with Garrus.


Whaaa~? *Looks up on Mass Effect wiki* ...Oh, actually, that only happens if you start the game off as a female Shepard.


I mean, I don't mean to be homophobic or anything. I'm just saying.


One of the tension points in the relationship is how that would . . . . well work!


Wiki says: "When Mordin notices Shepard's attraction to Garrus, Shepard can ask him for advice regarding the turian, to which Mordin will warn Shepard about chafing. He advises her not to consume turian tissue, as it is based on dextro-amino acids, and can cause an allergic reaction in Shepard's body. He then suggests that she return later for a painkiller and forwards information packets regarding turian physiology and positions comfortable for both species to Shepard's room."


I... See what you mean. But... hey! At least it's possible, thanks to !!SCIENCE!! So I'm not one to judge. :wacko:


But anyway, we're getting a little off topic here.


Now, what were we talking about agai- OH yes, we were talking about making out with cartoon ponies, I remember now! :o

Edited by Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I would be extremely confused and I would immidietly start to think how to tell Big Macingtosh I am not gay and that we should just stay friends...

  • Brohoof 1

I like to do requests. Please, if there is something you want to see me, an amateur, draw for you, just send me a PM with the details and I'll say yay or nay. Most likely yay.

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Sorry if I weird anyone out with what I'm about to post here, but I think my thought process would be something like Twinight125's here. I would realize that it's a pony that just kissed me on the lips, but I would also know that it wasn't an animal that did it. These ponies from MLP are clearly capable of being in a relationship the same way us humans have relationships with each other.


So, if best pony (Twilight) confessed her feelings for me, and she told me how much she liked me before kissing me, even though I'm a different species, I would try my best to keep my cool(And probably fail miserably. I mean, It's TWILIGHT I just got kissed by), and tell her that she's very brave for confessing her feelings for me, before returning the feelings back to her.


And it doesn't HAVE to be Twilight. I think it's possible for me to return feelings for any of the mane 6, and even many ponies outside of the mane 6. Almost all of them have really interesting and attractive characteristics, despite them being ponies.


And really, if you think about it, if you're going to turn down a really kind and loving person just because they look different, that's racist in my book. I know they are different species and all, but still, that's all it really is in my eyes; they just look different. You just need to remember that they are not animals, because animals don't have personalities.




*Blush* W-well... if something like that happens, then... it happens. That's where most relationships go after a while.


S-sorry, but... yeah. *Shrug* :blush:


And if she didn't want to do that stuff, EVER, then I would totally understand that, and I most certainly wouldn't leave her or cheat on her because of it(I mean, it's Twilight, why anyone would want to cheat on TWILIGHT for ANYTHING is anyponies guess). But if smexy time DID happen, then... yeah...


*Finally notices everyone in the thread giving me a look of horror and disgust*




*Someone in the background faints*


Heh-heh... uh...


*Slowly starts for the exit*


that was a really good summary of that, and to clarify things yes, you would be the same race, ponies, never intended for if you were human but i guess ill hvae to clarify. oh and i agree with the whole race thing you said. it was well thought out and was completely agreeable. (nice examples to) all my approvals!

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, if Octavia came up here and kissed me, i would panic, then i would say that she is extremely brave for confessing her feelings to me, a human who shouldn't have any feelings for her, a pony. Then, i would probably kiss her back, then, whatever the hell happens later.

I know how disgusting this will look for most of the guys here, but, if she wanted too, i would probably have secks with her. I really don't know why two creatures, even from different species, can't love each other and do things that couples from the same specie can do( like the secks.)

Actually, if any anthropozoomorphic creature did what Octavia did, i would have the exactly same reaction.

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Well, Apparently I am a girl, so I am choosing my favorite male character. If Spike randomly kissed out of nowhere, this is my reaction.




wait, Spike isn't a pony, oops lol. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


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Whaaa~? *Looks up on Mass Effect wiki* ...Oh, actually, that only happens if you start the game off as a female Shepard.


I mean, I don't mean to be homophobic or anything. I'm just saying.




Wiki says: "When Mordin notices Shepard's attraction to Garrus, Shepard can ask him for advice regarding the turian, to which Mordin will warn Shepard about chafing. He advises her not to consume turian tissue, as it is based on dextro-amino acids, and can cause an allergic reaction in Shepard's body. He then suggests that she return later for a painkiller and forwards information packets regarding turian physiology and positions comfortable for both species to Shepard's room."


I... See what you mean. But... hey! At least it's possible, thanks to !!SCIENCE!! So I'm not one to judge. :wacko:


But anyway, we're getting a little off topic here.


Now, what were we talking about agai- OH yes, we were talking about making out with cartoon ponies, I remember now! :o


Ah yes quite! So to bring us back on topic . . .



Tell me, she doesn't look enticing at all!

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Uhhhhh, I prefer people to horses, sorry guys.


*awkwardly walks off to the left reallllllly slowly*

  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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If Fluttershy kissed me :wub: (If I was my OC) I would very likely explode. Into a million tiny bits.Then I would aske her on a date to sugarcube corner and hopefully start a relationship... It makes me sad because... I know it'll never happen... :(

  • Brohoof 5

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I said rainbow dash at first, but I'm reposting because it changed.


I read Fallout: Equestria.


Now my favourite pony is Littlepip. Kind of irrelevant, because she likes females... xD.

(TBH I thought littlepip was a boy until chapter 19. -.-)


Suppose just act like the other 100 people that commented would. Be surprised, faint, whatevs. Oooh well..

  • Brohoof 1


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Gaze deeply into Rainbow Dash's deep rose eyes, and whisper something so insignificant it almost sounds poetic. I'd take her soft hoof, and together we dim the lights until we can only hear eachother's hearts; for I am hers, and she is mine; in this ugly, but somehow wonderful world.


I'd wake up.

  • Brohoof 3

But what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid.

҉ .Eternal ¸.•'´¯Chaos¯´'•.¸Comes¸.•'´¯With¯´'•.¸Chocolate¸.•'´¯Rain ҉


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If i was kissed by one of my fave ponies(girl ofc) it would be a little bit weird at first, but then i would realize it's awesome!!

i'd hug her and kiss her back (:


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

"Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie.

"Storm Chasing is a commitment. Not a choice". -Me "Never stop chasing!"- Reed Timmer

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Would wonder how Applejack got into my apartment, wonder and ask how she got the security code on my bedroom door right (I'm quite paranoid; my apartment bedroom has been robbed in the past), and then continue making out :3

Edited by La Li Lu Le Lo
  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(assuming the existence of mlp ponies is normal)


Me: Oh, hi Twilight! What brings you h....


*Swift kiss on the lips*


Me: ...


Twi: ...

Twilight says nothing, waiting for a response from me.


Me: I-I.... th-that.... w-w-w-wha................... wow...


Twi: *looks disappointed* I should have known you wouldn't like that! I'm sorry...


Me: No! Don't go! I loved it!


Twi: Really? But you looked shocked!


Me: It's because I never thought a beautiful pony like you would do something that sweet to me.


*continues kissing*


And they live happily ever after!



Oh, I'm sorry, sometimes I type in my sleep whenever I'm having a good dream. MLP needs to be real...


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Soooo, I got kissed by Applejack........I finally won at life :wub:. She may be a pony, but hey, being best best friends is awesome. Plus, if I can find that one girl IRL who's like Applejack, then I'll both have the legit Applejack to be one of mah friends and a human somewhat-AJ to be mah girlfriend :wub: x20

  • Brohoof 2



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Well, Dashie kissing me? here's how it works in my mind:


RD:*small peck on the lips*


Me:Huh...wha...screw it*tackles RD* "You call THAT a kiss?"


RD "Well I don't-"


Me: *lowers face slowley to RD and proceeds to a 45 second passionate kiss*


RD: "You're better at this than you look."



This is for both pony and human(call me horrible, disgusting ect.) So, yeah...

Edited by arsln100
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I'd probably be really embarrassed, run away and try to forget that it ever happened. I'm in a relationship, after all. And it's Shining Armor (cuz I couldn't see Fluttershy kissing anyone out of the blue like that, so had to go with the second favorite.) He's married, so that'd, like, completely shatter my image of him. I probably wouldn't like him anymore.

Edited by Clover Heart

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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