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What was the name of first forum you ever joined?


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Oh, good question! Nice revival! :fluttershy: I joined the official Nintendo forums! I didn't have my own computer nor Internet at the time, so I only posted a few questions and answers. It was so silly, I asked where I can find the heart pieces in Ocarina of Time, something you can easily look up, but how would I know? :ButtercupLaugh:

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The name of the first forum I ever joined was ... I guess i was just Metal.de (a german metal music forum). But I am not 100% sure. It also could be Metal Forum.de. The Forum did not excist anymore since years.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not sure if I have answered this already- but the first forum I joined was a website called “Animeboy”. Yeahhh- not the best nor the best memories there.. I was cringy  af and so are most people there too. But that’s where I first met a very special friend. So that made up for it.

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It would either be the now non-existant Dragon Arena (Spyro fan forum) or SpaceBattles.com. 

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  • 1 year later...

Gaia online forums! :kirin:
lol back in the day….

3 hours ago, Iforgotmybrain said:

Toontown Central forums. I think they’re still around but I’m not 100% sure. Toontown is one of those communities that just refuses to die, which makes me happy since that game was my whole childhood :squee:

I love toon town still I play it every now and then I play on steam deck though it’s hard to type

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7 minutes ago, Twitchy-Tremor said:

Gaia online forums! :kirin:
lol back in the day….

I love toon town still I play it every now and then I play on steam deck though it’s hard to type

If you ever see a green dog named Scruffy that's me! I wonder how much overlap there is between Toontown players and MLP fans :o

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I'm pretty sure it was a Spongebob forum from either Nick's official website, a Nick fan forum, or a Spongebob fan forum. I barely contributed to anything and spent most of my time lurking the posts from what I remember. This was way back in 2006.

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Tama Island, still. Or maybe it was Tama-Zone? I vaguely remember looking for Tamagotchi games and stumbled upon the latter, but I don't quite remember if that was before or after I joined Tama Island.

It's been 18 years...

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