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What's the deal with everyone leaving?

Gone Airbourne

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Lack of immaturity and fun things, not everyone has the same boring kid friendly sense of humor(even thought kids these days are way dirtier than some adults lol)


Mods CENSORING EVERYTHING and being 2 authoriative. Sorry if i wanted a 3 year old forum where i cant say anything "Bad"(aka fun) it isnt rly worth it.


Chat was the main source of some fun, since its deletion because mods wanted a boring "lets be mature cuz society taught us its good" i rarely come here and when i do its mostly cuz of boredom


Its hard to find balance between forums, its either 2 boring and lets be mature and make "pretend to care threads" or its the opposite and its full of insane rpers or sex obsessed ppl -_-, finding the right amount of crazy and freedom is hard sadly


What the...


I am childish, however I am not immature, only an immature person would be as immature as to offend others, by calling them Sex Obsessed, the intellectual level in the posts you've made above, do not only look like they've been typed by a 10 year old, but they have the same knowledge to back them up.



1. I dont need to feel better about myself by limiting my talk to "intellectual" and "mature" convos, i do what its fun darling, not wut others say is correct :P EVERYONE WOULD LEAVE? nah the cool funny people would actualyl stay, the boring ppl would leave who cant handle jokes or arguments yet they still want to remain on the internet :lol:


2. Exactly the issues, most humans arent able to not abuse their power, and by abuse i dont mean the obvious kind of corruption most ppl imagine, i am talking about slight details in character and changes in behavior


3. No they dont, they censor everything for the safety of other users, they do it because they think they are protecting the kids who already know about that stuff :lol: and of course to make theirselves feel good by being "mature"


4. Oh you can remain in your high and mighty and intellectually rich mountain tops, i prefer to have fun in the bottoms of hell with all the fun and cool people at places like chatrooms B)


No, I'll never plan on leaving this forums, and I doubt anybody whose contributions to the forums with legit and intellectual posts will plan to either. You may stay as the individual who is standing for his own opinions, but as you can tell no one will respect if you keep talking like that, discriminating users by calling them "Cool" and "Boring" people have to be mature at some point, there's threads here that need people to be mature, such as this thread.


The mods have rules, if they don't follow them the forums would corrupt, if they allow such things, knowing younger member are here, then they'd be in serious trouble. You think little kids now everything, the 8 year old girl didn't even know how to Copy and Paste things. Her parents and her over-reacted after somebody "kissed" her.


Any member here, can have a good time, and be "cool" as you put it or funny, but each of them are mature at some point.




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She was a minority. Most of my peers don't even know what a browser is. Or what the internet is for that matter.


I think people that go through the whole process of making a thread just to say they are leaving are just being drama queens looking for attention. The internet is flexible, you don't need to tell it your leaving, you just go. It's a website, not a country.


your profile tells me that you are 18 years old, how old are your peers? 11? why they don't even know what a browser is? besides, I wasn't talking about people leaving in that post. I was talking about how smart little kids are using the internet.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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your profile tells me that you are 18 years old, how old are your peers? 11? why they don't even know what a browser is? besides, I wasn't talking about people leaving in that post. I was talking about how smart little kids are using the internet.


No.... My peers are 18. You over estimate the intelligence of kids my age. Obviously not all of us are stupid, but from my experience, most of my peers are brain dead morons. In general kids know very little about the internet and computers because education in this field is often bare minimum. Yes there will always be the exception, but just remember that they are the minority.


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No.... My peers are 18. You over estimate the intelligence of kids my age. Obviously not all of us are stupid, but from my experience, most of my peers are brain dead morons. In general kids know very little about the internet and computers because education in this field is often bare minimum. Yes there will always be the exception, but just remember that they are the minority.


that's sad to hear (and somewhat secure), but from I come from, little kids these days gets smartphones like blackberry, android or iphone, not conventional cellphones, from their parents, they learn fast how to use them! they are even better than they parents using those phones! Their parents also buy them personal notebooks and they can do whatever they want with them, they learn how to install programs, how to play games, how to configure their OS, they know what a browser is, and the list goes on.


kids these days don't want toys, balls, and board games as gifts, they want electronic devices, they want videogame consoles, computers etc. Times are changing, and these forums aren't little kids proof by any means


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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For one, it could be the change. This place changed a lot since this summer. A lot of new members, more drama and overall a whole different feel to it. People can either accept this, or not.


Another could be real life things. After all, (at least for me) school is right around the corner. Maybe some members could only hang out here during the summer, and have absolutely no more time here during school. Even if it isn't that, other real life things could be in the way of things, even if they're completely out of their control. Take a look at 'Ol Sarge for example.


Well that's what I think at least. There may be other reasons, but those ones are the ones that come to mind, especially considering how trivial they are.

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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that's sad to hear (and somewhat secure), but from I come from, little kids these days gets smartphones like blackberry, android or iphone, not conventional cellphones, from their parents, they learn fast how to use them! they are even better than they parents using those phones! Their parents also buy them personal notebooks and they can do whatever they want with them, they learn how to install programs, how to play games, how to configure their OS, they know what a browser is, and the list goes on.


All of that is true. It may be true that they know more than their parents, but I would not say that they know the devices they use. Just because you drive a car, doesn't necessarily mean one knows cars. I'm sure you could think of several people that drive their car without knowing virtually anything about it. It's just like that but 10x worse with kids and technology. They do things that they are told to do without even knowing why or anything else like that. If the internet and technology was a pool, most of my peers and younger would be in the 3ft zone. Edited by Bohtty


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I propose a better question; Why is there a countless number of users on the site who are 0 post count blank flanks?


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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I know I haven't joined very long ago, but I've left (at least temporarily) because:

1. I always have a mountain of homework.

2. I have a pretty tight schedule and barely have time to do anything I enjoy unless I sacrifice extra hours of sleep.

3. Family and friend problems. I've always been a mess socially (or I'm just very unlucky with my relationships) and I'm not happy.

4. My blackberry broke and writing on this phone takes forever.

5. My parents hate electronics so I can't get on my computer often with or without a crapload of work.


So basically more work = less time = less ponies = waning interest in ponies = less time on forums.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Removal of chatroom.

2. 100 Character Limit

3. Despite the age minimum of 13 there are even MORE immature people than before.

4. Helicopter mods.

5. The quality of the community. (It has decreased alot ever since like, March.)

Prime example: You guys were all hostile towards a simple question.

  • Brohoof 1

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1. Removal of chatroom.

You're a few months late for that, to be honest... not to mention that of the folks that left after the chat was taken down, very few of them were active in any sense of the word on the actual forum - the vast majority of the people that left this site once the chat room was removed were the people that were here exclusively for the chat. It makes sense that they'd leave once their reason for being here was removed.

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Well I'm somewhat new to these forums, but I can tell you that not everyone on this site (not going to name names) exhibits admirable qualities that make bronies seem.. well.. normal. I believe that this may intimidate people and contribute to many of them leaving the site for good.

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Why do people leave? Well for me, this forum is (almost) no longer relevant to my interests, its as simple as that.


It's not x, y, or z, but rather a culmination of all of it, plus other factors like life.


There is a method to my madness.

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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I've been a bit inactive lately simply because I'm not as interested in MLP as I was when I joined.

The internet's also a pretty huge place, so staying on one website for a long time will eventually bore me.


I still love this place, and I want to remain active, so it's not like I'm leaving permanently due to the character limit or some other strange reason. :3

"My breakfast is plotting to kill me."

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It's because everyone on the forums lives in post-apocalyptic Andale, and are being cannibalized by Junior Smith's father.


(Just trying to lighten up the negative atmosphere here)

  • Brohoof 2
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This thread still exists? One user asked why people were leaving and now when reading it it feels like a lot here took it for "What I think about the forum and here is my life."


Damn is it annoying to read trough mountains of self pity and people trying to justify their existence on these forums by telling us how it went down the gutter.


I am happy to know you have homework! I also want to hear more about the awesome conversations you had on the chatroom. You can send them right to dev/null.

I love you! <3

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I am one of those ponies that are inactive.. I have been busy this month, so I try to be on as much as I can...


Its much more hard to watch My Little Pony cause I am only on episode 22 (S1) and cause I am a closet brony too, have to wait tell everyone leaves... My friends keep asking me Why haven't you watch MLP? Cause I am very busy...


I am not sure about other bronies though...

Edited by Zootycooner


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I feel like leaving because some of the people here don't realize why they make the fandom look bad and they show off their power level in public.

(also the 100 words minimum thing is getting on my nerves)



-Heavy Weapons Guy



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I just got here, so I wouldn't know haha

But I presume it has something to do with the chat feature and other similar things being changed/removed haha

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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Well im fairly new here..... But even I can see this topic just isnt worth dwelling on... people leave.. it happens.... Should probably just drop the topic and move on with other things.... :huh: Dwelling on something like this really wont help anything at all ;)


Made by C.Discord

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I propose a better question; Why is there a countless number of users on the site who are 0 post count blank flanks?


Honestly though a ton of Forums are like that.

I never understood the point of making an account and not even doing 1 post.


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It could also be because it has been so very long since we had a new episode. If this runs like most things, when the new episodes start coming out -- bronies will want to talk about them and will have new insights into the series. And this will be a port in the storm.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Why do people leave? Well for me, this forum is (almost) no longer relevant to my interests, its as simple as that.


It's not x, y, or z, but rather a culmination of all of it, plus other factors like life.


There is a method to my madness.






My thoughts are about the same as yours, when first joining the forums I went through a honeymooners stage. My thoughts consisted of "These forums are awesome! I will never leave" But now I see that these forums have just as much problems as the others, and the only thing keeping me here is the community, and even that is starting to turn. Top posters are starting to leave, like shankveld, and it leads me to question just what is going on in the management level.


Those are my opinions, but I do not plan to leave. I will probably never make a farewell thread as many others have, my posting just won't be as frequent. I have lots of IRL stuff to do, college starts for me on the 28th, and guild wars 2 starts for me on the 25th. So I will be posting considerably less then before. BUT. I. WILL. NEVER. LEAVE. >=D

  • Brohoof 1


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Shinobu is best girl. 

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1. Removal of chatroom.

2. 100 Character Limit

3. Despite the age minimum of 13 there are even MORE immature people than before.

4. Helicopter mods.

5. The quality of the community. (It has decreased alot ever since like, March.)

Prime example: You guys were all hostile towards a simple question.


1. I agree that the removal of the chatroom was a pretty big thing and many people left because of it... but that was a months ago. I doubt that all the people leaving recently were because of the lack of a chatroom.


2. The 100 character limit probably has pissed off a bunch of users, but I doubt that anyone left the forums solely because of that. It really ain't that bad to be honest.


3. I think this is one of the main reasons. It's not just on this site, but I feel like the brony community in general has gotten much younger over the past few months. I'm not gonna lie, it annoys me to see so many bronies who are 14 years old or younger...


4. I'm not sure what you mean by "helicopter" mods, but I've found that the mods have become way more strict as of lately. While it never really affected me personally, I do find it annoying to have so many mods around. It makes me feel much more restricted and like I cannot post whatever I want without the fear of it being censored.


5. Completely agree with this one too. I was part of the original members who joined on the very first day of the forums and let me tell you that the community was much more tight-knit than it is now. We all knew each other on a much more personal and intimate level than now. Now, I don't really feel so close to any member here. Of course, the site has gotten much bigger, so I guess it was kinda inevitable. Still, I kinda regret the days when we were only a hundred or so...



Anyway, as for me, I found that I'm being less and less active on the forums too. To be completely honest, my interest in My Little Pony has decreased... a lot. I haven't watched a single episode since the Royal Wedding aired, I don't care about fan art of fan fiction anymore and I don't follow sites like Equestria Daily or Ponychan anymore. Hell even on these forums, I'm almost always in the Everfree Forest section. I used to post almost exclusively in Show Discussion and Sugarcube corner, but now I haven't been in these sections in a long time. I'm starting to find some bronies loud and obnoxious and to be honest, I'm kinda tired of seeing MLP stuff everywhere when I go on other websites. I saw a guy wearing a brony shirt in the bus yesterday. I pretty much ignored him.


There's that and there's also the fact that I'm more busy now with college and everything. When I look at it that way, I realize that there's not much holding me here. I think that the only reason why I keep coming here is because of the community. But even then, I'm starting to care less and less about it... Anyway, I don't really plan on leaving, but don't be too surprised if you stop seeing me around at some point.

I will most definitely watch season 3 when it comes out though. Hopefully it can renew my interest in the show and the brony community.

  • Brohoof 2
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1. Removal of chatroom.

2. 100 Character Limit

3. Despite the age minimum of 13 there are even MORE immature people than before.

4. Helicopter mods.

5. The quality of the community. (It has decreased alot ever since like, March.)

Prime example: You guys were all hostile towards a simple question.


100 character limit is kind of a pain in the ass (It's actually 200 in the Life Advice, so it's even worse there).


I also noticed how we don't seem as close as we used to back when I joined in late March. I guess it's because this forum keeps growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and you get the point.


Also, with this Season 3 gap, it's getting kinda slow on these forums. Not much reason to stay until this new season airs. Remember, this site was founded not long after S2 started, so we're not used to this kinda gap. There's NO way in hell I'm leaving anytime soon, or even taking a break for that matter. Simply too addicting for me to leave



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