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Any Dreams?  

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  1. 1. None/Good/Nightmares?

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    • *Shiver* Had some nightmares..

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I recently had a dream i was on a deserted island and there was a talking fish in the water telling me to make a small hut out of tree bark then he told me to get food so I ate the fish.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't think any sort of nightmare can compare to being chased by mobs and... having to kill your own sister to get a clear shot before it's too late. It's a dream I posted somewhere in the previous pages, and that part was put in a spoiler.

hired goons sent by my mother after I discovered she was secretly the head of an organized crime syndicate.

My mom ain't like that. She went after me herself. XD Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Ooh I had this dream once where I was cleaning up the basement with my brother, but the electricity went out and when we were done he ran up the stairs ahead of me. When I was coming up behind him, something started sucking me back down the stairs and it was the scariest thing ever. ohmy.png


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I had a lot of fascinating dreams when I was a young child. I had numerous dreams about ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, as well as at least one dream about the end of the world. I think I had a second dream about the end of the world when I was around 13. 


Nowadays, I don't remember most of my dreams as clearly. I should really start keeping a dream journal again. When I tried it a year or two ago, I started remembering my dreams every night, and in more detail than I usually did. 


I went through a phase a month or two ago where I literally had nightmares every night for a week or more. It was not a pleasant experience, the dreams were truly disturbing and some were even violent in nature. I'm still not sure what caused those dreams. Thankfully, I've been free of the nightmares for the most part, aside from one I had a few nights ago that terrified me far more than dreams usually do.



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I had a very short dream last night, but it requires a little bit of backstory. A couple of months ago I found out my mom had apparently taught my little cousins how to play a drinking game called Pyramid (the people at my school also call it Drunk Driver) but took out the drinking so it was just a card game.


So last night I dreamt that my mom was teaching my cousins to play another drinking game. This time it was Edward Fortyhands. Only instead of alcohol, my cousin had 40 oz. bottles of like Kool-aid or juice ductaped to her hands. And that was the entire dream.


Sorry if that was kind of lame, I personally woke up and just could not stop laughing.

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I had a horrible nightmare before I awoke this morning... that was so vivid that it caused my service dog to leap up into the bed and pin me down till I stopped shaking >.< ive never EVER had one like that and I hope I NEVER dream like that again!!! Esp since it involved him getting hurt badly to boot.

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Oh yeah, in my other post, I forgot to mention another dream I had that same night. I must've been influenced by the Morenatsu art I looked at before bed.


I was like the friend of someone chubby who knew Barack Obama, who greeted my friend first. I was behind the chubby guy and, while they shook hands, his belly completely masking his lower body from Obama, I reached around my friend and... took his candy for a short moment.

Then he stepped aside and Obama shook my hand too.


I will never tell what I meant by candy


I had a horrible nightmare before I awoke this morning... that was so vivid that it caused my service dog to leap up into the bed and pin me down till I stopped shaking >.< ive never EVER had one like that and I hope I NEVER dream like that again!!! Esp since it involved him getting hurt badly to boot.

eeek, I hope you never have THAT again.

But um, it's an advantage to have such an attentive dog. It really hurts to see him harmed, but the real guy would be the #1 best thing in the world (short of a Little Pony) to wake up to.

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I trained to lucid dream actually smile.png, It's amazing, you have control over your dreams and do whatever you want to do biggrin.png (Mostly MLP stuff, sometimes it gets unwillingly sexual lol), but usually it's hard to stay in 'dream mode' when you lucid dream, because I tend to get scared that I get out of the dream somehow.

Also, no matter how many horror stories I read/movies I watch, I never EVER get a nightmare, ever. My last nightmare was when I was 6 or 7. I can't even imagine how a nightmare is anymore tongue.png Pretty weird when people explain their night-terrors.

Edited by TamesB
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Yeah, again, if you wanna stay in the dream, use the exact same relaxation/channeling techniques as in reality.

I just did that this morning, after I had a false awakening.


I "woke up" in my bed, in a room I recognized as mine even though it resembled no room I ever recall sleeping in. I could hear my sister playing loud music in hers, as usual when she does in the morning, except neither pushing my earplugs further in nor covering my head with my pillow did any change. So I began groaning loudly and repeating "turn it down", which usually is the cue to my mom to go say the same to my sister, but there was no change this time.

And then I realized I could do things, like make my blankets and self levitate.


In the next scene, I had memories of us going to the doctor and getting advice from him. My parents shut all the blinds of the house, the one I spent my childhood in (in Istanbul), so I wouldn't accidentally float away; and they began to get a bit paranoid.

I managed to reassure them, make them think I would stay home while they went outside - for dinner? I forgot.

And right after they left, I partially opened one of the blinds (not completely so they couldn't see it open from below) and floated outside.


As I watched the landscape below me, I noticed it was a dream, and decided to take advantage of it. Strangely enough though, everything followed real-world physics and logic - aside from me being weightless, invisible, and intangible unless I wanted to touch something/someone.

But yeah, shit got real fun from there.

I could go annoy people, touch them (appropriately or not) while they were in groups so they'd argue... I even modified the path of a cruising missile, made it whiz past a passenger plane for some suspense.

I also recall something about a fly, or other insect buzzing around. Might've been related to the fly in my latest drawing (DA gallery winkwinkhinthint).

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I had a dream a few days ago, in which I told my geometry teacher if he was a brony. He said yeah and started discussing ponies in front of the whole classblink.png .

  • Brohoof 1

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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I had a dream where I was crawling under a house,, and weird red worms lined the ground. They kept attaching and digging into my skin, and the pain was almost unbearable.


When I woke up I realized that I accidently dumped a container of thumb-tacks on my bed while I was sleeping. Needless to say several were in my skin all the way and hurt like hell. Took an hour to pull them all out.... OUCH!!!

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so about 3 weeks ago I had a dream and as soon as I woke up I wrote this down.

Walked into store at malll
saw standing bass
The 2 people there told the others to leave
but didn't ask me to leave
I played the standing bass
The girl called out for her mother
The man said something about being awakened
The girl said something about me playing it in a british style
I kept playing to see what happened
The girl started giving me lessons with the bow
The man oversaw the lessons and he was terrifying
I touched certain things with the bow and things would happen
I touched small things with color on them and I could paint with the bow
Another woman appeared and said it was time for me and the girl to leave
The man was tall. He sort of resembled frankenstien's monster
The woman was average sized had black straight hair and pale skin.
I feel like this is really important. Very Important.


Can you tell I was half asleep when I wrote this?

Like music? Of course you do! Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/user/concertoldham


Rarity is best pony because she is refined, poised, strong and genuine all wrapped up in a beautiful package.




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The problem with describing your dreams to other people is that the way you describe your dreams only make sense to you. However you can describe a general theme of your dreams, like what you were doing, things you saw, etc, but other than that it's hard to paint a picture because the information about our dreams is so highly compressed within our brains and usually we forgot them completely within the first 10 minutes unless we write them down. I think if I started writing them down I might be able to better describe them.


It's so hard to remember my dreams now that I've been put on the spot. I've dreamed about ponies at least once, most of my dreams defy any sort of logical description.

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I just made a status and a blog about a certain noise my fan makes, and now I'll describe the dream that it caused. I've also been reading Star Trek books lately, both in English and in French, so that explains the context.


I was a Starfleet officer (crewman or member of a team of sorts), hearing a strange tune and witnessing the hands of a clock (not a digital chronometer, as it'd normally be in the Trek universe) get bent in space or something. The hand that ticks the seconds, that was once thin as a needle, became a large elliptical dot in the upper area (still on the clock, but like a fixed "independent" spot).

Some time later, the other Starfleet officers (including our captain) had gathered around the conference room table. I was making a presentation of that clock's recording on a computer screen, with a digital timestamp showing 2-something-AM (around 2:45 if I remember right).

On a second screen next to the first, there was supposedly a live feed of a machine component; the device being behind me and the affected component (a needle-like structure magnified hundreds of times) vibrating and fusing with another component on the screen. When it did that, the feed was replaced with static and the machine in question blew sparks as its side exploded (no one was harmed, not even a red shirt, sorry guys).


That's when I woke up, realized the noise was still there, and traced its origin to the tiny fan whose vibrations resonated within the cardboard box it stood on.

Weirdest part is, I checked the clock, and it was 3:30... nearly an hour after the recorded "clock incident", and possibly around the time I'd be making the presentation if the dream were real.

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I had the weirdest dream last night that my dad and I were going camping, but we were using early 20th century camping gear, for nostalgia. We were using a tiny boat towed by a Model-T (did they even have trailering back then?). Anyway, the boat sank. Then Hank Hill was there, and he was running from Peggy after stealing the Alicorn Amulet from her.


Then I woke up.


Am I going insane?

  • Brohoof 3


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I had a strange dream last night. Characters from unfinished novels I've been writing have started to try and kill me. I'm stuck on trying to work out what it all means...

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
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Riding on the back of a husky- or malamute-patterned horse.

Could've been Viscra's ponysona, if it were skunk-patterned, black-white coat with purple hair. This one, rather had bluish-grey markings over white background.


To be more precise, that part happened after I became aware I was in a dream and finished what I was doing (which I forgot).


I noticed I was in the apartment of my childhood in Istanbul, where a lot of my "home" lucid dreams take place. I leaned out the living room window, looking down at various horses below.

The ground and other buildings seemed identical to reality, but the horses looked like they were just one floor below. They stood on a kind of ledge or platform around the building, and could somehow step up and down it (as if stepping from the road onto a sidewalk). There were horses of all sizes and colors, even a large (still within the norm) brown one right beneath the window wearing a saddle and reins.

I got out into the building corridor and stepped onto the platform.

There, a gray-and-white horse with long ears (or a really huge donkey) greeted me enthusiastically, covering my face with slobber with a few tongue strokes. I got on its bare back, holding onto the short mane. It got real impatient, staying where it was but trembling with anticipation.

Then I began riding it around the streets. Whenever we stopped, I'd lean forward to stroke it, and it'd lean back at me to lick my face again.

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I had a dream the other night... me and most of the mane 6 were going on some adventure somewhere....and we all decided to walk across this rickety old wood bridge to cross a deep chasm/ravine...but thenas we near the middle of it, the ropes break on the end we're walking towards,..we start falling and out of nowhere Rainbow Dash comes and saves us all....she wasn't originally with us...we then continued our journey, and we ended up at a Tim Hortons somehow....I"mlike ok, I"llg et a coffee a cinnamon roll...cinnamon rolls are gone, then I said I'll have a sprinkle donut, sure the pony said.I got my donut and coffee and then waited for the rest to make their orders...they did so....we then went to this store that was closing, the place was fairly run down looking and so we went inside to see what's up, nopony was around se we looted what was left in the place....I then woke up afterwards.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Well I've just started keeping a dream journal and doing reality checks in am attempt to start having lucid dreams. So far I've noticed that whenever I go through a certain place or meet a certain person, it's always the same place or person, even if something completely different is happening. My dreams usually have a lot of scyfi action going on, and when I remember them (better yet when I'm lucid) it's always lots of fun. There's also a few pretty weird ones too. (I have 5 birds, which one is which?!)

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and my soundcloud too! https://soundcloud.com/sonic_force

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Just had a very strange and very sad one. Now for the life of me I can't remember the exact details, but here's the basic setup:


There was this football player (can't name him) who was on the sidelines when he saw some kind of FB post or tweet from his hero, Steve Young, proclaiming football to be dead to him for whatever reason. This really disheartened the nameless player, who almost refused to get back in the game until Young made a follow-up post saying to disregard what he had just posted, he was just being foolish, etc. The player then got back in the game and did his thing with newfound inspiration.


Now what I think happened was, Young got all weird, started camping out in this woodsy area and eventually committed suicide, after which the unnamed football player found his body. He was so grief stricken that all he could do was inhabit Young's miserable little encampment and watch over the corpse.


Cut to me hearing about all this in some article online, and growing pretty depressed about it. I went to what I thought was Wikipedia to look up some info on Young, since they usually have some limited info on the deaths of the recently deceased. But when the page loaded, it was this weird amalgam of Wikipedia and Netflix. Previews for this reality show, which I think was called Floor Men or something to that effect, started to play - it had to do with these burly biker-esque dudes who owned a long stretch of property and went around shaking down trespassers and pawning off their valuables. The preview I was watching was pretty strange because it was from the POV of a single camera the whole time, and whenever the dudes weren't near that camera, it was difficult to decipher what they were saying.


For some reason or another I got interested and tuned into the show on cable, where it was now switching between cameras so that I could better see/hear what they were going on about. It seemed they'd gotten word that there was a guy camping out in one of the wooded areas they owned, and so they were talking about how to go down there and deal with the guy. I immediately knew where this was going, suffice it to say. Before they dealt with that, they went to what looked like my eldest sister's old bedroom in the apartment we lived in years ago. I'm thinking this was the pawn shop that these guys go to for selling off whatever they take from trespassers, but it still looked very much like my sister's old room did, with the glow-in-the-dark stars and planet stickers on the ceiling and everything. (NSFW tidbit: Also on the ceiling was a sticker of a gigantic, misshapen but very erect...um, male member. Not sure why I felt the need to tell you about that part, but it was a real WTF moment in the dream, so I thought I'd let you all bask in the WTF-ness of it as well. You're welcome.) I remember one of the crew had in possession some kind of odd trinket that looked like a pair of chicks with golden eggshells on their heads...or something. I believe he was planning on pawning behind the other guys' backs to take the pay (rang up to $15,000) for himself, but I think the others arrived and spoiled that plan.


Back on track, the show started to go over what the article I'd read earlier had covered, and immediately I knew that they weren't going to treat the issue with due gravity. It featured a reenactment of what they supposed Young's death went like, showing an actor in a hastily made camp acting like a crazy person. They then proceeded to give a bit of backstory about him, which I was sure was completely fabricated, and then proceeded to talk about the prevalence of mongooses in the area. It then showed what was claimed to be a mongoose (was way bigger than any mongoose I've ever seen) entering the tent and attacking the actor portraying Young. All the while, the documentary-style voice was giving BS info on how mongooses can swallow a man whole, much like an anaconda, eventually showing the mongoose as it started to swallow the actor from his feet and working its way up. I then turned off the TV in disgust.


That's about all I can recall. Yeah...not very pleasant, all things considered. I'm not even a very big football fan, yet this is the most depressed a dream has made me in quite a while. It's starting to dissipate now that Internet vids are beginning to lighten my mood, but man.

Edited by Lowline
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Had a dream where I was a fox, using my whiskers as a kind of sonar to literally map out the area. I used the map to go near somerhing like a hampster or gerbil or ferret.

That's when my POV switched to the 3rd person, looking at the rodent from up close, the fox hidden behind it. From there, I saw the fox leap high up into the air, looking real cool coming into view so suddenly, and almost land on top of the prey.

No idea what would've happened afterwards if I'd slept longer, but knowing how my dreams get, I bet the rodent would have defended itself and there would've been a battle of sorts.


In another dream, I was in a low building, the front and back-left parts were two parts of an open-air restaurant. The right door (after entering) lead to a spiral staircase, with a trapdoor on top that opened into a top-secret control room of sorts.

After I took a few friends I trusted up there, I got an intruder alert, so I ran back down to fight them off (don't recall that sequence being in my dream though). When I reached bottom floor, the restaurant's customers were gathered and upset for some reason, so I grabbed a microphone (which was actually a metal grill I somehow managed to roll in my bare hands) and said something that scattered them up.

In that ground floor was also a friend of mine, who felt guilty for bringing the bad guys there without intending to.

Then, while I was alone, Hetty from the NCIS:LA series brought me a file with a frequency range (around 1000 Hz I think) mentioned on it, and I immediately knew what it was. There was a kind of EM/psi wave baddies had used to mess with my friend's head, and for some reason, looking at the frequencies, I understood it was his memory and judgment.

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I had a dream last night,


I was in the local conservation area/forest. and there was this machine with a slot for a quarter in it. So I put a quarter in it to see what happens. two white gloved  mechanical hands (Think Disney style) come out and deal Yu-GiOh cards,and the hands want me to duel....for whatever reason I had my deck in a holster on my belt. Though I realised the machine had no eyes or visual aid sensors of any kind, so I looked through the machines deck, and it had all holo-foil cards in it.......I then proceeded to take all the machines cards and carry on my merry way....not bad for a quarter. Lol.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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My dreams a lot of times invole objects coming to life blink.png

About a year ago, I had a dream about this banana. It had legs, and for some reason I wasen't surprised by it at all....

At first it was friendly, and even walked me to school.

But when we got to school, it turned red and started trying to kill people.

Unfortunately, I woke up right before it killed my teacher...

I hate banana's now!!!

  • Brohoof 1
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I had a recent dream where I dreamt I was Rainbow Dash. I remember because I had pegasus wings and it was difficult lying around. It was odd though considering Rainbow Dash is like my least favorite mane 6 pony.

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My dreams a lot of times invole objects coming to life img-1571843-1-blink.png

I recall a dream I had while in Istanbul last summer, where porcelain plates hanging on the wall shook (the wall being still), and an eye sitting in an egg-holding-socket thing (whatever it's called) looked around frantically.

Nothing evil like your banana though. Just... mildly weird.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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