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gaming Your most epic moment in gaming?

Speedy Transition

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- Getting the Master Sword for the first time in A Link to the Past

- Beating the Elite Four for the first time (And every time, really)

- My first kill playing Halo

- More that I can't think of



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Mine are all in battlefield 3, but I thought they were pretty epic.

1. Had a m60 and two squads spawned in a door way and got a 10 kill streak in 5 seconds.

2. I walked behind the enemy(like no one thinks of that?) and planted a bunch of C4 and got 9 kills.

3. Sniped a heli pilot 800 meters away, while in air.

4. Shot a jet out of the sky with a tank. (Over 900 Meters)

5.Went on a 45 man killing streak in a little bird.

Edited by Retro_Derpy


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I was once playing Guitar Hero and got into the song so much I kinda went into a trance and got like a 170 not streak on a song without thinking about it. When I realized what happened I turned to my friend and he was just like "How the hell did you just do that?"



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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It's not that amazing, but it's one of the only ones I can think of right now.


About three years ago, I played COD4 HEAVILY on PC. eww PC Yeah, whatever.


Anyways, the best game I ever had of COD4 was when I was listening to Renard and for about three or four hours I absolutely wiped the floor on multiplayer. 25-1KD the whole way.


It was beautiful :')


Also, other amazing moment.


Finishing MW2 and immediately realizing how full of holes the swiss cheese they call "plot" was.

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I have a lot of these moments, but off the top of my head:

-punching Deathclaws in Fallout: New Vegas

-using the RYNO 5 anytime in Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

-48 kills and 2 deaths on Hanoi in CoD: Black Ops only using the knife and tomahawk

-using the "wuv woo" cheat code in Age of Mythology anytime

  • Brohoof 1
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The time something glitched when I was playing super smash bros. brawl, and I shot a charged beam as Samus through a wall and nailed my friend, killing him. Not sure how that happened, but it was pretty hilarious.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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This is going to be a bit of a long story I think. IN the middle of pokemon white 2 I was exploring a new area using surf. I had taught it to my vaporeon before trading it over from pokemon white. My pokemon were severely underleveled but i accidentally got myself into a battle with some idividuals who were using pokemon that 15 levels above mine. my first thought was 'oh crap how am i going to get myself out of this mess" the first pokemon out was gliscor his moves included both toxic, protect, acrobatics, and earthquake. I managed to set up a toxic protect combo and then break out acrobatics and earthquake in between toxic sapping away health and protecting myself from scraggy wiping out my team with high jump kick. I managed to work my way through the three back to back battles with a level 13 gliscor. oh man, oh man lol.


Pixel Art made by the talented Bruno! 


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Killimanjaro is Halo 4 with a Gauss Hog. The amount of yes I was excreting was over 10000. It was crazy. I even have that moment recorded.


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My most epic moment? Getting one of my kill moves featured in Dishonored's 'Killer Move's' video. I never thought that it would actually get picked.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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  • Super Mario 3 marathon with my friends all lvls cleared no warps 6 hours straight.
  • First time I beat a game 7 years old... Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers for the NES
  • Final Fantasy Tactics ending, shock the very fabric of my existance
  • Beating Omega Weapon FFVIII with skills no luck
  • Shadow of the Colossus + Okami = GDLK
  • Being able to comentate on Level Up series The Runback stream




Interview with Bruce Straley, director of Uncharted 2 and The Last of US

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Interview with Keichiro Toyama, creator of Silent Hill and Gravity Rush

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  • Brohoof 1
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This, is the most glorious moment in gaming.




Fucking casuals man, take your cawadoody somewhere else because it doesn't belong here with the likes of us. CAWADOODY BABBY

  • Brohoof 1


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Killing General RAAM on Insane by myself was absolutely mind-blowing when I finally did it!!! I'm also quite proud of beating all of the Halo games so far on Legendary (except for Halo 4, which I haven't gotten to yet, and Halo 2, but :ph34r: ... that bucking game's gameplay needs to be fixed if they release an anniversary edition in the next few years, because I'm a good gamer, but even I can't get through the first level on Legendary! Too many bucking enemies with way too much health and shields, and not enough bucking ammo to even kill them all!!! It was a nightmare the last time I tried it, although admittedly, that was quite a few years ago, so maybe I should try it again sometime soon). Oh, beating Gears of War 3 at about 2:30 in the morning after about an hour and a half of getting killed again and again and again and again by Myrrah was absolutely amazing!!! And, even though I haven't played through the latter on hard yet, beating Arkham Asylum and Arkham City was really freakin' epic!!! Gosh I gotta replay Batman: AC sometime soon, that game is awesome, and I haven't played it nearly enough as I should have!


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I'm not quite sure... So I'll just name a few that come to mind.


In Halo: Reach, I was doing The Package on Legendary, and mind you I had been dying a lot the entire playthrough, I made it through most of the holdout part without dying once.


In Fuel, I won a race with the same amount of time as second place.


In Forza Motorsport 3, I had made a few mistakes that I didn't feel like rewinding to fix. So on the final stretch on the last lap, I'm in second place, with first in sight. I decide to go for it, and try to win it. I won. It was so close, that I went into the replay to see just how close. It turns out, he beat me by about a half-foot.


And today in Tales of Symphonia, I was doing an incredibly hard boss battle. With 10000 HP to go, I ran out of Life Bottles. It was just Lloyd (me) and Zelos for the entire last section. I just had him spam me with Lemon Gels constantly. I felt so good after I won, though.

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While this isn't really that epic it was funny.


Earlier I was playing Assassins Creed 3 and I was in Boston just after Conner gets the full assassin uniform. I go to the Templar Fort and kill all the Redcoats inside. Then when you lower the Union Jack from the Flag Pole you raise the Stars and Stripes despite it being 2 years before that flag was even made. Following this, the area of Boston you're in as well as the fort fills up with Continental Army soldiers. Of course I have a high notoriety at the time and all the soldiers in the fort attack me. I kill a bunch of them and run out into the city where I stumble on numerous Redcoats outside the walls (With some officers and grenadiers) and decide to run back into the fort with them following me. Then follows a big melee inside the fort between me, the British and Continentals. The British win the fight thanks to the 4 Grenadiers that they had, but then I finish them off leaving the fort empty (Temporarily). So basically I started the first skirmish of the Revolutionary War even before the Boston Tea party :lol:

  • Brohoof 1

Art // Ion

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Well, I play a lot of LoL. (League of Legends.)

Well two of my teammates quit and we began to lose bad. But I managed to get a pentakill. (Kill 5 enemies quickly a rare thing in LoL.)

Click the picture in my signature for the video. :D

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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For me, it would be me and a team of bronies winning a game of Domination on Black Ops 1 without killing anybody. I do have to admit, one of our team member accidentally killed 12 people, everyone else killed nobody. I have it on my file share, look up Sir Trollestia on Xbox Live if you want to see for yourself.


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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My most EPIC moment in gaming? The entire final level of De Blob 2.


Man, the first time I went through this, I was in AWE! They took a style much like in Super Mario Galaxy, and did it WELL for one big fantastic level!


First, the intro cinematic was cool, I was not expecting Comrade Black to just have a secondary plan this time, and, It was funny as heck.


Then, when i got into the level itself, and started jumping planets, i was like "Okay, I really hope the controls are, woa, the controls, they, they work!"


Past then, the level got more intense as it went on, jumping little asteroids and coloring micro-planets. the music was getting really good at this point too [if you did not know, the music in De Blob 2 is affected by how well you do].


Then, I got past the second micro-planet, and Comrade Black has them raydians ready to go boom. I was upset at first, "awe, not another one of these cliche's", UNTIL, I found out, YOU have to chose whether or not to save them.

This surprised me, but, with my morals, i chose to save these fellows and then move on.

(I actually went back through once, and passed them thinking the level would just move on, but you literally have to WATCH them all explode in terror, and it was just, WHAT?!)


So, after an awesome level, you go fight Comrade black, and it is awesome, but I won't go and explain the details.


Then, the ending cinematic was awesome, just, it was very pleasing to watch.

Not to mention the end credits find a way to make themselves entertaining.



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Not sure if mine really count as 'epic', but here goes:


Beating the Elite 4 for the first time on Pokemon Silver, which was my first pokemon game


Got through Ustengrav by sneaking through and using the bow


And also completing the level 'V-Rex' in Peter Jackson's King Kong: Official Game of the Movie. Prior to this, that thing scared the muffins outta me

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I've pulled off several miraculous boss fights in Final Fantasy IX. Remember the Antlion that attacks when you arrive at the Cleyra Settlement? Well, the first time I fought him he was destroying my party. I had Freya repeat the Jump attack over and over just to keep her out of the monster's reach for a turn. While she was still in the air, the Antlion killed the rest of my party and I thought it was over. Then Freya came down from the sky and finished him with her last attack. So badass. :wub:  I love Freya.

I beat my friend Ralph a few times in Soul Calibur II, using Talim. That was a big moment for me, because he's a total pro at that game. It was like beating Serena Williams at tennis.


In Radiata Stories, beating the Ethereal Queen with Jack and some nonhuman allies was pretty damn epic...and they weren't even the most powerful nonhumans, they were my personal favorites. (Fan, Marsha and J.J.)

Edited by TailsAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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My most epic moment would probably finally defeating Majora's Wrath from Zelda: Majora's Mask. I was all out of arrows, and I couldn't use any of my masks because I gave 'em all to those moon children. The only difference between victory and the end of the world was one well-aimed sword slice...


...Saving all of Termina never felt so good.

"Dreams are like memories, and memories are as dreams."

-a quote by me


"Love is like an elusive beast, clever, only showing itself to those it deems worthy. Otherwise, it is just an illusion."

-another quote by me

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All gotta say is Skyrim, ha most of the epic things that have happened to me was on that game, from dragons flying backwards, goats break dancing on the ground after they were dead, Farkas Walking on his head all over the map, Lydia Goin through the back door in the shop when i go through the front door, Walking out of a cave and watching a frost dragon falling to the ground then another dragon an elder dragon swooping down to attack, you know the basics and so much more has happened, You know that Meme Do you even Lift well a friend of my was playing Skyrim and fighting a dragon, and he tells it Do you even Lift, then after killing it he searches it and the dragon had Hide boots of Heavy Lifting, that was so funny we died laughing, its the little things like that make skyrim a classic ha,

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I was playing Need For Speed Carbon and was doing one of the challenges. In this challege, I was driving a Dodge Viper SRT10. I had to take out a police rhino and then evade the pursuit. Taking out the rhino wasn't that bad, but they always aimed for head-on collisions. So I took one down that was struck trying to back out of a wall.


Anyway, now to the epic stuff, I was coming around a corner when I spot a blockade. I have a full bottle of nitrous. I floor it, squeeze the nitrous and slam into the center car. I am still holding down the nitrous button, which causes my viper to pop a wheelie, launch into the air and do a full 360 barrel roll. And the best thing is, I land on all fours and evade the pursuit. 

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In Radiata Stories, beating the Ethereal Queen with Jack and some nonhuman allies was pretty damn epic...and they weren't even the most powerful nonhumans, they were my personal favorites. (Fan, Marsha and J.J.)

Oh my lord, someone else played Radiata Stories! And I totally know that feel! Although I used Valkyrie regardless. I felt it was difficult enough even with her. But beating the Etheral Queen was hard as hell ain't that right. :mellow:

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