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Was anyone bullied/harassed for being a brony?


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To alex pony, when I read your post, I couldn't help but feel sympathy towards you, my friend, I want you to know something: If you feel proud for being a brony than so be it, if you feel that by wearing a shirt you feel great, no problem, but as soon as people tell you something like the said statement, you can't help but feel ashamed, let me say that the only reason people say such things about us is because of wrong judgment, they judge this fanbase by the 10% freaks and ponyfags that infest it and do their best to force their love of the show upon others, that's the stereotype for bronies, a bunch of sick clopping pony screwing individuals that are on par with the likes of narutards and the rest of the freak societies of the internet, although I wasn't harrased at school, I really do feel that the stereotype will follow, since people at times don't like to see things in a positive light but rather focus on the generic characterizations of a group, I really hope you feel better now, and I hope only for the best for us all, have a nice day.

  • Brohoof 1
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I get teased a bit by some friends, but like it's something I can laugh at? At my age no one really cares. I might sound a little sexist here but it's a little more tolerable since I'm a girl that I like MLP? If you know me, you know I love cutesy things so they're just 'oh it's another cute pink thing she likes, blah blah' so nobody has any reason to bully me. It sucks how some fellow Bronies get bullied though.


I like dollies.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im bullied all the time. Its horrible...being a Freshman in a place were hilbillies crawl on every corner, (Sorry for the grammar its 5:00 in the morning) Im pubbled all the time. It costed me my best friend, and rumors went through the school that I was a homosexual. But there are people who are okay with it, like my other friends. They had rumors that me and my brother were in a affair because we like My Little Pony. That is how incredibly brutal school is. But im never turning down the fact that im a brony. Being a brony changed my life. I don't care if you gay, lesbian, black, white, red, fat, or skinny. Your a person. Could anyPONY give me some help?

  • Brohoof 3

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I haven't been made fun of but anything could happen. I think I'm too intimidating to be made fun of. My friends all like the idea of me being a Brony. Anyone who disagrees either gets a lecture of how awesome the show is or they get to deal with a angry Soviet man.


If anything, this show changed me for the better. I don't get as angry as I used to all the time. I don't get as sad and I feel just happier in general all the time!

Edited by Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer
  • Brohoof 1



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Nope, never been teased for it. Not many people know I'm a brony, mostly because I don't shout it out to the world. Thoose who do are fine with it, or just don't care. If anything I've been harassed more for being atheist (I say I'm atheist and people assume I'm criticizing their religion or something...really I just don't get it.) than I have for being brony. Also if people do have a problem with it, then it's not my problem, it's theirs. And if they try to make it my problem they are going to have another problem. (most likely a restraining order)

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Luckily, I'm outside the age of where I'd get bullied for something as trivial as liking a television program. So, no, it's never happened to me.


I do sympathize greatly with you though, OP. That's really shame, no one should have to endure said humiliation.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've been called gay several times in class for wearing an mlp t-shirt, but i honestly dont give two squirts of piss about opinions of such primitive people. I dont even reply to it. Insulting them back would just bring me down to their level...

  • Brohoof 2



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I think the problem is that most people just don't know anything about the show or fandom. They just go by what they've read on the internet or heard from other haters. That's why they think we're all just a bunch of pervs clopping to it. They just don't know what the "average" brony is really like.

  • Brohoof 2

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I'm not really bullied for being a brony. But since the day i explained i was a Brony my friends and people have been acting all different to me. It feels so annoying and i'm starting to feel sad about it cause i was bullied in my last school (For different reasons that i rather not to talk about). Cause all of my friends have been keeping more distance from me and stuff. I really feel sad for it :(

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I've been called gay several times in class for wearing an mlp t-shirt, but i honestly dont give two squirts of piss about opinions of such primitive people. I dont even reply to it. Insulting them back would just bring me down to their level...


Thats awesome. Ill use that method!

I think the problem is that most people just don't know anything about the show or fandom. They just go by what they've read on the internet or heard from other haters. That's why they think we're all just a bunch of pervs clopping to it. They just don't know what the "average" brony is really like.


Ill use that method :) Thanks dude that really helped me out alot, I get bullied all the time

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The worst that's happened to me is a friend of mine said "That's kind of gay.". I'm so hurt, I think I'm just going to go jump off a cliff. (That was sarcasm, as if you didn't already know.)

how even is otter and how can it be if

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im the bully..... and im a bronie..... if the damn freshmen try to use it on me....... i smash there scull inside...


lol... damn freshmen... and they keep coming to me thinking there like a boss... then i show them otherwise



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I've expressed it openly and it's pretty much subdued. Once you're in college, people react to things like being a brony a little more mature, since now you're independent and kind of away from the whole "peer pressure".


I turned into a brony my Senior year in high school, and the reaction I got there was pretty much the same as now.

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A girl I've known since around 3rd grade teased me a lot. She was kinda on and off as my friend. One day at my friends sleepover I put down my cell phone to roll my sleeping bag and she saw my my little Pony background. She looked into my eyes and said,"Bryonna you seriously need to grow up." She's said that to me three times. I'm glad she switched schools. :)

  • Brohoof 1


"Just because we like this show does not mean that we are gay,strange, or different in any way. We just have learned to express ourselves and not to judge a book by its cover. We as fans don't care what others have to say because we know that they have never sat down and watched the show and will never understand its awesomeness.It makes all laugh,smile, and it brings people together who will not judge eachother.Its not just a bunch of fans.Its a whole Community."-me

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Only time I've ever received any form of "harassment" for my liking of MLP was when my half-brother commented on my Facebook page saying that my pony collection was the gayest thing he'd ever seen and that "real men" don't collect such things. Otherwise people don't seem to bother me with it, even some people who despise it. The cast of my movie project sometimes poke fun at it on set, but it's all in good fun and is actually kind of funny.


I'd like to add harassment I receive in Combat Arms (due to a fairly obvious username), but over the years I've looked at it in a very different light. Watching players' reactions through text has become as amusing as watching a good comedy. I don't take any of it that seriously anymore.

When I post in a thread, the replies seem to stop.

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I haven't dealt with any harassment since I became a Pegasister in college. I wear my Rarity "Oh it is on!" shirt and my Doctor Whooves Whooves shirt weekly and sometimes I get sideways glances from people, so far no one has said anything to my face.

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When people found I was a brony, they thought they found a reason to harass me. But then, one of the seniors on the footbal team, 6'4, easily 250 pounds, came up to them wearing a MLP t-shirt and told them to fuck off.


I don't get harassed about being a brony much anymore after that, and I ended up making a new friend.

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Nope. I haven't gotten any shit personally but that may be because I was with a group which makes cowards back off. I'm expecting it eventually even though I am not vocal about it at all. What surprises me the most in this thread is seeing that even women in college are getting shit about it! :o I thought all the pressure and stigma was off for them...

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My brother used to be mean to me, and all bronies, all the time. but after i made him watch the show, he became a brony, and he never bothered me about it again!

  • Brohoof 1

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"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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Well, I haven't been teased to the point where it became serious.


In public, I proudly wear a huge Brony pin on my backpack. I also have an Applejack Keychain on my backpack, and maybe have some pony magnets in my locker. But besides that, I try not to overdo it. I don't want people think I'm OBSESSED. Once I get to know people better, then I start chatting away about it. Same with Pokemon. No problem with showing off my love for that too, right?


Plus, they never watched the show, so who are they to judge? Whenever I tell one of my friends I like ponies, or talk about a subject on it, they get annoyed, but no seriously furious. My friend even tried watching the show, but he had no proof he did it, and said that it 'was hard to get into'.


Also, I've seen plenty of new members here who joined that used to be haters. When they watched the show, they were bronies. That's what makes me smile. :)

Edited by Pixiesong
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When I was five, I had everything mlp and told everyone I liked it. Then I continued to say how expensive ponies were on ebay to prove to them that it was amazing. But now that Im older, I will never tell anyone. Because at my school, they will never let it go. Never. They find a way to bug you. Trust me. ._.
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No. I'm a man and I'll do what I want. If anybody has a problem with that, well, I guess that's just too bad for them. The same would be applicable even if I wasn't an adult.

  • Brohoof 1


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My friends jokingly rib me about it every now and then, but not actual bullying or harrassing. My mom doesn't really get it too much (yes, I still live at home at 22), but she's overall fine with it. Haven't told my dad because he's a bit of a redneck and might not understand, and I'd rather not lose my stuff (especially not my BronyCon poster my friend who worked security there got me autographed by Nicole Oliver, Andrea Libman, and Ashleigh Ball).

  • Brohoof 1

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